> I was wondering if there is any more documentation about howto setup this > software other than what comes in the README? No, there isn't. It's easier for me to write code than to document it :-) Anyway, I always try to make better documentation. There's also this FAQ :-) > > When I try to access some page I see the php code instead of html > Make sure that you have configured php to handle files with .php3 extension > > What tables do I need to create in the MySQL database? It depends. If you are using ldap for user authentication/information then you only need to create the freeradius sql tables (in order to create the radacct table, the other tables will just sit around doing nothing) which can be created from a sql script in the freeradius distribution. If you are runing mysql it is in src/modules/rlm_sql/drivers/rlm_sql_mysql/db_mysql.sql If you are using mysql for user authentication/information then you will again need to create the freeradius sql tables and if you want you could also create the userinfo table to store user information (name,telephone etc) You could also create the badusers table if you want the functionality it provides. sql scripts to create the badusers and userinfo tables can be found in the directory sql (of dialup_admin distribution). > > Some attributes are missing from the user/group edit pages > First of all check conf/user_edit.atts and see if the attribute you are interested in is commented out. If it is just enable it by uncommenting it. If the attribute is not included in the file add it. If you use SQL check conf/sql.attrmap. If you use LDAP check ${freeradius_install_dir}/etc/raddb/ldap.attrmap and check if the attribute is included in the attribute mapping. If it is not then add it there also. Everything should work ok after that. > > When an attribute contains double (") or single (') quotes something goes wrong. > Make sure that magic quotes in PHP are turned off > > The Online Users page does not show me anything > Check conf/admin.conf and especially the comments about general_finger_type. Make sure that bin/snmpfinger uses the correct snmpwalk command and that it returns the correct results (snmfinger works on cisco access servers). Try commenting out general_finger_type so that the Online Users page will just query the radacct table and not try to do a finger on the NAS. > Even though I have uncommented Dialup-Access in user_edits.attrs, when > editing a user, that field is not available. Is this because in sql.attrmap > I have: > > checkItem Dialup-Access none > > What should the attribute be? Dialup-Access is an attribute used by the ldap module. It is not implemented in the sql module, that's why the mapping is set to none. You could set Auth-Type to Reject instead. > Why do the personal information fields show multiple > entries for attributes like name, department, etc in the user_admin page? > Is there a way to remove the duplicate fields in the display? Set general_prefered_lang to en > > After I make a few changes in one of the configuration files things only work like they worked before > If you are using sessions then remember to use the 'Clear Cache' page after making any changes > > It is still not working > Check that the register_globals in php.ini is set to on. As of PHP 4.2.0 this is set to off by default. The latest versions of dialup_admin will work even if register_globals is set to off if the php version is > 4.1.0 (Thanks to Evren Yurtesen for the suggestion). In latest versions you can also enable sql debug (sql_debug: true) and ldap debug (ldap_debug: true) -- kkalev