std_limits.h   [plain text]

// The template and inlines for the -*- C++ -*- numeric_limits classes.

// Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
// any later version.

// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
// USA.

// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
// library without restriction.  Specifically, if other files instantiate
// templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
// this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
// file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
// the GNU General Public License.  This exception does not however
// invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
// the GNU General Public License.

// Note: this is not a conforming implementation.
// Written by Gabriel Dos Reis <>

// ISO 14882:1998
// 18.2.1

/** @file limits
 *  This is a Standard C++ Library header.  You should @c #include this header
 *  in your programs, rather than any of the "st[dl]_*.h" implementation files.


#pragma GCC system_header

#include <bits/cpu_limits.h>
#include <bits/c++config.h>

// The numeric_limits<> traits document implementation-defined aspects
// of fundamental arithmetic data types (integers and floating points).
// From Standard C++ point of view, there are 13 such types:
//   * integers
//         bool						        (1)
//         char, signed char, unsigned char			(3)
//         short, unsigned short				(2)
//         int, unsigned					(2)
//         long, unsigned long					(2)
//   * floating points
//         float						(1)
//         double						(1)
//         long double						(1)
// GNU C++ undertstands (where supported by the host C-library) 
//   * integer
//         long long, unsigned long long			(2)
// which brings us to 15 fundamental arithmetic data types in GNU C++.
// Since a numeric_limits<> is a bit tricky to get right, we rely on
// an interface composed of macros which should be defined in config/os
// or config/cpu when they differ from the generic (read arbitrary)
// definitions given here.

// These values can be overridden in the target configuration file.
// The default values are appropriate for many 32-bit targets.

#ifndef __glibcpp_char_bits
#define __glibcpp_char_bits 8
#ifdef __CHAR_UNSIGNED__
#define __glibcpp_plain_char_is_signed false
#define __glibcpp_plain_char_is_signed true
#ifndef __glibcpp_short_bits
#define __glibcpp_short_bits 16
#ifndef __glibcpp_int_bits
#define __glibcpp_int_bits 32
#ifndef __glibcpp_long_bits
#define __glibcpp_long_bits 32
#ifndef __glibcpp_wchar_t_bits
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_bits 32
#ifndef __glibcpp_wchar_t_is_signed
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_is_signed true
#ifndef __glibcpp_long_long_bits
#define __glibcpp_long_long_bits 64
#ifndef __glibcpp_float_bits
#define __glibcpp_float_bits 32
#ifndef __glibcpp_double_bits
#define __glibcpp_double_bits 64
#ifndef __glibcpp_long_double_bits
#define __glibcpp_long_double_bits 128

#ifndef __glibcpp_char_traps
#define __glibcpp_char_traps true
#ifndef __glibcpp_short_traps
#define __glibcpp_short_traps true
#ifndef __glibcpp_int_traps
#define __glibcpp_int_traps true
#ifndef __glibcpp_long_traps
#define __glibcpp_long_traps true
#ifndef __glibcpp_wchar_t_traps
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_traps true
#ifndef __glibcpp_long_long_traps
#define __glibcpp_long_long_traps true

// You should not need to define any macros below this point, unless
// you have a machine with non-standard bit-widths.

// These values are the minimums and maximums for standard data types
// of common widths.

#define __glibcpp_s8_max 127
#define __glibcpp_s8_min (-__glibcpp_s8_max - 1)
#define __glibcpp_s8_digits 7
#define __glibcpp_s8_digits10 2
#define __glibcpp_u8_min 0U
#define __glibcpp_u8_max (__glibcpp_s8_max * 2 + 1)
#define __glibcpp_u8_digits 8
#define __glibcpp_u8_digits10 2
#define __glibcpp_s16_max 32767
#define __glibcpp_s16_min (-__glibcpp_s16_max - 1)
#define __glibcpp_s16_digits 15
#define __glibcpp_s16_digits10 4
#define __glibcpp_u16_min 0U
#define __glibcpp_u16_max (__glibcpp_s16_max * 2 + 1)
#define __glibcpp_u16_digits 16
#define __glibcpp_u16_digits10 4
#define __glibcpp_s32_max 2147483647L
#define __glibcpp_s32_min (-__glibcpp_s32_max - 1)
#define __glibcpp_s32_digits 31
#define __glibcpp_s32_digits10 9
#define __glibcpp_u32_min 0UL
#define __glibcpp_u32_max (__glibcpp_s32_max * 2U + 1)
#define __glibcpp_u32_digits 32
#define __glibcpp_u32_digits10 9
#define __glibcpp_s64_max 9223372036854775807LL
#define __glibcpp_s64_min (-__glibcpp_s64_max - 1)
#define __glibcpp_s64_digits 63
#define __glibcpp_s64_digits10 18
#define __glibcpp_u64_min 0ULL
#define __glibcpp_u64_max (__glibcpp_s64_max * 2ULL + 1)
#define __glibcpp_u64_digits 64
#define __glibcpp_u64_digits10 19

#define __glibcpp_f32_min 1.17549435e-38F
#define __glibcpp_f32_max 3.40282347e+38F
#define __glibcpp_f32_digits 24
#define __glibcpp_f32_digits10 6
#define __glibcpp_f32_radix 2
#define __glibcpp_f32_epsilon 1.19209290e-07F
#define __glibcpp_f32_round_error 1.0F
#define __glibcpp_f32_min_exponent -125
#define __glibcpp_f32_min_exponent10 -37
#define __glibcpp_f32_max_exponent 128
#define __glibcpp_f32_max_exponent10 38
#define __glibcpp_f64_min 2.2250738585072014e-308
#define __glibcpp_f64_max 1.7976931348623157e+308
#define __glibcpp_f64_digits 53
#define __glibcpp_f64_digits10 15
#define __glibcpp_f64_radix 2
#define __glibcpp_f64_epsilon 2.2204460492503131e-16
#define __glibcpp_f64_round_error 1.0
#define __glibcpp_f64_min_exponent -1021
#define __glibcpp_f64_min_exponent10 -307
#define __glibcpp_f64_max_exponent 1024
#define __glibcpp_f64_max_exponent10 308
#define __glibcpp_f80_min 3.36210314311209350626e-4932L
#define __glibcpp_f80_max 1.18973149535723176502e+4932L
#define __glibcpp_f80_digits 64
#define __glibcpp_f80_digits10 18
#define __glibcpp_f80_radix 2
#define __glibcpp_f80_epsilon 1.08420217248550443401e-19L
#define __glibcpp_f80_round_error 1.0L
#define __glibcpp_f80_min_exponent -16381
#define __glibcpp_f80_min_exponent10 -4931
#define __glibcpp_f80_max_exponent 16384
#define __glibcpp_f80_max_exponent10 4932
#define __glibcpp_f96_min 1.68105157155604675313e-4932L
#define __glibcpp_f96_max 1.18973149535723176502e+4932L
#define __glibcpp_f96_digits 64
#define __glibcpp_f96_digits10 18
#define __glibcpp_f96_radix 2
#define __glibcpp_f96_epsilon 1.08420217248550443401e-19L
#define __glibcpp_f96_round_error 1.0L
#define __glibcpp_f96_min_exponent -16382
#define __glibcpp_f96_min_exponent10 -4931
#define __glibcpp_f96_max_exponent 16384
#define __glibcpp_f96_max_exponent10 4932
#define __glibcpp_f128_min 3.362103143112093506262677817321752603E-4932L
#define __glibcpp_f128_max 1.189731495357231765085759326628007016E+4932L
#define __glibcpp_f128_digits 113
#define __glibcpp_f128_digits10 33
#define __glibcpp_f128_radix 2
#define __glibcpp_f128_epsilon 1.925929944387235853055977942584927319E-34L
#define __glibcpp_f128_round_error 1.0L
#define __glibcpp_f128_min_exponent -16381
#define __glibcpp_f128_min_exponent10 -4931
#define __glibcpp_f128_max_exponent 16384
#define __glibcpp_f128_max_exponent10 4932

// bool-specific hooks:
//     __glibcpp_bool_digits  __glibcpp_int_traps __glibcpp_long_traps

#ifndef __glibcpp_bool_digits
#define __glibcpp_bool_digits 1

// char.

#define __glibcpp_plain_char_traps true
#define __glibcpp_signed_char_traps true
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_char_traps true
#ifndef __glibcpp_char_is_modulo
#define __glibcpp_char_is_modulo true
#ifndef __glibcpp_signed_char_is_modulo
#define __glibcpp_signed_char_is_modulo true
#if __glibcpp_char_bits == 8
#define __glibcpp_signed_char_min __glibcpp_s8_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_char_max __glibcpp_s8_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_char_digits __glibcpp_s8_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_char_digits10 __glibcpp_s8_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_char_min __glibcpp_u8_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_char_max __glibcpp_u8_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_char_digits __glibcpp_u8_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_char_digits10 __glibcpp_u8_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_char_bits == 16
#define __glibcpp_signed_char_min __glibcpp_s16_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_char_max __glibcpp_s16_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_char_digits __glibcpp_s16_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_char_digits10 __glibcpp_s16_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_char_min __glibcpp_u16_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_char_max __glibcpp_u16_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_char_digits __glibcpp_u16_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_char_digits10 __glibcpp_u16_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_char_bits == 32
#define __glibcpp_signed_char_min (signed char)__glibcpp_s32_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_char_max (signed char)__glibcpp_s32_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_char_digits __glibcpp_s32_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_char_digits10 __glibcpp_s32_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_char_min (unsigned char)__glibcpp_u32_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_char_max (unsigned char)__glibcpp_u32_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_char_digits __glibcpp_u32_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_char_digits10 __glibcpp_u32_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_char_bits == 64
#define __glibcpp_signed_char_min (signed char)__glibcpp_s64_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_char_max (signed char)__glibcpp_s64_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_char_digits __glibcpp_s64_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_char_digits10 __glibcpp_s64_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_char_min (unsigned char)__glibcpp_u64_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_char_max (unsigned char)__glibcpp_u64_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_char_digits __glibcpp_u64_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_char_digits10 __glibcpp_u64_digits10
// You must define these macros in the configuration file.

#if __glibcpp_plain_char_is_signed
#define __glibcpp_char_min (char)__glibcpp_signed_char_min
#define __glibcpp_char_max (char)__glibcpp_signed_char_max
#define __glibcpp_char_digits __glibcpp_signed_char_digits
#define __glibcpp_char_digits10 __glibcpp_signed_char_digits
#define __glibcpp_char_min (char)__glibcpp_unsigned_char_min
#define __glibcpp_char_max (char)__glibcpp_unsigned_char_max
#define __glibcpp_char_digits __glibcpp_unsigned_char_digits
#define __glibcpp_char_digits10 __glibcpp_unsigned_char_digits

// short

#define __glibcpp_signed_short_traps true
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_short_traps true
#ifndef __glibcpp_signed_short_is_modulo
#define __glibcpp_signed_short_is_modulo true
#if __glibcpp_short_bits == 8
#define __glibcpp_signed_short_min __glibcpp_s8_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_short_max __glibcpp_s8_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_short_digits __glibcpp_s8_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_short_digits10 __glibcpp_s8_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_short_min __glibcpp_u8_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_short_max __glibcpp_u8_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_short_digits __glibcpp_u8_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_short_digits10 __glibcpp_u8_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_short_bits == 16
#define __glibcpp_signed_short_min __glibcpp_s16_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_short_max __glibcpp_s16_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_short_digits __glibcpp_s16_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_short_digits10 __glibcpp_s16_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_short_min __glibcpp_u16_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_short_max __glibcpp_u16_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_short_digits __glibcpp_u16_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_short_digits10 __glibcpp_u16_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_short_bits == 32
#define __glibcpp_signed_short_min (short)__glibcpp_s32_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_short_max (short)__glibcpp_s32_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_short_digits __glibcpp_s32_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_short_digits10 __glibcpp_s32_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_short_min (unsigned short)__glibcpp_u32_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_short_max (unsigned short)__glibcpp_u32_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_short_digits __glibcpp_u32_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_short_digits10 __glibcpp_u32_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_short_bits == 64
#define __glibcpp_signed_short_min (short)__glibcpp_s64_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_short_max (short)__glibcpp_s64_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_short_digits __glibcpp_s64_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_short_digits10 __glibcpp_s64_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_short_min (unsigned short)__glibcpp_u64_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_short_max (unsigned short)__glibcpp_u64_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_short_digits __glibcpp_u64_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_short_digits10 __glibcpp_u64_digits10
// You must define these macros in the configuration file.

// int

#define __glibcpp_signed_int_traps true
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_int_traps true
#ifndef __glibcpp_signed_int_is_modulo
#define __glibcpp_signed_int_is_modulo true
#if __glibcpp_int_bits == 8
#define __glibcpp_signed_int_min __glibcpp_s8_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_int_max __glibcpp_s8_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_int_digits __glibcpp_s8_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_int_digits10 __glibcpp_s8_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_int_min __glibcpp_u8_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_int_max __glibcpp_u8_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_int_digits __glibcpp_u8_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_int_digits10 __glibcpp_u8_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_int_bits == 16
#define __glibcpp_signed_int_min __glibcpp_s16_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_int_max __glibcpp_s16_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_int_digits __glibcpp_s16_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_int_digits10 __glibcpp_s16_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_int_min __glibcpp_u16_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_int_max __glibcpp_u16_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_int_digits __glibcpp_u16_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_int_digits10 __glibcpp_u16_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_int_bits == 32
#define __glibcpp_signed_int_min (int)__glibcpp_s32_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_int_max (int)__glibcpp_s32_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_int_digits __glibcpp_s32_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_int_digits10 __glibcpp_s32_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_int_min (unsigned)__glibcpp_u32_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_int_max (unsigned)__glibcpp_u32_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_int_digits __glibcpp_u32_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_int_digits10 __glibcpp_u32_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_int_bits == 64
#define __glibcpp_signed_int_min (int)__glibcpp_s64_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_int_max (int)__glibcpp_s64_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_int_digits __glibcpp_s64_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_int_digits10 __glibcpp_s64_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_int_min (unsigned)__glibcpp_u64_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_int_max (unsigned)__glibcpp_u64_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_int_digits __glibcpp_u64_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_int_digits10 __glibcpp_u64_digits10
// You must define these macros in the configuration file.

// long

#define __glibcpp_signed_long_traps true
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_traps true
#ifndef __glibcpp_signed_long_is_modulo
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_is_modulo true
#if __glibcpp_long_bits == 8
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_min __glibcpp_s8_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_max __glibcpp_s8_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_digits __glibcpp_s8_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_digits10 __glibcpp_s8_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_min __glibcpp_u8_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_max __glibcpp_u8_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_digits __glibcpp_u8_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_digits10 __glibcpp_u8_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_long_bits == 16
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_min __glibcpp_s16_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_max __glibcpp_s16_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_digits __glibcpp_s16_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_digits10 __glibcpp_s16_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_min __glibcpp_u16_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_max __glibcpp_u16_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_digits __glibcpp_u16_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_digits10 __glibcpp_u16_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_long_bits == 32
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_min __glibcpp_s32_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_max __glibcpp_s32_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_digits __glibcpp_s32_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_digits10 __glibcpp_s32_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_min __glibcpp_u32_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_max __glibcpp_u32_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_digits __glibcpp_u32_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_digits10 __glibcpp_u32_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_long_bits == 64
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_min (long)__glibcpp_s64_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_max (long)__glibcpp_s64_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_digits __glibcpp_s64_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_digits10 __glibcpp_s64_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_min (unsigned long)__glibcpp_u64_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_max (unsigned long)__glibcpp_u64_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_digits __glibcpp_u64_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_digits10 __glibcpp_u64_digits10
// You must define these macros in the configuration file.

// long long

#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_traps true
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_traps true
#ifndef __glibcpp_signed_long_long_is_modulo
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_is_modulo true
#if __glibcpp_long_long_bits == 8
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_min __glibcpp_s8_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_max __glibcpp_s8_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_digits __glibcpp_s8_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_digits10 __glibcpp_s8_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_min __glibcpp_u8_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_max __glibcpp_u8_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_digits __glibcpp_u8_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_digits10 __glibcpp_u8_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_long_long_bits == 16
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_min __glibcpp_s16_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_max __glibcpp_s16_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_digits __glibcpp_s16_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_digits10 __glibcpp_s16_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_min __glibcpp_u16_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_max __glibcpp_u16_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_digits __glibcpp_u16_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_digits10 __glibcpp_u16_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_long_long_bits == 32
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_min __glibcpp_s32_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_max __glibcpp_s32_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_digits __glibcpp_s32_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_digits10 __glibcpp_s32_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_min __glibcpp_u32_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_max __glibcpp_u32_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_digits __glibcpp_u32_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_digits10 __glibcpp_u32_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_long_long_bits == 64
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_min __glibcpp_s64_min
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_max __glibcpp_s64_max
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_digits __glibcpp_s64_digits
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_digits10 __glibcpp_s64_digits10
#define __glibcpp_signed_long_long_traps true
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_min __glibcpp_u64_min
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_max __glibcpp_u64_max
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_digits __glibcpp_u64_digits
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_digits10 __glibcpp_u64_digits10
#define __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_traps true
// You must define these macros in the configuration file.

// wchar_t

#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_traps true
#ifndef __glibcpp_wchar_t_is_modulo
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_is_modulo true
#if __glibcpp_wchar_t_is_signed
#if __glibcpp_wchar_t_bits == 8
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_min __glibcpp_s8_min
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_max __glibcpp_s8_max
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits __glibcpp_s8_digits
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits10 __glibcpp_s8_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_wchar_t_bits == 16
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_min __glibcpp_s16_min
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_max __glibcpp_s16_max
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits __glibcpp_s16_digits
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits10 __glibcpp_s16_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_wchar_t_bits == 32
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_min (wchar_t)__glibcpp_s32_min
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_max (wchar_t)__glibcpp_s32_max
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits __glibcpp_s32_digits
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits10 __glibcpp_s32_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_wchar_t_bits == 64
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_min (wchar_t)__glibcpp_s64_min
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_max (wchar_t)__glibcpp_s64_max
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits __glibcpp_s64_digits
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits10 __glibcpp_s64_digits10
// You must define these macros in the configuration file.
#if __glibcpp_wchar_t_bits == 8
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_min __glibcpp_u8_min
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_max __glibcpp_u8_max
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits __glibcpp_u8_digits
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits10 __glibcpp_u8_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_wchar_t_bits == 16
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_min __glibcpp_u16_min
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_max __glibcpp_u16_max
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits __glibcpp_u16_digits
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits10 __glibcpp_u16_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_wchar_t_bits == 32
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_min (wchar_t)__glibcpp_u32_min
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_max (wchar_t)__glibcpp_u32_max
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits __glibcpp_u32_digits
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits10 __glibcpp_u32_digits10
#elif __glibcpp_wchar_t_bits == 64
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_min (wchar_t)__glibcpp_u64_min
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_max (wchar_t)__glibcpp_u64_max
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits __glibcpp_u64_digits
#define __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits10 __glibcpp_u64_digits10
// You must define these macros in the configuration file.

// float

#if __glibcpp_float_bits == 32
#define __glibcpp_float_min __glibcpp_f32_min
#define __glibcpp_float_max __glibcpp_f32_max
#define __glibcpp_float_digits __glibcpp_f32_digits
#define __glibcpp_float_digits10 __glibcpp_f32_digits10
#define __glibcpp_float_radix __glibcpp_f32_radix
#define __glibcpp_float_epsilon __glibcpp_f32_epsilon
#define __glibcpp_float_round_error __glibcpp_f32_round_error
#define __glibcpp_float_min_exponent __glibcpp_f32_min_exponent
#define __glibcpp_float_min_exponent10 __glibcpp_f32_min_exponent10
#define __glibcpp_float_max_exponent __glibcpp_f32_max_exponent
#define __glibcpp_float_max_exponent10 __glibcpp_f32_max_exponent10
#elif __glibcpp_float_bits == 64
#define __glibcpp_float_min __glibcpp_f64_min
#define __glibcpp_float_max __glibcpp_f64_max
#define __glibcpp_float_digits __glibcpp_f64_digits
#define __glibcpp_float_digits10 __glibcpp_f64_digits10
#define __glibcpp_float_radix __glibcpp_f64_radix
#define __glibcpp_float_epsilon __glibcpp_f64_epsilon
#define __glibcpp_float_round_error __glibcpp_f64_round_error
#define __glibcpp_float_min_exponent __glibcpp_f64_min_exponent
#define __glibcpp_float_min_exponent10 __glibcpp_f64_min_exponent10
#define __glibcpp_float_max_exponent __glibcpp_f64_max_exponent
#define __glibcpp_float_max_exponent10 __glibcpp_f64_max_exponent10
#elif __glibcpp_float_bits == 80
#define __glibcpp_float_min __glibcpp_f80_min
#define __glibcpp_float_max __glibcpp_f80_max
#define __glibcpp_float_digits __glibcpp_f80_digits
#define __glibcpp_float_digits10 __glibcpp_f80_digits10
#define __glibcpp_float_radix __glibcpp_f80_radix
#define __glibcpp_float_epsilon __glibcpp_f80_epsilon
#define __glibcpp_float_round_error __glibcpp_f80_round_error
#define __glibcpp_float_min_exponent __glibcpp_f80_min_exponent
#define __glibcpp_float_min_exponent10 __glibcpp_f80_min_exponent10
#define __glibcpp_float_max_exponent __glibcpp_f80_max_exponent
#define __glibcpp_float_max_exponent10 __glibcpp_f80_max_exponent10
// You must define these macros in the configuration file.

// FIXME: These are just stubs and inkorrect

#ifndef __glibcpp_float_has_infinity
#define __glibcpp_float_has_infinity false

#ifndef __glibcpp_float_has_quiet_NaN
#define __glibcpp_float_has_quiet_NaN false

#ifndef __glibcpp_float_has_signaling_NaN
#define __glibcpp_float_has_signaling_NaN false

#ifndef __glibcpp_float_has_denorm
#define __glibcpp_float_has_denorm denorm_absent

#ifndef __glibcpp_float_has_denorm_loss
#define __glibcpp_float_has_denorm_loss false

#ifndef __glibcpp_float_infinity
#define __glibcpp_float_infinity 0.0F

#ifndef __glibcpp_float_quiet_NaN
#define __glibcpp_float_quiet_NaN 0.0F

#ifndef __glibcpp_float_signaling_NaN
#define __glibcpp_float_signaling_NaN 0.0F

#ifndef __glibcpp_float_denorm_min
#define __glibcpp_float_denorm_min 0.0F

#ifndef __glibcpp_float_is_iec559
#define __glibcpp_float_is_iec559 false

#ifndef __glibcpp_float_is_bounded
#define __glibcpp_float_is_bounded true

#ifndef __glibcpp_float_is_modulo
#define __glibcpp_float_is_modulo false

#ifndef __glibcpp_float_traps
#define __glibcpp_float_traps false

#ifndef __glibcpp_float_tinyness_before
#define __glibcpp_float_tinyness_before false

#ifndef __glibcpp_float_round_style
#define __glibcpp_float_round_style round_toward_zero

// double

#if __glibcpp_double_bits == 32
#define __glibcpp_double_min __glibcpp_f32_min
#define __glibcpp_double_max __glibcpp_f32_max
#define __glibcpp_double_digits __glibcpp_f32_digits
#define __glibcpp_double_digits10 __glibcpp_f32_digits10
#define __glibcpp_double_radix __glibcpp_f32_radix
#define __glibcpp_double_epsilon __glibcpp_f32_epsilon
#define __glibcpp_double_round_error __glibcpp_f32_round_error
#define __glibcpp_double_min_exponent __glibcpp_f32_min_exponent
#define __glibcpp_double_min_exponent10 __glibcpp_f32_min_exponent10
#define __glibcpp_double_max_exponent __glibcpp_f32_max_exponent
#define __glibcpp_double_max_exponent10 __glibcpp_f32_max_exponent10
#elif __glibcpp_double_bits == 64
#define __glibcpp_double_min __glibcpp_f64_min
#define __glibcpp_double_max __glibcpp_f64_max
#define __glibcpp_double_digits __glibcpp_f64_digits
#define __glibcpp_double_digits10 __glibcpp_f64_digits10
#define __glibcpp_double_radix __glibcpp_f64_radix
#define __glibcpp_double_epsilon __glibcpp_f64_epsilon
#define __glibcpp_double_round_error __glibcpp_f64_round_error
#define __glibcpp_double_min_exponent __glibcpp_f64_min_exponent
#define __glibcpp_double_min_exponent10 __glibcpp_f64_min_exponent10
#define __glibcpp_double_max_exponent __glibcpp_f64_max_exponent
#define __glibcpp_double_max_exponent10 __glibcpp_f64_max_exponent10
#elif __glibcpp_double_bits == 80
#define __glibcpp_double_min __glibcpp_f80_min
#define __glibcpp_double_max __glibcpp_f80_max
#define __glibcpp_double_digits __glibcpp_f80_digits
#define __glibcpp_double_digits10 __glibcpp_f80_digits10
#define __glibcpp_double_radix __glibcpp_f80_radix
#define __glibcpp_double_epsilon __glibcpp_f80_epsilon
#define __glibcpp_double_round_error __glibcpp_f80_round_error
#define __glibcpp_double_min_exponent __glibcpp_f80_min_exponent
#define __glibcpp_double_min_exponent10 __glibcpp_f80_min_exponent10
#define __glibcpp_double_max_exponent __glibcpp_f80_max_exponent
#define __glibcpp_double_max_exponent10 __glibcpp_f80_max_exponent10
// You must define these macros in the configuration file.

// FIXME: These are just stubs and inkorrect

#ifndef __glibcpp_double_has_infinity
#define __glibcpp_double_has_infinity false

#ifndef __glibcpp_double_has_quiet_NaN
#define __glibcpp_double_has_quiet_NaN false

#ifndef __glibcpp_double_has_signaling_NaN
#define __glibcpp_double_has_signaling_NaN false

#ifndef __glibcpp_double_has_denorm
#define __glibcpp_double_has_denorm denorm_absent

#ifndef __glibcpp_double_has_denorm_loss
#define __glibcpp_double_has_denorm_loss false

#ifndef __glibcpp_double_infinity
#define __glibcpp_double_infinity 0.0

#ifndef __glibcpp_double_quiet_NaN
#define __glibcpp_double_quiet_NaN 0.0

#ifndef __glibcpp_double_signaling_NaN
#define __glibcpp_double_signaling_NaN 0.0

#ifndef __glibcpp_double_denorm_min
#define __glibcpp_double_denorm_min 0.0

#ifndef __glibcpp_double_is_iec559
#define __glibcpp_double_is_iec559 false

#ifndef __glibcpp_double_is_bounded
#define __glibcpp_double_is_bounded true

#ifndef __glibcpp_double_is_modulo
#define __glibcpp_double_is_modulo false

#ifndef __glibcpp_double_traps
#define __glibcpp_double_traps false

#ifndef __glibcpp_double_tinyness_before
#define __glibcpp_double_tinyness_before false

#ifndef __glibcpp_double_round_style
#define __glibcpp_double_round_style round_toward_zero

// long double

#if __glibcpp_long_double_bits == 32
#define __glibcpp_long_double_min __glibcpp_f32_min
#define __glibcpp_long_double_max __glibcpp_f32_max
#define __glibcpp_long_double_digits __glibcpp_f32_digits
#define __glibcpp_long_double_digits10 __glibcpp_f32_digits10
#define __glibcpp_long_double_radix __glibcpp_f32_radix
#define __glibcpp_long_double_epsilon __glibcpp_f32_epsilon
#define __glibcpp_long_double_round_error __glibcpp_f32_round_error
#define __glibcpp_long_double_min_exponent __glibcpp_f32_min_exponent
#define __glibcpp_long_double_min_exponent10 __glibcpp_f32_min_exponent10
#define __glibcpp_long_double_max_exponent __glibcpp_f32_max_exponent
#define __glibcpp_long_double_max_exponent10 __glibcpp_f32_max_exponent10
#elif __glibcpp_long_double_bits == 64
#define __glibcpp_long_double_min __glibcpp_f64_min
#define __glibcpp_long_double_max __glibcpp_f64_max
#define __glibcpp_long_double_digits __glibcpp_f64_digits
#define __glibcpp_long_double_digits10 __glibcpp_f64_digits10
#define __glibcpp_long_double_radix __glibcpp_f64_radix
#define __glibcpp_long_double_epsilon __glibcpp_f64_epsilon
#define __glibcpp_long_double_round_error __glibcpp_f64_round_error
#define __glibcpp_long_double_min_exponent __glibcpp_f64_min_exponent
#define __glibcpp_long_double_min_exponent10 __glibcpp_f64_min_exponent10
#define __glibcpp_long_double_max_exponent __glibcpp_f64_max_exponent
#define __glibcpp_long_double_max_exponent10 __glibcpp_f64_max_exponent10
#elif __glibcpp_long_double_bits == 80
#define __glibcpp_long_double_min __glibcpp_f80_min
#define __glibcpp_long_double_max __glibcpp_f80_max
#define __glibcpp_long_double_digits __glibcpp_f80_digits
#define __glibcpp_long_double_digits10 __glibcpp_f80_digits10
#define __glibcpp_long_double_radix __glibcpp_f80_radix
#define __glibcpp_long_double_epsilon __glibcpp_f80_epsilon
#define __glibcpp_long_double_round_error __glibcpp_f80_round_error
#define __glibcpp_long_double_min_exponent __glibcpp_f80_min_exponent
#define __glibcpp_long_double_min_exponent10 __glibcpp_f80_min_exponent10
#define __glibcpp_long_double_max_exponent __glibcpp_f80_max_exponent
#define __glibcpp_long_double_max_exponent10 __glibcpp_f80_max_exponent10
#elif __glibcpp_long_double_bits == 96
#define __glibcpp_long_double_min __glibcpp_f96_min
#define __glibcpp_long_double_max __glibcpp_f96_max
#define __glibcpp_long_double_digits __glibcpp_f96_digits
#define __glibcpp_long_double_digits10 __glibcpp_f96_digits10
#define __glibcpp_long_double_radix __glibcpp_f96_radix
#define __glibcpp_long_double_epsilon __glibcpp_f96_epsilon
#define __glibcpp_long_double_round_error __glibcpp_f96_round_error
#define __glibcpp_long_double_min_exponent __glibcpp_f96_min_exponent
#define __glibcpp_long_double_min_exponent10 __glibcpp_f96_min_exponent10
#define __glibcpp_long_double_max_exponent __glibcpp_f96_max_exponent
#define __glibcpp_long_double_max_exponent10 __glibcpp_f96_max_exponent10
#elif __glibcpp_long_double_bits == 128
#define __glibcpp_long_double_min __glibcpp_f128_min
#define __glibcpp_long_double_max __glibcpp_f128_max
#define __glibcpp_long_double_digits __glibcpp_f128_digits
#define __glibcpp_long_double_digits10 __glibcpp_f128_digits10
#define __glibcpp_long_double_radix __glibcpp_f128_radix
#define __glibcpp_long_double_epsilon __glibcpp_f128_epsilon
#define __glibcpp_long_double_round_error __glibcpp_f128_round_error
#define __glibcpp_long_double_min_exponent __glibcpp_f128_min_exponent
#define __glibcpp_long_double_min_exponent10 __glibcpp_f128_min_exponent10
#define __glibcpp_long_double_max_exponent __glibcpp_f128_max_exponent
#define __glibcpp_long_double_max_exponent10 __glibcpp_f128_max_exponent10
// You must define these macros in the configuration file.

// FIXME: These are just stubs and inkorrect

#ifndef __glibcpp_long_double_has_infinity
#define __glibcpp_long_double_has_infinity false

#ifndef __glibcpp_long_double_has_quiet_NaN
#define __glibcpp_long_double_has_quiet_NaN false

#ifndef __glibcpp_long_double_has_signaling_NaN
#define __glibcpp_long_double_has_signaling_NaN false

#ifndef __glibcpp_long_double_has_denorm
#define __glibcpp_long_double_has_denorm denorm_absent

#ifndef __glibcpp_long_double_has_denorm_loss
#define __glibcpp_long_double_has_denorm_loss false

#ifndef __glibcpp_long_double_infinity
#define __glibcpp_long_double_infinity 0.0L

#ifndef __glibcpp_long_double_quiet_NaN
#define __glibcpp_long_double_quiet_NaN 0.0L

#ifndef __glibcpp_long_double_signaling_NaN
#define __glibcpp_long_double_signaling_NaN 0.0L

#ifndef __glibcpp_long_double_denorm_min
#define __glibcpp_long_double_denorm_min 0.0L

#ifndef __glibcpp_long_double_is_iec559
#define __glibcpp_long_double_is_iec559 false

#ifndef __glibcpp_long_double_is_bounded
#define __glibcpp_long_double_is_bounded true

#ifndef __glibcpp_long_double_is_modulo
#define __glibcpp_long_double_is_modulo false

#ifndef __glibcpp_long_double_traps
#define __glibcpp_long_double_traps false

#ifndef __glibcpp_long_double_tinyness_before
#define __glibcpp_long_double_tinyness_before false

#ifndef __glibcpp_long_double_round_style
#define __glibcpp_long_double_round_style round_toward_zero

namespace std
  enum float_round_style 
    round_indeterminate       = -1,
    round_toward_zero         = 0,
    round_to_nearest          = 1,
    round_toward_infinity     = 2,
    round_toward_neg_infinity = 3

  enum float_denorm_style 
    denorm_indeterminate = -1,
    denorm_absent        = 0,
    denorm_present       = 1

  // The primary class traits
  struct __numeric_limits_base
    static const bool is_specialized = false;

    static const int digits = 0;
    static const int digits10 = 0;
    static const bool is_signed = false;
    static const bool is_integer = false;
    static const bool is_exact = false;
    static const int radix = 0;

    static const int min_exponent = 0;
    static const int min_exponent10 = 0;
    static const int max_exponent = 0;
    static const int max_exponent10 = 0;
    static const bool has_infinity = false;
    static const bool has_quiet_NaN = false;
    static const bool has_signaling_NaN = false;
    static const float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_absent;
    static const bool has_denorm_loss = false;

    static const bool is_iec559 = false;
    static const bool is_bounded = false;
    static const bool is_modulo = false;

    static const bool traps = false;
    static const bool tinyness_before = false;
    static const float_round_style round_style = round_toward_zero;

  template<typename _Tp> 
    struct numeric_limits : public __numeric_limits_base 
      static _Tp min() throw() { return static_cast<_Tp>(0); }
      static _Tp max() throw() { return static_cast<_Tp>(0); }
      static _Tp epsilon() throw() { return static_cast<_Tp>(0); }
      static _Tp round_error() throw() { return static_cast<_Tp>(0); }
      static _Tp infinity() throw()  { return static_cast<_Tp>(0); }
      static _Tp quiet_NaN() throw() { return static_cast<_Tp>(0); }
      static _Tp signaling_NaN() throw() { return static_cast<_Tp>(0); }
      static _Tp denorm_min() throw() { return static_cast<_Tp>(0); }

  // Now there follow 15 explicit specializations.  Yes, 15.  Make sure
  // you get the count right.  
    struct numeric_limits<bool>
      static const bool is_specialized = true;

      static bool min() throw()
      { return false; }

      static bool max() throw()
      { return true; }

      static const int digits = __glibcpp_bool_digits;
      static const int digits10 = 0;
      static const bool is_signed = false;
      static const bool is_integer = true;
      static const bool is_exact = true;
      static const int radix = 2;
      static bool epsilon() throw()
      { return false; }
      static bool round_error() throw()
      { return false; }

      static const int min_exponent = 0;
      static const int min_exponent10 = 0;
      static const int max_exponent = 0;
      static const int max_exponent10 = 0;

      static const bool has_infinity = false;
      static const bool has_quiet_NaN = false;
      static const bool has_signaling_NaN = false;
      static const float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_absent;
      static const bool has_denorm_loss = false;

      static bool infinity() throw()
      { return false; }
      static bool quiet_NaN() throw()
      { return false; }
      static bool signaling_NaN() throw()
      { return false; }
      static bool denorm_min() throw()
      { return false; }

      static const bool is_iec559 = false;
      static const bool is_bounded = true;
      static const bool is_modulo = false;

      // It is not clear what it means for a boolean type to trap.
      // This is a DR on the LWG issue list.  Here, I use integer
      // promotion semantics.
      static const bool traps = __glibcpp_signed_int_traps
               || __glibcpp_signed_long_traps;
      static const bool tinyness_before = false;
      static const float_round_style round_style = round_toward_zero;

#undef __glibcpp_bool_digits  
    struct numeric_limits<char>
      static const bool is_specialized = true;

      static char min() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_char_min; }
      static char max() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_char_max; }

      static const int digits = __glibcpp_char_digits;
      static const int digits10 = __glibcpp_char_digits10;
      static const bool is_signed = __glibcpp_plain_char_is_signed;
      static const bool is_integer = true;
      static const bool is_exact = true;
      static const int radix = 2;
      static char epsilon() throw()
      { return char(); }
      static char round_error() throw()
      { return char(); }

      static const int min_exponent = 0;
      static const int min_exponent10 = 0;
      static const int max_exponent = 0;
      static const int max_exponent10 = 0;

      static const bool has_infinity = false;
      static const bool has_quiet_NaN = false;
      static const bool has_signaling_NaN = false;
      static const float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_absent;
      static const bool has_denorm_loss = false;

      static char infinity() throw()
      { return char(); }
      static char quiet_NaN() throw()
      { return char(); }
      static char signaling_NaN() throw()
      { return char(); }
      static char denorm_min() throw()
      { return static_cast<char>(0); }

      static const bool is_iec559 = false;
      static const bool is_bounded = true;
      static const bool is_modulo = __glibcpp_char_is_modulo;

      static const bool traps = __glibcpp_char_traps;
      static const bool tinyness_before = false;
      static const float_round_style round_style = round_toward_zero;

#undef __glibcpp_char_min
#undef __glibcpp_char_max  
#undef __glibcpp_char_digits
#undef __glibcpp_char_digits10
#undef __glibcpp_char_is_signed
#undef __glibcpp_char_is_modulo
#undef __glibcpp_char_traps

    struct numeric_limits<signed char>
      static const bool is_specialized = true;

      static signed char min() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_signed_char_min; }
      static signed char max() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_signed_char_max; }

      static const int digits = __glibcpp_signed_char_digits;
      static const int digits10 = __glibcpp_signed_char_digits10;
      static const bool is_signed = true;
      static const bool is_integer = true;
      static const bool is_exact = true;
      static const int radix = 2;
      static signed char epsilon() throw()
      { return 0; }
      static signed char round_error() throw()
      { return 0; }

      static const int min_exponent = 0;
      static const int min_exponent10 = 0;
      static const int max_exponent = 0;
      static const int max_exponent10 = 0;

      static const bool has_infinity = false;
      static const bool has_quiet_NaN = false;
      static const bool has_signaling_NaN = false;
      static const float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_absent;
      static const bool has_denorm_loss = false;

      static signed char infinity() throw()
      { return static_cast<signed char>(0); }
      static signed char quiet_NaN() throw()
      { return static_cast<signed char>(0); }
      static signed char signaling_NaN() throw()
      { return static_cast<signed char>(0); }
      static signed char denorm_min() throw()
      { return static_cast<signed char>(0); }

      static const bool is_iec559 = false;
      static const bool is_bounded = true;
      static const bool is_modulo = __glibcpp_signed_char_is_modulo;

      static const bool traps = __glibcpp_signed_char_traps;
      static const bool tinyness_before = false;
      static const float_round_style round_style = round_toward_zero;

#undef __glibcpp_signed_char_min
#undef __glibcpp_signed_char_max
#undef __glibcpp_signed_char_digits
#undef __glibcpp_signed_char_digits10
#undef __glibcpp_signed_char_is_modulo  
#undef __glibcpp_signed_char_traps  

    struct numeric_limits<unsigned char>
      static const bool is_specialized = true;

      static unsigned char min() throw()
      { return 0; }
      static unsigned char max() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_unsigned_char_max; }

      static const int digits = __glibcpp_unsigned_char_digits;
      static const int digits10 = __glibcpp_unsigned_char_digits10;
      static const bool is_signed = false;
      static const bool is_integer = true;
      static const bool is_exact = true;
      static const int radix = 2;
      static unsigned char epsilon() throw()
      { return 0; }
      static unsigned char round_error() throw()
      { return 0; }

      static const int min_exponent = 0;
      static const int min_exponent10 = 0;
      static const int max_exponent = 0;
      static const int max_exponent10 = 0;

      static const bool has_infinity = false;
      static const bool has_quiet_NaN = false;
      static const bool has_signaling_NaN = false;
      static const float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_absent;
      static const bool has_denorm_loss = false;

      static unsigned char infinity() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned char>(0); }
      static unsigned char quiet_NaN() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned char>(0); }
      static unsigned char signaling_NaN() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned char>(0); }
      static unsigned char denorm_min() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned char>(0); }

      static const bool is_iec559 = false;
      static const bool is_bounded = true;
      static const bool is_modulo = true;

      static const bool traps = __glibcpp_unsigned_char_traps;
      static const bool tinyness_before = false;
      static const float_round_style round_style = round_toward_zero;

#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_char_max
#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_char_digits
#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_char_digits10
#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_char_traps  

    struct numeric_limits<wchar_t>
      static const bool is_specialized = true;

      static wchar_t min() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_wchar_t_min; }
      static wchar_t max() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_wchar_t_max; }

      static const int digits = __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits;
      static const int digits10 = __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits10;
      static const bool is_signed = __glibcpp_wchar_t_is_signed;
      static const bool is_integer = true;
      static const bool is_exact = true;
      static const int radix = 2;
      static wchar_t epsilon() throw()
      { return 0; }
      static wchar_t round_error() throw()
      { return 0; }

      static const int min_exponent = 0;
      static const int min_exponent10 = 0;
      static const int max_exponent = 0;
      static const int max_exponent10 = 0;

      static const bool has_infinity = false;
      static const bool has_quiet_NaN = false;
      static const bool has_signaling_NaN = false;
      static const float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_absent;
      static const bool has_denorm_loss = false;

      static wchar_t infinity() throw()
      { return wchar_t(); }
      static wchar_t quiet_NaN() throw()
      { return wchar_t(); }
      static wchar_t signaling_NaN() throw()
      { return wchar_t(); }
      static wchar_t denorm_min() throw()
      { return wchar_t(); }

      static const bool is_iec559 = false;
      static const bool is_bounded = true;
      static const bool is_modulo = __glibcpp_wchar_t_is_modulo;

      static const bool traps = __glibcpp_wchar_t_traps;
      static const bool tinyness_before = false;
      static const float_round_style round_style = round_toward_zero;

#undef __glibcpp_wchar_t_min
#undef __glibcpp_wchar_t_max
#undef __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits
#undef __glibcpp_wchar_t_digits10  
#undef __glibcpp_wchar_t_is_signed
#undef __glibcpp_wchar_t_is_modulo
#undef __glibcpp_wchar_t_traps  
    struct numeric_limits<short>
      static const bool is_specialized = true;

      static short min() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_signed_short_min; }
      static short max() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_signed_short_max; }

      static const int digits = __glibcpp_signed_short_digits;
      static const int digits10 = __glibcpp_signed_short_digits10;
      static const bool is_signed = true;
      static const bool is_integer = true;
      static const bool is_exact = true;
      static const int radix = 2;
      static short epsilon() throw()
      { return 0; }
      static short round_error() throw()
      { return 0; }

      static const int min_exponent = 0;
      static const int min_exponent10 = 0;
      static const int max_exponent = 0;
      static const int max_exponent10 = 0;

      static const bool has_infinity = false;
      static const bool has_quiet_NaN = false;
      static const bool has_signaling_NaN = false;
      static const float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_absent;
      static const bool has_denorm_loss = false;

      static short infinity() throw()
      { return short(); }
      static short quiet_NaN() throw()
      { return short(); }
      static short signaling_NaN() throw()
      { return short(); }
      static short denorm_min() throw()
      { return short(); }

      static const bool is_iec559 = true;
      static const bool is_bounded = true;
      static const bool is_modulo = __glibcpp_signed_short_is_modulo;

      static const bool traps = __glibcpp_signed_short_traps;
      static const bool tinyness_before = false;
      static const float_round_style round_style = round_toward_zero;

#undef __glibcpp_signed_short_min
#undef __glibcpp_signed_short_max
#undef __glibcpp_signed_short_digits
#undef __glibcpp_signed_short_digits10
#undef __glibcpp_signed_short_is_modulo
#undef __glibcpp_signed_short_traps  
    struct numeric_limits<unsigned short>
      static const bool is_specialized = true;

      static unsigned short min() throw()
      { return 0; }
      static unsigned short max() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_unsigned_short_max; }

      static const int digits = __glibcpp_unsigned_short_digits;
      static const int digits10 = __glibcpp_unsigned_short_digits10;
      static const bool is_signed = false;
      static const bool is_integer = true;
      static const bool is_exact = true;
      static const int radix = 2;
      static unsigned short epsilon() throw()
      { return 0; }
      static unsigned short round_error() throw()
      { return 0; }

      static const int min_exponent = 0;
      static const int min_exponent10 = 0;
      static const int max_exponent = 0;
      static const int max_exponent10 = 0;

      static const bool has_infinity = false;
      static const bool has_quiet_NaN = false;
      static const bool has_signaling_NaN = false;
      static const float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_absent;
      static const bool has_denorm_loss = false;

      static unsigned short infinity() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned short>(0); }
      static unsigned short quiet_NaN() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned short>(0); }
      static unsigned short signaling_NaN() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned short>(0); }
      static unsigned short denorm_min() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned short>(0); }

      static const bool is_iec559 = true;
      static const bool is_bounded = true;
      static const bool is_modulo = true;

      static const bool traps = __glibcpp_unsigned_short_traps;
      static const bool tinyness_before = false;
      static const float_round_style round_style = round_toward_zero;

#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_short_max
#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_short_digits
#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_short_digits10
#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_short_traps  
    struct numeric_limits<int>
      static const bool is_specialized = true;

      static int min() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_signed_int_min; }
      static int max() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_signed_int_max; }

      static const int digits = __glibcpp_signed_int_digits;
      static const int digits10 = __glibcpp_signed_int_digits10;
      static const bool is_signed = true;
      static const bool is_integer = true;
      static const bool is_exact = true;
      static const int radix = 2;
      static int epsilon() throw()
      { return 0; }
      static int round_error() throw()
      { return 0; }

      static const int min_exponent = 0;
      static const int min_exponent10 = 0;
      static const int max_exponent = 0;
      static const int max_exponent10 = 0;

      static const bool has_infinity = false;
      static const bool has_quiet_NaN = false;
      static const bool has_signaling_NaN = false;
      static const float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_absent;
      static const bool has_denorm_loss = false;

      static int infinity() throw()
      { return static_cast<int>(0); }
      static int quiet_NaN() throw()
      { return static_cast<int>(0); }
      static int signaling_NaN() throw()
      { return static_cast<int>(0); }
      static int denorm_min() throw()
      { return static_cast<int>(0); }

      static const bool is_iec559 = true;
      static const bool is_bounded = true;
      static const bool is_modulo = __glibcpp_signed_int_is_modulo;

      static const bool traps = __glibcpp_signed_int_traps;
      static const bool tinyness_before = false;
      static const float_round_style round_style = round_toward_zero;

#undef __glibcpp_signed_int_min
#undef __glibcpp_signed_int_max
#undef __glibcpp_signed_int_digits
#undef __glibcpp_signed_int_digits10
#undef __glibcpp_signed_int_is_modulo
#undef __glibcpp_signed_int_traps  
    struct numeric_limits<unsigned int>
      static const bool is_specialized = true;

      static unsigned int min() throw()
      { return 0; }
          static unsigned int max() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_unsigned_int_max; }

      static const int digits = __glibcpp_unsigned_int_digits;
      static const int digits10 = __glibcpp_unsigned_int_digits10;
      static const bool is_signed = false;
      static const bool is_integer = true;
      static const bool is_exact = true;
      static const int radix = 2;
      static unsigned int epsilon() throw()
      { return 0; }
      static unsigned int round_error() throw()
      { return 0; }

      static const int min_exponent = 0;
      static const int min_exponent10 = 0;
      static const int max_exponent = 0;
      static const int max_exponent10 = 0;

      static const bool has_infinity = false;
      static const bool has_quiet_NaN = false;
      static const bool has_signaling_NaN = false;
      static const float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_absent;
      static const bool has_denorm_loss = false;

      static unsigned int infinity() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned int>(0); }
      static unsigned int quiet_NaN() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned int>(0); }
      static unsigned int signaling_NaN() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned int>(0); }
      static unsigned int denorm_min() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned int>(0); }

      static const bool is_iec559 = true;
      static const bool is_bounded = true;
      static const bool is_modulo = true;

      static const bool traps = __glibcpp_unsigned_int_traps;
      static const bool tinyness_before = false;
      static const float_round_style round_style = round_toward_zero;

#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_int_max
#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_int_digits
#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_int_digits10
#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_int_traps  

    struct numeric_limits<long>
      static const bool is_specialized = true;

      static long min() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_signed_long_min; }
      static long max() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_signed_long_max; }

      static const int digits = __glibcpp_signed_long_digits;
      static const int digits10 = __glibcpp_signed_long_digits10;
      static const bool is_signed = true;
      static const bool is_integer = true;
      static const bool is_exact = true;
      static const int radix = 2;
      static long epsilon() throw()
      { return 0; }
      static long round_error() throw()
      { return 0; }

      static const int min_exponent = 0;
      static const int min_exponent10 = 0;
      static const int max_exponent = 0;
      static const int max_exponent10 = 0;

      static const bool has_infinity = false;
      static const bool has_quiet_NaN = false;
      static const bool has_signaling_NaN = false;
      static const float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_absent;
      static const bool has_denorm_loss = false;

      static long infinity() throw()
      { return static_cast<long>(0); }
      static long quiet_NaN() throw()
      { return static_cast<long>(0); }
      static long signaling_NaN() throw()
      { return static_cast<long>(0); }
      static long denorm_min() throw()
      { return static_cast<long>(0); }

      static const bool is_iec559 = true;
      static const bool is_bounded = true;
      static const bool is_modulo = __glibcpp_signed_long_is_modulo;

      static const bool traps = __glibcpp_signed_long_traps;
      static const bool tinyness_before = false;
      static const float_round_style round_style = round_toward_zero;

#undef __glibcpp_signed_long_min
#undef __glibcpp_signed_long_max
#undef __glibcpp_signed_long_digits
#undef __glibcpp_signed_long_digits10
#undef __glibcpp_signed_long_is_modulo
#undef __glibcpp_signed_long_traps  
    struct numeric_limits<unsigned long>
      static const bool is_specialized = true;

      static unsigned long min() throw()
      { return 0; }
      static unsigned long max() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_unsigned_long_max; }

      static const int digits = __glibcpp_unsigned_long_digits;
      static const int digits10 = __glibcpp_unsigned_long_digits10;
      static const bool is_signed = false;
      static const bool is_integer = true;
      static const bool is_exact = true;
      static const int radix = 2;
      static unsigned long epsilon() throw()
      { return 0; }
      static unsigned long round_error() throw()
      { return 0; }

      static const int min_exponent = 0;
      static const int min_exponent10 = 0;
      static const int max_exponent = 0;
      static const int max_exponent10 = 0;

      static const bool has_infinity = false;
      static const bool has_quiet_NaN = false;
      static const bool has_signaling_NaN = false;
      static const float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_absent;
      static const bool has_denorm_loss = false;

      static unsigned long infinity() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned long>(0); }
      static unsigned long quiet_NaN() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned long>(0); }
      static unsigned long signaling_NaN() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned long>(0); }
      static unsigned long denorm_min() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned long>(0); }

      static const bool is_iec559 = true;
      static const bool is_bounded = true;
      static const bool is_modulo = true;

      static const bool traps = __glibcpp_unsigned_long_traps;
      static const bool tinyness_before = false;
      static const float_round_style round_style = round_toward_zero;

#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_long_max
#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_long_digits
#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_long_digits10
#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_long_traps  

    struct numeric_limits<long long>
      static const bool is_specialized = true;
      static long long min() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_signed_long_long_min; }
      static long long max() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_signed_long_long_max; }
      static const int digits = __glibcpp_signed_long_long_digits;
      static const int digits10 = __glibcpp_signed_long_long_digits10;
      static const bool is_signed = true;
      static const bool is_integer = true;
      static const bool is_exact = true;
      static const int radix = 2;
      static long long epsilon() throw()
      { return 0; }
      static long long round_error() throw()
      { return 0; }
      static const int min_exponent = 0;
      static const int min_exponent10 = 0;
      static const int max_exponent = 0;
      static const int max_exponent10 = 0;
      static const bool has_infinity = false;
      static const bool has_quiet_NaN = false;
      static const bool has_signaling_NaN = false;
      static const float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_absent;
      static const bool has_denorm_loss = false;
      static long long infinity() throw()
      { return static_cast<long long>(0); }
      static long long quiet_NaN() throw()
      { return static_cast<long long>(0); }
      static long long signaling_NaN() throw()
      { return static_cast<long long>(0); }
      static long long denorm_min() throw()
      { return static_cast<long long>(0); }
      static const bool is_iec559 = true;
      static const bool is_bounded = true;
      static const bool is_modulo = __glibcpp_signed_long_long_is_modulo;

      static const bool traps = __glibcpp_signed_long_long_traps;
      static const bool tinyness_before = false;
      static const float_round_style round_style = round_toward_zero;

#undef __glibcpp_signed_long_long_min
#undef __glibcpp_signed_long_long_max
#undef __glibcpp_signed_long_long_digits
#undef __glibcpp_signed_long_long_digits10
#undef __glibcpp_signed_long_long_is_modulo
#undef __glibcpp_signed_long_long_traps  
    struct numeric_limits<unsigned long long>
      static const bool is_specialized = true;

      static unsigned long long min() throw()
      { return 0; }
      static unsigned long long max() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_max; }

      static const int digits = __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_digits;
      static const int digits10 = __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_digits10;
      static const bool is_signed = false;
      static const bool is_integer = true;
      static const bool is_exact = true;
      static const int radix = 2;
      static unsigned long long epsilon() throw()
      { return 0; }
      static unsigned long long round_error() throw()
      { return 0; }

      static const int min_exponent = 0;
      static const int min_exponent10 = 0;
      static const int max_exponent = 0;
      static const int max_exponent10 = 0;

      static const bool has_infinity = false;
      static const bool has_quiet_NaN = false;
      static const bool has_signaling_NaN = false;
      static const float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_absent;
      static const bool has_denorm_loss = false;

      static unsigned long long infinity() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned long long>(0); }
      static unsigned long long quiet_NaN() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned long long>(0); }
      static unsigned long long signaling_NaN() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned long long>(0); }
      static unsigned long long denorm_min() throw()
      { return static_cast<unsigned long long>(0); }

      static const bool is_iec559 = true;
      static const bool is_bounded = true;
      static const bool is_modulo = true;

      static const bool traps = true;
      static const bool tinyness_before = false;
      static const float_round_style round_style = round_toward_zero;

#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_max
#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_digits
#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_digits10
#undef __glibcpp_unsigned_long_long_traps  

    struct numeric_limits<float>
      static const bool is_specialized = true;

      static float min() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_float_min; }
      static float max() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_float_max; }

      static const int digits = __glibcpp_float_digits;
      static const int digits10 = __glibcpp_float_digits10;
      static const bool is_signed = true;
      static const bool is_integer = false;
      static const bool is_exact = false;
      static const int radix = __glibcpp_float_radix;
      static float epsilon() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_float_epsilon; }
      static float round_error() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_float_round_error; }

      static const int min_exponent = __glibcpp_float_min_exponent;
      static const int min_exponent10 = __glibcpp_float_min_exponent10;
      static const int max_exponent = __glibcpp_float_max_exponent;
      static const int max_exponent10 = __glibcpp_float_max_exponent10;

      static const bool has_infinity = __glibcpp_float_has_infinity;
      static const bool has_quiet_NaN = __glibcpp_float_has_quiet_NaN;
      static const bool has_signaling_NaN = __glibcpp_float_has_signaling_NaN;
      static const float_denorm_style has_denorm = __glibcpp_float_has_denorm;
      static const bool has_denorm_loss = __glibcpp_float_has_denorm_loss;

      static float infinity() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_float_infinity; }
      static float quiet_NaN() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_float_quiet_NaN; }
      static float signaling_NaN() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_float_signaling_NaN; }
      static float denorm_min() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_float_denorm_min; }

      static const bool is_iec559 = __glibcpp_float_is_iec559;
      static const bool is_bounded = __glibcpp_float_is_bounded;
      static const bool is_modulo = __glibcpp_float_is_modulo;

      static const bool traps = __glibcpp_float_traps;
      static const bool tinyness_before = __glibcpp_float_tinyness_before;
      static const float_round_style round_style = __glibcpp_float_round_style;

#undef __glibcpp_float_min
#undef __glibcpp_float_max
#undef __glibcpp_float_digits
#undef __glibcpp_float_digits10
#undef __glibcpp_float_radix
#undef __glibcpp_float_round_error
#undef __glibcpp_float_min_exponent
#undef __glibcpp_float_min_exponent10
#undef __glibcpp_float_max_exponent
#undef __glibcpp_float_max_exponent10
#undef __glibcpp_float_has_infinity
#undef __glibcpp_float_has_quiet_NaN
#undef __glibcpp_float_has_signaling_NaN
#undef __glibcpp_float_has_denorm
#undef __glibcpp_float_has_denorm_loss
#undef __glibcpp_float_infinity
#undef __glibcpp_float_quiet_NaN
#undef __glibcpp_float_signaling_NaN
#undef __glibcpp_float_denorm_min
#undef __glibcpp_float_is_iec559
#undef __glibcpp_float_is_bounded
#undef __glibcpp_float_is_modulo
#undef __glibcpp_float_traps
#undef __glibcpp_float_tinyness_before
#undef __glibcpp_float_round_style  

    struct numeric_limits<double>
      static const bool is_specialized = true;

      static double min() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_double_min; }
      static double max() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_double_max; }

      static const int digits = __glibcpp_double_digits;
      static const int digits10 = __glibcpp_double_digits10;
      static const bool is_signed = true;
      static const bool is_integer = false;
      static const bool is_exact = false;
      static const int radix = __glibcpp_double_radix;
      static double epsilon() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_double_epsilon; }
      static double round_error() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_double_round_error; }

      static const int min_exponent = __glibcpp_double_min_exponent;
      static const int min_exponent10 = __glibcpp_double_min_exponent10;
      static const int max_exponent = __glibcpp_double_max_exponent;
      static const int max_exponent10 = __glibcpp_double_max_exponent10;

      static const bool has_infinity = __glibcpp_double_has_infinity;
      static const bool has_quiet_NaN = __glibcpp_double_has_quiet_NaN;
      static const bool has_signaling_NaN = __glibcpp_double_has_signaling_NaN;
      static const float_denorm_style has_denorm =
      static const bool has_denorm_loss = __glibcpp_double_has_denorm_loss;

      static double infinity() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_double_infinity; }
      static double quiet_NaN() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_double_quiet_NaN; }
      static double signaling_NaN() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_double_signaling_NaN; }
      static double denorm_min() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_double_denorm_min; }

      static const bool is_iec559 = __glibcpp_double_is_iec559;
      static const bool is_bounded = __glibcpp_double_is_bounded;
      static const bool is_modulo = __glibcpp_double_is_modulo;

      static const bool traps = __glibcpp_double_traps;
      static const bool tinyness_before = __glibcpp_double_tinyness_before;
      static const float_round_style round_style =

#undef __glibcpp_double_min
#undef __glibcpp_double_max
#undef __glibcpp_double_digits
#undef __glibcpp_double_digits10
#undef __glibcpp_double_radix
#undef __glibcpp_double_round_error
#undef __glibcpp_double_min_exponent
#undef __glibcpp_double_min_exponent10
#undef __glibcpp_double_max_exponent
#undef __glibcpp_double_max_exponent10
#undef __glibcpp_double_has_infinity
#undef __glibcpp_double_has_quiet_NaN
#undef __glibcpp_double_has_signaling_NaN
#undef __glibcpp_double_has_denorm
#undef __glibcpp_double_has_denorm_loss
#undef __glibcpp_double_infinity
#undef __glibcpp_double_quiet_NaN
#undef __glibcpp_double_signaling_NaN
#undef __glibcpp_double_denorm_min
#undef __glibcpp_double_is_iec559
#undef __glibcpp_double_is_bounded
#undef __glibcpp_double_is_modulo
#undef __glibcpp_double_traps
#undef __glibcpp_double_tinyness_before
#undef __glibcpp_double_round_style  
    struct numeric_limits<long double>
      static const bool is_specialized = true;

      static long double min() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_long_double_min; }
      static long double max() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_long_double_max; }

      static const int digits = __glibcpp_long_double_digits;
      static const int digits10 = __glibcpp_long_double_digits10;
      static const bool is_signed = true;
      static const bool is_integer = false;
      static const bool is_exact = false;
      static const int radix = __glibcpp_long_double_radix;
      static long double epsilon() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_long_double_epsilon; }
      static long double round_error() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_long_double_round_error; }

      static const int min_exponent = __glibcpp_long_double_min_exponent;
      static const int min_exponent10 = __glibcpp_long_double_min_exponent10;
      static const int max_exponent = __glibcpp_long_double_max_exponent;
      static const int max_exponent10 = __glibcpp_long_double_max_exponent10;

      static const bool has_infinity = __glibcpp_long_double_has_infinity;
      static const bool has_quiet_NaN = __glibcpp_long_double_has_quiet_NaN;
      static const bool has_signaling_NaN =
      static const float_denorm_style has_denorm =
      static const bool has_denorm_loss =

      static long double infinity() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_long_double_infinity; }
      static long double quiet_NaN() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_long_double_quiet_NaN; }
      static long double signaling_NaN() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_long_double_signaling_NaN; }
      static long double denorm_min() throw()
      { return __glibcpp_long_double_denorm_min; }

      static const bool is_iec559 = __glibcpp_long_double_is_iec559;
      static const bool is_bounded = __glibcpp_long_double_is_bounded;
      static const bool is_modulo = __glibcpp_long_double_is_modulo;

      static const bool traps = __glibcpp_long_double_traps; 
      static const bool tinyness_before = __glibcpp_long_double_tinyness_before;
      static const float_round_style round_style = 

#undef __glibcpp_long_double_min
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_max
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_digits
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_digits10
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_radix
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_round_error
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_min_exponent
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_min_exponent10
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_max_exponent
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_max_exponent10
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_has_infinity
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_has_quiet_NaN
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_has_signaling_NaN
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_has_denorm
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_has_denorm_loss
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_infinity
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_quiet_NaN
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_signaling_NaN
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_denorm_min
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_is_iec559
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_is_bounded
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_is_modulo
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_traps
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_tinyness_before
#undef __glibcpp_long_double_round_style  
} // namespace std