gprcmd.adb   [plain text]

--                                                                          --
--                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
--                                                                          --
--                               G P R C M D                                --
--                                                                          --
--                                 B o d y                                  --
--                                                                          --
--         Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.           --
--                                                                          --
-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
-- ware  Foundation;  either version 2,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
-- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License  distributed with GNAT;  see file COPYING.  If not, write --
-- to  the Free Software Foundation,  59 Temple Place - Suite 330,  Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA.                                                      --
--                                                                          --
-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
--                                                                          --

--  A utility used by Makefile.generic to handle multi-language builds.
--  gprcmd provides a set of commands so that the makefiles do not need
--  to depend on unix utilities not available on all targets.

--  The list of commands recognized by gprcmd are:

--    pwd          display current directory
--    to_lower     display next argument in lower case
--    to_absolute  convert pathnames to absolute directories when needed
--    cat          dump contents of a given file
--    extend       handle recursive directories ("/**" notation)
--    deps         post process dependency makefiles
--    stamp        copy file time stamp from file1 to file2
--    prefix       get the prefix of the GNAT installation
--    path         convert a list of directories to a path list, inserting a
--                 path separator after each directory, including the last one
--    ignore       do nothing

with Gnatvsn;
with Osint;   use Osint;
with Namet;   use Namet;

with Ada.Characters.Handling;   use Ada.Characters.Handling;
with Ada.Command_Line;          use Ada.Command_Line;
with Ada.Text_IO;               use Ada.Text_IO;
with GNAT.OS_Lib;               use GNAT.OS_Lib;
with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations;
with GNAT.Regpat;               use GNAT.Regpat;

procedure Gprcmd is

   --  ??? comments are thin throughout this unit

   Gprdebug : constant String  := To_Lower (Getenv ("GPRDEBUG").all);
   Debug    : constant Boolean := Gprdebug = "true";
   --  When Debug is True, gprcmd displays its arguments to Standard_Error.
   --  This is to help to debug.

   procedure Cat (File : String);
   --  Print the contents of file on standard output.
   --  If the file cannot be read, exit the process with an error code.

   procedure Check_Args (Condition : Boolean);
   --  If Condition is false, print command invoked, then the usage,
   --  and exit the process.

   procedure Deps (Objext : String; File : String; GCC : Boolean);
   --  Process $(CC) dependency file. If GCC is True, add a rule so that make
   --  will not complain when a file is removed/added. If GCC is False, add a
   --  rule to recompute the dependency file when needed

   procedure Extend (Dir : String);
   --  If Dir ends with /**, Put all subdirs recursively on standard output,
   --  otherwise put Dir.

   procedure Usage;
   --  Display the command line options and exit the process.

   procedure Copy_Time_Stamp (From, To : String);
   --  Copy file time stamp from file From to file To.

   procedure Display_Command;
   --  Display the invoked command to Standard_Error

   -- Cat --

   procedure Cat (File : String) is
      FD     : File_Descriptor;
      Buffer : String_Access;
      Length : Integer;

      FD := Open_Read (File, Fmode => Binary);

      if FD = Invalid_FD then
         OS_Exit (2);
      end if;

      Length := Integer (File_Length (FD));
      Buffer := new String (1 .. Length);
      Length := Read (FD, Buffer.all'Address, Length);
      Close (FD);
      Put (Buffer.all);
      Free (Buffer);
   end Cat;

   -- Check_Args --

   procedure Check_Args (Condition : Boolean) is
      if not Condition then
            "bad call to gprcmd with" & Argument_Count'Img & " arguments.");

         for J in 0 .. Argument_Count loop
            Put (Standard_Error, Argument (J) & " ");
         end loop;

         New_Line (Standard_Error);

      end if;
   end Check_Args;

   -- Copy_Time_Stamp --

   procedure Copy_Time_Stamp (From, To : String) is
      function Copy_Attributes
        (From, To : String;
         Mode     : Integer) return Integer;
      pragma Import (C, Copy_Attributes, "__gnat_copy_attribs");
      --  Mode = 0 - copy only time stamps.
      --  Mode = 1 - copy time stamps and read/write/execute attributes

      FD : File_Descriptor;

      if not Is_Regular_File (From) then
      end if;

      FD := Create_File (To, Fmode => Binary);

      if FD = Invalid_FD then
         OS_Exit (2);
      end if;

      Close (FD);

      if Copy_Attributes (From & ASCII.NUL, To & ASCII.NUL, 0) /= 0 then
         OS_Exit (2);
      end if;
   end Copy_Time_Stamp;

   -- Deps --

   procedure Deps (Objext : String; File : String; GCC : Boolean) is
      Colon      : constant String := ':' & ASCII.LF;
      NL         : constant String := (1 => ASCII.LF);
      Base       : constant String := ' ' & Base_Name (File) & ": ";
      FD         : File_Descriptor;
      Buffer     : String_Access;
      Length     : Integer;
      Obj_Regexp : constant Pattern_Matcher :=
                     Compile ("^.*\" & Objext & ": ");
      Matched    : Match_Array (0 .. 0);
      Start      : Natural;
      First      : Natural;
      Last       : Natural;

      FD := Open_Read_Write (File, Fmode => Binary);

      if FD = Invalid_FD then
      end if;

      Length := Integer (File_Length (FD));
      Buffer := new String (1 .. Length);
      Length := Read (FD, Buffer.all'Address, Length);

      if GCC then
         Lseek (FD, 0, Seek_End);
         Close (FD);
         FD := Create_File (File, Fmode => Binary);
      end if;

      Start := Buffer'First;

      while Start <= Buffer'Last loop

         --  Parse Buffer line by line

         while Start < Buffer'Last
           and then (Buffer (Start) = ASCII.CR
                     or else Buffer (Start) = ASCII.LF)
            Start := Start + 1;
         end loop;

         Last := Start;

         while Last < Buffer'Last
           and then Buffer (Last + 1) /= ASCII.CR
           and then Buffer (Last + 1) /= ASCII.LF
            Last := Last + 1;
         end loop;

         Match (Obj_Regexp, Buffer (Start .. Last), Matched);

         if GCC then
            if Matched (0) = No_Match then
               First := Start;
               First := Matched (0).Last + 1;
            end if;

            Length := Write (FD, Buffer (First)'Address, Last - First + 1);

            if Start = Last or else Buffer (Last) = '\' then
               Length := Write (FD, NL (1)'Address, NL'Length);
               Length := Write (FD, Colon (1)'Address, Colon'Length);
            end if;

            if Matched (0) = No_Match then
               First := Start;
               Length :=
                 Write (FD, Buffer (Start)'Address,
                        Matched (0).Last - Start - 1);
               Length := Write (FD, Base (Base'First)'Address, Base'Length);
               First := Matched (0).Last + 1;
            end if;

            Length := Write (FD, Buffer (First)'Address, Last - First + 1);
            Length := Write (FD, NL (1)'Address, NL'Length);
         end if;

         Start := Last + 1;
      end loop;

      Close (FD);
      Free (Buffer);
   end Deps;

   -- Display_Command --

   procedure Display_Command is
      for J in 0 .. Argument_Count loop
         Put (Standard_Error, Argument (J) & ' ');
      end loop;

      New_Line (Standard_Error);
   end Display_Command;

   -- Extend --

   procedure Extend (Dir : String) is

      procedure Recursive_Extend (D : String);
      --  Recursively display all subdirectories of D

      -- Recursive_Extend --

      procedure Recursive_Extend (D : String) is
         Iter   : Dir_Type;
         Buffer : String (1 .. 8192);
         Last   : Natural;

         Open (Iter, D);

            Read (Iter, Buffer, Last);
            exit when Last = 0;

            if Buffer (1 .. Last) /= "."
              and then Buffer (1 .. Last) /= ".."
                  Abs_Dir : constant String := D & "/" & Buffer (1 .. Last);
                  if Is_Directory (Abs_Dir)
                    and then not Is_Symbolic_Link (Abs_Dir)
                     Put (' ' & Abs_Dir);
                     Recursive_Extend (Abs_Dir);
                  end if;
            end if;
         end loop;

         Close (Iter);

         when Directory_Error =>
      end Recursive_Extend;

   --  Start of processing for Extend

      if Dir'Length < 3
        or else (Dir (Dir'Last - 2) /= '/'
                 and then Dir (Dir'Last - 2) /= Directory_Separator)
        or else Dir (Dir'Last - 1 .. Dir'Last) /= "**"
         Put (Dir);
      end if;

         D : constant String := Dir (Dir'First .. Dir'Last - 3);
         Put (D);
         Recursive_Extend (D);
   end Extend;

   -- Usage --

   procedure Usage is
      Put_Line (Standard_Error, "usage: gprcmd cmd [arguments]");
      Put_Line (Standard_Error, "where cmd is one of the following commands:");
      Put_Line (Standard_Error, "  pwd         " &
                                "display current directory");
      Put_Line (Standard_Error, "  to_lower    " &
                                "display next argument in lower case");
      Put_Line (Standard_Error, "  to_absolute " &
                                "convert pathnames to absolute " &
                                "directories when needed");
      Put_Line (Standard_Error, "  cat         " &
                                "dump contents of a given file");
      Put_Line (Standard_Error, "  extend      " &
                                "handle recursive directories " &
                                "(""/**"" notation)");
      Put_Line (Standard_Error, "  deps        " &
                                "post process dependency makefiles");
      Put_Line (Standard_Error, "  stamp       " &
                                "copy file time stamp from file1 to file2");
      Put_Line (Standard_Error, "  prefix      " &
                                "get the prefix of the GNAT installation");
      Put_Line (Standard_Error, "  path_sep    " &
                                "returns the path separator");
      Put_Line (Standard_Error, "  linkopts      " &
                                "process attribute Linker'Linker_Options");
      Put_Line (Standard_Error, "  ignore      " &
                                "do nothing");
      OS_Exit (1);
   end Usage;

--  Start of processing for Gprcmd

   if Debug then
   end if;

   Check_Args (Argument_Count > 0);

      Cmd : constant String := Argument (1);

      if Cmd = "-v" then

         --  Output on standard error, because only returned values should
         --  go to standard output.

         Put (Standard_Error, "GPRCMD ");
         Put (Standard_Error, Gnatvsn.Gnat_Version_String);
         Put_Line (Standard_Error,
                   " Copyright 2002-2004, Free Software Fundation, Inc.");

      elsif Cmd = "pwd" then
            CD : constant String := Get_Current_Dir;
            Put (Format_Pathname (CD (CD'First .. CD'Last - 1), UNIX));

      elsif Cmd = "cat" then
         Check_Args (Argument_Count = 2);
         Cat (Argument (2));

      elsif Cmd = "to_lower" then
         Check_Args (Argument_Count >= 2);

         for J in 2 .. Argument_Count loop
            Put (To_Lower (Argument (J)));

            if J < Argument_Count then
               Put (' ');
            end if;
         end loop;

      elsif Cmd = "to_absolute" then
         Check_Args (Argument_Count > 2);

            Dir : constant String := Argument (2);

            for J in 3 .. Argument_Count loop
               if Is_Absolute_Path (Argument (J)) then
                  Put (Format_Pathname (Argument (J), UNIX));
                  Put (Format_Pathname
                            (Format_Pathname (Argument (J)),
                             Format_Pathname (Dir)),
               end if;

               if J < Argument_Count then
                  Put (' ');
               end if;
            end loop;

      elsif Cmd = "extend" then
         Check_Args (Argument_Count >= 2);

            Dir : constant String := Argument (2);

            --  Loop to remove quotes that may have been added around arguments

            for J in 3 .. Argument_Count loop
                  Arg   : constant String := Argument (J);
                  First : Natural := Arg'First;
                  Last  : Natural := Arg'Last;

                  if Arg (First) = '"' and then Arg (Last) = '"' then
                     First := First + 1;
                     Last  := Last - 1;
                  end if;

                  if Is_Absolute_Path (Arg (First .. Last)) then
                     Extend (Format_Pathname (Arg (First .. Last), UNIX));
                             (Format_Pathname (Arg (First .. Last)),
                              Format_Pathname (Dir)),
                  end if;

                  if J < Argument_Count then
                     Put (' ');
                  end if;
            end loop;

      elsif Cmd = "deps" then
         Check_Args (Argument_Count in 3 .. 4);
         Deps (Argument (2), Argument (3), GCC => Argument_Count = 4);

      elsif Cmd = "stamp" then
         Check_Args (Argument_Count = 3);
         Copy_Time_Stamp (Argument (2), Argument (3));

      elsif Cmd = "prefix" then

         --  Find the GNAT prefix. gprcmd is found in <prefix>/bin.
         --  So we find the full path of gprcmd, verify that it is in a
         --  subdirectory "bin", and return the <prefix> if it is the case.
         --  Otherwise, nothing is returned.


            Path  : constant String_Access :=
                      Locate_Exec_On_Path (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
            Index : Natural;

            if Path /= null then
               Index := Path'Last;

               while Index >= Path'First + 4 loop
                  exit when Path (Index) = Directory_Separator;
                  Index := Index - 1;
               end loop;

               if Index > Path'First + 5
                 and then Path (Index - 3 .. Index - 1) = "bin"
                 and then Path (Index - 4) = Directory_Separator
                  --  We have found the <prefix>, return it

                  Put (Path (Path'First .. Index - 5));
               end if;
            end if;

      --  For "path" just add path separator after each directory argument

      elsif Cmd = "path_sep" then
         Put (Path_Separator);

      --  Check the linker options for relative paths. Insert the project
      --  base dir before relative paths.

      elsif Cmd = "linkopts" then
         Check_Args (Argument_Count >= 2);

         --  First argument is the base directory of the project file

            Base_Dir : constant String := Argument (2) & '/';
            --  process the remainder of the arguments

            for J in 3 .. Argument_Count loop
                  Arg : constant String := Argument (J);
                  --  If it is a switch other than a -L switch, just send back
                  --  the argument.

                  if Arg (Arg'First) = '-' and then
                    (Arg'Length <= 2 or else Arg (Arg'First + 1) /= 'L')
                     Put (Arg);

                     --  If it is a file, check if its path is relative, and
                     --  if it is relative, add <project base dir>/ in front.
                     --  Otherwise just send back the argument.

                     if Arg'Length <= 2
                       or else Arg (Arg'First .. Arg'First + 1) /= "-L"
                        if not Is_Absolute_Path (Arg) then
                           Put (Base_Dir);
                        end if;

                        Put (Arg);

                     --  For -L switches, check if the path is relative and
                     --  proceed similarly.

                        Put ("-L");

                         not Is_Absolute_Path (Arg (Arg'First + 2 .. Arg'Last))
                           Put (Base_Dir);
                        end if;

                        Put (Arg (Arg'First + 2 .. Arg'Last));
                     end if;
                  end if;

               --  Insert a space between each processed argument

               if J /= Argument_Count then
                  Put (' ');
               end if;
            end loop;

      --  For "ignore" do nothing

      elsif Cmd = "ignore" then

      --  Unknown command

         Check_Args (False);
      end if;
end Gprcmd;