This package provides the core SAX APIs. Some SAX1 APIs are deprecated to encourage integration of namespace-awareness into designs of new applications and into maintainance of existing infrastructure.

See for more information about SAX.

SAX2 Standard Feature Flags

One of the essential characteristics of SAX2 is that it added feature flags which can be used to examine and perhaps modify parser modes, in particular modes such as validation. Since features are identified by (absolute) URIs, anyone can define such features. Currently defined standard feature URIs have the prefix before an identifier such as validation. Turn features on or off using setFeature. Those standard identifiers are:

Feature ID Default Description
external-general-entities unspecified Reports whether this parser processes external general entities; always true if validating
external-parameter-entities unspecified Reports whether this parser processes external parameter entities; always true if validating
lexical-handler/parameter-entities unspecified true indicates that the LexicalHandler will report the beginning and end of parameter entities
namespaces true true indicates namespace URIs and unprefixed local names for element and attribute names will be available
namespace-prefixes false true indicates XML 1.0 names (with prefixes) and attributes (including xmlns* attributes) will be available
string-interning unspecified true if all XML names (for elements, prefixes, attributes, entities, notations, and local names), as well as Namespace URIs, will have been interned using java.lang.String.intern. This supports fast testing of equality/inequality against string constants.
validation unspecified controls whether the parser is reporting all validity errors; if true, all external entities will be read.

Support for the default values of the namespaces and namespace-prefixes properties is required.

For default values not specified by SAX2, each XMLReader implementation specifies its default, or may choose not to expose the feature flag. Unless otherwise specified here, implementations may support changing current values of these standard feature flags, but not while parsing.

SAX2 Standard Handler and Property IDs

For parser interface characteristics that are described as objects, a separate namespace is defined. The objects in this namespace are again identified by URI, and the standard property URIs have the prefix before an identifier such as lexical-handler or dom-node. Manage those properties using setProperty(). Those identifiers are:

Property ID Description
declaration-handler Used to see most DTD declarations except those treated as lexical ("document element name is ...") or which are mandatory for all SAX parsers (DTDHandler). The Object must implement org.xml.sax.ext.DeclHandler.
dom-node For "DOM Walker" style parsers, which ignore their parser.parse() parameters, this is used to specify the DOM (sub)tree being walked by the parser. The Object must implement the org.w3c.dom.Node interface.
lexical-handler Used to see some syntax events that are essential in some applications: comments, CDATA delimeters, selected general entity inclusions, and the start and end of the DTD (and declaration of document element name). The Object must implement org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler.
xml-string Readable only during a parser callback, this exposes a TBS chunk of characters responsible for the current event.

All of these standard properties are optional; XMLReader implementations need not support them.