# -*- text -*- ## ## Makefile -- Build and run tests for the server. ## ## http://www.freeradius.org/ ## $Id$ ## # include ../../Make.inc TESTS = user_password chap mschapv1 digest-01/digest* test.example.com \ wimax PORT = 12340 ACCTPORT = $(shell expr $(PORT) + 1) # example.com stripped.example.com EAPOL_TEST = eapol_test EAP_TLS_TESTS = eap-ttls-pap.conf eap-mschapv2.conf \ eap-ttls-mschapv2.conf peap-mschapv2.conf SECRET = testing123 .PHONY: all eap dictionary clean # # Build the directory for testing the server # all: tests clean: @rm -f ../../raddb/test.conf test.conf dictionary dictionary: @echo "# test dictionary not install. Delete at any time." > dictionary @echo '$$INCLUDE ' $(top_builddir)/share/dictionary >> dictionary @echo '$$INCLUDE ' $(top_builddir)/src/tests/dictionary.test >> dictionary test.conf: dictionary @echo "# test configuration file. Do not install. Delete at any time." > test.conf @echo "libdir =" $(top_builddir)/src/modules/lib >> test.conf @echo "testdir =" $(top_builddir)/src/tests/ >> test.conf @echo 'dictionary = $${testdir}' >> test.conf @echo 'logdir = $${testdir}' >> test.conf @echo 'radacctdir = $${testdir}' >> test.conf @echo 'pidfile = $${testdir}/radiusd.pid' >> test.conf @echo '$$INCLUDE radiusd.conf' >> test.conf @echo '$$INCLUDE $${testdir}/config/' >> test.conf radiusd.pid: ../../raddb/test.conf test.conf @../main/radiusd -txxl `pwd`/radius.log -md ../../raddb/ -n test -i -p $(PORT) # We can't make this depend on radiusd.pid, because then make will create # radiusd.pid when we make radiusd.kill, which we don't want. .PHONY: radiusd.kill radiusd.kill: @if [ -f radiusd.pid ]; then \ (kill -TERM `cat radiusd.pid` >/dev/null 2>&1) || exit 0; \ fi @rm -f radiusd.pid # Link from the main database directory to here ../../raddb/test.conf: test.conf @[ -f ../../raddb/test.conf ] || ln -s ../src/tests/test.conf ../../raddb/ # kill the server (if it's running) # start the server # run the tests (ignoring any failures) # kill the server # remove the changes to raddb/ tests: ../../raddb/test.conf radiusd.kill @chmod a+x runtests.sh @rm -f radius.log @$(MAKE) radiusd.pid @./runtests.sh $(TESTS) @$(MAKE) radiusd.kill @rm -f ../../raddb/test.conf tests.eap: ../../raddb/test.conf radiusd.kill @chmod a+x runtests.sh @rm -f radius.log @$(MAKE) radiusd.pid @$(MAKE) eap @$(MAKE) radiusd.kill @rm -f ../../raddb/test.conf eap: $(EAP_TLS_TESTS) for x in $(EAP_TLS_TESTS); do \ $(EAPOL_TEST) -c $$x -p $(PORT) -s $(SECRET); \ done md5: $(EAPOL_TEST) -c eap-md5.conf -s $(SECRET) tls: $(EAPOL_TEST) -c eap-ttls-tls.conf -s $(SECRET) ttls: $(EAPOL_TEST) -c eap-ttls-pap.conf -s $(SECRET) peap: $(EAPOL_TEST) -c peap-mschapv2.conf -s $(SECRET) leap: $(EAPOL_TEST) -c leap.conf -s $(SECRET)