libunwind.S   [plain text]

/* Support functions for the unwinder.
   Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   Contributed by Paul Brook

   This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
   Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
   later version.

   In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, the
   Free Software Foundation gives you unlimited permission to link the
   compiled version of this file into combinations with other programs,
   and to distribute those combinations without any restriction coming
   from the use of this file.  (The General Public License restrictions
   do apply in other respects; for example, they cover modification of
   the file, and distribution when not linked into a combine

   This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */

#ifndef __symbian__

#include "lib1funcs.asm"

.macro UNPREFIX name
	.global SYM (\name)
	EQUIV SYM (\name), SYM (__\name)

/* r0 points to a 16-word block.  Upload these values to the actual core
   state.  */
ARM_FUNC_START restore_core_regs
	/* We must use sp as the base register when restoring sp.  Push the
	   last 3 registers onto the top of the current stack to achieve
	   this.  */
	add r1, r0, #52
	ldmia r1, {r3, r4, r5}  /* {sp, lr, pc}.  */
/* ALQAAHIRA LOCAL begin v7 support. Merge from mainline */
#if defined(__thumb2__)
	/* Thumb-2 doesn't allow sp in a load-multiple instruction, so push
	   the target address onto the target stack.  This is safe as
	   we're always returning to somewhere further up the call stack.  */
	mov ip, r3
	mov lr, r4
	str r5, [ip, #-4]!
#elif defined(__INTERWORKING__)
/* ALQAAHIRA LOCAL end v7 support. Merge from mainline */
	/* Restore pc into ip.  */
	mov r2, r5
	stmfd sp!, {r2, r3, r4}
	stmfd sp!, {r3, r4, r5}
	/* Don't bother restoring ip.  */
	ldmia r0, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp}
/* ALQAAHIRA LOCAL begin v7 support. Merge from mainline */
#if defined(__thumb2__)
	/* Pop the return address off the target stack.  */
	mov sp, ip
	pop {pc}
#elif defined(__INTERWORKING__)
	/* Pop the three registers we pushed earlier.  */
/* ALQAAHIRA LOCAL end v7 support. Merge from mainline */
	ldmfd sp, {ip, sp, lr}
	bx ip
	ldmfd sp, {sp, lr, pc}
	FUNC_END restore_core_regs
	UNPREFIX restore_core_regs

/* ALQAAHIRA LOCAL begin v7 support. Merge from mainline */
/* Load VFP registers d0-d15 from the address in r0.
   Use this to load from FSTMX format.  */
/* ALQAAHIRA LOCAL end v7 support. Merge from mainline */
ARM_FUNC_START gnu_Unwind_Restore_VFP
	/* Use the generic coprocessor form so that gas doesn't complain
	   on soft-float targets.  */
	ldc   p11,cr0,[r0],{0x21} /* fldmiax r0, {d0-d15} */

/* ALQAAHIRA LOCAL begin v7 support. Merge from mainline */
/* Store VFP registers d0-d15 to the address in r0.
   Use this to store in FSTMX format.  */
/* ALQAAHIRA LOCAL end v7 support. Merge from mainline */
ARM_FUNC_START gnu_Unwind_Save_VFP
	/* Use the generic coprocessor form so that gas doesn't complain
	   on soft-float targets.  */
	stc   p11,cr0,[r0],{0x21} /* fstmiax r0, {d0-d15} */

/* ALQAAHIRA LOCAL begin v7 support. Merge from mainline */
/* Load VFP registers d0-d15 from the address in r0.
   Use this to load from FSTMD format.  */
ARM_FUNC_START gnu_Unwind_Restore_VFP_D
	ldc   p11,cr0,[r0],{0x20} /* fldmiad r0, {d0-d15} */

/* Store VFP registers d0-d15 to the address in r0.
   Use this to store in FLDMD format.  */
ARM_FUNC_START gnu_Unwind_Save_VFP_D
	stc   p11,cr0,[r0],{0x20} /* fstmiad r0, {d0-d15} */

/* Load VFP registers d16-d31 from the address in r0.
   Use this to load from FSTMD (=VSTM) format.  Needs VFPv3.  */
ARM_FUNC_START gnu_Unwind_Restore_VFP_D_16_to_31
	ldcl  p11,cr0,[r0],{0x20} /* vldm r0, {d16-d31} */

/* Store VFP registers d16-d31 to the address in r0.
   Use this to store in FLDMD (=VLDM) format.  Needs VFPv3.  */
ARM_FUNC_START gnu_Unwind_Save_VFP_D_16_to_31
	stcl  p11,cr0,[r0],{0x20} /* vstm r0, {d16-d31} */

/* ALQAAHIRA LOCAL end v7 support. Merge from mainline */
/* ALQAAHIRA LOCAL begin v7 support. Merge from Codesourcery */
ARM_FUNC_START gnu_Unwind_Restore_WMMXD
	/* Use the generic coprocessor form so that gas doesn't complain
	   on non-iWMMXt targets.  */
	ldcl  p1, cr0, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr0, [r0], #8 */
	ldcl  p1, cr1, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr1, [r0], #8 */
	ldcl  p1, cr2, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr2, [r0], #8 */
	ldcl  p1, cr3, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr3, [r0], #8 */
	ldcl  p1, cr4, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr4, [r0], #8 */
	ldcl  p1, cr5, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr5, [r0], #8 */
	ldcl  p1, cr6, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr6, [r0], #8 */
	ldcl  p1, cr7, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr7, [r0], #8 */
	ldcl  p1, cr8, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr8, [r0], #8 */
	ldcl  p1, cr9, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr9, [r0], #8 */
	ldcl  p1, cr10, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr10, [r0], #8 */
	ldcl  p1, cr11, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr11, [r0], #8 */
	ldcl  p1, cr12, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr12, [r0], #8 */
	ldcl  p1, cr13, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr13, [r0], #8 */
	ldcl  p1, cr14, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr14, [r0], #8 */
	ldcl  p1, cr15, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr15, [r0], #8 */

	/* Use the generic coprocessor form so that gas doesn't complain
	   on non-iWMMXt targets.  */
	stcl  p1, cr0, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr0, [r0], #8 */
	stcl  p1, cr1, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr1, [r0], #8 */
	stcl  p1, cr2, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr2, [r0], #8 */
	stcl  p1, cr3, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr3, [r0], #8 */
	stcl  p1, cr4, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr4, [r0], #8 */
	stcl  p1, cr5, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr5, [r0], #8 */
	stcl  p1, cr6, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr6, [r0], #8 */
	stcl  p1, cr7, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr7, [r0], #8 */
	stcl  p1, cr8, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr8, [r0], #8 */
	stcl  p1, cr9, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr9, [r0], #8 */
	stcl  p1, cr10, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr10, [r0], #8 */
	stcl  p1, cr11, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr11, [r0], #8 */
	stcl  p1, cr12, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr12, [r0], #8 */
	stcl  p1, cr13, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr13, [r0], #8 */
	stcl  p1, cr14, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr14, [r0], #8 */
	stcl  p1, cr15, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr15, [r0], #8 */

ARM_FUNC_START gnu_Unwind_Restore_WMMXC
	/* Use the generic coprocessor form so that gas doesn't complain
	   on non-iWMMXt targets.  */
	ldc2  p1, cr8, [r0], #4 /* wldrw wcgr0, [r0], #4 */
	ldc2  p1, cr9, [r0], #4 /* wldrw wcgr1, [r0], #4 */
	ldc2  p1, cr10, [r0], #4 /* wldrw wcgr2, [r0], #4 */
	ldc2  p1, cr11, [r0], #4 /* wldrw wcgr3, [r0], #4 */

	/* Use the generic coprocessor form so that gas doesn't complain
	   on non-iWMMXt targets.  */
	stc2  p1, cr8, [r0], #4 /* wstrw wcgr0, [r0], #4 */
	stc2  p1, cr9, [r0], #4 /* wstrw wcgr1, [r0], #4 */
	stc2  p1, cr10, [r0], #4 /* wstrw wcgr2, [r0], #4 */
	stc2  p1, cr11, [r0], #4 /* wstrw wcgr3, [r0], #4 */

/* ALQAAHIRA LOCAL end v7 support. Merge from Codesourcery */
/* Wrappers to save core registers, then call the real routine.   */

.macro  UNWIND_WRAPPER name nargs
	/* Create a phase2_vrs structure.  */
	/* Split reg push in two to ensure the correct value for sp.  */
/* ALQAAHIRA LOCAL begin v7 support. Merge from mainline */
#if defined(__thumb2__)
	mov ip, sp
	push {lr} /* PC is ignored.  */
	push {ip, lr} /* Push original SP and LR.  */
	stmfd sp!, {sp, lr, pc}
/* ALQAAHIRA LOCAL end v7 support. Merge from mainline */
	stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp, ip}
	/* Demand-save flags, plus an extra word for alignment.  */
	mov r3, #0
	stmfd sp!, {r2, r3}

	/* Point r1 at the block.  Pass r[0..nargs) unchanged.  */
	add r\nargs, sp, #4
/* ALQAAHIRA LOCAL v7 support. Merge from mainline */
#if defined(__thumb__) && !defined(__thumb2__)
	/* Switch back to thumb mode to avoid interworking hassle.  */
	adr ip, .L1_\name
	orr ip, ip, #1
	bx ip
	bl SYM (__gnu\name) __PLT__
	ldr r3, [sp, #64]
	add sp, #72
	bx r3
	bl SYM (__gnu\name) __PLT__
	ldr lr, [sp, #64]
	add sp, sp, #72
	FUNC_END \name

UNWIND_WRAPPER _Unwind_RaiseException 1
UNWIND_WRAPPER _Unwind_Resume 1
UNWIND_WRAPPER _Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow 1
UNWIND_WRAPPER _Unwind_ForcedUnwind 3

#endif  /* __symbian__ */