emacs-34   [plain text]

This is ../info/emacs, produced by makeinfo version 4.0 from emacs.texi.

   This is the Fourteenth edition of the `GNU Emacs Manual', updated
for Emacs version 21.1.

* Emacs: (emacs).	The extensible self-documenting text editor.

   Published by the Free Software Foundation 59 Temple Place, Suite 330
Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA

   Copyright (C) 1985,
1986,1987,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001    Free Software
Foundation, Inc.

   Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the
Invariant Sections being "The GNU Manifesto", "Distribution" and "GNU
GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE", with the Front-Cover texts being "A GNU
Manual," and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below.  A copy of the
license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation

   (a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: "You have freedom to copy and
modify this GNU Manual, like GNU software.  Copies published by the Free
Software Foundation raise funds for GNU development."

File: emacs,  Node: Command Index,  Next: Variable Index,  Prev: Option Index,  Up: Top

Command and Function Index

* Menu:

* 2C-associate-buffer:                   Two-Column.
* 2C-dissociate:                         Two-Column.
* 2C-merge:                              Two-Column.
* 2C-newline:                            Two-Column.
* 2C-split:                              Two-Column.
* 2C-two-columns:                        Two-Column.
* 5x5:                                   Amusements.
* abbrev-mode:                           Abbrev Concepts.
* abbrev-prefix-mark:                    Expanding Abbrevs.
* abort-recursive-edit:                  Quitting.
* add-change-log-entry-other-window:     Change Log.
* add-global-abbrev:                     Defining Abbrevs.
* add-mode-abbrev:                       Defining Abbrevs.
* add-name-to-file:                      Misc File Ops.
* add-untranslated-filesystem:           Text and Binary.
* american-calendar:                     Date Formats.
* append-next-kill:                      Appending Kills.
* append-to-buffer:                      Accumulating Text.
* append-to-file:                        Accumulating Text.
* apply-macro-to-region-lines:           Basic Kbd Macro.
* appt-add:                              Appointments.
* appt-delete:                           Appointments.
* appt-make-list:                        Appointments.
* apropos:                               Apropos.
* apropos-command:                       Apropos.
* apropos-documentation:                 Apropos.
* apropos-value:                         Apropos.
* apropos-variable:                      Apropos.
* ask-user-about-lock:                   Interlocking.
* authors:                               Authors.
* auto-compression-mode:                 Compressed Files.
* auto-fill-mode:                        Auto Fill.
* auto-image-file-mode:                  File Conveniences.
* auto-lower-mode:                       Frame Parameters.
* auto-raise-mode:                       Frame Parameters.
* auto-revert-mode:                      Reverting.
* auto-save-mode:                        Auto Save Control.
* back-to-indentation:                   Indentation Commands.
* backward-char:                         Moving Point.
* backward-kill-sentence:                Sentences.
* backward-kill-sexp:                    Expressions.
* backward-kill-word:                    Words.
* backward-list:                         Moving by Parens.
* backward-page:                         Pages.
* backward-paragraph:                    Paragraphs.
* backward-sentence:                     Sentences.
* backward-sexp:                         Expressions.
* backward-text-line:                    Nroff Mode.
* backward-up-list:                      Moving by Parens.
* backward-word:                         Words.
* balance-windows:                       Change Window.
* beginning-of-buffer:                   Moving Point.
* beginning-of-defun:                    Moving by Defuns.
* beginning-of-line:                     Moving Point.
* binary-overwrite-mode:                 Minor Modes.
* blackbox:                              Amusements.
* blink-cursor-mode:                     Cursor Display.
* bookmark-delete:                       Bookmarks.
* bookmark-insert:                       Bookmarks.
* bookmark-insert-location:              Bookmarks.
* bookmark-jump:                         Bookmarks.
* bookmark-load:                         Bookmarks.
* bookmark-save:                         Bookmarks.
* bookmark-set:                          Bookmarks.
* bookmark-write:                        Bookmarks.
* browse-url:                            Browse-URL.
* browse-url-at-mouse:                   Browse-URL.
* browse-url-at-point:                   Browse-URL.
* bs-show:                               Buffer Menus.
* buffer-menu:                           Several Buffers.
* c-backslash-region:                    Other C Commands.
* c-backward-conditional:                Motion in C.
* c-backward-into-nomenclature:          Motion in C.
* c-beginning-of-statement:              Motion in C.
* c-electric-backspace:                  Program Modes.
* c-end-of-statement:                    Motion in C.
* c-fill-paragraph:                      Other C Commands.
* c-forward-conditional:                 Motion in C.
* c-forward-into-nomenclature:           Motion in C.
* c-indent-command <1>:                  C Indent.
* c-indent-command:                      Basic Indent.
* c-indent-defun:                        C Indent.
* c-indent-exp:                          C Indent.
* c-macro-expand:                        Other C Commands.
* c-mark-function:                       Moving by Defuns.
* c-scope-operator:                      Electric C.
* c-set-style:                           Custom C Indent.
* c-show-syntactic-information:          Other C Commands.
* c-toggle-auto-hungry-state:            Hungry Delete.
* c-toggle-auto-state:                   Electric C.
* c-toggle-hungry-state:                 Hungry Delete.
* c-up-conditional:                      Motion in C.
* calendar:                              Calendar/Diary.
* calendar-backward-day:                 Calendar Unit Motion.
* calendar-backward-month:               Calendar Unit Motion.
* calendar-backward-week:                Calendar Unit Motion.
* calendar-beginning-of-month:           Move to Beginning or End.
* calendar-beginning-of-week:            Move to Beginning or End.
* calendar-beginning-of-year:            Move to Beginning or End.
* calendar-count-days-region:            Counting Days.
* calendar-cursor-holidays:              Holidays.
* calendar-end-of-month:                 Move to Beginning or End.
* calendar-end-of-week:                  Move to Beginning or End.
* calendar-end-of-year:                  Move to Beginning or End.
* calendar-forward-day:                  Calendar Unit Motion.
* calendar-forward-month:                Calendar Unit Motion.
* calendar-forward-week:                 Calendar Unit Motion.
* calendar-forward-year:                 Calendar Unit Motion.
* calendar-goto-astro-day-number:        From Other Calendar.
* calendar-goto-chinese-date:            From Other Calendar.
* calendar-goto-coptic-date:             From Other Calendar.
* calendar-goto-date:                    Specified Dates.
* calendar-goto-ethiopic-date:           From Other Calendar.
* calendar-goto-french-date:             From Other Calendar.
* calendar-goto-hebrew-date:             From Other Calendar.
* calendar-goto-islamic-date:            From Other Calendar.
* calendar-goto-iso-date:                From Other Calendar.
* calendar-goto-julian-date:             From Other Calendar.
* calendar-goto-mayan-long-count-date:   Mayan Calendar.
* calendar-goto-persian-date:            From Other Calendar.
* calendar-goto-today:                   Specified Dates.
* calendar-next-calendar-round-date:     Mayan Calendar.
* calendar-next-haab-date:               Mayan Calendar.
* calendar-next-tzolkin-date:            Mayan Calendar.
* calendar-other-month:                  Specified Dates.
* calendar-phases-of-moon:               Lunar Phases.
* calendar-previous-haab-date:           Mayan Calendar.
* calendar-previous-tzolkin-date:        Mayan Calendar.
* calendar-print-astro-day-number:       To Other Calendar.
* calendar-print-chinese-date:           To Other Calendar.
* calendar-print-coptic-date:            To Other Calendar.
* calendar-print-day-of-year:            General Calendar.
* calendar-print-ethiopic-date:          To Other Calendar.
* calendar-print-french-date:            To Other Calendar.
* calendar-print-hebrew-date:            To Other Calendar.
* calendar-print-islamic-date:           To Other Calendar.
* calendar-print-iso-date:               To Other Calendar.
* calendar-print-julian-date:            To Other Calendar.
* calendar-print-mayan-date:             To Other Calendar.
* calendar-print-persian-date:           To Other Calendar.
* calendar-sunrise-sunset:               Sunrise/Sunset.
* calendar-unmark:                       Holidays.
* call-last-kbd-macro:                   Basic Kbd Macro.
* capitalize-word:                       Case.
* cd:                                    File Names.
* center-line:                           Fill Commands.
* change-log-merge:                      Change Log.
* change-log-mode:                       Change Log.
* change-log-redate:                     Change Log.
* check-parens:                          Parentheses.
* choose-completion:                     Completion Commands.
* clean-buffer-list:                     Kill Buffer.
* clear-rectangle:                       Rectangles.
* clone-indirect-buffer:                 Indirect Buffers.
* clone-indirect-buffer-other-window:    Indirect Buffers.
* codepage-setup:                        MS-DOS and MULE.
* column-number-mode:                    Optional Mode Line.
* comint-bol-or-process-mark:            Shell Mode.
* comint-continue-subjob:                Shell Mode.
* comint-copy-old-input:                 Shell History Copying.
* comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof:           Shell Mode.
* comint-delete-output:                  Shell Mode.
* comint-dynamic-complete:               Shell Mode.
* comint-dynamic-list-filename...:       Shell Mode.
* comint-dynamic-list-input-ring:        Shell Mode.
* comint-get-next-from-history:          Shell Ring.
* comint-interrupt-subjob:               Shell Mode.
* comint-kill-input:                     Shell Mode.
* comint-magic-space:                    History References.
* comint-next-input:                     Shell Ring.
* comint-next-matching-input:            Shell Ring.
* comint-next-prompt:                    Shell History Copying.
* comint-previous-input:                 Shell Ring.
* comint-previous-matching-input:        Shell Ring.
* comint-previous-prompt:                Shell History Copying.
* comint-quit-subjob:                    Shell Mode.
* comint-run:                            Shell Mode.
* comint-send-input:                     Shell Mode.
* comint-show-maximum-output:            Shell Mode.
* comint-show-output:                    Shell Mode.
* comint-stop-subjob:                    Shell Mode.
* comint-strip-ctrl-m:                   Shell Mode.
* comint-truncate-buffer:                Shell Mode.
* comint-write-output:                   Shell Mode.
* comment-dwim:                          Comment Commands.
* comment-indent-new-line:               Multi-Line Comments.
* comment-kill:                          Comment Commands.
* comment-region:                        Multi-Line Comments.
* comment-set-column:                    Options for Comments.
* compare-windows:                       Comparing Files.
* compile:                               Compilation.
* compile (MS-DOS):                      MS-DOS Processes.
* compile-goto-error:                    Compilation Mode.
* complete-symbol:                       Symbol Completion.
* compose-mail:                          Sending Mail.
* compose-mail-other-frame:              Sending Mail.
* compose-mail-other-window:             Sending Mail.
* copy-file:                             Misc File Ops.
* copy-rectangle-to-register:            RegRect.
* copy-to-buffer:                        Accumulating Text.
* copy-to-register:                      RegText.
* count-lines-page:                      Pages.
* count-lines-region:                    Position Info.
* count-text-lines:                      Nroff Mode.
* cpp-highlight-buffer:                  Other C Commands.
* create-fontset-from-fontset-spec:      Defining Fontsets.
* crisp-mode:                            Emulation.
* customize:                             Easy Customization.
* customize-apropos:                     Specific Customization.
* customize-browse:                      Customization Groups.
* customize-changed-options:             Specific Customization.
* customize-customized:                  Specific Customization.
* customize-face:                        Specific Customization.
* customize-group:                       Specific Customization.
* customize-option:                      Specific Customization.
* customize-saved:                       Specific Customization.
* cwarn-mode:                            Other C Commands.
* dabbrev-completion:                    Dynamic Abbrevs.
* dabbrev-expand:                        Dynamic Abbrevs.
* dbx:                                   Starting GUD.
* debug_print:                           Checklist.
* decipher:                              Amusements.
* default-value:                         Locals.
* define-abbrevs:                        Saving Abbrevs.
* define-key:                            Local Keymaps.
* define-mail-abbrev:                    Mail Aliases.
* define-mail-alias:                     Mail Aliases.
* delete-backward-char:                  Deletion.
* delete-blank-lines:                    Blank Lines.
* delete-char:                           Deletion.
* delete-file:                           Misc File Ops.
* delete-frame:                          Frame Commands.
* delete-horizontal-space:               Deletion.
* delete-indentation:                    Indentation Commands.
* delete-matching-lines:                 Other Repeating Search.
* delete-non-matching-lines:             Other Repeating Search.
* delete-other-frames:                   Frame Commands.
* delete-other-windows:                  Change Window.
* delete-rectangle:                      Rectangles.
* delete-selection-mode:                 Killing.
* delete-trailing-whitespace:            Trailing Whitespace.
* delete-whitespace-rectangle:           Rectangles.
* delete-window:                         Change Window.
* describe-bindings:                     Misc Help.
* describe-categories:                   Regexps.
* describe-coding-system:                Coding Systems.
* describe-copying:                      Misc Help.
* describe-distribution:                 Misc Help.
* describe-function:                     Name Help.
* describe-input-method:                 Select Input Method.
* describe-key:                          Key Help.
* describe-key-briefly:                  Key Help.
* describe-language-environment:         Language Environments.
* describe-mode:                         Misc Help.
* describe-no-warranty:                  Misc Help.
* describe-project:                      Misc Help.
* describe-syntax:                       Syntax.
* desktop-save:                          Saving Emacs Sessions.
* diary:                                 Diary Commands.
* diary-anniversary:                     Special Diary Entries.
* diary-block:                           Special Diary Entries.
* diary-cyclic:                          Special Diary Entries.
* diary-float:                           Special Diary Entries.
* diary-mail-entries:                    Diary Commands.
* diff:                                  Comparing Files.
* diff-backup:                           Comparing Files.
* diff-mode:                             Comparing Files.
* digit-argument:                        Arguments.
* dired:                                 Dired Enter.
* dired-backup-diff:                     Comparison in Dired.
* dired-change-marks:                    Marks vs Flags.
* dired-clean-directory:                 Flagging Many Files.
* dired-create-directory:                Operating on Files.
* dired-diff:                            Comparison in Dired.
* dired-display-file:                    Dired Visiting.
* dired-do-byte-compile:                 Operating on Files.
* dired-do-chgrp:                        Operating on Files.
* dired-do-chmod:                        Operating on Files.
* dired-do-chown:                        Operating on Files.
* dired-do-compress:                     Operating on Files.
* dired-do-copy:                         Operating on Files.
* dired-do-copy-regexp:                  Transforming File Names.
* dired-do-delete:                       Operating on Files.
* dired-do-flagged-delete:               Dired Deletion.
* dired-do-hardlink:                     Operating on Files.
* dired-do-hardlink-regexp:              Transforming File Names.
* dired-do-kill-lines:                   Dired Updating.
* dired-do-load:                         Operating on Files.
* dired-do-print:                        Operating on Files.
* dired-do-query-replace-regexp:         Operating on Files.
* dired-do-redisplay:                    Dired Updating.
* dired-do-rename:                       Operating on Files.
* dired-do-rename-regexp:                Transforming File Names.
* dired-do-search:                       Operating on Files.
* dired-do-shell-command:                Shell Commands in Dired.
* dired-do-symlink:                      Operating on Files.
* dired-do-symlink-regexp:               Transforming File Names.
* dired-do-toggle:                       Marks vs Flags.
* dired-downcase:                        Transforming File Names.
* dired-find-alternate-file:             Dired Visiting.
* dired-find-file:                       Dired Visiting.
* dired-find-file-other-window:          Dired Visiting.
* dired-flag-auto-save-files:            Flagging Many Files.
* dired-flag-backup-files:               Flagging Many Files.
* dired-flag-file-deletion:              Dired Deletion.
* dired-flag-files-regexp:               Flagging Many Files.
* dired-flag-garbage-files:              Flagging Many Files.
* dired-hide-all:                        Hiding Subdirectories.
* dired-hide-subdir:                     Hiding Subdirectories.
* dired-mark:                            Marks vs Flags.
* dired-mark-directories:                Marks vs Flags.
* dired-mark-executables:                Marks vs Flags.
* dired-mark-files-containing-regexp:    Marks vs Flags.
* dired-mark-files-regexp:               Marks vs Flags.
* dired-mark-subdir-files:               Marks vs Flags.
* dired-mark-symlinks:                   Marks vs Flags.
* dired-maybe-insert-subdir:             Subdirectories in Dired.
* dired-mouse-find-file-other-window:    Dired Visiting.
* dired-next-dirline:                    Subdirectory Motion.
* dired-next-marked-file:                Marks vs Flags.
* dired-next-subdir:                     Subdirectory Motion.
* dired-other-frame:                     Dired Enter.
* dired-other-window:                    Dired Enter.
* dired-prev-dirline:                    Subdirectory Motion.
* dired-prev-marked-file:                Marks vs Flags.
* dired-prev-subdir:                     Subdirectory Motion.
* dired-sort-toggle-or-edit:             Dired Updating.
* dired-tree-down:                       Subdirectory Motion.
* dired-tree-up:                         Subdirectory Motion.
* dired-undo:                            Marks vs Flags.
* dired-unmark:                          Marks vs Flags.
* dired-unmark-all-files:                Marks vs Flags.
* dired-unmark-all-marks:                Marks vs Flags.
* dired-unmark-backward:                 Marks vs Flags.
* dired-up-directory:                    Dired Visiting.
* dired-upcase:                          Transforming File Names.
* dired-view-file:                       Dired Visiting.
* dirs:                                  Directory Tracking.
* dirtrack-mode:                         Directory Tracking.
* disable-command:                       Disabling.
* display-time:                          Optional Mode Line.
* dissociated-press:                     Dissociated Press.
* do-applescript:                        Mac Functions.
* do-auto-save:                          Auto Save Control.
* doctor:                                Total Frustration.
* down-list:                             Moving by Parens.
* downcase-region:                       Case.
* downcase-word:                         Case.
* dunnet:                                Amusements.
* edit-abbrevs:                          Editing Abbrevs.
* edit-kbd-macro:                        Basic Kbd Macro.
* edit-picture:                          Picture.
* edit-tab-stops:                        Tab Stops.
* edit-tab-stops-note-changes:           Tab Stops.
* edt-emulation-off:                     Emulation.
* edt-emulation-on:                      Emulation.
* eldoc-mode:                            Lisp Doc.
* electric-nroff-mode:                   Nroff Mode.
* emacs-lisp-mode:                       Lisp Eval.
* emacs-version:                         Understanding Bug Reporting.
* emerge-auto-advance-mode:              Submodes of Emerge.
* emerge-buffers:                        Overview of Emerge.
* emerge-buffers-with-ancestor:          Overview of Emerge.
* emerge-files:                          Overview of Emerge.
* emerge-files-with-ancestor:            Overview of Emerge.
* emerge-skip-prefers-mode:              Submodes of Emerge.
* enable-command:                        Disabling.
* enable-flow-control:                   Unasked-for Search.
* enable-flow-control-on:                Unasked-for Search.
* enable-local-eval:                     File Variables.
* enable-local-variables:                File Variables.
* end-kbd-macro:                         Basic Kbd Macro.
* end-of-buffer:                         Moving Point.
* end-of-defun:                          Moving by Defuns.
* end-of-line:                           Moving Point.
* enlarge-window:                        Change Window.
* enlarge-window-horizontally:           Change Window.
* enriched-mode:                         Requesting Formatted Text.
* eshell:                                Shell.
* european-calendar:                     Date Formats.
* eval-current-buffer:                   Lisp Eval.
* eval-defun:                            Lisp Eval.
* eval-expression:                       Lisp Eval.
* eval-last-sexp:                        Lisp Eval.
* eval-region:                           Lisp Eval.
* exchange-point-and-mark:               Setting Mark.
* execute-extended-command:              M-x.
* exit-calendar:                         General Calendar.
* exit-recursive-edit:                   Recursive Edit.
* expand-abbrev:                         Expanding Abbrevs.
* expand-mail-aliases:                   Mail Aliases.
* expand-region-abbrevs:                 Expanding Abbrevs.
* f90-mode:                              Fortran.
* facemenu-remove-all:                   Editing Format Info.
* facemenu-remove-props:                 Editing Format Info.
* facemenu-set-background:               Format Colors.
* facemenu-set-bold:                     Format Faces.
* facemenu-set-bold-italic:              Format Faces.
* facemenu-set-default:                  Format Faces.
* facemenu-set-face:                     Format Faces.
* facemenu-set-foreground:               Format Colors.
* facemenu-set-italic:                   Format Faces.
* facemenu-set-underline:                Format Faces.
* ff-find-related-file:                  Other C Commands.
* ffap:                                  FFAP.
* ffap-dired-at-point:                   FFAP.
* ffap-menu:                             FFAP.
* ffap-mode:                             FFAP.
* ffap-next:                             FFAP.
* file-cache-add-directory:              File Name Cache.
* file-cache-minibuffer-complete:        File Name Cache.
* fill-individual-paragraphs:            Fill Prefix.
* fill-nonuniform-paragraphs:            Fill Prefix.
* fill-paragraph:                        Fill Commands.
* fill-region:                           Fill Commands.
* fill-region-as-paragraph:              Fill Commands.
* find-alternate-file:                   Visiting.
* find-dired:                            Dired and Find.
* find-file:                             Visiting.
* find-file-at-point:                    FFAP.
* find-file-literally:                   Visiting.
* find-file-other-frame:                 Visiting.
* find-file-other-window:                Visiting.
* find-file-read-only:                   Visiting.
* find-file-read-only-other-frame:       Creating Frames.
* find-function:                         Find-func.
* find-function-on-key:                  Find-func.
* find-grep-dired:                       Dired and Find.
* find-name-dired:                       Dired and Find.
* find-tag:                              Find Tag.
* find-tag-other-frame:                  Find Tag.
* find-tag-other-window:                 Find Tag.
* find-tag-regexp:                       Find Tag.
* find-variable:                         Find-func.
* finder-by-keyword:                     Library Keywords.
* flush-lines:                           Other Repeating Search.
* flyspell-mode:                         Spelling.
* foldout-exit-fold:                     Foldout.
* foldout-zoom-subtree:                  Foldout.
* follow-mode:                           Follow Mode.
* font-lock-add-keywords:                Font Lock.
* font-lock-mode:                        Font Lock.
* font-lock-remove-keywords:             Font Lock.
* format-find-file:                      Forcing Enriched Mode.
* fortran-auto-fill-mode:                Fortran Autofill.
* fortran-column-ruler:                  Fortran Columns.
* fortran-comment-region:                Fortran Comments.
* fortran-indent-subprogram:             ForIndent Commands.
* fortran-join-line:                     ForIndent Commands.
* fortran-mode:                          Fortran.
* fortran-next-statement:                Fortran Motion.
* fortran-previous-statement:            Fortran Motion.
* fortran-split-line:                    ForIndent Commands.
* fortran-strip-sequence-nos:            Fortran Columns.
* fortran-window-create:                 Fortran Columns.
* fortran-window-create-momentarily:     Fortran Columns.
* fortune-to-signature:                  Mail Amusements.
* forward-char:                          Moving Point.
* forward-list:                          Moving by Parens.
* forward-page:                          Pages.
* forward-paragraph:                     Paragraphs.
* forward-sentence:                      Sentences.
* forward-sexp:                          Expressions.
* forward-text-line:                     Nroff Mode.
* forward-word:                          Words.
* frame-configuration-to-register:       RegConfig.
* gdb:                                   Starting GUD.
* getenv:                                Environment.
* glasses-mode:                          Glasses.
* global-auto-revert-mode:               Reverting.
* global-cwarn-mode:                     Other C Commands.
* global-font-lock-mode:                 Font Lock.
* global-set-key:                        Rebinding.
* global-unset-key:                      Rebinding.
* gnus:                                  Gnus.
* gnus-group-exit:                       Summary of Gnus.
* gnus-group-kill-group:                 Summary of Gnus.
* gnus-group-list-all-groups:            Summary of Gnus.
* gnus-group-list-groups:                Summary of Gnus.
* gnus-group-next-group:                 Summary of Gnus.
* gnus-group-next-unread-group:          Summary of Gnus.
* gnus-group-prev-group:                 Summary of Gnus.
* gnus-group-prev-unread-group:          Summary of Gnus.
* gnus-group-read-group:                 Summary of Gnus.
* gnus-group-unsubscribe-current-group:  Summary of Gnus.
* gnus-summary-isearch-article:          Summary of Gnus.
* gnus-summary-next-subject:             Summary of Gnus.
* gnus-summary-next-unread-article:      Summary of Gnus.
* gnus-summary-prev-page:                Summary of Gnus.
* gnus-summary-prev-subject:             Summary of Gnus.
* gnus-summary-prev-unread-article:      Summary of Gnus.
* gnus-summary-search-article-forward:   Summary of Gnus.
* gomoku:                                Amusements.
* goto-address:                          Goto-address.
* goto-char:                             Moving Point.
* goto-line:                             Moving Point.
* grep:                                  Grep Searching.
* grep (MS-DOS):                         MS-DOS Processes.
* grep-find:                             Grep Searching.
* gud-cont:                              Commands of GUD.
* gud-def:                               GUD Customization.
* gud-down:                              Commands of GUD.
* gud-finish:                            Commands of GUD.
* gud-gdb-complete-command:              Commands of GUD.
* gud-next:                              Commands of GUD.
* gud-refresh:                           Commands of GUD.
* gud-remove:                            Commands of GUD.
* gud-step:                              Commands of GUD.
* gud-stepi:                             Commands of GUD.
* gud-tbreak:                            Commands of GUD.
* gud-up:                                Commands of GUD.
* handwrite:                             PostScript.
* hanoi:                                 Amusements.
* help-command:                          Help.
* help-for-help:                         Help.
* help-next-ref:                         Help Mode.
* help-previous-ref:                     Help Mode.
* help-with-tutorial:                    Basic.
* hi-lock-find-patterns:                 Highlight Interactively.
* hi-lock-mode:                          Highlight Interactively.
* hi-lock-write-interactive-patterns:    Highlight Interactively.
* hide-body:                             Outline Visibility.
* hide-entry:                            Outline Visibility.
* hide-ifdef-mode:                       Other C Commands.
* hide-leaves:                           Outline Visibility.
* hide-other:                            Outline Visibility.
* hide-sublevels:                        Outline Visibility.
* hide-subtree:                          Outline Visibility.
* highlight-changes-mode:                Highlight Changes.
* highlight-lines-matching-regexp:       Highlight Interactively.
* highlight-regexp:                      Highlight Interactively.
* hl-line-mode:                          Cursor Display.
* holidays:                              Holidays.
* how-many:                              Other Repeating Search.
* hs-hide-all:                           Hideshow.
* hs-hide-block:                         Hideshow.
* hs-hide-level:                         Hideshow.
* hs-minor-mode:                         Hideshow.
* hs-show-all:                           Hideshow.
* hs-show-block:                         Hideshow.
* hs-show-region:                        Hideshow.
* icomplete-mode:                        Completion Options.
* iconify-or-deiconify-frame:            Frame Commands.
* ielm:                                  Lisp Interaction.
* imenu:                                 Imenu.
* imenu-add-menubar-index:               Imenu.
* increase-left-margin:                  Format Indentation.
* increment-register:                    RegNumbers.
* indent-code-rigidly:                   Multi-line Indent.
* indent-for-tab-command:                Basic Indent.
* indent-line-function:                  Basic Indent.
* indent-region:                         Indentation Commands.
* indent-relative:                       Indentation Commands.
* indent-rigidly:                        Indentation Commands.
* indent-sexp:                           Multi-line Indent.
* info:                                  Misc Help.
* Info-goto-emacs-command-node:          Misc Help.
* Info-goto-emacs-key-command-node:      Misc Help.
* info-lookup-file:                      Info Lookup.
* info-lookup-symbol:                    Info Lookup.
* insert-abbrevs:                        Saving Abbrevs.
* insert-anniversary-diary-entry:        Special Diary Entries.
* insert-block-diary-entry:              Special Diary Entries.
* insert-cyclic-diary-entry:             Special Diary Entries.
* insert-diary-entry:                    Adding to Diary.
* insert-file:                           Misc File Ops.
* insert-kbd-macro:                      Save Kbd Macro.
* insert-monthly-diary-entry:            Adding to Diary.
* insert-register:                       RegText.
* insert-weekly-diary-entry:             Adding to Diary.
* insert-yearly-diary-entry:             Adding to Diary.
* inverse-add-global-abbrev:             Defining Abbrevs.
* inverse-add-mode-abbrev:               Defining Abbrevs.
* isearch-backward:                      Incremental Search.
* isearch-backward-regexp:               Regexp Search.
* isearch-forward:                       Incremental Search.
* isearch-forward-regexp:                Regexp Search.
* isearch-toggle-input-method:           Incremental Search.
* isearch-toggle-specified-input-method: Incremental Search.
* iso-accents-mode:                      Single-Byte Character Support.
* iso-gtex2iso:                          TeX Misc.
* iso-iso2gtex:                          TeX Misc.
* iso-iso2tex:                           TeX Misc.
* iso-tex2iso:                           TeX Misc.
* ispell:                                Spelling.
* ispell-buffer:                         Spelling.
* ispell-complete-word:                  Spelling.
* ispell-kill-ispell:                    Spelling.
* ispell-message:                        Mail Mode Misc.
* ispell-region:                         Spelling.
* ispell-word:                           Spelling.
* iswitchb-mode:                         Iswitchb.
* jdb:                                   Starting GUD.
* jump-to-register:                      RegPos.
* just-one-space:                        Deletion.
* kbd-macro-query:                       Kbd Macro Query.
* keep-lines:                            Other Repeating Search.
* keyboard-escape-quit:                  Quitting.
* keyboard-quit:                         Quitting.
* keyboard-translate:                    Keyboard Translations.
* kill-all-abbrevs:                      Defining Abbrevs.
* kill-buffer:                           Kill Buffer.
* kill-buffer-and-window:                Change Window.
* kill-compilation:                      Compilation.
* kill-line:                             Killing by Lines.
* kill-local-variable:                   Locals.
* kill-rectangle:                        Rectangles.
* kill-region:                           Other Kill Commands.
* kill-ring-save:                        Kill Ring.
* kill-sentence:                         Sentences.
* kill-sexp:                             Expressions.
* kill-some-buffers:                     Kill Buffer.
* kill-word:                             Words.
* latex-mode:                            TeX Mode.
* life:                                  Amusements.
* line-number-mode:                      Optional Mode Line.
* lisp-complete-symbol:                  Symbol Completion.
* lisp-eval-defun:                       External Lisp.
* lisp-interaction-mode:                 Lisp Interaction.
* lisp-mode:                             External Lisp.
* list-abbrevs:                          Editing Abbrevs.
* list-bookmarks:                        Bookmarks.
* list-buffers:                          List Buffers.
* list-calendar-holidays:                Holidays.
* list-coding-systems:                   Coding Systems.
* list-colors-display:                   Colors X.
* list-command-history:                  Repetition.
* list-directory:                        Directories.
* list-faces-display:                    Faces.
* list-holidays:                         Holidays.
* list-input-methods:                    Select Input Method.
* list-matching-lines:                   Other Repeating Search.
* list-tags:                             List Tags.
* list-text-properties-at:               Editing Format Info.
* list-yahrzeit-dates:                   From Other Calendar.
* lm:                                    Amusements.
* load:                                  Lisp Libraries.
* load-file:                             Lisp Libraries.
* load-library:                          Lisp Libraries.
* local-set-key:                         Rebinding.
* local-unset-key:                       Rebinding.
* locate:                                Dired and Find.
* locate-with-filter:                    Dired and Find.
* lpr-buffer:                            Hardcopy.
* lpr-region:                            Hardcopy.
* mac-file-name-to-posix:                Mac Functions.
* mail-attach-file:                      Mail Mode Misc.
* mail-bcc:                              Header Editing.
* mail-cc:                               Header Editing.
* mail-complete:                         Header Editing.
* mail-fcc:                              Header Editing.
* mail-fill-yanked-message:              Citing Mail.
* mail-interactive-insert-alias:         Mail Aliases.
* mail-send:                             Mail Sending.
* mail-send-and-exit:                    Mail Sending.
* mail-signature:                        Mail Mode Misc.
* mail-subject:                          Header Editing.
* mail-text:                             Mail Mode Misc.
* mail-to:                               Header Editing.
* mail-yank-original:                    Citing Mail.
* mail-yank-region:                      Citing Mail.
* make-frame-command:                    Creating Frames.
* make-frame-on-display:                 Multiple Displays.
* make-indirect-buffer:                  Indirect Buffers.
* make-local-variable:                   Locals.
* make-symbolic-link:                    Misc File Ops.
* make-variable-buffer-local:            Locals.
* Man-fontify-manpage:                   Man Page.
* manual-entry:                          Man Page.
* mark-calendar-holidays:                Holidays.
* mark-defun:                            Moving by Defuns.
* mark-diary-entries:                    Diary Commands.
* mark-page:                             Pages.
* mark-paragraph:                        Paragraphs.
* mark-sexp:                             Expressions.
* mark-whole-buffer:                     Marking Objects.
* mark-word:                             Words.
* menu-bar-enable-clipboard:             Clipboard.
* minibuffer-complete:                   Completion Example.
* minibuffer-complete-word:              Completion Commands.
* mode, auto-image-file:                 File Conveniences.
* mode25:                                MS-DOS Display.
* mode4350:                              MS-DOS Display.
* modify-face:                           Face Customization.
* morse-region:                          Amusements.
* mouse-avoidance-mode:                  Mouse Avoidance.
* mouse-buffer-menu:                     Buffer Menus.
* mouse-choose-completion:               Completion Commands.
* mouse-save-then-click:                 Mouse Commands.
* mouse-secondary-save-then-kill:        Secondary Selection.
* mouse-set-point:                       Mouse Commands.
* mouse-set-region:                      Mouse Commands.
* mouse-set-secondary:                   Secondary Selection.
* mouse-start-secondary:                 Secondary Selection.
* mouse-wheel-mode:                      Wheeled Mice.
* mouse-yank-at-click:                   Mouse Commands.
* mouse-yank-secondary:                  Secondary Selection.
* move-to-window-line:                   Moving Point.
* mpuz:                                  Amusements.
* msb-mode:                              Buffer Menus.
* msdos-set-mouse-buttons:               MS-DOS Input.
* name-last-kbd-macro:                   Save Kbd Macro.
* narrow-to-defun:                       Narrowing.
* narrow-to-page:                        Narrowing.
* narrow-to-region:                      Narrowing.
* negative-argument:                     Arguments.
* newline:                               Inserting Text.
* newline-and-indent:                    Basic Indent.
* next-completion:                       Completion Commands.
* next-error:                            Compilation Mode.
* next-history-element:                  Minibuffer History.
* next-line:                             Moving Point.
* next-matching-history-element:         Minibuffer History.
* normal-erase-is-backspace-mode <1>:    Deletion.
* normal-erase-is-backspace-mode:        DEL Does Not Delete.
* normal-mode:                           Choosing Modes.
* not-modified:                          Saving.
* nroff-mode:                            Nroff Mode.
* number-to-register:                    RegNumbers.
* occur:                                 Other Repeating Search.
* open-dribble-file:                     Checklist.
* open-line:                             Blank Lines.
* open-rectangle:                        Rectangles.
* open-termscript:                       Checklist.
* other-frame:                           Frame Commands.
* other-window:                          Other Window.
* outline-backward-same-level:           Outline Motion.
* outline-forward-same-level:            Outline Motion.
* outline-minor-mode:                    Outline Mode.
* outline-mode:                          Outline Mode.
* outline-next-visible-heading:          Outline Motion.
* outline-previous-visible-heading:      Outline Motion.
* outline-up-heading:                    Outline Motion.
* overwrite-mode:                        Minor Modes.
* paragraph-indent-minor-mode:           Text Mode.
* paragraph-indent-text-mode:            Text Mode.
* partial-completion-mode:               Completion Options.
* pc-bindings-mode:                      Emulation.
* pc-selection-mode:                     Emulation.
* pdb:                                   Starting GUD.
* perldb:                                Starting GUD.
* phases-of-moon:                        Lunar Phases.
* picture-backward-clear-column:         Basic Picture.
* picture-backward-column:               Basic Picture.
* picture-clear-column:                  Basic Picture.
* picture-clear-line:                    Basic Picture.
* picture-clear-rectangle:               Rectangles in Picture.
* picture-clear-rectangle-to-register:   Rectangles in Picture.
* picture-forward-column:                Basic Picture.
* picture-motion:                        Insert in Picture.
* picture-motion-reverse:                Insert in Picture.
* picture-move-down:                     Basic Picture.
* picture-move-up:                       Basic Picture.
* picture-movement-down:                 Insert in Picture.
* picture-movement-left:                 Insert in Picture.
* picture-movement-ne:                   Insert in Picture.
* picture-movement-nw:                   Insert in Picture.
* picture-movement-right:                Insert in Picture.
* picture-movement-se:                   Insert in Picture.
* picture-movement-sw:                   Insert in Picture.
* picture-movement-up:                   Insert in Picture.
* picture-newline:                       Basic Picture.
* picture-open-line:                     Basic Picture.
* picture-set-tab-stops:                 Tabs in Picture.
* picture-tab:                           Tabs in Picture.
* picture-tab-search:                    Tabs in Picture.
* picture-yank-rectangle:                Rectangles in Picture.
* picture-yank-rectangle-from-register:  Rectangles in Picture.
* plain-tex-mode:                        TeX Mode.
* point-to-register:                     RegPos.
* pong:                                  Amusements.
* pop-global-mark:                       Global Mark Ring.
* pop-tag-mark:                          Find Tag.
* posix-file-name-to-mac:                Mac Functions.
* prefer-coding-system:                  Recognize Coding.
* prepend-to-buffer:                     Accumulating Text.
* previous-completion:                   Completion Commands.
* previous-history-element:              Minibuffer History.
* previous-line:                         Moving Point.
* previous-matching-history-element:     Minibuffer History.
* print-buffer:                          Hardcopy.
* print-buffer (MS-DOS):                 MS-DOS Printing.
* print-region:                          Hardcopy.
* print-region (MS-DOS):                 MS-DOS Printing.
* ps-print-buffer:                       PostScript.
* ps-print-buffer (MS-DOS):              MS-DOS Printing.
* ps-print-buffer-with-faces:            PostScript.
* ps-print-region:                       PostScript.
* ps-print-region-with-faces:            PostScript.
* ps-spool-buffer:                       PostScript.
* ps-spool-buffer (MS-DOS):              MS-DOS Printing.
* ps-spool-buffer-with-faces:            PostScript.
* ps-spool-region:                       PostScript.
* ps-spool-region-with-faces:            PostScript.
* pwd:                                   File Names.
* quail-set-keyboard-layout:             Select Input Method.
* query-replace:                         Query Replace.
* query-replace-regexp:                  Query Replace.
* quietly-read-abbrev-file:              Saving Abbrevs.
* quoted-insert:                         Inserting Text.
* re-search-backward:                    Regexp Search.
* re-search-forward:                     Regexp Search.
* read-abbrev-file:                      Saving Abbrevs.
* recenter:                              Scrolling.
* recentf-edit-list:                     File Conveniences.
* recentf-mode:                          File Conveniences.
* recentf-save-list:                     File Conveniences.
* recompile:                             Compilation.
* recover-file:                          Recover.
* recover-session:                       Recover.
* redraw-calendar:                       General Calendar.
* remove-untranslated-filesystem:        Text and Binary.
* rename-buffer:                         Misc Buffer.
* rename-file:                           Misc File Ops.
* repeat:                                Repeating.
* repeat-complex-command:                Repetition.
* replace-regexp:                        Unconditional Replace.
* replace-string:                        Unconditional Replace.
* report-emacs-bug:                      Checklist.
* reposition-window:                     Scrolling.
* revert-buffer:                         Reverting.
* revert-buffer (Dired):                 Dired Updating.
* rmail:                                 Rmail.
* rmail-add-label:                       Rmail Labels.
* rmail-beginning-of-message:            Rmail Scrolling.
* rmail-bury:                            Rmail Basics.
* rmail-continue:                        Rmail Reply.
* rmail-delete-backward:                 Rmail Deletion.
* rmail-delete-forward:                  Rmail Deletion.
* rmail-edit-current-message:            Rmail Editing.
* rmail-expunge:                         Rmail Deletion.
* rmail-expunge-and-save:                Rmail Basics.
* rmail-first-message:                   Rmail Motion.
* rmail-forward:                         Rmail Reply.
* rmail-get-new-mail:                    Rmail Files.
* rmail-input:                           Rmail Files.
* rmail-kill-label:                      Rmail Labels.
* rmail-last-message:                    Rmail Motion.
* rmail-mail:                            Rmail Reply.
* rmail-mode:                            Rmail.
* rmail-next-labeled-message:            Rmail Labels.
* rmail-next-message:                    Rmail Motion.
* rmail-next-undeleted-message:          Rmail Motion.
* rmail-output:                          Rmail Output.
* rmail-output-body-to-file:             Rmail Output.
* rmail-output-to-rmail-file:            Rmail Output.
* rmail-previous-labeled-message:        Rmail Labels.
* rmail-previous-message:                Rmail Motion.
* rmail-previous-undeleted-message:      Rmail Motion.
* rmail-quit:                            Rmail Basics.
* rmail-redecode-body:                   Rmail Coding.
* rmail-reply:                           Rmail Reply.
* rmail-resend:                          Rmail Reply.
* rmail-retry-failure:                   Rmail Reply.
* rmail-search:                          Rmail Motion.
* rmail-show-message:                    Rmail Motion.
* rmail-summary:                         Rmail Make Summary.
* rmail-summary-by-labels:               Rmail Make Summary.
* rmail-summary-by-recipients:           Rmail Make Summary.
* rmail-summary-by-regexp:               Rmail Make Summary.
* rmail-summary-by-topic:                Rmail Make Summary.
* rmail-summary-quit:                    Rmail Summary Edit.
* rmail-summary-wipe:                    Rmail Summary Edit.
* rmail-toggle-header:                   Rmail Display.
* rmail-undelete-previous-message:       Rmail Deletion.
* rot13-other-window:                    Rmail Rot13.
* run-lisp:                              External Lisp.
* save-buffer:                           Saving.
* save-buffers-kill-emacs:               Exiting.
* save-some-buffers:                     Saving.
* scroll-all-mode:                       Emulation.
* scroll-bar-mode:                       Scroll Bars.
* scroll-calendar-left:                  Scroll Calendar.
* scroll-calendar-left-three-months:     Scroll Calendar.
* scroll-calendar-right:                 Scroll Calendar.
* scroll-calendar-right-three-months:    Scroll Calendar.
* scroll-down:                           Scrolling.
* scroll-left:                           Horizontal Scrolling.
* scroll-other-window:                   Other Window.
* scroll-right:                          Horizontal Scrolling.
* scroll-up:                             Scrolling.
* sdb:                                   Starting GUD.
* search-backward:                       Nonincremental Search.
* search-forward:                        Nonincremental Search.
* select-frame-by-name:                  Non-Window Terminals.
* self-insert:                           Inserting Text.
* send-invisible:                        Shell Mode.
* server-edit:                           Emacs Server.
* set-background-color:                  Frame Parameters.
* set-border-color:                      Frame Parameters.
* set-buffer-file-coding-system:         Specify Coding.
* set-buffer-process-coding-system:      Specify Coding.
* set-cursor-color:                      Frame Parameters.
* set-face-background:                   Faces.
* set-face-foreground:                   Faces.
* set-fill-column:                       Fill Commands.
* set-fill-prefix:                       Fill Prefix.
* set-foreground-color:                  Frame Parameters.
* set-frame-font:                        Frame Parameters.
* set-frame-name:                        Non-Window Terminals.
* set-goal-column:                       Moving Point.
* set-input-method:                      Select Input Method.
* set-justification-center:              Format Justification.
* set-justification-full:                Format Justification.
* set-justification-left:                Format Justification.
* set-justification-none:                Format Justification.
* set-justification-right:               Format Justification.
* set-keyboard-coding-system:            Specify Coding.
* set-language-environment:              Language Environments.
* set-locale-environment:                Language Environments.
* set-mark-command:                      Setting Mark.
* set-mouse-color:                       Frame Parameters.
* set-next-selection-coding-system:      Specify Coding.
* set-rmail-inbox-list:                  Rmail Files.
* set-selection-coding-system:           Specify Coding.
* set-selective-display:                 Selective Display.
* set-terminal-coding-system:            Specify Coding.
* set-variable:                          Examining.
* set-visited-file-name:                 Saving.
* setenv:                                Environment.
* setq-default:                          Locals.
* shell:                                 Interactive Shell.
* shell-backward-command:                Shell Mode.
* shell-command:                         Single Shell.
* shell-command-on-region:               Single Shell.
* shell-forward-command:                 Shell Mode.
* shell-pushd-dextract:                  Shell Options.
* shell-pushd-dunique:                   Shell Options.
* shell-pushd-tohome:                    Shell Options.
* show-all:                              Outline Visibility.
* show-all-diary-entries:                Diary Commands.
* show-branches:                         Outline Visibility.
* show-children:                         Outline Visibility.
* show-entry:                            Outline Visibility.
* show-paren-mode:                       Matching.
* show-subtree:                          Outline Visibility.
* shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer:   Change Window.
* slitex-mode:                           TeX Mode.
* smerge-mode:                           Comparing Files.
* snake:                                 Amusements.
* solitaire:                             Amusements.
* sort-columns:                          Sorting.
* sort-fields:                           Sorting.
* sort-lines:                            Sorting.
* sort-numeric-fields:                   Sorting.
* sort-pages:                            Sorting.
* sort-paragraphs:                       Sorting.
* split-line:                            Indentation Commands.
* split-window-horizontally:             Split Window.
* split-window-vertically:               Split Window.
* spook:                                 Mail Amusements.
* standard-display-8bit:                 Single-Byte Character Support.
* start-kbd-macro:                       Basic Kbd Macro.
* string-insert-rectangle:               Rectangles.
* string-rectangle:                      Rectangles.
* studlify-region:                       Amusements.
* substitute-in-file-name:               File Names.
* substitute-key-definition:             Init Examples.
* sunrise-sunset:                        Sunrise/Sunset.
* suspend-emacs:                         Exiting.
* switch-to-buffer:                      Select Buffer.
* switch-to-buffer-other-frame:          Select Buffer.
* switch-to-buffer-other-window:         Select Buffer.
* switch-to-completions:                 Completion Commands.
* tab-to-tab-stop:                       Tab Stops.
* tabify:                                Just Spaces.
* tags-apropos:                          List Tags.
* tags-loop-continue:                    Tags Search.
* tags-query-replace:                    Tags Search.
* tags-search:                           Tags Search.
* term:                                  Terminal emulator.
* term-char-mode:                        Term Mode.
* term-line-mode:                        Term Mode.
* term-pager-toggle:                     Paging in Term.
* tetris:                                Amusements.
* tex-bibtex-file:                       TeX Print.
* tex-buffer:                            TeX Print.
* tex-close-latex-block:                 LaTeX Editing.
* tex-file:                              TeX Print.
* tex-insert-braces:                     TeX Editing.
* tex-insert-quote:                      TeX Editing.
* tex-kill-job:                          TeX Print.
* tex-latex-block:                       LaTeX Editing.
* tex-mode:                              TeX Mode.
* tex-print:                             TeX Print.
* tex-recenter-output-buffer:            TeX Print.
* tex-region:                            TeX Print.
* tex-show-print-queue:                  TeX Print.
* tex-terminate-paragraph:               TeX Editing.
* tex-validate-region:                   TeX Editing.
* tex-view:                              TeX Print.
* text-mode:                             Text Mode.
* time-stamp:                            Time Stamps.
* timeclock-in:                          Time Intervals.
* timeclock-modeline-display:            Time Intervals.
* timeclock-out:                         Time Intervals.
* timeclock-reread-log:                  Time Intervals.
* timeclock-when-to-leave:               Time Intervals.
* timeclock-workday-remaining:           Time Intervals.
* tmm-menubar:                           Menu Bar.
* toggle-debug-on-error:                 Checklist.
* toggle-enable-multibyte-characters:    Enabling Multibyte.
* toggle-input-method:                   Select Input Method.
* toggle-save-place:                     Saving Emacs Sessions.
* toggle-scroll-bar:                     Scroll Bars.
* toggle-truncate-lines:                 Continuation Lines.
* tooltip-mode:                          Tooltips.
* top-level:                             Quitting.
* tpu-edt-on:                            Emulation.
* transient-mark-mode:                   Transient Mark.
* transpose-chars:                       Transpose.
* transpose-lines:                       Transpose.
* transpose-sexps:                       Expressions.
* transpose-words:                       Transpose.
* tty-suppress-bold-inverse-default-colors: Display Custom.
* turn-on-font-lock:                     Font Lock.
* undigestify-rmail-message:             Rmail Digest.
* undo:                                  Undo.
* unexpand-abbrev:                       Expanding Abbrevs.
* unforward-rmail-message:               Rmail Reply.
* unhighlight-regexp:                    Highlight Interactively.
* universal-argument:                    Arguments.
* universal-coding-system-argument:      Specify Coding.
* unmorse-region:                        Amusements.
* unrmail:                               Out of Rmail.
* untabify:                              Just Spaces.
* up-list:                               TeX Editing.
* upcase-region:                         Case.
* upcase-word:                           Case.
* vc-annotate:                           Old Versions.
* vc-cancel-version:                     VC Undo.
* vc-create-snapshot:                    Making Snapshots.
* vc-diff:                               Old Versions.
* vc-directory:                          VC Dired Mode.
* vc-dired-mark-locked:                  VC Dired Commands.
* vc-dired-toggle-terse-mode:            VC Dired Commands.
* vc-insert-headers:                     Version Headers.
* vc-merge:                              Merging.
* vc-next-action:                        Basic VC Editing.
* vc-print-log:                          VC Status.
* vc-register:                           Registering.
* vc-rename-file:                        Renaming and VC.
* vc-retrieve-snapshot:                  Making Snapshots.
* vc-revert-buffer:                      VC Undo.
* vc-switch-backend:                     Local Version Control.
* vc-toggle-read-only:                   Basic VC Editing.
* vc-update-change-log:                  Change Logs and VC.
* vc-version-other-window:               Old Versions.
* vi-mode:                               Emulation.
* view-buffer:                           Misc Buffer.
* view-diary-entries:                    Diary Commands.
* view-emacs-FAQ:                        Misc Help.
* view-emacs-news:                       Misc Help.
* view-emacs-problems:                   Misc Help.
* view-file:                             Misc File Ops.
* view-hello-file:                       International Chars.
* view-lossage:                          Misc Help.
* view-register:                         Registers.
* vip-mode:                              Emulation.
* viper-mode:                            Emulation.
* visit-tags-table:                      Select Tags Table.
* what-cursor-position:                  Position Info.
* what-line:                             Position Info.
* what-page:                             Position Info.
* where-is:                              Name Help.
* which-function-mode:                   Which Function.
* widen:                                 Narrowing.
* widget-backward:                       Changing an Option.
* widget-complete:                       Changing an Option.
* widget-forward:                        Changing an Option.
* windmove-default-keybindings:          Window Convenience.
* windmove-right:                        Window Convenience.
* window-configuration-to-register:      RegConfig.
* winner-mode:                           Window Convenience.
* woman:                                 Man Page.
* woman-find-file:                       Man Page.
* word-search-backward:                  Word Search.
* word-search-forward:                   Word Search.
* wordstar-mode:                         Emulation.
* write-abbrev-file:                     Saving Abbrevs.
* write-file:                            Saving.
* write-region:                          Misc File Ops.
* xdb:                                   Starting GUD.
* yank:                                  Kill Ring.
* yank-pop:                              Earlier Kills.
* yank-rectangle:                        Rectangles.
* yow:                                   Amusements.
* zap-to-char:                           Other Kill Commands.
* zone:                                  Amusements.