bcheck.adb   [plain text]

--                                                                          --
--                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
--                                                                          --
--                               B C H E C K                                --
--                                                                          --
--                                 B o d y                                  --
--                                                                          --
--          Copyright (C) 1992-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.          --
--                                                                          --
-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
-- ware  Foundation;  either version 2,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
-- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License  distributed with GNAT;  see file COPYING.  If not, write --
-- to  the Free Software Foundation,  59 Temple Place - Suite 330,  Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA.                                                      --
--                                                                          --
-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
--                                                                          --

with ALI;      use ALI;
with ALI.Util; use ALI.Util;
with Binderr;  use Binderr;
with Butil;    use Butil;
with Casing;   use Casing;
with Fname;    use Fname;
with Namet;    use Namet;
with Opt;      use Opt;
with Osint;
with Output;   use Output;
with Rident;   use Rident;
with Types;    use Types;

package body Bcheck is

   -- Local Subprograms --

   --  The following checking subprograms make up the parts of the
   --  configuration consistency check.

   procedure Check_Consistent_Dynamic_Elaboration_Checking;
   procedure Check_Consistent_Floating_Point_Format;
   procedure Check_Consistent_Interrupt_States;
   procedure Check_Consistent_Locking_Policy;
   procedure Check_Consistent_Normalize_Scalars;
   procedure Check_Consistent_Queuing_Policy;
   procedure Check_Consistent_Restrictions;
   procedure Check_Consistent_Zero_Cost_Exception_Handling;

   procedure Consistency_Error_Msg (Msg : String);
   --  Produce an error or a warning message, depending on whether
   --  an inconsistent configuration is permitted or not.

   -- Check_Consistent_Configuration --

   procedure Check_Configuration_Consistency is
      if Float_Format_Specified /= ' ' then
      end if;

      if Queuing_Policy_Specified /= ' ' then
      end if;

      if Locking_Policy_Specified /= ' ' then
      end if;

      if Zero_Cost_Exceptions_Specified then
      end if;


   end Check_Configuration_Consistency;

   -- Check_Consistent_Dynamic_Elaboration_Checking --

   --  The rule here is that if a unit has dynamic elaboration checks,
   --  then any unit it withs must meeting one of the following criteria:

   --    1. There is a pragma Elaborate_All for the with'ed unit
   --    2. The with'ed unit was compiled with dynamic elaboration checks
   --    3. The with'ed unit has pragma Preelaborate or Pure
   --    4. It is an internal GNAT unit (including children of GNAT)

   procedure Check_Consistent_Dynamic_Elaboration_Checking is
      if Dynamic_Elaboration_Checks_Specified then
         for U in First_Unit_Entry .. Units.Last loop
               UR : Unit_Record renames Units.Table (U);

               if UR.Dynamic_Elab then
                  for W in UR.First_With .. UR.Last_With loop
                        WR : With_Record renames Withs.Table (W);

                        if Get_Name_Table_Info (WR.Uname) /= 0 then
                              WU : Unit_Record renames
                                         (Get_Name_Table_Info (WR.Uname)));

                              --  Case 1. Elaborate_All for with'ed unit

                              if WR.Elaborate_All then

                              --  Case 2. With'ed unit has dynamic elab checks

                              elsif WU.Dynamic_Elab then

                              --  Case 3. With'ed unit is Preelaborate or Pure

                              elsif WU.Preelab or WU.Pure then

                              --  Case 4. With'ed unit is internal file

                              elsif Is_Internal_File_Name (WU.Sfile) then

                              --  Issue warning, not one of the safe cases

                                 Error_Msg_Name_1 := UR.Sfile;
                                   ("?% has dynamic elaboration checks " &
                                                                 "and with's");

                                 Error_Msg_Name_1 := WU.Sfile;
                                   ("?  % which has static elaboration " &

                                 Warnings_Detected := Warnings_Detected - 1;
                              end if;
                        end if;
                  end loop;
               end if;
         end loop;
      end if;
   end Check_Consistent_Dynamic_Elaboration_Checking;

   -- Check_Consistent_Floating_Point_Format --

   --  The rule is that all files must be compiled with the same setting
   --  for the floating-point format.

   procedure Check_Consistent_Floating_Point_Format is
      --  First search for a unit specifying a floating-point format and then
      --  check all remaining units against it.

      Find_Format : for A1 in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
         if ALIs.Table (A1).Float_Format /= ' ' then
            Check_Format : declare
               Format : constant Character := ALIs.Table (A1).Float_Format;
               for A2 in A1 + 1 .. ALIs.Last loop
                  if ALIs.Table (A2).Float_Format /= Format then
                     Error_Msg_Name_1 := ALIs.Table (A1).Sfile;
                     Error_Msg_Name_2 := ALIs.Table (A2).Sfile;

                       ("% and % compiled with different " &
                        "floating-point representations");
                     exit Find_Format;
                  end if;
               end loop;
            end Check_Format;

            exit Find_Format;
         end if;
      end loop Find_Format;
   end Check_Consistent_Floating_Point_Format;

   -- Check_Consistent_Interrupt_States --

   --  The rule is that if the state of a given interrupt is specified
   --  in more than one unit, it must be specified with a consistent state.

   procedure Check_Consistent_Interrupt_States is
      Max_Intrup : Nat;

      --  If no Interrupt_State entries, nothing to do

      if Interrupt_States.Last < Interrupt_States.First then
      end if;

      --  First find out the maximum interrupt value

      Max_Intrup := 0;
      for J in Interrupt_States.First .. Interrupt_States.Last loop
         if Interrupt_States.Table (J).Interrupt_Id > Max_Intrup then
            Max_Intrup := Interrupt_States.Table (J).Interrupt_Id;
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Now establish tables to be used for consistency checking

         Istate : array (0 .. Max_Intrup) of Character := (others => 'n');
         --  Interrupt state entries, 'u'/'s'/'r' or 'n' to indicate an
         --  entry that has not been set.

         Afile : array (0 .. Max_Intrup) of ALI_Id;
         --  ALI file that generated Istate entry for consistency message

         Loc : array (0 .. Max_Intrup) of Nat;
         --  Line numbers from IS pragma generating Istate entry

         Inum : Nat;
         --  Interrupt number from entry being tested

         Stat : Character;
         --  Interrupt state from entry being tested

         Lnum : Nat;
         --  Line number from entry being tested

         for F in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
            for K in ALIs.Table (F).First_Interrupt_State ..
                     ALIs.Table (F).Last_Interrupt_State
               Inum := Interrupt_States.Table (K).Interrupt_Id;
               Stat := Interrupt_States.Table (K).Interrupt_State;
               Lnum := Interrupt_States.Table (K).IS_Pragma_Line;

               if Istate (Inum) = 'n' then
                  Istate (Inum) := Stat;
                  Afile  (Inum) := F;
                  Loc    (Inum) := Lnum;

               elsif Istate (Inum) /= Stat then
                  Error_Msg_Name_1 := ALIs.Table (Afile (Inum)).Sfile;
                  Error_Msg_Name_2 := ALIs.Table (F).Sfile;
                  Error_Msg_Nat_1  := Loc (Inum);
                  Error_Msg_Nat_2  := Lnum;

                    ("inconsistent interrupt states at %:# and %:#");
               end if;
            end loop;
         end loop;
   end Check_Consistent_Interrupt_States;

   -- Check_Consistent_Locking_Policy --

   --  The rule is that all files for which the locking policy is
   --  significant must be compiled with the same setting.

   procedure Check_Consistent_Locking_Policy is
      --  First search for a unit specifying a policy and then
      --  check all remaining units against it.

      Find_Policy : for A1 in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
         if ALIs.Table (A1).Locking_Policy /= ' ' then
            Check_Policy : declare
               Policy : constant Character := ALIs.Table (A1).Locking_Policy;

               for A2 in A1 + 1 .. ALIs.Last loop
                  if ALIs.Table (A2).Locking_Policy /= ' ' and
                     ALIs.Table (A2).Locking_Policy /= Policy
                     Error_Msg_Name_1 := ALIs.Table (A1).Sfile;
                     Error_Msg_Name_2 := ALIs.Table (A2).Sfile;

                       ("% and % compiled with different locking policies");
                     exit Find_Policy;
                  end if;
               end loop;
            end Check_Policy;

            exit Find_Policy;
         end if;
      end loop Find_Policy;
   end Check_Consistent_Locking_Policy;

   -- Check_Consistent_Normalize_Scalars --

   --  The rule is that if any unit is compiled with Normalized_Scalars,
   --  then all other units in the partition must also be compiled with
   --  Normalized_Scalars in effect.

   --  There is some issue as to whether this consistency check is
   --  desirable, it is certainly required at the moment by the RM.
   --  We should keep a watch on the ARG and HRG deliberations here.
   --  GNAT no longer depends on this consistency (it used to do so,
   --  but that has been corrected in the latest version, since the
   --  Initialize_Scalars pragma does not require consistency.

   procedure Check_Consistent_Normalize_Scalars is
      if Normalize_Scalars_Specified and No_Normalize_Scalars_Specified then
              ("some but not all files compiled with Normalize_Scalars");

         Write_Str ("files compiled with Normalize_Scalars");

         for A1 in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
            if ALIs.Table (A1).Normalize_Scalars then
               Write_Str ("  ");
               Write_Name (ALIs.Table (A1).Sfile);
            end if;
         end loop;

         Write_Str ("files compiled without Normalize_Scalars");

         for A1 in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
            if not ALIs.Table (A1).Normalize_Scalars then
               Write_Str ("  ");
               Write_Name (ALIs.Table (A1).Sfile);
            end if;
         end loop;
      end if;
   end Check_Consistent_Normalize_Scalars;

   -- Check_Consistent_Queuing_Policy --

   --  The rule is that all files for which the queuing policy is
   --  significant must be compiled with the same setting.

   procedure Check_Consistent_Queuing_Policy is
      --  First search for a unit specifying a policy and then
      --  check all remaining units against it.

      Find_Policy : for A1 in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
         if ALIs.Table (A1).Queuing_Policy /= ' ' then
            Check_Policy : declare
               Policy : constant Character := ALIs.Table (A1).Queuing_Policy;
               for A2 in A1 + 1 .. ALIs.Last loop
                  if ALIs.Table (A2).Queuing_Policy /= ' '
                       and then
                     ALIs.Table (A2).Queuing_Policy /= Policy
                     Error_Msg_Name_1 := ALIs.Table (A1).Sfile;
                     Error_Msg_Name_2 := ALIs.Table (A2).Sfile;

                       ("% and % compiled with different queuing policies");
                     exit Find_Policy;
                  end if;
               end loop;
            end Check_Policy;

            exit Find_Policy;
         end if;
      end loop Find_Policy;
   end Check_Consistent_Queuing_Policy;

   -- Check_Consistent_Restrictions --

   --  The rule is that if a restriction is specified in any unit,
   --  then all units must obey the restriction. The check applies
   --  only to restrictions which require partition wide consistency,
   --  and not to internal units.

   procedure Check_Consistent_Restrictions is
      Restriction_File_Output : Boolean;
      --  Shows if we have output header messages for restriction violation

      procedure Print_Restriction_File (R : All_Restrictions);
      --  Print header line for R if not printed yet

      -- Print_Restriction_File --

      procedure Print_Restriction_File (R : All_Restrictions) is
         if not Restriction_File_Output then
            Restriction_File_Output := True;

            --  Find an ali file specifying the restriction

            for A in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
               if ALIs.Table (A).Restrictions.Set (R)
                 and then (R in All_Boolean_Restrictions
                             or else ALIs.Table (A).Restrictions.Value (R) =
                                     Cumulative_Restrictions.Value (R))
                  --  We have found that ALI file A specifies the restriction
                  --  that is being violated (the minimum value is specified
                  --  in the case of a parameter restriction).

                     M1 : constant String := "% has restriction ";
                     S  : constant String := Restriction_Id'Image (R);
                     M2 : String (1 .. 200); -- big enough!
                     P  : Integer;

                     Name_Buffer (1 .. S'Length) := S;
                     Name_Len := S'Length;
                     Set_Casing (Mixed_Case);

                     M2 (M1'Range) := M1;
                     P := M1'Length + 1;
                     M2 (P .. P + S'Length - 1) := Name_Buffer (1 .. S'Length);
                     P := P + S'Length;

                     if R in All_Parameter_Restrictions then
                        M2 (P .. P + 4) := " => #";
                        Error_Msg_Nat_1 :=
                          Int (Cumulative_Restrictions.Value (R));
                        P := P + 5;
                     end if;

                     Error_Msg_Name_1 := ALIs.Table (A).Sfile;
                     Consistency_Error_Msg (M2 (1 .. P - 1));
                       ("but the following files violate this restriction:");
               end if;
            end loop;
         end if;
      end Print_Restriction_File;

   --  Start of processing for Check_Consistent_Restrictions

      --  Loop through all restriction violations

      for R in All_Restrictions loop

         --  Check for violation of this restriction

         if Cumulative_Restrictions.Set (R)
           and then Cumulative_Restrictions.Violated (R)
           and then (R in Partition_Boolean_Restrictions
                       or else (R in All_Parameter_Restrictions
                                   and then
                                     Cumulative_Restrictions.Count (R) >
                                     Cumulative_Restrictions.Value (R)))
            Restriction_File_Output := False;

            --  Loop through files looking for violators

            for A2 in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
                  T : ALIs_Record renames ALIs.Table (A2);

                  if T.Restrictions.Violated (R) then

                     --  We exclude predefined files from the list of
                     --  violators. This should be rethought. It is not
                     --  clear that this is the right thing to do, that
                     --  is particularly the case for restricted runtimes.

                     if not Is_Internal_File_Name (T.Sfile) then

                        --  Case of Boolean restriction, just print file name

                        if R in All_Boolean_Restrictions then
                           Print_Restriction_File (R);
                           Error_Msg_Name_1 := T.Sfile;
                           Consistency_Error_Msg ("  %");

                        --  Case of Parameter restriction where violation
                        --  count exceeds restriction value, print file
                        --  name and count, adding "at least" if the
                        --  exact count is not known.

                        elsif R in Checked_Add_Parameter_Restrictions
                          or else T.Restrictions.Count (R) >
                          Cumulative_Restrictions.Value (R)
                           Print_Restriction_File (R);
                           Error_Msg_Name_1 := T.Sfile;
                           Error_Msg_Nat_1 := Int (T.Restrictions.Count (R));

                           if T.Restrictions.Unknown (R) then
                                ("  % (count = at least #)");
                                ("  % (count = #)");
                           end if;
                        end if;
                     end if;
                  end if;
            end loop;
         end if;
      end loop;
   end Check_Consistent_Restrictions;

   -- Check_Consistent_Zero_Cost_Exception_Handling --

   --  Check consistent zero cost exception handling. The rule is that
   --  all units must have the same exception handling mechanism.

   procedure Check_Consistent_Zero_Cost_Exception_Handling is
      Check_Mechanism : for A1 in ALIs.First + 1 .. ALIs.Last loop
         if ALIs.Table (A1).Zero_Cost_Exceptions /=
            ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Zero_Cost_Exceptions

            Error_Msg_Name_1 := ALIs.Table (A1).Sfile;
            Error_Msg_Name_2 := ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Sfile;

            Consistency_Error_Msg ("% and % compiled with different "
                                            & "exception handling mechanisms");
         end if;
      end loop Check_Mechanism;
   end Check_Consistent_Zero_Cost_Exception_Handling;

   -- Check_Consistency --

   procedure Check_Consistency is
      Src : Source_Id;
      --  Source file Id for this Sdep entry

      ALI_Path_Id : Name_Id;

      --  First, we go through the source table to see if there are any cases
      --  in which we should go after source files and compute checksums of
      --  the source files. We need to do this for any file for which we have
      --  mismatching time stamps and (so far) matching checksums.

      for S in Source.First .. Source.Last loop

         --  If all time stamps for a file match, then there is nothing to
         --  do, since we will not be checking checksums in that case anyway

         if Source.Table (S).All_Timestamps_Match then

         --  If we did not find the source file, then we can't compute its
         --  checksum anyway. Note that when we have a time stamp mismatch,
         --  we try to find the source file unconditionally (i.e. if
         --  Check_Source_Files is False).

         elsif not Source.Table (S).Source_Found then

         --  If we already have non-matching or missing checksums, then no
         --  need to try going after source file, since we won't trust the
         --  checksums in any case.

         elsif not Source.Table (S).All_Checksums_Match then

         --  Now we have the case where we have time stamp mismatches, and
         --  the source file is around, but so far all checksums match. This
         --  is the case where we need to compute the checksum from the source
         --  file, since otherwise we would ignore the time stamp mismatches,
         --  and that is wrong if the checksum of the source does not agree
         --  with the checksums in the ALI files.

         elsif Check_Source_Files then
            if not Checksums_Match
              (Source.Table (S).Checksum,
               Get_File_Checksum (Source.Table (S).Sfile))
               Source.Table (S).All_Checksums_Match := False;
            end if;
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Loop through ALI files

      ALIs_Loop : for A in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop

         --  Loop through Sdep entries in one ALI file

         Sdep_Loop : for D in
           ALIs.Table (A).First_Sdep .. ALIs.Table (A).Last_Sdep
            if Sdep.Table (D).Dummy_Entry then
               goto Continue;
            end if;

            Src := Source_Id (Get_Name_Table_Info (Sdep.Table (D).Sfile));

            --  If the time stamps match, or all checksums match, then we
            --  are OK, otherwise we have a definite error.

            if Sdep.Table (D).Stamp /= Source.Table (Src).Stamp
              and then not Source.Table (Src).All_Checksums_Match
               Error_Msg_Name_1 := ALIs.Table (A).Sfile;
               Error_Msg_Name_2 := Sdep.Table (D).Sfile;

               --  Two styles of message, depending on whether or not
               --  the updated file is the one that must be recompiled

               if Error_Msg_Name_1 = Error_Msg_Name_2 then
                  if Tolerate_Consistency_Errors then
                        ("?% has been modified and should be recompiled");
                       ("% has been modified and must be recompiled");
                  end if;

                  ALI_Path_Id :=
                    Osint.Find_File ((ALIs.Table (A).Afile), Osint.Library);
                  if Osint.Is_Readonly_Library (ALI_Path_Id) then
                     if Tolerate_Consistency_Errors then
                        Error_Msg ("?% should be recompiled");
                        Error_Msg_Name_1 := ALI_Path_Id;
                        Error_Msg ("?(% is obsolete and read-only)");

                        Error_Msg ("% must be compiled");
                        Error_Msg_Name_1 := ALI_Path_Id;
                        Error_Msg ("(% is obsolete and read-only)");
                     end if;

                  elsif Tolerate_Consistency_Errors then
                       ("?% should be recompiled (% has been modified)");

                     Error_Msg ("% must be recompiled (% has been modified)");
                  end if;
               end if;

               if (not Tolerate_Consistency_Errors) and Verbose_Mode then
                     Msg : constant String := "% time stamp ";
                     Buf : String (1 .. Msg'Length + Time_Stamp_Length);

                     Buf (1 .. Msg'Length) := Msg;
                     Buf (Msg'Length + 1 .. Buf'Length) :=
                       String (Source.Table (Src).Stamp);
                     Error_Msg_Name_1 := Sdep.Table (D).Sfile;
                     Error_Msg (Buf);

                     Msg : constant String := " conflicts with % timestamp ";
                     Buf : String (1 .. Msg'Length + Time_Stamp_Length);

                     Buf (1 .. Msg'Length) := Msg;
                     Buf (Msg'Length + 1 .. Buf'Length) :=
                       String (Sdep.Table (D).Stamp);
                     Error_Msg_Name_1 := Sdep.Table (D).Sfile;
                     Error_Msg (Buf);
               end if;

               --  Exit from the loop through Sdep entries once we find one
               --  that does not match.

               exit Sdep_Loop;
            end if;

         end loop Sdep_Loop;
      end loop ALIs_Loop;
   end Check_Consistency;

   -- Check_Duplicated_Subunits --

   procedure Check_Duplicated_Subunits is
      for J in Sdep.First .. Sdep.Last loop
         if Sdep.Table (J).Subunit_Name /= No_Name then
            Get_Decoded_Name_String (Sdep.Table (J).Subunit_Name);
            Name_Len := Name_Len + 2;
            Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 1) := '%';

            --  See if there is a body or spec with the same name

            for K in Boolean loop
               if K then
                  Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := 'b';

                  Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := 's';
               end if;

                  Info : constant Int := Get_Name_Table_Info (Name_Find);

                  if Info /= 0 then
                     Write_Str ("error: subunit """);
                     Write_Name_Decoded (Sdep.Table (J).Subunit_Name);
                     Write_Str (""" in file """);
                     Write_Name_Decoded (Sdep.Table (J).Sfile);
                     Write_Char ('"');
                     Write_Str ("       has same name as unit """);
                     Write_Unit_Name (Units.Table (Unit_Id (Info)).Uname);
                     Write_Str (""" found in file """);
                     Write_Name_Decoded (Units.Table (Unit_Id (Info)).Sfile);
                     Write_Char ('"');
                     Write_Str ("       this is not allowed within a single "
                                & "partition (RM 10.2(19))");
                     Osint.Exit_Program (Osint.E_Fatal);
                  end if;
            end loop;
         end if;
      end loop;
   end Check_Duplicated_Subunits;

   -- Check_Versions --

   procedure Check_Versions is
      VL : constant Natural := ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Ver_Len;

      for A in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
         if ALIs.Table (A).Ver_Len /= VL
           or else ALIs.Table (A).Ver          (1 .. VL) /=
                   ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Ver (1 .. VL)
            Error_Msg_Name_1 := ALIs.Table (A).Sfile;
            Error_Msg_Name_2 := ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Sfile;

               ("% and % compiled with different GNAT versions");
         end if;
      end loop;
   end Check_Versions;

   -- Consistency_Error_Msg --

   procedure Consistency_Error_Msg (Msg : String) is
      if Tolerate_Consistency_Errors then

         --  If consistency errors are tolerated,
         --  output the message as a warning.

            Warning_Msg : String (1 .. Msg'Length + 1);

            Warning_Msg (1) := '?';
            Warning_Msg (2 .. Warning_Msg'Last) := Msg;

            Error_Msg (Warning_Msg);

      --  Otherwise the consistency error is a true error

         Error_Msg (Msg);
      end if;
   end Consistency_Error_Msg;

end Bcheck;