dyldAPIs.cpp   [plain text]

/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4 -*-
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

// This file implements that API's in <mach-o/dyld.h>

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>

#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>

#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>

extern "C" mach_port_name_t	task_self_trap(void);  // can't include <System/mach/mach_traps.h> because it is missing extern C

#include "mach-o/dyld_images.h"
#include "mach-o/dyld.h"
#include "mach-o/dyld_priv.h"
#include "mach-o/dyld-update-prebinding.h"

#include "ImageLoader.h"
#include "dyld.h"
#include "dyldLibSystemInterface.h"

#include "dlfcn.h"

#ifndef RTLD_DLL
	#define RTLD_DLL	0x200	/* Mac OS X 10.5 and later */

static char sLastErrorFilePath[1024];
static NSLinkEditErrors sLastErrorFileCode;
static int sLastErrorNo;

// In 10.3.x and earlier all the NSObjectFileImage API's were implemeneted in libSystem.dylib
// Beginning in 10.4 the NSObjectFileImage API's are implemented in dyld and libSystem just forwards
// This conditional keeps support for old libSystem's which needed some help implementing the API's
#define OLD_LIBSYSTEM_SUPPORT (__ppc__ || __i386__)

// The following functions have no prototype in any header.  They are special cases
// where _dyld_func_lookup() is used directly.
static void _dyld_install_handlers(void* undefined, void* multiple, void* linkEdit);
static NSModule _dyld_link_module(NSObjectFileImage object_addr, size_t object_size, const char* moduleName, uint32_t options);
static void _dyld_register_binding_handler(void * (*)(const char *, const char *, void *), ImageLoader::BindingOptions);
static void _dyld_fork_child();
static void _dyld_make_delayed_module_initializer_calls();
static bool NSMakePrivateModulePublic(NSModule module);
static void _dyld_call_module_initializers_for_dylib(const struct mach_header* mh_dylib_header);
static void registerThreadHelpers(const dyld::LibSystemHelpers*);
static const struct dyld_all_image_infos* _dyld_get_all_image_infos();

// The following functions are dyld API's, but since dyld links with a static copy of libc.a
// the public name cannot be used.
static void		client_dyld_lookup_and_bind(const char* symbolName, void** address, NSModule* module);
static bool		client_NSIsSymbolNameDefined(const char* symbolName);

static void unimplemented()
	dyld::halt("unimplemented dyld function\n");

struct dyld_func {
    const char* name;
    void*		implementation;

static struct dyld_func dyld_funcs[] = {
 	{"__dyld_register_thread_helpers",					(void*)registerThreadHelpers },
    {"__dyld_register_func_for_add_image",				(void*)_dyld_register_func_for_add_image },
    {"__dyld_register_func_for_remove_image",			(void*)_dyld_register_func_for_remove_image },
    {"__dyld_make_delayed_module_initializer_calls",	(void*)_dyld_make_delayed_module_initializer_calls },
    {"__dyld_fork_child",								(void*)_dyld_fork_child },
	{"__dyld_dyld_register_image_state_change_handler",	(void*)dyld_register_image_state_change_handler },
    {"__dyld_dladdr",									(void*)dladdr },
    {"__dyld_dlclose",									(void*)dlclose },
    {"__dyld_dlerror",									(void*)dlerror },
    {"__dyld_dlopen",									(void*)dlopen },
    {"__dyld_dlsym",									(void*)dlsym },
    {"__dyld_dlopen_preflight",							(void*)dlopen_preflight },
    {"__dyld_get_image_header_containing_address",		(void*)_dyld_get_image_header_containing_address },
	{"__dyld_image_count",								(void*)_dyld_image_count },
    {"__dyld_get_image_header",							(void*)_dyld_get_image_header },
    {"__dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide",					(void*)_dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide },
    {"__dyld_get_image_name",							(void*)_dyld_get_image_name },
    {"__dyld__NSGetExecutablePath",						(void*)_NSGetExecutablePath },
	// the rest of these are either deprecated or SPIs
    {"__dyld_lookup_and_bind",						(void*)client_dyld_lookup_and_bind },
    {"__dyld_lookup_and_bind_with_hint",			(void*)_dyld_lookup_and_bind_with_hint },
    {"__dyld_lookup_and_bind_fully",				(void*)_dyld_lookup_and_bind_fully },
    {"__dyld_install_handlers",						(void*)_dyld_install_handlers },
    {"__dyld_link_edit_error",						(void*)NSLinkEditError },
    {"__dyld_unlink_module",						(void*)NSUnLinkModule },
    {"__dyld_bind_objc_module",						(void*)_dyld_bind_objc_module },
    {"__dyld_bind_fully_image_containing_address",  (void*)_dyld_bind_fully_image_containing_address },
    {"__dyld_image_containing_address",				(void*)_dyld_image_containing_address },
    {"__dyld_moninit",								(void*)_dyld_moninit },
    {"__dyld_register_binding_handler",				(void*)_dyld_register_binding_handler },
    {"__dyld_NSNameOfSymbol",						(void*)NSNameOfSymbol },
    {"__dyld_NSAddressOfSymbol",					(void*)NSAddressOfSymbol },
    {"__dyld_NSModuleForSymbol",					(void*)NSModuleForSymbol },
    {"__dyld_NSLookupAndBindSymbol",				(void*)NSLookupAndBindSymbol },
    {"__dyld_NSLookupAndBindSymbolWithHint",		(void*)NSLookupAndBindSymbolWithHint },
    {"__dyld_NSLookupSymbolInModule",				(void*)NSLookupSymbolInModule},
    {"__dyld_NSLookupSymbolInImage",				(void*)NSLookupSymbolInImage},
    {"__dyld_NSMakePrivateModulePublic",			(void*)NSMakePrivateModulePublic},
    {"__dyld_NSIsSymbolNameDefined",				(void*)client_NSIsSymbolNameDefined},
    {"__dyld_NSIsSymbolNameDefinedWithHint",		(void*)NSIsSymbolNameDefinedWithHint },
    {"__dyld_NSIsSymbolNameDefinedInImage",			(void*)NSIsSymbolNameDefinedInImage},
    {"__dyld_NSNameOfModule",						(void*)NSNameOfModule },
    {"__dyld_NSLibraryNameForModule",				(void*)NSLibraryNameForModule },
    {"__dyld_NSAddLibrary",							(void*)NSAddLibrary },
    {"__dyld_NSAddLibraryWithSearching",			(void*)NSAddLibraryWithSearching },
    {"__dyld_NSAddImage",							(void*)NSAddImage },
    {"__dyld_launched_prebound",					(void*)_dyld_launched_prebound },
    {"__dyld_all_twolevel_modules_prebound",		(void*)_dyld_all_twolevel_modules_prebound },
    {"__dyld_call_module_initializers_for_dylib",   (void*)_dyld_call_module_initializers_for_dylib },
    {"__dyld_install_link_edit_symbol_handlers",	(void*)dyld::registerZeroLinkHandlers },
    {"__dyld_NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile",			(void*)NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile },
    {"__dyld_NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory",		(void*)NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory },
    {"__dyld_NSDestroyObjectFileImage",					(void*)NSDestroyObjectFileImage },
    {"__dyld_NSLinkModule",								(void*)NSLinkModule },
    {"__dyld_NSHasModInitObjectFileImage",				(void*)NSHasModInitObjectFileImage },
    {"__dyld_NSSymbolDefinitionCountInObjectFileImage",	(void*)NSSymbolDefinitionCountInObjectFileImage },
    {"__dyld_NSSymbolDefinitionNameInObjectFileImage",	(void*)NSSymbolDefinitionNameInObjectFileImage },
    {"__dyld_NSIsSymbolDefinedInObjectFileImage",		(void*)NSIsSymbolDefinedInObjectFileImage },
    {"__dyld_NSSymbolReferenceNameInObjectFileImage",	(void*)NSSymbolReferenceNameInObjectFileImage },
    {"__dyld_NSSymbolReferenceCountInObjectFileImage",	(void*)NSSymbolReferenceCountInObjectFileImage },
    {"__dyld_NSGetSectionDataInObjectFileImage",		(void*)NSGetSectionDataInObjectFileImage },
    {"__dyld_NSFindSectionAndOffsetInObjectFileImage",  (void*)NSFindSectionAndOffsetInObjectFileImage },
    {"__dyld_link_module",							(void*)_dyld_link_module },
	{"__dyld_dlord",									(void*)dlord },
	{"__dyld_get_all_image_infos",						(void*)_dyld_get_all_image_infos },
    {NULL, 0}

// dyld's abstract type NSSymbol is implemented as const ImageLoader::Symbol*
inline NSSymbol SymbolToNSSymbol(const ImageLoader::Symbol* sym)
	return (NSSymbol)sym;
inline const ImageLoader::Symbol* NSSymbolToSymbol(NSSymbol sym)
	return (const ImageLoader::Symbol*)sym;

// dyld's abstract type NSModule is implemented as ImageLoader*
inline NSModule ImageLoaderToNSModule(const ImageLoader* image)
	return (NSModule)image;
inline ImageLoader* NSModuleToImageLoader(NSModule module)
	ImageLoader* image = (ImageLoader*)module;
	if ( dyld::validImage(image) )
		return image;
	return NULL;

// actual definition for opaque type
struct __NSObjectFileImage
	ImageLoader*	image;	
	const void*		imageBaseAddress;	// not used with OFI created from files
	size_t			imageLength;		// not used with OFI created from files
static std::vector<NSObjectFileImage> sObjectFileImages;

// __NSObjectFileImage are deleted in NSDestroyObjectFileImage()
// The contained image is delete in one of two places:
//	NSUnLinkModule deletes the image if there is no __NSObjectFileImage with a reference to it
//	NSDestroyObjectFileImage deletes the image if image is not in list of valid images

static void dyldAPIhalt(const char* apiName, const char* errorMsg)
	dyld::log("dyld: %s() error\n", apiName);

static void setLastError(NSLinkEditErrors code, int errnum, const char* file, const char* message)
	strncpy(sLastErrorFilePath, file, 1024);
	sLastErrorFilePath[1023] = '\0';
	sLastErrorFileCode = code;
	sLastErrorNo = errnum;

 *_dyld_NSGetExecutablePath is the dyld side of _NSGetExecutablePath which
 * copies the path of the executable into the buffer and returns 0 if the path
 * was successfully copied in the provided buffer. If the buffer is not large
 * enough, -1 is returned and the expected buffer size is copied in *bufsize.
 * Note that _NSGetExecutablePath will return "a path" to the executable not a
 * "real path" to the executable. That is the path may be a symbolic link and
 * not the real file. And with deep directories the total bufsize needed could
 * be more than MAXPATHLEN.
int _NSGetExecutablePath(char* buf, uint32_t *bufsize)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(...)\n", __func__);
	const char* exePath = dyld::getExecutablePath();
	if(*bufsize < strlen(exePath) + 1){
	    *bufsize = strlen(exePath) + 1;
	    return -1;
	strcpy(buf, exePath);
	return 0;

// _dyld_call_module_initializers_for_dylib() is the dyld side of
// __initialize_Cplusplus() which is in dylib1.o.
// It is intended to only be called inside -init rouintes.
// -init routines are called before module initializers (what C++
// initializers use).  Calling __initialize_Cplusplus() in a -init
// routine causes the module initializers for an image to be called
// which then allows C++ to be used inside a -init routine
static void _dyld_call_module_initializers_for_dylib(const struct mach_header* mh_dylib_header)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
	// for now, do nothing...

void _dyld_lookup_and_bind_fully(const char* symbolName, void** address, NSModule* module)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(\"%s\", %p, %p)\n", __func__, symbolName, address, module);
	ImageLoader* image;
	const ImageLoader::Symbol* sym;
	if ( dyld::flatFindExportedSymbol(symbolName, &sym, (const ImageLoader**)&image) ) {	
		try {
			image->bindAllLazyPointers(dyld::gLinkContext, true);
			if ( address != NULL)
				*address = (void*)image->getExportedSymbolAddress(sym, dyld::gLinkContext);
			if ( module != NULL)
				*module = ImageLoaderToNSModule(image);
		catch (const char* msg) {
			dyldAPIhalt(__func__, msg);
	else {
		// on failure to find symbol return NULLs
		if ( address != NULL)
			*address = NULL;
		if ( module != NULL)
			*module = NULL;

// Note: This cannot have public name because dyld is built with a static copy of libc.a
// which calls dyld_lookup_and_bind() and expects to find dyld's symbols not host process
static void client_dyld_lookup_and_bind(const char* symbolName, void** address, NSModule* module)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("_dyld_lookup_and_bind(\"%s\", %p, %p)\n", symbolName, address, module);
	const ImageLoader* image;
	const ImageLoader::Symbol* sym;
	if ( dyld::flatFindExportedSymbol(symbolName, &sym, &image) ) {
		if ( address != NULL)
			*address = (void*)image->getExportedSymbolAddress(sym, dyld::gLinkContext);
		if ( module != NULL)
			*module = ImageLoaderToNSModule(image);
	else {
		// on failure to find symbol return NULLs
		if ( address != NULL)
			*address = NULL;
		if ( module != NULL)
			*module = NULL;

void _dyld_lookup_and_bind_with_hint(const char* symbolName, const char* library_name_hint, void** address, NSModule* module)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(\"%s\", \"%s\", %p, %p)\n", __func__, symbolName, library_name_hint, address, module);
	const ImageLoader* image;
	const ImageLoader::Symbol* sym;
	// Look for library whose path contains the hint.  If that fails search everywhere
	if (  dyld::flatFindExportedSymbolWithHint(symbolName, library_name_hint, &sym, &image) 
	  ||  dyld::flatFindExportedSymbol(symbolName, &sym, &image) ) {
		if ( address != NULL)
			*address = (void*)image->getExportedSymbolAddress(sym, dyld::gLinkContext);
		if ( module != NULL)
			*module = ImageLoaderToNSModule(image);
	else {
		// on failure to find symbol return NULLs
		if ( address != NULL)
			*address = NULL;
		if ( module != NULL)
			*module = NULL;

NSSymbol NSLookupAndBindSymbol(const char *symbolName)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(\"%s\")\n", __func__, symbolName);
	const ImageLoader* image;
	const ImageLoader::Symbol* sym;
	if ( dyld::flatFindExportedSymbol(symbolName, &sym, &image) ) {
		return SymbolToNSSymbol(sym);
	// return NULL on failure
	return NULL;

NSSymbol NSLookupAndBindSymbolWithHint(const char* symbolName, const char* libraryNameHint)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(\"%s\", \"%s\")\n", __func__, symbolName, libraryNameHint);
	const ImageLoader* image;
	const ImageLoader::Symbol* sym;
	bool found = dyld::flatFindExportedSymbolWithHint(symbolName, libraryNameHint, &sym, &image);
	if ( ! found ) {
		// hint failed, do slow search of all images
		 found = dyld::flatFindExportedSymbol(symbolName, &sym, &image);
	if ( found )
		return SymbolToNSSymbol(sym);
	// return NULL on failure and log
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(\"%s\", \"%s\") => NULL \n", __func__, symbolName, libraryNameHint);
	return NULL;

uint32_t _dyld_image_count(void)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s()\n", __func__);
	return dyld::getImageCount();

const struct mach_header* _dyld_get_image_header(uint32_t image_index)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%u)\n", __func__, image_index);
	ImageLoader* image = dyld::getIndexedImage(image_index);
	if ( image != NULL )
		return (struct mach_header*)image->machHeader();
		return NULL;

static __attribute__((noinline)) 
const struct mach_header* addImage(void* callerAddress, const char* path, bool search, bool dontLoad, bool matchInstallName, bool abortOnError)
	ImageLoader*	image = NULL;
	std::vector<const char*> rpathsFromCallerImage;
	try {
		ImageLoader* callerImage = dyld::findImageContainingAddress(callerAddress);
		// like dlopen, use rpath from caller image and from main executable
		if ( callerImage != NULL )
			callerImage->getRPaths(dyld::gLinkContext, rpathsFromCallerImage);
		ImageLoader::RPathChain callersRPaths(NULL, &rpathsFromCallerImage);
		if ( callerImage != dyld::mainExecutable() ) {
			dyld::mainExecutable()->getRPaths(dyld::gLinkContext, rpathsFromCallerImage);
		dyld::LoadContext context;
		context.useSearchPaths		= search;
		context.useLdLibraryPath	= false;
		context.implicitRPath		= false;
		context.matchByInstallName	= matchInstallName;
		context.dontLoad			= dontLoad;
		context.mustBeBundle		= false;
		context.mustBeDylib			= true;
		context.findDLL				= false;
		context.origin				= callerImage != NULL ? callerImage->getPath() : NULL; // caller's image's path
		context.rpath				= &callersRPaths; 	// rpaths from caller and main executable
		image = load(path, context);
		if ( image != NULL ) {
			if ( context.matchByInstallName )
			dyld::link(image, false, callersRPaths);
			// images added with NSAddImage() can never be unloaded
	catch (const char* msg) {
		if ( abortOnError) {
			char pathMsg[strlen(msg)+strlen(path)+4];
			strcpy(pathMsg, msg);
			strcat(pathMsg, " ");
			strcat(pathMsg, path);
			dyldAPIhalt("NSAddImage", pathMsg);
		// not halting, so set error state for NSLinkEditError to find
		setLastError(NSLinkEditOtherError, 0, path, msg);
		free((void*)msg); 	// our free() will do nothing if msg is a string literal
		image = NULL;
	// free rpaths (getRPaths() malloc'ed each string)
	for(std::vector<const char*>::iterator it=rpathsFromCallerImage.begin(); it != rpathsFromCallerImage.end(); ++it) {
		const char* str = *it;
	if ( image == NULL )
		return NULL;
		return image->machHeader();

const struct mach_header* NSAddImage(const char* path, uint32_t options)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(\"%s\", 0x%08X)\n", __func__, path, options);
	const bool dontLoad = ( (options & NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_RETURN_ONLY_IF_LOADED) != 0 );
	const bool search = ( (options & NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_WITH_SEARCHING) != 0 );
	const bool matchInstallName = ( (options & NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_MATCH_FILENAME_BY_INSTALLNAME) != 0 );
	void* callerAddress = __builtin_return_address(1); // note layers: 1: real client, 0: libSystem glue
	return addImage(callerAddress, path, search, dontLoad, matchInstallName, abortOnError);

bool NSAddLibrary(const char* path)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(\"%s\")\n", __func__, path);
	void* callerAddress = __builtin_return_address(1); // note layers: 1: real client, 0: libSystem glue
	return (addImage(callerAddress, path, false, false, false, false) != NULL);

bool NSAddLibraryWithSearching(const char* path)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(\"%s\")\n", __func__, path);
	void* callerAddress = __builtin_return_address(1); // note layers: 1: real client, 0: libSystem glue
	return (addImage(callerAddress, path, true, false, false, false) != NULL);

//#define NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_NONE                  	0x0

bool NSIsSymbolNameDefinedInImage(const struct mach_header* mh, const char* symbolName)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p, \"%s\")\n", __func__, (void *)mh, symbolName);
	ImageLoader* image = dyld::findImageByMachHeader(mh);
	if ( image != NULL ) {
		if ( image->findExportedSymbol(symbolName, NULL, true, NULL) != NULL)
			return true;
	return false;

NSSymbol NSLookupSymbolInImage(const struct mach_header* mh, const char* symbolName, uint32_t options)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p, \"%s\", 0x%08X)\n", __func__, mh, symbolName, options);
	const ImageLoader::Symbol* symbol = NULL;
	ImageLoader* image = dyld::findImageByMachHeader(mh);
	if ( image != NULL ) {
		try {
				image->bindAllLazyPointers(dyld::gLinkContext, true);
				image->bindAllLazyPointers(dyld::gLinkContext, false);
		catch (const char* msg) {
				dyldAPIhalt(__func__, msg);
		symbol = image->findExportedSymbol(symbolName, NULL, true, NULL);
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs && (symbol == NULL) )
		dyld::log("%s(%p, \"%s\", 0x%08X) ==> NULL\n", __func__, mh, symbolName, options);
	return SymbolToNSSymbol(symbol);

// Note: This cannot have public name because dyld is built with a static copy of libc.a
// which calls NSIsSymbolNameDefined() and expects to find dyld's symbols not host process
static bool client_NSIsSymbolNameDefined(const char* symbolName)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("NSIsSymbolNameDefined(\"%s\")\n", symbolName);
	const ImageLoader* image;
	const ImageLoader::Symbol* sym;
	return dyld::flatFindExportedSymbol(symbolName, &sym, &image);

bool NSIsSymbolNameDefinedWithHint(const char* symbolName, const char* libraryNameHint)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(\"%s\", \"%s\")\n", __func__, symbolName, libraryNameHint);
	const ImageLoader* image;
	const ImageLoader::Symbol* sym;
	bool found = dyld::flatFindExportedSymbolWithHint(symbolName, libraryNameHint, &sym, &image);
	if ( ! found ) {
		// hint failed, do slow search of all images
		 found = dyld::flatFindExportedSymbol(symbolName, &sym, &image);
	if ( !found && dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(\"%s\", \"%s\") => false \n", __func__, symbolName, libraryNameHint);
	return found;

const char* NSNameOfSymbol(NSSymbol symbol)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p)\n", __func__, (void *)symbol);
	const char* result = NULL;
	ImageLoader* image = dyld::findImageContainingAddress(symbol);
	if ( image != NULL ) 
		result = image->getExportedSymbolName(NSSymbolToSymbol(symbol));
	return result;

void* NSAddressOfSymbol(NSSymbol symbol)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p)\n", __func__, (void *)symbol);
	void* result = NULL;
	ImageLoader* image = dyld::findImageContainingAddress(symbol);
	if ( image != NULL ) 
		result = (void*)image->getExportedSymbolAddress(NSSymbolToSymbol(symbol), dyld::gLinkContext);
	return result;

NSModule NSModuleForSymbol(NSSymbol symbol)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p)\n", __func__, (void *)symbol);
	NSModule result = NULL;
	ImageLoader* image = dyld::findImageContainingAddress(symbol);
	if ( image != NULL ) 
		result = ImageLoaderToNSModule(image);
	return result;

intptr_t _dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide(uint32_t image_index)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%u)\n", __func__, image_index);
	ImageLoader* image = dyld::getIndexedImage(image_index);
	if ( image != NULL )
		return image->getSlide();
		return 0;

const char* _dyld_get_image_name(uint32_t image_index)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%u)\n", __func__, image_index);
	ImageLoader* image = dyld::getIndexedImage(image_index);
	if ( image != NULL )
		return image->getLogicalPath();
		return NULL;

bool _dyld_all_twolevel_modules_prebound(void)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s()\n", __func__);
	return FALSE; // fixme

void _dyld_bind_objc_module(const void *objc_module)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p)\n", __func__, objc_module);
	// do nothing, with new dyld everything already bound

bool _dyld_bind_fully_image_containing_address(const void* address)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p)\n", __func__, address);
	ImageLoader* image = dyld::findImageContainingAddress(address);
	if ( image != NULL ) {
		try {
			image->bindAllLazyPointers(dyld::gLinkContext, true);
			return true;
		catch (const char* msg) {
			dyldAPIhalt(__func__, msg);
	return false;

bool _dyld_image_containing_address(const void* address)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p)\n", __func__, address);
	ImageLoader *imageLoader = dyld::findImageContainingAddress(address);
	return (NULL != imageLoader);

static NSObjectFileImage createObjectImageFile(ImageLoader* image, const void* address = NULL, size_t len=0)
	NSObjectFileImage result = new __NSObjectFileImage();
	result->image = image;
	result->imageBaseAddress = address;
	result->imageLength = len;
	return result;

NSObjectFileImageReturnCode NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile(const char* pathName, NSObjectFileImage *objectFileImage)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(\"%s\", ...)\n", __func__, pathName);
	try {
		void* callerAddress = __builtin_return_address(1); // note layers: 1: real client, 0: libSystem glue
		ImageLoader* callerImage = dyld::findImageContainingAddress(callerAddress);

		dyld::LoadContext context;
		context.useSearchPaths		= false;
		context.useLdLibraryPath	= false;
		context.implicitRPath		= false;
		context.matchByInstallName	= false;
		context.dontLoad			= false;
		context.mustBeBundle		= true;
		context.mustBeDylib			= false;
		context.findDLL				= false;
		context.origin				= callerImage != NULL ? callerImage->getPath() : NULL; // caller's image's path
		context.rpath				= NULL; // support not yet implemented

		ImageLoader* image = dyld::load(pathName, context);
		// Note:  We DO NOT link the image!  NSLinkModule will do that
		if ( image != NULL ) {
			if ( !image->isBundle() ) {
				// the image must have been already loaded (since context.mustBeBundle will prevent it from being loaded)
				return NSObjectFileImageInappropriateFile;
			*objectFileImage = createObjectImageFile(image);
			return NSObjectFileImageSuccess;
	catch (const char* msg) {
		//dyld::log("dyld: NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile() error: %s\n", msg);
		return NSObjectFileImageInappropriateFile;
	return NSObjectFileImageFailure;

NSObjectFileImageReturnCode NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory(const void* address, size_t size, NSObjectFileImage *objectFileImage)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p, %lu, %p)\n", __func__, address, size, objectFileImage);
	try {
		ImageLoader* image = dyld::loadFromMemory((const uint8_t*)address, size, NULL); 
		if ( ! image->isBundle() ) {
			// this API can only be used with bundles...
			return NSObjectFileImageInappropriateFile;
		// Note:  We DO NOT link the image!  NSLinkModule will do that
		if ( image != NULL ) {
			*objectFileImage = createObjectImageFile(image, address, size);
			return NSObjectFileImageSuccess;
	catch (const char* msg) {
		//dyld::log("dyld: NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory() error: %s\n", msg);
	return NSObjectFileImageFailure;

static bool validOFI(NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage)
	const int ofiCount = sObjectFileImages.size();
	for (int i=0; i < ofiCount; ++i) {
		if ( sObjectFileImages[i] == objectFileImage )
			return true;
	return false;

bool NSDestroyObjectFileImage(NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p)\n", __func__, objectFileImage);
	if ( validOFI(objectFileImage) ) {
		// a failure during NSLinkModule will delete the image
		if ( objectFileImage->image != NULL ) {
			// if the image has never been linked or has been unlinked, the image is not in the list of valid images
			// and we should delete it
			bool linkedImage = dyld::validImage(objectFileImage->image);
			if ( ! linkedImage )  {
				delete objectFileImage->image;
				objectFileImage->image = NULL;
		// remove from list of ofi's
		for (std::vector<NSObjectFileImage>::iterator it=sObjectFileImages.begin(); it != sObjectFileImages.end(); it++) {
			if ( *it == objectFileImage ) {
		// if object was created from a memory, release that memory
		// NOTE: this is the way dyld has always done this. NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory() hands over ownership of the memory to dyld
		if ( objectFileImage->imageBaseAddress != NULL ) {
			vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t)objectFileImage->imageBaseAddress, objectFileImage->imageLength);
		// free ofi object
		delete objectFileImage;
		return true;
	return false;

bool NSHasModInitObjectFileImage(NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p)\n", __func__, objectFileImage);
	return objectFileImage->image->needsInitialization();

uint32_t NSSymbolDefinitionCountInObjectFileImage(NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p)\n", __func__, objectFileImage);
	return objectFileImage->image->getExportedSymbolCount();

const char* NSSymbolDefinitionNameInObjectFileImage(NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage, uint32_t ordinal)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p,%d)\n", __func__, objectFileImage, ordinal);
	const ImageLoader::Symbol* sym = objectFileImage->image->getIndexedExportedSymbol(ordinal);
	return objectFileImage->image->getExportedSymbolName(sym);	

uint32_t NSSymbolReferenceCountInObjectFileImage(NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p)\n", __func__, objectFileImage);
	return objectFileImage->image->getImportedSymbolCount();

const char * NSSymbolReferenceNameInObjectFileImage(NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage, uint32_t ordinal, 
													bool* tentative_definition)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p,%d)\n", __func__, objectFileImage, ordinal);
	const ImageLoader::Symbol* sym = objectFileImage->image->getIndexedImportedSymbol(ordinal);
	if ( tentative_definition != NULL ) {
		ImageLoader::ReferenceFlags flags = objectFileImage->image->geImportedSymbolInfo(sym);
		if ( (flags & ImageLoader::kTentativeDefinition) != 0 )
			*tentative_definition = true;
			*tentative_definition = false;
	return objectFileImage->image->getImportedSymbolName(sym);	

void* NSGetSectionDataInObjectFileImage(NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage,
										const char* segmentName, const char* sectionName, unsigned long* size)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p,%s, %s)\n", __func__, objectFileImage, segmentName, sectionName);

	void* start;
	size_t length;
	if ( objectFileImage->image->getSectionContent(segmentName, sectionName, &start, &length) ) {
		if ( size != NULL )
			*size = length;
		return start;
	return NULL;

bool NSIsSymbolDefinedInObjectFileImage(NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage, const char* symbolName)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p,%s)\n", __func__, objectFileImage, symbolName);
	const ImageLoader::Symbol* sym = objectFileImage->image->findExportedSymbol(symbolName, NULL, true, NULL);
	return ( sym != NULL );

 * Given an imageOffset into an ObjectFileImage, returns 
 * the segment/section name and offset into that section of
 * that imageOffset.  Returns FALSE if the imageOffset is not 
 * in any section.  You can used the resulting sectionOffset to
 * index into the data returned by NSGetSectionDataInObjectFileImage.
 * First appeared in Mac OS X 10.3 
 * SPI: currently only used by ZeroLink to detect +load methods
NSFindSectionAndOffsetInObjectFileImage(NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage, 
										unsigned long imageOffset,
										const char** segmentName, 	/* can be NULL */
										const char** sectionName, 	/* can be NULL */
										unsigned long* sectionOffset)	/* can be NULL */
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p)\n", __func__, objectFileImage);
	return objectFileImage->image->findSection(((char*)(objectFileImage->image->machHeader()))+imageOffset, segmentName, sectionName, sectionOffset);

NSModule NSLinkModule(NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage, const char* moduleName, uint32_t options)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p, \"%s\", 0x%08X)\n", __func__, objectFileImage, moduleName, options); 
	try {
		// NSLinkModule allows a bundle to be link multpile times
		// each link causes the bundle to be copied to a new address
		if ( objectFileImage->image->isLinked() ) {
			// already linked, so clone a new one and link it
#if 0
			dyld::warn("%s(0x%08X, \"%s\", 0x%08X) called more than once for 0x%08X\n",
					__func__, objectFileImage, moduleName, options, objectFileImage); 
			objectFileImage->image = dyld::cloneImage(objectFileImage->image);
		// if this ofi was made with NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile() then physical path is already set
		// if this ofi was create with NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory() then the phyiscal path should be set if supplied 
			if ( objectFileImage->imageBaseAddress != NULL ) {
				const char* physEnd = &moduleName[strlen(moduleName)+1];
		// set moduleName as the name anyone calling _dyld_get_image_name() will see

		// support private bundles
		if ( (options & NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_PRIVATE) != 0 )
		// set up linking options
		bool forceLazysBound = ( (options & NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_BINDNOW) != 0 );
		// load libraries, rebase, bind, to make this image usable
		dyld::link(objectFileImage->image, forceLazysBound, ImageLoader::RPathChain(NULL,NULL));
		// run initializers unless magic flag says not to

		// bump reference count to keep this bundle from being garbage collected

		return ImageLoaderToNSModule(objectFileImage->image);
	catch (const char* msg) {
			dyldAPIhalt(__func__, msg);
		// not halting, so set error state for NSLinkEditError to find
		setLastError(NSLinkEditOtherError, 0, moduleName, msg);
		// dyld::link() deleted the image so lose our reference
		objectFileImage->image = NULL;
		return NULL;

// This is for compatibility with old libSystems (libdyld.a) which process ObjectFileImages outside dyld
static NSModule _dyld_link_module(NSObjectFileImage object_addr, size_t object_size, const char* moduleName, uint32_t options)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p, \"%s\", 0x%08X)\n", "NSLinkModule", object_addr,  moduleName, options); // note name/args translation
	ImageLoader* image = NULL;
	try {
		const char* imageName = moduleName;
			imageName = &moduleName[strlen(moduleName)+1];
		image = dyld::loadFromMemory((const uint8_t*)object_addr, object_size, imageName); 
		if ( image != NULL ) {		
			// support private bundles
			if ( (options & NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_PRIVATE) != 0 )
			// set up linking options
			bool forceLazysBound = ( (options & NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_BINDNOW) != 0 );
			// load libraries, rebase, bind, to make this image usable
			dyld::link(image, forceLazysBound, ImageLoader::RPathChain(NULL,NULL));
			// run initializers unless magic flag says not to
	catch (const char* msg) {
			dyldAPIhalt("NSLinkModule", msg);
		// not halting, so set error state for NSLinkEditError to find
		setLastError(NSLinkEditOtherError, 0, moduleName, msg);
		// if image was created for this bundle, destroy it
		if ( image != NULL ) {
			delete image;
		image = NULL;
	return ImageLoaderToNSModule(image);

NSSymbol NSLookupSymbolInModule(NSModule module, const char* symbolName)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p, \"%s\")\n", __func__, (void *)module, symbolName);
	ImageLoader* image = NSModuleToImageLoader(module);
	if ( image == NULL ) 
		return NULL;
	return SymbolToNSSymbol(image->findExportedSymbol(symbolName, NULL, false, NULL));

const char* NSNameOfModule(NSModule module)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p)\n", __func__, module);
	ImageLoader* image = NSModuleToImageLoader(module);
	if ( image == NULL ) 
		return NULL;
	return image->getPath();

const char* NSLibraryNameForModule(NSModule module)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p)\n", __func__, module);
	ImageLoader* image = NSModuleToImageLoader(module);
	if ( image == NULL ) 
		return NULL;
	return image->getPath();

bool NSUnLinkModule(NSModule module, uint32_t options)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p, 0x%08X)\n", __func__, module, options); 
	if ( module == NULL )
		return false;
	ImageLoader* image = NSModuleToImageLoader(module);
	if ( image == NULL ) 
		return false;

	// Only delete image if there is no ofi referencing it
	// That means the ofi was destroyed after linking, so no one is left to delete this image	
	const int ofiCount = sObjectFileImages.size();
	bool found = false;
	for (int i=0; i < ofiCount; ++i) {
		NSObjectFileImage ofi = sObjectFileImages[i];
		if ( ofi->image == image )
			found = true;
	if ( !found )
		delete image;
	return true;

// internal name and parameters do not match public name and parameters...
static void _dyld_install_handlers(void* undefined, void* multiple, void* linkEdit)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )

	// no support for multiple or linkedit handlers

const struct mach_header * _dyld_get_image_header_containing_address(const void* address)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p)\n", __func__, address);
	ImageLoader* image = dyld::findImageContainingAddress(address);
	if ( image != NULL ) 
		return image->machHeader();
	return NULL;

void _dyld_register_func_for_add_image(void (*func)(const struct mach_header *mh, intptr_t vmaddr_slide))
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p)\n", __func__, (void *)func);

void _dyld_register_func_for_remove_image(void (*func)(const struct mach_header *mh, intptr_t vmaddr_slide))
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p)\n", __func__, (void *)func);

// called by crt before main
static void _dyld_make_delayed_module_initializer_calls()
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s()\n", __func__);
	if ( dyld::gRunInitializersOldWay )

void NSLinkEditError(NSLinkEditErrors* c, int* errorNumber, const char** fileName, const char** errorString)
	*c = sLastErrorFileCode;
	*errorNumber = sLastErrorNo;
	*fileName = sLastErrorFilePath;
	*errorString = dyld::getErrorMessage();

static void _dyld_register_binding_handler(void * (*bindingHandler)(const char *, const char *, void *), ImageLoader::BindingOptions bindingOptions)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s()\n", __func__);
	dyld::gLinkContext.bindingHandler = bindingHandler;
	dyld::gLinkContext.bindingOptions = bindingOptions;

// Call by fork() in libSystem after the kernel trap is done on the child side
static void _dyld_fork_child()
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s()\n", __func__);
	// The implementation of fork() in libSystem knows to reset the variable mach_task_self_
	// in libSystem for the child of a fork.  But dyld is built with a static copy
	// of libc.a and has its own copy of mach_task_self_ which we reset here.
	// In mach_init.h mach_task_self() is #defined to mach_task_self_ and
	// in mach_init() mach_task_self_ is initialized to task_self_trap().
	extern mach_port_t	mach_task_self_;
	mach_task_self_ = task_self_trap();

typedef void (*MonitorProc)(char *lowpc, char *highpc);

static void monInitCallback(ImageLoader* image, void* userData)
	MonitorProc proc = (MonitorProc)userData;
	void* start;
	size_t length;
	if ( image->getSectionContent("__TEXT", "__text", &start, &length) ) {
		proc((char*)start, (char*)start+length);

// _dyld_moninit is called from profiling runtime routine moninit().
// dyld calls back with the range of each __TEXT/__text section in every
// linked image.
void _dyld_moninit(MonitorProc proc)
	dyld::forEachImageDo(&monInitCallback, (void*)proc);

// returns true if prebinding was used in main executable
bool _dyld_launched_prebound()
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s()\n", __func__);
	// ¥¥¥Êif we deprecate prebinding, we may want to consider always returning true or false here
	return dyld::mainExecutablePrebound();

// _dyld_NSMakePrivateModulePublic() is the dyld side of the hack
// NSMakePrivateModulePublic() needed for the dlopen() to turn it's
// RTLD_LOCAL handles into RTLD_GLOBAL.  It just simply turns off the private
// flag on the image for this module.  If the module was found and it was
// private then everything worked and TRUE is returned else FALSE is returned.
static bool NSMakePrivateModulePublic(NSModule module)
	ImageLoader* image = NSModuleToImageLoader(module);
	if ( image != NULL ) {
		if ( image->hasHiddenExports() ) {
			return true;
	return false;

bool lookupDyldFunction(const char* name, uintptr_t* address)
	for (const dyld_func* p = dyld_funcs; p->name != NULL; ++p) {
	    if ( strcmp(p->name, name) == 0 ) {
			if( p->implementation == unimplemented )
				dyld::log("unimplemented dyld function: %s\n", p->name);
			*address = (uintptr_t)p->implementation;
			return true;
	*address = 0;
	return false;

static bool readOnlyBootVolume()
	struct statfs sfs;
	if ( statfs("/", &sfs) == 0 ) {
		return ( sfs.f_flags & MNT_RDONLY );
	// if statfs() fails, something is wrong, so don't rebuild dyld cache
	return true;

static void registerThreadHelpers(const dyld::LibSystemHelpers* helpers)
	dyld::gLibSystemHelpers = helpers;
	// notify dyld server if something is wrong with the shared cache
	//dyld::log("helpers->version=%lu, gSharedCacheDontNotify=%d, gSharedCacheNotFound=%d, gSharedCacheNeedsUpdating=%d, readOnlyBootVolume()=%d\n",
	//	helpers->version, dyld::gSharedCacheDontNotify, dyld::gSharedCacheNotFound, dyld::gSharedCacheNeedsUpdating, readOnlyBootVolume());
	if ( (helpers != NULL) && (helpers->version >= 3) && !dyld::gSharedCacheDontNotify ) {
		if ( dyld::gSharedCacheNotFound || dyld::gSharedCacheNeedsUpdating ) {
			if ( ! readOnlyBootVolume() ) {
				if ( dyld::gSharedCacheNotFound )
				else if ( dyld::imMemorySharedCacheHeader() == NULL ) {
					// since shared cache is not mapped and not missing, it must be 
					// corrupt.  Don't need to test contents, just
					// ping launchd to start update_dyld_shared_cache
					// rdar://problem/5694507 
				else if ( dyld::gSharedCacheNeedsUpdating ) {
					// To reduce the storm of messages to update_dyld_shared_cache
					// don't message if the cache file is missing (which means the cache is in
					// the process of being regenerated) or if the contents of the cache file
					// don't match what is already in memory (which means the cache has
					// already be regenerated).
					int fd = dyld::openSharedCacheFile();
					if ( fd != -1 ) {
						uint8_t onDiskCache[4096];
						if ( ::read(fd, onDiskCache, 4096) == 4096 ) {
							if ( ::memcmp(onDiskCache, dyld::imMemorySharedCacheHeader(), 4096) == 0 ) {
								// ping launchd to start update_dyld_shared_cache

static void dlerrorClear()
	if ( dyld::gLibSystemHelpers != NULL ) {
		// first char of buffer is flag whether string (starting at second char) is valid
		char* buffer = (*dyld::gLibSystemHelpers->getThreadBufferFor_dlerror)(2);
		buffer[0] = '\0';
		buffer[1] = '\0';

static void dlerrorSet(const char* msg)
	if ( dyld::gLibSystemHelpers != NULL ) {
		// first char of buffer is flag whether string (starting at second char) is valid
		char* buffer = (*dyld::gLibSystemHelpers->getThreadBufferFor_dlerror)(strlen(msg)+2);
		buffer[0] = '\1';
		strcpy(&buffer[1], msg);

bool dlopen_preflight(const char* path)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%s)\n", __func__, path);

	bool result = false;
	std::vector<const char*> rpathsFromCallerImage;
	try {
		void* callerAddress = __builtin_return_address(1); // note layers: 1: real client, 0: libSystem glue
		ImageLoader* callerImage = dyld::findImageContainingAddress(callerAddress);
		// for dlopen, use rpath from caller image and from main executable
		if ( callerImage != NULL )
			callerImage->getRPaths(dyld::gLinkContext, rpathsFromCallerImage);
		ImageLoader::RPathChain callersRPaths(NULL, &rpathsFromCallerImage);
		if ( callerImage != dyld::mainExecutable() ) {
			dyld::mainExecutable()->getRPaths(dyld::gLinkContext, rpathsFromCallerImage);

		ImageLoader*	image = NULL;
		dyld::LoadContext context;
		context.useSearchPaths	= true;
		context.useLdLibraryPath= (strchr(path, '/') == NULL);	// a leafname implies should search 
		context.implicitRPath = (path[0] != '/');				// a non-absolute path implies try rpath searching 
		context.matchByInstallName = true;
		context.dontLoad		= false;
		context.mustBeBundle	= false;
		context.mustBeDylib		= false;
		context.findDLL			= false;
		context.origin			= callerImage != NULL ? callerImage->getPath() : NULL; // caller's image's path
		context.rpath			= &callersRPaths;	// rpaths from caller and main executable
		image = load(path, context);
		if ( image != NULL ) {
			dyld::preflight(image, callersRPaths);	// image object deleted by dyld::preflight()
			result = true;
	catch (const char* msg) {
		const char* str = dyld::mkstringf("dlopen_preflight(%s): %s", path, msg);
		free((void*)msg); 	// our free() will do nothing if msg is a string literal
	// free rpaths (getRPaths() malloc'ed each string)
	for(std::vector<const char*>::iterator it=rpathsFromCallerImage.begin(); it != rpathsFromCallerImage.end(); ++it) {
		const char* str = *it;
	return result;

void* dlopen(const char* path, int mode)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%s, 0x%08X)\n", __func__, ((path==NULL) ? "NULL" : path), mode);

	// passing NULL for path means return magic object
	if ( path == NULL ) {
		// RTLD_FIRST means any dlsym() calls on the handle should only search that handle and not subsequent images
		if ( (mode & RTLD_FIRST) != 0 )
			return RTLD_MAIN_ONLY;
			return RTLD_DEFAULT;
	// acquire global dyld lock (dlopen is special - libSystem glue does not do locking)
	bool lockHeld = false;
	if ( (dyld::gLibSystemHelpers != NULL) && (dyld::gLibSystemHelpers->version >= 4) ) {
		lockHeld = true;
	void* result = NULL;
	ImageLoader* image = NULL;
	std::vector<const char*> rpathsFromCallerImage;
	try {
		void* callerAddress = __builtin_return_address(1); // note layers: 1: real client, 0: libSystem glue
		ImageLoader* callerImage = dyld::findImageContainingAddress(callerAddress);
		// for dlopen, use rpath from caller image and from main executable
		if ( callerImage != NULL )
			callerImage->getRPaths(dyld::gLinkContext, rpathsFromCallerImage);
		ImageLoader::RPathChain callersRPaths(NULL, &rpathsFromCallerImage);
		if ( callerImage != dyld::mainExecutable() ) {
			dyld::mainExecutable()->getRPaths(dyld::gLinkContext, rpathsFromCallerImage);
		dyld::LoadContext context;
		context.useSearchPaths	= true;
		context.useLdLibraryPath= (strchr(path, '/') == NULL);	// a leafname implies should search 
		context.implicitRPath = (path[0] != '/');				// a non-absolute path implies try rpath searching 
		context.matchByInstallName = true;
		context.dontLoad		= ( (mode & RTLD_NOLOAD) != 0 );
		context.mustBeBundle	= false;
		context.mustBeDylib		= false;
		context.findDLL			= ( (mode & RTLD_DLL) != 0 );
		context.origin			= callerImage != NULL ? callerImage->getPath() : NULL; // caller's image's path
		context.rpath			= &callersRPaths;				// rpaths from caller and main executable
		image = load(path, context);
		if ( image != NULL ) {
			// bump reference count.  Do this before link() so that if an initializer calls dlopen and fails
			// this image is not garbage collected
			// link in all dependents
			if ( (mode & RTLD_NOLOAD) == 0 ) {
				bool alreadyLinked = image->isLinked();
				bool forceLazysBound = ( (mode & RTLD_NOW) != 0 );
				dyld::link(image, forceLazysBound, callersRPaths);
				if ( ! alreadyLinked ) {
					// only hide exports if image is not already in use
					if ( (mode & RTLD_LOCAL) != 0 )
			// RTLD_NODELETE means don't unmap image even after dlclosed. This is what dlcompat did on Mac OS X 10.3
			// On other *nix OS's, it means dlclose() should do nothing, but the handle should be invalidated. 
			// The subtle differences are: 
			//  1) if the image has any termination routines, whether they are run during dlclose or when the process terminates
			//  2) If someone does a supsequent dlopen() on the same image, whether the same address should be used. 
			if ( (mode & RTLD_NODELETE) != 0 )
			// release global dyld lock early, this enables initializers to do threaded operations
			if ( lockHeld ) {
				lockHeld = false;
			// RTLD_NOLOAD means dlopen should fail unless path is already loaded. 
			// don't run initializers when RTLD_NOLOAD is set.  This only matters if dlopen() is
			// called from within an initializer because it can cause initializers to run
			// out of order. Most uses of RTLD_NOLOAD are "probes".  If they want initialzers
			// to run, then don't use RTLD_NOLOAD.
			if ( (mode & RTLD_NOLOAD) == 0 ) {
				// run initializers
			// RTLD_FIRST means any dlsym() calls on the handle should only search that handle and not subsequent images
			// this is tracked by setting the low bit of the handle, which is usually zero by malloc alignment
			if ( (mode & RTLD_FIRST) != 0 )
				result = (void*)(((uintptr_t)image)|1);
				result = image;
	catch (const char* msg) {
		if ( image != NULL ) {
			// load() succeeded but, link() failed
			// back down reference count and do GC
		const char* str = dyld::mkstringf("dlopen(%s, %d): %s", path, mode, msg);
		free((void*)msg); 	// our free() will do nothing if msg is a string literal
		result = NULL;
	// free rpaths (getRPaths() malloc'ed each string)
	for(std::vector<const char*>::iterator it=rpathsFromCallerImage.begin(); it != rpathsFromCallerImage.end(); ++it) {
		const char* str = *it;
	if ( lockHeld ) 
	return result;

int dlclose(void* handle)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p)\n", __func__, handle);

	// silently accept magic handles for main executable
	if ( handle == RTLD_MAIN_ONLY )
		return 0;
	if ( handle == RTLD_DEFAULT )
		return 0;
	ImageLoader* image = (ImageLoader*)(((uintptr_t)handle) & (-4));	// clear mode bits
	if ( dyld::validImage(image) ) {
		// decrement use count
		if ( image->decrementDlopenReferenceCount() ) {
			dlerrorSet("dlclose() called too many times");
			return -1;
		// remove image if reference count went to zero
		return 0;
	else {
		dlerrorSet("invalid handle passed to dlclose()");
		return -1;

int dladdr(const void* address, Dl_info* info)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p, %p)\n", __func__, address, info);

	ImageLoader* image = dyld::findImageContainingAddress(address);
	if ( image != NULL ) {
		info->dli_fname = image->getLogicalPath();
		info->dli_fbase = (void*)image->machHeader();	
		// find closest exported symbol in the image
		const uint32_t exportCount = image->getExportedSymbolCount();
		const ImageLoader::Symbol* bestSym = NULL;
		const void* bestAddr = 0;
		for(uint32_t i=0; i < exportCount; ++i) {
			const ImageLoader::Symbol* sym = image->getIndexedExportedSymbol(i);
			const void* symAddr = (void*)image->getExportedSymbolAddress(sym, dyld::gLinkContext);
			if ( (symAddr <= address) && (bestAddr < symAddr) ) {
				bestSym = sym;
				bestAddr = symAddr;
		if ( bestSym != NULL ) {
			info->dli_sname = image->getExportedSymbolName(bestSym);
			if ( info->dli_sname[0] == '_' )
				info->dli_sname = info->dli_sname +1; // strip off leading underscore
			info->dli_saddr = (void*)bestAddr;
		else {
			info->dli_sname = NULL;
			info->dli_saddr = NULL;
		return 1; // success
	return 0;  // failure

char* dlerror()
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s()\n", __func__);

	if ( dyld::gLibSystemHelpers != NULL ) {
		// first char of buffer is flag whether string (starting at second char) is valid
		char* buffer = (*dyld::gLibSystemHelpers->getThreadBufferFor_dlerror)(2);
		if ( buffer[0] != '\0' ) {	// if valid buffer
			buffer[0] = '\0';		// mark invalid, so next call to dlerror returns NULL
			return &buffer[1];		// return message
	return NULL;

void* dlsym(void* handle, const char* symbolName)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p, %s)\n", __func__, handle, symbolName);


	const ImageLoader* image;
	const ImageLoader::Symbol* sym;

	// dlsym() assumes symbolName passed in is same as in C source code
	// dyld assumes all symbol names have an underscore prefix
	char underscoredName[strlen(symbolName)+2];
	underscoredName[0] = '_';
	strcpy(&underscoredName[1], symbolName);
	// magic "search all" handle
	if ( handle == RTLD_DEFAULT ) {
		if ( dyld::flatFindExportedSymbol(underscoredName, &sym, &image) ) {
			return (void*)image->getExportedSymbolAddress(sym, dyld::gLinkContext);
		const char* str = dyld::mkstringf("dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, %s): symbol not found", symbolName);
		return NULL;
	// magic "search only main executable" handle
	if ( handle == RTLD_MAIN_ONLY ) {
		image = dyld::mainExecutable();
		sym = image->findExportedSymbol(underscoredName, NULL, true, &image); // search RTLD_FIRST way
		if ( sym != NULL ) {
			return (void*)image->getExportedSymbolAddress(sym, dyld::gLinkContext);
		const char* str = dyld::mkstringf("dlsym(RTLD_MAIN_ONLY, %s): symbol not found", symbolName);
		return NULL;
	// magic "search what I would see" handle
	if ( handle == RTLD_NEXT ) {
		void* callerAddress = __builtin_return_address(1); // note layers: 1: real client, 0: libSystem glue
		ImageLoader* callerImage = dyld::findImageContainingAddress(callerAddress);
		sym = callerImage->findExportedSymbolInDependentImages(underscoredName, dyld::gLinkContext, &image); // don't search image, but do search what it links against
		if ( sym != NULL ) {
			return (void*)image->getExportedSymbolAddress(sym, dyld::gLinkContext);
		const char* str = dyld::mkstringf("dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, %s): symbol not found", symbolName);
		return NULL;
	// magic "search me, then what I would see" handle
	if ( handle == RTLD_SELF ) {
		void* callerAddress = __builtin_return_address(1); // note layers: 1: real client, 0: libSystem glue
		ImageLoader* callerImage = dyld::findImageContainingAddress(callerAddress);
		sym = callerImage->findExportedSymbolInImageOrDependentImages(underscoredName, dyld::gLinkContext, &image); // search image and what it links against
		if ( sym != NULL ) {
			return (void*)image->getExportedSymbolAddress(sym, dyld::gLinkContext);
		const char* str = dyld::mkstringf("dlsym(RTLD_SELF, %s): symbol not found", symbolName);
		return NULL;
	// real handle
	image = (ImageLoader*)(((uintptr_t)handle) & (-4));	// clear mode bits
	if ( dyld::validImage(image) ) {
		if ( (((uintptr_t)handle) & 1) != 0 )
			sym = image->findExportedSymbol(underscoredName, NULL, true, &image); // search RTLD_FIRST way
			sym = image->findExportedSymbolInImageOrDependentImages(underscoredName, dyld::gLinkContext, &image); // search image and what it links against
		if ( sym != NULL ) {
			return (void*)image->getExportedSymbolAddress(sym, dyld::gLinkContext);
		const char* str = dyld::mkstringf("dlsym(%p, %s): symbol not found", handle, symbolName);
	else {
		dlerrorSet("invalid handle passed to dlsym()");
	return NULL;

void* dlord(void* handle, uint32_t ordinal)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%p, %u)\n", __func__, handle, ordinal);


	// magic "search all" handle
	if ( handle == RTLD_DEFAULT ) {
		const char* str = dyld::mkstringf("dlord(RTLD_DEFAULT, %u): not supported", ordinal);
		return NULL;
	// magic "search only main executable" handle
	if ( handle == RTLD_MAIN_ONLY ) {
		const char* str = dyld::mkstringf("dlord(RTLD_MAIN_ONLY, %u): not supported", ordinal);
		return NULL;
	// magic "search what I would see" handle
	if ( handle == RTLD_NEXT ) {
		const char* str = dyld::mkstringf("dlord(RTLD_NEXT, %u): not supported", ordinal);
		return NULL;
	// magic "search me, then what I would see" handle
	if ( handle == RTLD_SELF ) {
		const char* str = dyld::mkstringf("dlord(RTLD_SELF, %u): not supported", ordinal);
		return NULL;
	// real handle
	const ImageLoader* image = (ImageLoader*)(((uintptr_t)handle) & (-4));	// clear mode bits
	if ( dyld::validImage(image) ) {
		const ImageLoader::Symbol* sym;
		sym = image->getIndexedExportedSymbol(ordinal-1); // map ordinals to mach-o zero based index
		if ( sym != NULL ) {
			return (void*)image->getExportedSymbolAddress(sym, dyld::gLinkContext);
		const char* str = dyld::mkstringf("dlord(%p, %u): ordinal not found", handle, ordinal);
	else {
		dlerrorSet("invalid handle passed to dlord()");
	return NULL;

static const struct dyld_all_image_infos* _dyld_get_all_image_infos()
	return &dyld_all_image_infos;

void dyld_register_image_state_change_handler(dyld_image_states state, bool batch, 
											dyld_image_state_change_handler handler)
	if ( dyld::gLogAPIs )
		dyld::log("%s(%d, %d, %p)\n", __func__, state, batch, handler);
	if ( batch )
		dyld::registerImageStateBatchChangeHandler(state, handler);
		dyld::registerImageStateSingleChangeHandler(state, handler);