template18.C   [plain text]

// GROUPS passed templates
// Bug: g++ emits template instances when it shouldn't.
// Special g++ Options: -g -fno-inline -Wno-deprecated -fexternal-templates

// We mark this XFAIL because we can't test for expected linker errors.
// If we get an XPASS for this testcase, that's a bug.

// Suppressed-instantiation tests like this are known to break on
// Cygwin, because of the MULTIPLE_SYMBOL_SPACES stuff.  This is OK.

// (OK) excess errors test - XFAIL *-*-*

#pragma implementation "irrelevant_file"
#line 1 "template18.h"
#pragma interface
template <class T> inline T min (T a, T b) { return a<b?a:b; }
#line 13 "template18.C"

  min (1, 1); 		// should produce an undefined symbol error.