scheduling.txt   [plain text]

$Header: /cvs/karma/distcc/doc/scheduling.txt,v 2005/05/06 05:09:42 deatley Exp $

What's the best way to schedule jobs?  Multiprocessor machines present
a considerable complication, because we ought to schedule to them even
if they're already busy.

We don't know how many more jobs will arrive in the future.  This
might be the first of many, or it might be the last, or all jobs might
be sequenced in this stage of compilation.

Generic OS scheduling theory suggests (??) that we should schedule a
job in the place where it is likely to complete fastest.  In other
words, we should put it on the fastest CPU that's not currently busy.

We can't control the overall amount of concurrency -- that's down to
Make.  I think all we really want is to keep roughly the same number
of jobs running on each machine.

I would rather not require all clients to know the capabilities of the
machines they might like to use, but it's probably acceptable.

There is unfortunately no portable way to tell how many CPUs a machine
might have, but we can fairly easily have various special cases.  (On
Linux, we would try to read /proc/cpuinfo.)  Alternatively, you could
specify it directly.

It might be nice to avoid using a machine if we think it's down, but
that's not necessarily the same as scheduling load evenly.

We could also take the current load of the CPUs into account, but I'm
not sure if we could get the information back fast enough for it to
make a difference.


If we go to using DNS roundrobin records, or if people have the same
HOSTS set on different machines, then we can't rely on the ordering of
hosts.  Perhaps we should always shuffle them?

Having "localhost" be magic is not so good.  Perhaps it should
recognize the hosts's own name?