serve.c   [plain text]

/* -*- c-file-style: "java"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; fill-column: 78 -*-
 * distcc -- A simple distributed compiler system
 * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 by Martin Pool
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
 * USA

                /* He who waits until circumstances completely favour *
                 * his undertaking will never accomplish anything.    *
                 *              -- Martin Luther                      */

 * @file
 * Actually serve remote requests.  Called from daemon.c.
 * @todo Make sure wait statuses are packed in a consistent format
 * (exit<<8 | signal).  Is there any platform that doesn't do this?
 * @todo The server should catch signals, and terminate the compiler process
 * group before handling them.
 * @todo It might be nice to detect that the client has dropped the
 * connection, and then kill the compiler immediately.  However, we probably
 * won't notice that until we try to do IO.  SIGPIPE won't help because it's
 * not triggered until we try to do IO.  I don't think it matters a lot,
 * though, because the client's not very likely to do that.  The main case is
 * probably somebody getting bored and interrupting compilation.
 * What might help is to select() on the network socket while we're waiting
 * for the child to complete, allowing SIGCHLD to interrupt the select() when
 * the child completes.  However I'm not sure if it's really worth the trouble
 * of doing that just to handle a fairly marginal case.

#include "config.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>

#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#  include <sys/signal.h>
#endif /* HAVE_SYS_SIGNAL_H */
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>

#include "distcc.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "rpc.h"
#include "exitcode.h"
#include "snprintf.h"
#include "dopt.h"
#include "bulk.h"
#include "exec.h"
#include "srvnet.h"
#include "hosts.h"
#include "daemon.h"
#include "versinfo.h"

/* From indirect_server.c */
extern int dcc_ensure_pch_cache_size_mb(int min_size_in_mb);

 * We copy all serious distccd messages to this file, as well as sending the
 * compiler errors there, so they're visible to the client.
static int dcc_compile_log_fd = -1;

static int dcc_run_job(int in_fd, int out_fd);

 * Copy all server messages to the error file, so that they can be
 * echoed back to the client if necessary.
static int dcc_add_log_to_file(const char *err_fname)
    if (dcc_compile_log_fd != -1) {
        rs_log_crit("compile log already open?");
        return 0;               /* continue? */
    dcc_compile_log_fd = open(err_fname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0600);
    if (dcc_compile_log_fd == -1) {
        rs_log_error("failed to open %s: %s", err_fname, strerror(errno));
        return EXIT_IO_ERROR;

    /* Only send fairly serious errors back */
    rs_add_logger(rs_logger_file, RS_LOG_WARNING, NULL, dcc_compile_log_fd);

    return 0;

static int dcc_remove_log_to_file(void)
    if (dcc_compile_log_fd == -1) {
        rs_log_warning("compile log not open?");
        return 0;               /* continue? */

    /* must exactly match call in dcc_add_log_to_file */
    rs_remove_logger(rs_logger_file, RS_LOG_WARNING, NULL,


    dcc_compile_log_fd = -1;

    return 0;

/* Read and execute a job to/from socket.  This is the common entry point no
 * matter what mode the daemon is running in: preforked, nonforked, or
 * ssh/inetd.
int dcc_service_job(int in_fd,
                    int out_fd,
                    struct sockaddr *cli_addr,
                    int cli_len)
    int ret;

    /* Log client name and check access if appropriate.  For ssh connections
     * the client comes from a unix-domain socket and that's always
     * allowed. */
    if ((ret = dcc_check_client(cli_addr, cli_len, opt_allowed)) != 0)
        goto out;

	/* Ensure that we have at least pullfile_min_free_space MB (--min-disk-free)
	 * on the volume holding the PCH cache, and fail if pruning doesn't alleviate
	 * the pressure. */
	if ((ret = dcc_ensure_free_space()) != 0)
		goto out;
    ret = dcc_run_job(in_fd, out_fd);

    return ret;

static int dcc_input_tmpnam(char * orig_input,
                            char **tmpnam_ret)
    const char *input_exten;
    rs_trace("input file %s", orig_input);
    input_exten = dcc_find_extension(orig_input);
    if (input_exten)
        input_exten = dcc_preproc_exten(input_exten);
    if (!input_exten)           /* previous line might return NULL */
        input_exten = ".tmp";
    return dcc_make_tmpnam("distccd", input_exten, tmpnam_ret);

 * Find the absolute path for the first occurrence of @p compiler_name on the
 * PATH.  Print a warning if it looks like a symlink to distcc.
 * We want to guard against somebody accidentally running the server with a
 * masqueraded compiler on its $PATH.  The worst that's likely to happen here
 * is wasting some time running a distcc or ccache client that does nothing,
 * so it's not a big deal.  (This could be easy to do if it's on the default
 * PATH and they start the daemon from the command line.)
 * At the moment we don't look for the compiler too.
static int dcc_check_compiler_masq(char *compiler_name)
    const char *envpath, *p, *n;
    char *buf = NULL;
    struct stat sb;
    int len;
    char linkbuf[MAXPATHLEN];

    if (compiler_name[0] == '/') 
        return 0;
    if (!(envpath = getenv("PATH"))) {
        rs_trace("PATH seems not to be defined");
        return 0;

    for (n = p = envpath; *n; p = n) {
        n = strchr(p, ':');
        if (n)
            len = n++ - p;
        else {
            len = strlen(p);
            n = p + len;
        if (asprintf(&buf, "%.*s/%s", len, p, compiler_name) == -1) {
            rs_log_crit("asnprintf failed");
            return EXIT_DISTCC_FAILED;

        if (lstat(buf, &sb) == -1)
            continue;           /* ENOENT, EACCESS, etc */
        if (!S_ISLNK(sb.st_mode)) {
            rs_trace("%s is not a symlink", buf);
            break;              /* found it */
        if ((len = readlink(buf, linkbuf, sizeof linkbuf)) <= 0)
        linkbuf[len] = '\0';
        if (strstr(linkbuf, "distcc")) {
            rs_log_warning("%s on distccd's path is %s and really a link to %s",
                           compiler_name, buf, linkbuf);
            break;              /* but use it anyhow */
        } else {
            rs_trace("%s is a safe symlink to %s", buf, linkbuf);
            break;              /* found it */

    return 0;

static int dcc_send_system_info(int out_fd)
    char *info = dcc_get_system_version();
    if (!info)
        info = "";
    return dcc_x_token_string(out_fd, "SINF", info);

static int dcc_send_compiler_version(int out_fd, char *compiler)
    char *info = dcc_get_compiler_version(compiler);
    if (!info)
        info = "";
    return dcc_x_token_string(out_fd, "CVER", info);

 * Send down the host info. This includes the OS version, hardware info, and compiler versions.
int dcc_send_host_info(int out_fd)
    int ret;
    char *sysKey = "SYSTEM=";
    char *compilerKey = "COMPILER=";
    char *ncpusKey = "CPUS=";
    char *cpuSpeedKey = "CPUSPEED=";
    char *maxJobsKey = "JOBS=";
    char *priorityKey = "PRIORITY=";
    char *distcc = "DISTCC=" PACKAGE_VERSION "\n";
    char *sysInfo = dcc_get_system_version();
    char **compilers = dcc_get_all_compiler_versions();
    int ncpus;
    unsigned long long cpuSpeed;
    if (dcc_ncpus(&ncpus))
        ncpus = 0;
    if (dcc_cpuspeed(&cpuSpeed))
        cpuSpeed = 0;
    int i, len = 0;
    char *msg;
    if (sysInfo) {
        len += strlen(sysInfo) + strlen(sysKey) + 1;
    if (distcc)
        len += strlen(distcc);
    if (compilers) {
        for (i=0; compilers && compilers[i] != NULL; i++) {
            len += strlen(compilers[i]) + strlen(compilerKey) + 1;
    if (ncpus > 0) {
        len += strlen(ncpusKey) + 8; // 7 digits for cpu count should be plenty
    if (cpuSpeed > 0) {
        len += strlen(cpuSpeedKey) + 32; // 31 digits for cpu speed
    if (dcc_max_kids > 0) {
        len += strlen(maxJobsKey) + 8; // 7 digits for job count should be plenty
    if (build_machine_priority > 0) {
        len += strlen(maxJobsKey) + 32; // 31 digits for priority
    msg = malloc(len+1);
    msg[0] = 0;
    if (sysInfo) {
        strcat(msg, sysKey);
        strcat(msg, sysInfo);
        strcat(msg, "\n");
    if (distcc)
        strcat(msg, distcc);
    if (compilers) {
        for (i=0; compilers && compilers[i]!=NULL; i++) {
            strcat(msg, compilerKey);
            strcat(msg, compilers[i]);
            strcat(msg, "\n");
    if (ncpus > 0) {
        strcat(msg, ncpusKey);
        sprintf(&msg[strlen(msg)], "%d\n", ncpus);
    if (cpuSpeed > 0) {
        strcat(msg, cpuSpeedKey);
        sprintf(&msg[strlen(msg)], "%llu\n", cpuSpeed);
    if (dcc_max_kids > 0) {
        strcat(msg, maxJobsKey);
        sprintf(&msg[strlen(msg)], "%d\n", dcc_max_kids);
    if (build_machine_priority > 0) {
        strcat(msg, priorityKey);
        sprintf(&msg[strlen(msg)], "%d\n", build_machine_priority);
    // a bit of a hack - if we are writing to stdout then just print the string
    if (out_fd == 1)
        ret = write(out_fd, msg, len)==len;
        ret = dcc_x_token_string(out_fd, "HINF", msg);
    return ret;

 * Read a request, run the compiler, and send a response.
static int dcc_run_job(int in_fd,
                       int out_fd)
    char **argv;
    int status;
    char *temp_i, *temp_o, *err_fname, *out_fname;
    int ret, compile_ret;
    char *orig_input, *orig_output;
    pid_t cc_pid;
    enum dcc_protover protover;
    enum dcc_compress compr;
    dcc_indirection indirect;
    if ((ret = dcc_make_tmpnam("distcc", ".stderr", &err_fname)))
        goto out_cleanup;
    if ((ret = dcc_make_tmpnam("distcc", ".stdout", &out_fname)))
        goto out_cleanup;

    /* Capture any messages relating to this compilation to the same file as
     * compiler errors so that they can all be sent back to the client. */

    /* Ignore SIGPIPE; we consistently check error codes and will see the
     * EPIPE.  Note that it is set back to the default behaviour when spawning
     * a child, to handle cases like the assembler dying while its being fed
     * from the compiler */

    /* Allow output to accumulate into big packets. */
    tcp_cork_sock(out_fd, 1);

    if ((ret = dcc_r_request_header(in_fd, &protover))
        || (ret = dcc_r_argv(in_fd, &argv))
        || (ret = dcc_scan_args(argv, &orig_input, &orig_output, &argv)))
        goto out_cleanup;
    if (strcmp(argv[0],"--host-info") == 0) {
        if ((ret = dcc_x_result_header(out_fd, protover)) ||
            (ret = dcc_send_host_info(out_fd)))
            dcc_x_token_int(out_fd, "DOTO", 0);
    } else {
        rs_trace("output file %s", orig_output);
        if ((ret = dcc_input_tmpnam(orig_input, &temp_i)))
            goto out_cleanup;
        if ((ret = dcc_make_tmpnam("distccd", ".o", &temp_o)))
            goto out_cleanup;
        compr = (protover == 2) ? DCC_COMPRESS_LZO1X : DCC_COMPRESS_NONE;
        if ((ret = dcc_r_token_file(in_fd, "DOTI", temp_i, compr))
            || (ret = dcc_set_input(argv, temp_i))
            || (ret = dcc_set_output(argv, temp_o)))
            goto out_cleanup;
        if ((ret = dcc_check_compiler_masq(argv[0])))
            goto out_cleanup;
        indirect.in_fd = in_fd;
        indirect.out_fd = out_fd;
        if ((compile_ret = dcc_spawn_child(argv, &cc_pid,
                                           "/dev/null", out_fname, err_fname, &indirect))
            || (compile_ret = dcc_collect_child("cc", cc_pid, &status))) {
            /* We didn't get around to finding a wait status from the actual compiler */
            status = W_EXITCODE(compile_ret, 0);
        if ((ret = dcc_x_result_header(out_fd, protover))
            || (ret = dcc_send_system_info(out_fd))
            || (ret = dcc_send_compiler_version(out_fd, argv[0]))
            || (ret = dcc_x_cc_status(out_fd, status))
            || (ret = dcc_x_file(out_fd, err_fname, "SERR", compr, NULL))
            || (ret = dcc_x_file(out_fd, out_fname, "SOUT", compr, NULL))
            || WIFSIGNALED(status)
            || WEXITSTATUS(status)) {
            /* Something went wrong, so send DOTO 0 */
            dcc_x_token_int(out_fd, "DOTO", 0);
        } else {
            ret = dcc_x_file(out_fd, temp_o, "DOTO", compr, NULL);
        dcc_critique_status(status, argv[0], orig_input, dcc_hostdef_local, 0);
    tcp_cork_sock(out_fd, 0);

    rs_log(RS_LOG_INFO|RS_LOG_NONAME, "job complete");


    return ret;