libstdc++.exp   [plain text]

# libstdc++ "tool init file" for DejaGNU

# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  

# Define callbacks and load other libraries.  This file is loaded relatively
# early, and before any other file we write ourselves.  "load_lib" will
# find anything in the DejaGNU installation tree, or in our lib directory.
# "load_gcc_lib" will search the core compiler's .exp collection instead.
# The naming rule is that dg.exp looks for "tool-" and runtest.exp looks
# for "tool_" when finding callbacks.  Utility routines we define for
# our callbacks begin with "v3-".
# libstdc++_* callbacks we don't define, but could:
# ..._option_help           prints additional --help output
# ..._option_proc (--foo)   process our own options
# ..._init (normal.exp)     called once per test file
# ..._finish                bracketing function for libstdc++_init
# ...-dg-prune              removing output text, see top of system dg.exp
# Useful hook:  if ${hostname}_init exists, it will be called, almost
# the last thing before testing begins.  This can be defined in, e.g.,
# ~/.dejagnurc or $DEJAGNU.

proc load_gcc_lib { filename } {
    global srcdir
    load_file $srcdir/../../gcc/testsuite/lib/$filename

# system routines
load_lib dg.exp
load_lib libgloss.exp
# compiler routines, then ours
load_gcc_lib target-supports.exp
load_lib prune.exp
load_lib dg-options.exp
load_gcc_lib wrapper.exp

# Useful for debugging.  Pass the name of a variable and the verbosity
# threshold (number of -v's on the command line).
proc v3track { var n } {
    upvar $var val
    verbose "++ $var is $val" $n

# Called by v3-init below.  "Static" to this file.
proc v3-copy-files {srcfiles} {
    foreach f $srcfiles {
        if { [catch { set symlink [file readlink $f] } x] } then {
	    remote_download target $f
        } else {
            if { [regexp "^/" "$symlink"] } then {
		remote_download target $symlink
            } else {
                set dirname [file dirname $f]
		remote_download target $dirname/$symlink

# Called once, during runtest.exp setup.
proc libstdc++_init { testfile } {
    global env
    global srcdir blddir objdir tool_root_dir
    global cxx cxxflags
    global includes
    global gluefile wrap_flags
    global original_ld_library_path
    global target_triplet

    set blddir [lookfor_file [get_multilibs] libstdc++-v3]
    set flags_file "${blddir}/scripts/testsuite_flags"
    v3track flags_file 2

    # If a test doesn't have special options, use DEFAULT_CXXFLAGS.
    # Use this variable if the behavior
    #   1) only applies to libstdc++ testing
    #   2) might need to be negated 
    # In particular, some tests have to be run without precompiled
    # headers, or without assertions.
    if ![info exists DEFAULT_CXXFLAGS] then {
	# Set up includes for stdc++.h.gch, the precompiled header file.
	if { [file exists $flags_file] } {
	    set cxxpchflags [exec sh $flags_file --cxxpchflags]
	} else {
	    set cxxpchflags ""
	set DEFAULT_CXXFLAGS " ${cxxpchflags}"

	# Host specific goo here.
	if { [string match "powerpc-*-darwin*" $target_triplet] } {
	    append DEFAULT_CXXFLAGS " -multiply_defined suppress"
    v3track DEFAULT_CXXFLAGS 2

    # By default, we assume we want to run program images.
    global dg-do-what-default
    set dg-do-what-default run

    # Copy any required data files.
    v3-copy-files [glob -nocomplain "$srcdir/data/*.tst"]
    v3-copy-files [glob -nocomplain "$srcdir/data/*.txt"]

    # Setup LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that libgcc_s, libstdc++ binaries can be found.
    # Find the existing LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
    if [info exists env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)] {
	set original_ld_library_path $env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
	# For HP-UX
    } elseif [info exists env(SHLIB_PATH)] {
	set original_ld_library_path $env(SHLIB_PATH)
	# For Darwin:
    } elseif [info exists env(DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH)] {
	set original_ld_library_path $env(DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH)
	# For Solaris 32 bit:
    } elseif [info exists env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH_32)] {
	set original_ld_library_path $env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH_32)
	# For Solaris 64 bit:
    } elseif [info exists env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64)] {
	set original_ld_library_path $env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64)
    } else {
	set original_ld_library_path ""

    # Locate libgcc.a so we don't need to account for different values of
    # SHLIB_EXT on different platforms
    set gccdir [lookfor_file $tool_root_dir gcc/libgcc.a]
    if {$gccdir != ""} {
        set gccdir [file dirname $gccdir]
    v3track gccdir 3

    # Compute what needs to be added to the existing LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
    set ld_library_path ""
    append ld_library_path ":${gccdir}"
    set compiler ${gccdir}/g++
    if { [is_remote host] == 0 && [which $compiler] != 0 } {
      foreach i "[exec $compiler --print-multi-lib]" {
        set mldir ""
        regexp -- "\[a-z0-9=/\.-\]*;" $i mldir
        set mldir [string trimright $mldir "\;@"]
        if { "$mldir" == "." } {
        if { [llength [glob -nocomplain ${gccdir}/${mldir}/libgcc_s*.so.*]] >= 1 } {
          append ld_library_path ":${gccdir}/${mldir}"
    append ld_library_path ":${blddir}/src/.libs"

    # On IRIX 6, we have to set variables akin to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but
    # called LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH (for the N32 ABI) and LD_LIBRARY64_PATH
    # (for the 64-bit ABI).  The right way to do this would be to modify
    # unix.exp -- but that's not an option since it's part of DejaGNU
    # proper, so we do it here.
    # The same applies to darwin (DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH), solaris 32 bit
    # (LD_LIBRARY_PATH_32), solaris 64 bit (LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64), and HP-UX
    # (SHLIB_PATH).
    setenv  LD_LIBRARY_PATH     "$ld_library_path:$original_ld_library_path"
    setenv  SHLIB_PATH          "$ld_library_path:$original_ld_library_path"
    setenv  LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH  "$ld_library_path:$original_ld_library_path"
    setenv  LD_LIBRARY64_PATH   "$ld_library_path:$original_ld_library_path"
    setenv  LD_RUN_PATH         "$ld_library_path:$original_ld_library_path"
    setenv  LD_LIBRARY_PATH_32  "$ld_library_path:$original_ld_library_path"
    setenv  LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64  "$ld_library_path:$original_ld_library_path"
    setenv  DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH   "$ld_library_path:$original_ld_library_path"
    verbose -log "LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)"

    # Do a bunch of handstands and backflips for cross compiling and
    # finding simulators...
    if [is_remote host] {
        set header [remote_download host ${blddir}/testsuite/testsuite_hooks.h]
        if { $header == "" } {
            verbose -log "Unable to download ${blddir}/testsuite/testsuite_hooks.h to host."
            return "untested"
      set cxx [transform "g++"]
      set cxxflags "-ggdb3"
      set includes "-I./"
    } else {
        # If we find a testsuite_flags file, we're testing in the build dir.
        if { [file exists $flags_file] } {
            set cxx [exec sh $flags_file --build-cxx]
            set cxxflags [exec sh $flags_file --cxxflags]
            set includes [exec sh $flags_file --build-includes]
        } else {
            set cxx [transform "g++"]
            set cxxflags "-ggdb3"
            set includes "-I${srcdir}"

    libstdc++_maybe_build_wrapper "${objdir}/testglue.o"

# Callback for cleanup routines.
proc libstdc++_exit { } {
    global gluefile;

    if [info exists gluefile] {
	file_on_build delete $gluefile;
	unset gluefile;

# Callback from system dg-test.
proc libstdc++-dg-test { prog do_what extra_tool_flags } {
    # Set up the compiler flags, based on what we're going to do.
    switch $do_what {
        "preprocess" {
            set compile_type "preprocess"
            set output_file "[file rootname [file tail $prog]].i"
        "compile" {
            set compile_type "assembly"
            set output_file "[file rootname [file tail $prog]].s"
        "assemble" {
            set compile_type "object"
            set output_file "[file rootname [file tail $prog]].o"
        "link" {
            set compile_type "executable"
            set output_file "./[file rootname [file tail $prog]].exe"
        "run" {
            set compile_type "executable"
            # FIXME: "./" is to cope with "." not being in $PATH.
            # Should this be handled elsewhere?
            # YES.
            set output_file "./[file rootname [file tail $prog]].exe"
            # This is the only place where we care if an executable was
            # created or not.  If it was, dg.exp will try to run it.
            remote_file build delete $output_file;
        default {
            perror "$do_what: not a valid dg-do keyword"
            return ""
    set options ""
    if { $extra_tool_flags != "" } {
        lappend options "additional_flags=$extra_tool_flags"

    # There is a libstdc++_compile made for us by default (via the tool-
    # and-target file), but the defaults are lacking in goodness.
    set comp_output [v3_target_compile "$prog" "$output_file" "$compile_type" $options];
    set comp_output [ prune_g++_output $comp_output ];

    return [list $comp_output $output_file]

# Called from libstdc++-dg-test above.  Calls back into system's
# target_compile to actually do the work.
proc v3_target_compile { source dest type options } {
    global gluefile 
    global wrap_flags
    global cxx
    global cxxflags
    global includes
    global blddir

    if { [target_info needs_status_wrapper] != "" && [info exists gluefile] } {
        lappend options "libs=${gluefile}"
        lappend options "ldflags=${wrap_flags}"

    set cxx_final $cxx
    set cxxlibglossflags  [libgloss_link_flags]
    set cxx_final [concat $cxx_final $cxxlibglossflags]
    set cxx_final [concat $cxx_final $cxxflags]
    set cxx_final [concat $cxx_final $includes]

    lappend options "compiler=$cxx_final"

    # Picks up the freshly-built testsuite library corresponding to the
    # multilib under test.
    lappend options "ldflags=-L${blddir}/testsuite"
    lappend options "libs=-lv3test"

    return [target_compile $source $dest $type $options]

# Called once, from libstdc++/normal.exp.
proc v3-list-tests { filename } {
    global srcdir
    global blddir

    set tests_file "${blddir}/testsuite/${filename}"
    set sfiles ""

    verbose -log "In v3-list-tests"
    verbose -log "blddir = ${blddir}"
    verbose -log "tests_file = $tests_file"

    # If there is a testsuite_file, use it. 
    if { [file exists $tests_file] } {
        set f [open $tests_file]
        while { ! [eof $f] } {
            set t [gets $f]
            if { [string length "$t"] != 0 } {
                lappend sfiles  ${srcdir}/${t}
        close $f
    } else {
        verbose "cannot open $tests_file"
    return $sfiles