msrselection.itb   [plain text]

# Implements MSR selection dialog class for Insight.
# Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 Red Hat, Inc.
# Written by Fernando Nasser  <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  NAME:         MsrSelDlg::constructor
#  DESCRIPTION:  Create a new MSR Selection dialog window.
#  ARGUMENTS:    None
#  RETURNS:      Nothing
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body MsrSelDlg::constructor {args} {

  window_name "MSR Selection"
  eval itk_initialize $args


# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  NAME:         protected method MsrSelDlg::build_win
#  DESCRIPTION:  Builds the MSR dialog window from widgets.
#  ARGUMENTS:    None
#  RETURNS:      Nothing
#  NOTES:        This method should only be called once for
#                each MsrSelDlg.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body MsrSelDlg::build_win {} {
  # CHOOSE_MSR: the list box with list of MSRs.  Also an entry
  # for typing in the MSR by hand.

  itk_component add choose_msr {
    iwidgets::scrolledlistbox $itk_interior.cmsr -visibleitems 30x15 \
      -labeltext "Choose MSR" -labelpos nw \
      -labelrelief groove -labelborderwidth 2 \
      -ipadx 8 -ipady 6 -childsitepos s -hscrollmode none \
      -textbackground white -exportselection 0 \
      -selectioncommand [code $this select_msr] \
      -dblclickcommand [code $this doit]

  # MSR_ENTRY: this is the MSR entry box.  You can enter the MSR register name
  # by hand here, or click on the listbox to have it entered for you.

  itk_component add msr_entry {
    iwidgets::entryfield [$itk_component(choose_msr) childsite].lab \
      -labeltext MSR: -textbackground white \
      -focuscommand [code $this clear_msr_selection] \
      -command [code $this doit]
  pack $itk_component(msr_entry) -fill x -side bottom -pady 4
  itk_component add button_box {
    frame $itk_interior.b
  itk_component add ok {
    button $itk_component(button_box).ok -text OK -command [code $this doit]
  $itk_component(ok) configure -state disabled

  itk_component add cancel {
    button $itk_component(button_box).cancel -text Cancel \
      -command [code $this cancel]

  ::standard_button_box $itk_component(button_box)

  pack $itk_component(button_box) -side bottom -fill x \
    -pady 4 -padx 4
  pack $itk_component(choose_msr) -fill both -expand 1 -pady 4 -padx 4

  after idle [list update idletasks;  $this list_msrs]


# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  NAME:         protected method MsrSelDlg::doit
#  DESCRIPTION:  Selects the MSR to view and unposts window.
#  ARGUMENTS:    None
#  RETURNS:      Nothing
#  NOTES:        
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body MsrSelDlg::doit {} {
  set MsrSelDlg::last_button 1
  set msr [$itk_component(msr_entry) get]
  set MsrSelDlg::last_msr $msr

  if {[catch {gdb_cmd "set msr-pointer $msr"} result]} {
    ManagedWin::open WarningDlg -transient \
		    -message [list "Could not select this $msr:\n$result"]

  debug "About to unpost"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  NAME:         protected method MsrSelDlg::cancel
#  DESCRIPTION:  Unposts the window without selecting
#                the MSR to view.
#  ARGUMENTS:    None
#  RETURNS:      Nothing
#  NOTES:        
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body MsrSelDlg::cancel {} {
  set MsrSelDlg::last_button 0
  set MsrSelDlg::last_msr {}

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  NAME:         protected method MsrSelDlg::list_msrs
#  DESCRIPTION:  List the known MSR names.
#  ARGUMENTS:    None
#  RETURNS:      Nothing
#  NOTES:        
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body MsrSelDlg::list_msrs {{expr {}}} {
  set err [catch {gdb_cmd "set msr-pointer" 1} msg ]
  set msg [string trimright $msg "."]
  set msrnames [split $msg ,]
  set msrnames [lrange $msrnames 1 end]

  $itk_component(choose_msr) clear
  set msr_list {}

  foreach name $msrnames {
    lappend msr_list [list $name {set msr $name}]
    $itk_component(choose_msr) insert end $name

  $itk_component(choose_msr) selection set 0

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  NAME:         protected method MsrSelDlg::select_msrs
#  DESCRIPTION:  Grab the selected element from the MSR listbox
#                and insert the associated MSR into the entry form.
#  ARGUMENTS:    None
#  RETURNS:      Nothing
#  NOTES:        
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body MsrSelDlg::select_msr {} {
  set hit [$itk_component(choose_msr) curselection]
  if {$hit != ""} {
    $itk_component(msr_entry) clear
    $itk_component(msr_entry) insert 0 [lindex [lindex $msr_list $hit] 0]
    $itk_component(ok) configure -state normal

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  METHOD:  clear_msr_selection - Clear the current MSR selection.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  NAME:         protected method MsrSelDlg::clear_msrs_selection
#  DESCRIPTION:  Clear the current MSR selection.
#  ARGUMENTS:    None
#  RETURNS:      Nothing
#  NOTES:        
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body MsrSelDlg::clear_msr_selection {} {
  $itk_component(choose_msr) selection clear 0 end
  $itk_component(msr_entry) selection range 0 end