x-djgpp   [plain text]

# translate the version string, so it can be used on DJGPP, where only
# one dot in filename is allowed

# to avoid recursion when redefining $(version)
__version=$(subst ., ,$(_version))
version=$(word 1,$(__version))$(word 2,$(__version)).$(word 3,$(__version))


# when building a native compiler for DJGPP, make the target_alias
# a shorter name, since otherwise it will produce some problems, when
# using the same gcc once with long filenames and once with short (8+3)
# filenames
ifeq ($(findstring -pc-msdosdjgpp,$(target_alias)),-pc-msdosdjgpp)

# on DJGPP the 'ln -s' does not work correctly
LN = cp -p
LN_S = cp -p