varargs.asm   [plain text]

/* Special varargs support for i860.
   Copyright (C) 2001, 2003  Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is part of GCC.

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Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

#if defined(__svr4__) || defined(__alliant__)
	.align	4

/* The Alliant needs the added underscore.  */
	.globl	__builtin_saveregs
	.globl	___builtin_saveregs

	andnot	0x0f,%sp,%sp	/* round down to 16-byte boundary */
#if 0
	adds	-96,%sp,%sp  /* allocate stack space for reg save
			   area and also for a new va_list
			   structure */
	adds	-80,%sp,%sp  /* allocate stack space for reg save area */
	/* Save all argument registers in the arg reg save area.  The
	   arg reg save area must have the following layout (according
	   to the svr4 ABI):

	struct {
	  union  {
	    float freg[8];
	    double dreg[4];
	  } float_regs;
	  long	ireg[12];

	fst.q	%f8,  0(%sp) /* save floating regs (f8-f15)  */
	fst.q	%f12,16(%sp) 

	st.l	%r16,32(%sp) /* save integer regs (r16-r27) */
	st.l	%r17,36(%sp) 
	st.l	%r18,40(%sp)
	st.l	%r19,44(%sp)
	st.l	%r20,48(%sp)
	st.l	%r21,52(%sp)
	st.l	%r22,56(%sp)
	st.l	%r23,60(%sp)
	st.l	%r24,64(%sp)
	st.l	%r25,68(%sp)
	st.l	%r26,72(%sp)
	st.l	%r27,76(%sp)

#if 0
	adds	80,%sp,%r16  /* compute the address of the new
			   va_list structure.  Put in into
			   r16 so that it will be returned
			   to the caller.  */

	/* Initialize all fields of the new va_list structure.  This
	   structure looks like:

	typedef struct {
	    unsigned long	ireg_used;
	    unsigned long	freg_used;
	    long	*reg_base;
	    long	*mem_ptr;
	} va_list;

#if 0
	st.l	%r0, 0(%r16) /* nfixed */
	st.l	%r0, 4(%r16) /* nfloating */
	st.l    %sp, 8(%r16) /* __va_ctl points to __va_struct.  */
	bri	%r1	/* delayed return */
	st.l	%r28,12(%r16) /* pointer to overflow args */
	bri	%r1	/* delayed return */
	or	%sp,%r0,%r16  /* Return the address of the reg save area.  */

#else /* not __svr4__ */
#if defined(__PARAGON__)
	 *	we'll use SVR4-ish varargs but need SVR3.2 assembler syntax,
	 *	and we stand a better chance of hooking into libraries
	 *	compiled by PGI.  []
	.align	4
	.globl	__builtin_saveregs
	.globl	___builtin_saveregs

	andnot	0x0f,sp,sp	/* round down to 16-byte boundary */
	adds	-96,sp,sp	/* allocate stack space for reg save
			   area and also for a new va_list
			   structure */
	/* Save all argument registers in the arg reg save area.  The
	   arg reg save area must have the following layout (according
	   to the svr4 ABI):

	struct {
	  union  {
	    float freg[8];
	    double dreg[4];
	  } float_regs;
	  long	ireg[12];

	fst.q	f8,  0(sp)
	fst.q	f12,16(sp) 
	st.l	r16,32(sp)
	st.l	r17,36(sp) 
	st.l	r18,40(sp)
	st.l	r19,44(sp)
	st.l	r20,48(sp)
	st.l	r21,52(sp)
	st.l	r22,56(sp)
	st.l	r23,60(sp)
	st.l	r24,64(sp)
	st.l	r25,68(sp)
	st.l	r26,72(sp)
	st.l	r27,76(sp)

	adds	80,sp,r16  /* compute the address of the new
			   va_list structure.  Put in into
			   r16 so that it will be returned
			   to the caller.  */

	/* Initialize all fields of the new va_list structure.  This
	   structure looks like:

	typedef struct {
	    unsigned long	ireg_used;
	    unsigned long	freg_used;
	    long	*reg_base;
	    long	*mem_ptr;
	} va_list;

	st.l	r0, 0(r16) /* nfixed */
	st.l	r0, 4(r16) /* nfloating */
	st.l    sp, 8(r16) /* __va_ctl points to __va_struct.  */
	bri	r1	/* delayed return */
	st.l	r28,12(r16) /* pointer to overflow args */
#else /* not __PARAGON__ */
	.align	4

	.globl	___builtin_saveregs
	mov	sp,r30
	andnot	0x0f,sp,sp
	adds	-96,sp,sp  /* allocate sufficient space on the stack */

/* Fill in the __va_struct.  */
	st.l	r16, 0(sp) /* save integer regs (r16-r27) */
	st.l	r17, 4(sp) /* int	fixed[12] */
	st.l	r18, 8(sp)
	st.l	r19,12(sp)
	st.l	r20,16(sp)
	st.l	r21,20(sp)
	st.l	r22,24(sp)
	st.l	r23,28(sp)
	st.l	r24,32(sp)
	st.l	r25,36(sp)
	st.l	r26,40(sp)
	st.l	r27,44(sp)

	fst.q	f8, 48(sp) /* save floating regs (f8-f15) */
	fst.q	f12,64(sp) /* int floating[8] */

/* Fill in the __va_ctl.  */
	st.l    sp, 80(sp) /* __va_ctl points to __va_struct.  */
	st.l	r28,84(sp) /* pointer to more args */
	st.l	r0, 88(sp) /* nfixed */
	st.l	r0, 92(sp) /* nfloating */

	adds	80,sp,r16  /* return address of the __va_ctl.  */
	bri	r1
	mov	r30,sp
		/* recover stack and pass address to start 
		   of data.  */
#endif /* not __PARAGON__ */
#endif /* not __svr4__ */