exp_chan.c   [plain text]

 * tclUnixChan.c
 *	Channel driver for Expect channels.
 *      Based on UNIX File channel from TclUnixChan.c

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>	/* for isspace */
#include <time.h>	/* for time(3) */

#include "expect_cf.h"

#include <sys/wait.h>

# include <unistd.h>

#include	"tclInt.h"	/* Internal definitions for Tcl. */

#include "tcl.h"

#include "string.h"

#include "exp_rename.h"
#include "exp_prog.h"
#include "exp_command.h"
#include "exp_log.h"

static int		ExpCloseProc _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData instanceData,
			    Tcl_Interp *interp));
static int		ExpInputProc _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData instanceData,
		            char *buf, int toRead, int *errorCode));
static int		ExpOutputProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
			    ClientData instanceData, char *buf, int toWrite,
                            int *errorCode));
static void		ExpWatchProc _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData instanceData,
		            int mask));
static int		ExpGetHandleProc _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData instanceData,
		            int direction, ClientData *handlePtr));

 * This structure describes the channel type structure for Expect-based IO:

Tcl_ChannelType expChannelType = {
    "exp",				/* Type name. */
    /* Expect channels are always blocking */
    NULL,				/* Set blocking/nonblocking mode.*/
    ExpCloseProc,			/* Close proc. */
    ExpInputProc,			/* Input proc. */
    ExpOutputProc,			/* Output proc. */
    NULL,				/* Seek proc. */
    NULL,				/* Set option proc. */
    NULL,				/* Get option proc. */
    ExpWatchProc,			/* Initialize notifier. */
    ExpGetHandleProc,			/* Get OS handles out of channel. */
    NULL,				/* Close2 proc */

typedef struct ThreadSpecificData {
     * List of all exp channels currently open.  This is per thread and is
     * used to match up fd's to channels, which rarely occurs.
    ExpState *firstExpPtr;
    int channelCount;	 /* this is process-wide as it is used to
			     give user some hint as to why a spawn has failed
			     by looking at process-wide resource usage */
} ThreadSpecificData;

static Tcl_ThreadDataKey dataKey;

 * ExpInputProc --
 *	This procedure is invoked from the generic IO level to read
 *	input from an exp-based channel.
 * Results:
 *	The number of bytes read is returned or -1 on error. An output
 *	argument contains a POSIX error code if an error occurs, or zero.
 * Side effects:
 *	Reads input from the input device of the channel.

static int
ExpInputProc(instanceData, buf, toRead, errorCodePtr)
    ClientData instanceData;		/* Exp state. */
    char *buf;				/* Where to store data read. */
    int toRead;				/* How much space is available
                                         * in the buffer? */
    int *errorCodePtr;			/* Where to store error code. */
    ExpState *esPtr = (ExpState *) instanceData;
    int bytesRead;			/* How many bytes were actually
                                         * read from the input device? */

    *errorCodePtr = 0;
     * Assume there is always enough input available. This will block
     * appropriately, and read will unblock as soon as a short read is
     * possible, if the channel is in blocking mode. If the channel is
     * nonblocking, the read will never block.

    bytesRead = read(esPtr->fdin, buf, (size_t) toRead);
    /*printf("ExpInputProc: read(%d,,) = %d\r\n",esPtr->fdin,bytesRead);*/
    if (bytesRead > -1) {
	/* strip parity if requested */
	if (esPtr->parity == 0) {
	    char *end = buf+bytesRead;
	    for (;buf < end;buf++) {
		*buf &= 0x7f;
        return bytesRead;
    *errorCodePtr = errno;
    return -1;
 * ExpOutputProc--
 *	This procedure is invoked from the generic IO level to write
 *	output to an exp channel.
 * Results:
 *	The number of bytes written is returned or -1 on error. An
 *	output argument	contains a POSIX error code if an error occurred,
 *	or zero.
 * Side effects:
 *	Writes output on the output device of the channel.

static int
ExpOutputProc(instanceData, buf, toWrite, errorCodePtr)
    ClientData instanceData;		/* Exp state. */
    char *buf;				/* The data buffer. */
    int toWrite;			/* How many bytes to write? */
    int *errorCodePtr;			/* Where to store error code. */
    ExpState *esPtr = (ExpState *) instanceData;
    int written = 0;

    *errorCodePtr = 0;

    if (toWrite < 0) Tcl_Panic("ExpOutputProc: called with negative char count");

    while (toWrite > 0) {
	written = write(esPtr->fdout, buf, (size_t) toWrite);
	if (written == 0) {
	    /* This shouldn't happen but I'm told that it does
	     * nonetheless (at least on SunOS 4.1.3).  Since this is
	     * not a documented return value, the most reasonable
	     * thing is to complain here and retry in the hopes that
	     * it is some transient condition.  */
	    expDiagLogU("write() failed to write anything - will sleep(1) and retry...\n");
	} else if (written < 0) {
	    *errorCodePtr = errno;
	    return -1;
	buf += written;
	toWrite -= written;
    return written;
 * ExpCloseProc --
 *	This procedure is called from the generic IO level to perform
 *	channel-type-specific cleanup when an exp-based channel is closed.
 * Results:
 *	0 if successful, errno if failed.
 * Side effects:
 *	Closes the device of the channel.

static int
ExpCloseProc(instanceData, interp)
    ClientData instanceData;	/* Exp state. */
    Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* For error reporting - unused. */
    ExpState *esPtr = (ExpState *) instanceData;
    ExpState **nextPtrPtr;
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);

    esPtr->registered = FALSE;

#if 0
      Really should check that we created one first.  Since we're sharing fds
      with Tcl, perhaps a filehandler was created with a plain tcl file - we
      wouldn't want to delete that.  Although if user really close Expect's
      user_spawn_id, it probably doesn't matter anyway.

#endif /*0*/


    /* Actually file descriptor should have been closed earlier. */
    /* So do nothing here */

     * Conceivably, the process may not yet have been waited for.  If this
     * becomes a requirement, we'll have to revisit this code.  But for now, if
     * it's just Tcl exiting, the processes will exit on their own soon
     * anyway.

    for (nextPtrPtr = &(tsdPtr->firstExpPtr); (*nextPtrPtr) != NULL;
	 nextPtrPtr = &((*nextPtrPtr)->nextPtr)) {
	if ((*nextPtrPtr) == esPtr) {
	    (*nextPtrPtr) = esPtr->nextPtr;

    if (esPtr->bg_status == blocked ||
	    esPtr->bg_status == disarm_req_while_blocked) {
	esPtr->freeWhenBgHandlerUnblocked = 1;
	 * If we're in the middle of a bg event handler, then the event
	 * handler will have to take care of freeing esPtr.
    } else {
    return 0;
 * ExpWatchProc --
 *	Initialize the notifier to watch the fd from this channel.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	Sets up the notifier so that a future event on the channel will
 *	be seen by Tcl.

static void
ExpWatchProc(instanceData, mask)
    ClientData instanceData;		/* The exp state. */
    int mask;				/* Events of interest; an OR-ed
                                         * combination of TCL_READABLE,
                                         * TCL_WRITABLE and TCL_EXCEPTION. */
    ExpState *esPtr = (ExpState *) instanceData;

     * Make sure we only register for events that are valid on this exp.
     * Note that we are passing Tcl_NotifyChannel directly to
     * Tcl_CreateExpHandler with the channel pointer as the client data.

    mask &= esPtr->validMask;
    if (mask) {
	/*printf("  CreateFileHandler: %d (mask = %d)\r\n",esPtr->fdin,mask);*/
	Tcl_CreateFileHandler(esPtr->fdin, mask,
		(Tcl_FileProc *) Tcl_NotifyChannel,
		(ClientData) esPtr->channel);
    } else {
	/*printf("  DeleteFileHandler: %d (mask = %d)\r\n",esPtr->fdin,mask);*/
 * ExpGetHandleProc --
 *	Called from Tcl_GetChannelHandle to retrieve OS handles from
 *	an exp-based channel.
 * Results:
 *	Returns TCL_OK with the fd in handlePtr, or TCL_ERROR if
 *	there is no handle for the specified direction. 
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

static int
ExpGetHandleProc(instanceData, direction, handlePtr)
    ClientData instanceData;	/* The exp state. */
    int direction;		/* TCL_READABLE or TCL_WRITABLE */
    ClientData *handlePtr;	/* Where to store the handle.  */
    ExpState *esPtr = (ExpState *) instanceData;

    if (direction & TCL_WRITABLE) {
	*handlePtr = (ClientData) esPtr->fdin;
    if (direction & TCL_READABLE) {
	*handlePtr = (ClientData) esPtr->fdin;
    } else {
	return TCL_ERROR;
    return TCL_OK;

    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);
    return tsdPtr->channelCount;

    ExpState *esPtr;
    int len;
    return len;

    ExpState *esPtr;
    int len;
    return (len == 0);

    ExpState *esPtr;
  if (esPtr->fdBusy) {

    esPtr->valid = FALSE;
    if (!esPtr->keepForever) {
	ckfree((char *)esPtr);

/* close all connections
 * The kernel would actually do this by default, however Tcl is going to come
 * along later and try to reap its exec'd processes.  If we have inherited any
 * via spawn -open, Tcl can hang if we don't close the connections first.
Tcl_Interp *interp;
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);
    ExpState *esPtr;

    /* no need to keep things in sync (i.e., tsdPtr, count) since we could only
       be doing this if we're exiting.  Just close everything down. */

    for (esPtr = tsdPtr->firstExpPtr;esPtr;esPtr = esPtr->nextPtr) {

/* wait for any of our own spawned processes we call waitpid rather
 * than wait to avoid running into someone else's processes.  Yes,
 * according to Ousterhout this is the best way to do it.
 * returns the ExpState or 0 if nothing to wait on */
ExpState *
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);
    int result;
    ExpState *esPtr;

    for (esPtr = tsdPtr->firstExpPtr;esPtr;esPtr = esPtr->nextPtr) {
	if (esPtr->pid == exp_getpid) continue; /* skip ourself */
	if (esPtr->user_waited) continue;	/* one wait only! */
	if (esPtr->sys_waited) break;
	result = waitpid(esPtr->pid,&esPtr->wait,WNOHANG);
	if (result == esPtr->pid) break;
	if (result == 0) continue;	/* busy, try next */
	if (result == -1) {
	    if (errno == EINTR) goto restart;
	    else break;
    return esPtr;

ExpState *
expWaitOnOne() {
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);
    ExpState *esPtr;
    int pid;
    /* should really be recoded using the common wait code in command.c */
    WAIT_STATUS_TYPE status;

    pid = wait(&status);
    for (esPtr = tsdPtr->firstExpPtr;esPtr;esPtr = esPtr->nextPtr) {
	if (esPtr->pid == pid) {
	    esPtr->sys_waited = TRUE;
	    esPtr->wait = status;
	    return esPtr;

    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);
    ExpState *esPtr;

    /* kick off any that already have input waiting */
    for (esPtr = tsdPtr->firstExpPtr;esPtr;esPtr = esPtr->nextPtr) {
	/* is bg_interp the best way to check if armed? */
	if (esPtr->bg_interp && !expSizeZero(esPtr)) {

ExpState *
    Tcl_Interp *interp;
    int fdin;
    int fdout;
    int pid;
    ExpState *esPtr;
    int mask;
    Tcl_ChannelType *channelTypePtr;
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);

    channelTypePtr = &expChannelType;

    esPtr = (ExpState *) ckalloc((unsigned) sizeof(ExpState));

    esPtr->nextPtr = tsdPtr->firstExpPtr;
    tsdPtr->firstExpPtr = esPtr;


     * For now, stupidly assume this.  We we will likely have to revisit this
     * later to prevent people from doing stupid things.

    /* not sure about this - what about adopted channels */
    esPtr->validMask = mask | TCL_EXCEPTION;
    esPtr->fdin = fdin;
    esPtr->fdout = fdout;

    /* set close-on-exec for everything but std channels */
    /* (system and stty commands need access to std channels) */
    if (fdin != 0 && fdin != 2) {
      if (fdin != fdout) expCloseOnExec(fdout);

    esPtr->fdBusy = FALSE;
    esPtr->channel = Tcl_CreateChannel(channelTypePtr, esPtr->name,
	    (ClientData) esPtr, mask);
    esPtr->registered = TRUE;

    esPtr->pid = pid;
    esPtr->msize = 0;

    /* initialize a dummy buffer */
    esPtr->buffer = Tcl_NewStringObj("",0);
    esPtr->umsize = exp_default_match_max;
    /* this will reallocate object with an appropriate sized buffer */

    esPtr->printed = 0;
    esPtr->echoed = 0;
    esPtr->rm_nulls = exp_default_rm_nulls;
    esPtr->parity = exp_default_parity;
    esPtr->key = expect_key++;
    esPtr->force_read = FALSE;
    esPtr->fg_armed = FALSE;
    esPtr->channel_orig = 0;
    esPtr->fd_slave = EXP_NOFD;
    esPtr->slave_name = 0;
#endif /* HAVE_PTYTRAP */
    esPtr->open = TRUE;
    esPtr->notified = FALSE;
    esPtr->user_waited = FALSE;
    esPtr->sys_waited = FALSE;
    esPtr->bg_interp = 0;
    esPtr->bg_status = unarmed;
    esPtr->bg_ecount = 0;
    esPtr->freeWhenBgHandlerUnblocked = FALSE;
    esPtr->keepForever = FALSE;
    esPtr->valid = TRUE;

    return esPtr;

expChannelInit() {
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);

    tsdPtr->channelCount = 0;