DbgMkfl.in   [plain text]

# Makefile for tcl debugger


# Compatible with Tcl version 7.5
# Compatible with Tk version 4.1

srcdir 	= @srcdir@
VPATH = @srcdir@

# The following lines are things you are likely to want to change

# Tcl include files.  (If you haven't installed Tcl yet, read the README file).
# This must point to the directory that contains ALL of Tcl's include
# files, not just the public ones.

# flags to pass to cc
# You should be able to leave this just the way it is.  However, here are some
# note if you run into problems:
# Avoid -O (optimize) unless you are convinced your optimizer is flawless
# (hint: not a chance).  I have heard many reports of -O causing Expect to
# misbehave.
# I encourage you to use -g (debugging).  While it is unlikely you will
# encounter an internal error in Expect, should this happen, I may just need
# the -g information and then you will need to recompile Expect.  As an aside,
# Expect is not a space or time pig, so this won't affect the performance of
# your Expect scripts.
# Note: On Linux systems which only have dynamic X libraries, the -g prevents
# the linker from using them.  So do not use -g on such systems.

# Tcl libraries built with optimization switches have this additional extension
TCL_DBGX =              @TCL_DBGX@

# which C compiler to use
CC = @CC@

# By default, `make install' will install the appropriate files in
# /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib, /usr/local/man, etc.  You can specify
# an installation prefix other than /usr/local here:
prefix = @prefix@

# You can specify a separate installation prefix for architecture-specific
# files such as binaries and libraries.
exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@

# If you have ranlib but it should be avoided, change this from "ranlib" #
# to something innocuous like "echo".  Known systems with this problem:
# older SCO boxes.

# End of things you are likely to want to change

tcl_libdir = @libdir@
libdir     = @libdir@/tcldbg$(VERSION)
# datadir	= $(prefix)/lib

mandir 	= @mandir@
man1dir = $(mandir)/man1
includedir = $(prefix)/include

# Where to store utility scripts.  This corresponds to the variable
# "dbg_library".
# DBG_SCRIPTDIR	= $(datadir)/tcldbg


AR = ar

# TCLHDIR includes "-I"
CPPFLAGS =	-I. -I$(srcdir) $(TCLHDIR) \


	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS_INT) $(HDEFS) $<

CFILES = Dbg.c Dbg_cmd.c
OFILES = Dbg.o Dbg_cmd.o

# libraries (both .a and shared)
# default Dbg library (shared if possible, otherwise static)
# Dbg object library (.a)
# Dbg object library (shared, if possible)




# Delete all the installed files that the `install' target creates
# (but not the noninstalled files such as `make all' creates)
	-rm -f	$(man1dir)/tcldbg.1 \
		$(libdir)/$(DBG_SHARED_LIB_FILE) \
		$(tcl_libdir)/$(DBG_SHARED_LIB_FILE) \
		$(libdir)/$(DBG_UNSHARED_LIB_FILE) \
		$(tcl_libdir)/$(DBG_UNSHARED_LIB_FILE) \
		$(libdir)/pkgIndex.tcl \

# Can't seem to embed shell comments in backslashed lines, so comments here:
#   Local copy is pkgIndex rather than pkgIndex.tcl because pkgIndex.tcl.in
#   is too long for some filesystems, sigh.
install: $(DBG_LIB_FILES)
	${srcdir}/mkinstalldirs $(man1dir) $(libdir) $(includedir) $(DBG_SCRIPTDIR)
	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/tcldbg.man $(man1dir)/tcldbg.1
	if [ -s $(DBG_UNSHARED_LIB_FILE) ] ; then \
	if [ -s $(DBG_SHARED_LIB_FILE) ] ; then \
	  $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) pkgIndex $(libdir)/pkgIndex.tcl ; \
	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/tcldbg.h $(includedir)
# create utility-script directory
#	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/tcldbglib.tcl $(DBG_SCRIPTDIR)
#	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/tclIndex $(DBG_SCRIPTDIR)

# Targets for Makefile and configure

Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(host_makefile_frag) config.status
	@echo "Rebuilding the Makefile..."
	$(SHELL) config.status

configure: $(srcdir)/configure.in $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/aclocal.m4
	autoconf configure.in > configure
	-@chmod a+x configure
	-rm -f config.cache
config.status: $(srcdir)/configure
	@echo "Rebuilding config.status..."
	$(SHELL) ./config.status --recheck

# Various "clean" targets follow GNU conventions

	-rm -f *~ *.o core \

# like "clean", but also delete files created by "configure"
distclean: clean
	-rm -f Makefile config.status config.cache config.log tcldbgcf.h

# like "clean", but doesn't delete test utilities or massaged scripts
# because most people don't have to worry about them
	-rm -f *~ *.o core \

# delete everything from current directory that can be reconstructed
# except for configure
realclean:	distclean

#tclIndex: tcldbglib.tcl
#	expect -c "auto_mkindex . *.tcl;exit"

LINTFLAGS = -h -q -x 

	lint $(LINTFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFILES) $(TCLLINTLIB) | tee debug.lint

# Targets for development at NIST

	configure --verbose --prefix=/depot/tcl --exec-prefix=/depot/tcl/arch

# report globals that shouldn't be public but are
	nm $(DBG_UNSHARED_LIB_FILE) | egrep -v " [a-zU] | _Dbg"

# after copying source directory, restablish all links
	rm -f aclocal.m4
	ln -s ../expect/aclocal.m4

# Targets for pushing out releases

FTPDIR = /proj/itl/www/div826/subject/expect/tcl-debug

# make a private tar file for myself
tar:	tcl-debug-$(VERSION).tar
	mv tcl-debug-$(VERSION).tar tcl-debug.tar

ftp:	tcl-debug-$(VERSION).tar.Z tcl-debug-$(VERSION).tar.gz
	cp tcl-debug-$(VERSION).tar.Z $(FTPDIR)/tcl-debug.tar.Z
	cp tcl-debug-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(FTPDIR)/tcl-debug.tar.gz
	cp README $(FTPDIR)/README.distribution
	rm tcl-debug-$(VERSION).tar*
	ls -l $(FTPDIR)/tcl-debug.tar*

# make an alpha relase and install it on ftp server
alpha:	tcl-debug-$(VERSION).tar.Z tcl-debug-$(VERSION).tar.gz
	cp tcl-debug-$(VERSION).tar.Z $(FTPDIR)/tcl-debug-alpha.tar.Z
	cp tcl-debug-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(FTPDIR)/tcl-debug-alpha.tar.gz
	rm tcl-debug-$(VERSION).tar*
	ls -l $(FTPDIR)/tcl-debug-alpha.tar*

	rm -f ../tcl-debug-$(VERSION)
	ln -s `pwd` ../tcl-debug-$(VERSION)
	cd ..;tar cvfh $@ `pubfile tcl-debug-$(VERSION)`
	mv ../$@ .

tcl-debug-$(VERSION).tar.Z:	tcl-debug-$(VERSION).tar
	compress -fc tcl-debug-$(VERSION).tar > $@

tcl-debug-$(VERSION).tar.gz:	tcl-debug-$(VERSION).tar
	gzip -fc tcl-debug-$(VERSION).tar > $@

Dbg.o: $(srcdir)/Dbg.c $(srcdir)/tcldbg.h