\initial {#} \entry {# (Previous file)}{43} \entry {\samp {#} (Previous file)}{55} \initial {%} \entry {% (Current file)}{43, 55} \entry {% (Ex address)}{42} \entry {\samp {%} (Ex address)}{55} \initial {.} \entry {.emacs}{21} \entry {.viper}{21} \initial {{\tt\less}} \entry {}{42} \entry {
}{42} \entry {}{43} \entry {}{43} \entry {}{43} \entry {}{43} \entry {}{43} \entry {}{43} \entry {}{42} \entry {}{43} \initial {A} \entry {abbrevs}{16} \entry {absolute file names}{12} \entry {appending}{47} \entry {auto fill}{57} \entry {auto save}{13} \entry {autoindent}{56} \initial {B} \entry {backup files}{13, 51} \entry {buffer}{3} \entry {buffer (modified)}{4} \entry {buffer information}{4} \entry {buffer search}{15} \initial {C} \entry {C-c and Viper}{30} \entry {case and searching}{56} \entry {case-insensitive search}{8, 19, 46} \entry {case-sensitive search}{8, 19, 46} \entry {changing case}{17, 49} \entry {changing tab width}{57} \entry {char}{43} \entry {CHAR}{43} \entry {column movement}{44} \entry {Command history}{19} \entry {command line}{4} \entry {Command ring}{19} \entry {compiling}{19} \entry {completion}{15} \entry {Control keys}{4} \entry {customization}{21} \entry {cut and paste}{51} \initial {D} \entry {describing regions}{13} \entry {desktop}{20} \entry {Destructive command history}{33} \entry {Destructive command ring}{33} \entry {dired}{20} \entry {dynamic abbrevs}{16} \initial {E} \entry {ediff}{20} \entry {Emacs state}{5, 7} \entry {email}{20} \entry {end (of buffer)}{3} \entry {end (of line)}{3} \entry {Ex addresses}{42} \entry {Ex commands}{5, 8, 44} \entry {Ex style motion}{16} \entry {expanding (region)}{13} \initial {F} \entry {font-lock}{20} \initial {G} \entry {global keymap}{4} \initial {H} \entry {headings}{33, 44} \entry {history}{14} \initial {I} \entry {incremental search}{15} \entry {initialization}{21} \entry {Insert state}{5, 9, 48} \entry {inserting}{47} \entry {Insertion history}{19} \entry {Insertion ring}{19, 33} \entry {interactive shell}{19} \entry {ispell}{20} \initial {J} \entry {joining lines}{49} \initial {K} \entry {key bindings}{27, 54} \entry {key mapping}{54} \entry {keyboard macros}{14, 18} \entry {keymap}{4} \entry {keymaps}{27} \initial {L} \entry {last keyboard macro}{15} \entry {layout}{57} \entry {line commands}{13, 42} \entry {line editor motion}{16} \entry {literal searching}{56} \entry {local keymap}{4} \entry {looking at}{3} \initial {M} \entry {macros}{14} \entry {mail}{20} \entry {major mode}{4} \entry {make}{19} \entry {managing multiple files}{11} \entry {mark}{3} \entry {markers}{11, 14, 44} \entry {marking}{46} \entry {matching parens}{44, 57} \entry {Meta key}{4, 7, 10} \entry {Minibuffer}{4, 10, 14} \entry {minor mode}{4} \entry {mode}{4} \entry {mode line}{4, 6} \entry {mouse}{35} \entry {mouse search}{15} \entry {mouse-insert}{36} \entry {mouse-search}{35} \entry {movement commands}{13, 44} \entry {movements}{42} \entry {Multifile documents and programs}{34} \entry {multiple files}{11, 52} \entry {multiple undo}{8} \initial {P} \entry {paragraphs}{33, 44} \entry {paren matching}{44, 57} \entry {paste}{47, 51} \entry {point}{3} \entry {point commands}{13, 42} \entry {put}{47} \initial {Q} \entry {query replace}{15, 17} \entry {quoting regions}{49} \initial {R} \entry {r and R region specifiers}{13, 42} \entry {RCS}{20} \entry {readonly files}{56} \entry {region}{3, 13} \entry {region specification}{13} \entry {register execution}{14, 18} \entry {registers}{11, 14} \entry {regular expressions}{8} \entry {Replace state}{5, 10} \initial {S} \entry {scrolling}{52} \entry {searching}{44, 57} \entry {sections}{33, 44} \entry {sentences}{33, 44} \entry {setting variables}{21} \entry {shell}{19, 57} \entry {shell commands}{55} \entry {shifting text}{48, 57} \entry {substitution}{49} \entry {syntax table}{16, 44} \initial {T} \entry {tabbing}{57} \entry {text}{3} \entry {text processing}{50} \entry {textmarkers}{11, 14, 17, 44} \entry {transparent ftp}{20} \initial {U} \entry {undo}{8, 13, 51} \initial {V} \entry {vanilla search}{8, 19, 46} \entry {variables for customization}{21} \entry {version maintenance}{20} \entry {Vi macros}{37} \entry {Vi options}{56} \entry {Vi state}{5, 7} \entry {viewing registers and markers}{14} \entry {Viper and C-c}{30} \entry {Viper as minor mode}{4} \initial {W} \entry {window}{4} \entry {word search}{15} \entry {word wrap}{57} \entry {words}{43} \entry {WORDS}{43}