Pigeonhole.Sieve.Plugins.txt   [plain text]

Pigeonhole Sieve Plugins

The Pigeonhole Sieve interpreter can be dynamically extended with new features
by means of plugins. Plugins can be configured using the 'sieve_plugins'
setting in the 'plugin' section of the Dovecot configuration, as explained on
the <Pigeonhole Sieve Configuration page> [Pigeonhole.Sieve.Configuration.txt].

The following plugins are currently available for the Pigeonhole Sieve

 * <Extdata> [Pigeonhole.Sieve.Plugins.Extdata.txt] /(custom language
   extension, experimental)/
 * This plugin adds support for the Dovecot-specific 'vnd.dovecot.extdata'
   extension, which allows access to external string data. Any type of Dovecot
   dict lookup can be specified as data source.
 * <Pipe> [Pigeonhole.Sieve.Plugins.Pipe.txt] /(custom language extension,
 * This plugin adds support for the Dovecot-specific 'vnd.dovecot.pipe'
   extension, which allows piping messages to a pre-defined set of external

(This file was created from the wiki on 2011-11-16 14:09)