SVerify1.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * "Portions Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights
 * Reserved.  This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of
 * Original Code as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public
 * Source License Version 1.0 (the 'License').  You may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License.  Please obtain a copy of the
 * License at and read it before using
 * this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License."
	File:		SVerify1.c

	Contains:	xxx put contents here xxx

	Version:	xxx put version here xxx

	Copyright:	© 1997-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.


//#include <MacTypes.h>
//#include <Errors.h>

#include "Scavenger.h"

//	internal routine prototypes

static	int	RcdValErr( SGlobPtr GPtr, OSErr type, UInt32 correct, UInt32 incorrect, HFSCatalogNodeID parid );

static	int	RcdFThdErr( SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 fid );

static	int	RcdNoDirErr( SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 did );
static	int	RcdNameLockedErr( SGlobPtr GPtr, OSErr type, UInt32 incorrect );
//static	OSErr	RcdOrphanedExtentErr ( SGlobPtr GPtr, SInt16 type, void *theKey );

static	OSErr	RcdMDBEmbededVolDescriptionErr( SGlobPtr GPtr, OSErr type, HFSMasterDirectoryBlock *mdb );

static	OSErr	RcdInvalidWrapperExtents( SGlobPtr GPtr, OSErr type );

static	OSErr	CheckNodesFirstOffset( SGlobPtr GPtr, BTreeControlBlock *btcb );

static	Boolean	ExtentInfoExists( ExtentsTable **extentsTableH, ExtentInfo *extentInfo );

static	OSErr	CheckWrapperExtents( SGlobPtr GPtr, HFSMasterDirectoryBlock *mdb );

static OSErr  GetVolumeHeaderBlock(SVCB *vcb, HFSMasterDirectoryBlock *mdb, BlockDescriptor *block,
			UInt64 *idSector, UInt32 *hfsPlusIOPosOffset);

OSErr	ScavengeVolumeType( SGlobPtr GPtr, HFSMasterDirectoryBlock *mdb, UInt16 *volumeType );
OSErr	SeekVolumeHeader( SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt64 startSector, UInt32 numSectors, UInt64 *vHSector );

 * Check if a volume is clean (unmounted safely)
 * returns:    -1 not an HFS/HFS+ volume
 *		0 dirty
 *		1 clean
 * if markClean is true and the volume is dirty it
 * will be marked clean on disk.
CheckForClean(SGlobPtr GPtr, Boolean markClean)
#define kIDSector 2

	OSErr err;
	int result = -1;
	HFSMasterDirectoryBlock	*mdbp;
	HFSPlusVolumeHeader *vhp;
	SVCB *vcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB;
	ReleaseBlockOptions rbOptions;
	BlockDescriptor block;

	vhp = (HFSPlusVolumeHeader *) NULL;
	rbOptions = kReleaseBlock;

	err = GetVolumeBlock(vcb, kIDSector, kGetBlock, &block);
	if (err) return (-1);

	mdbp = (HFSMasterDirectoryBlock	*) block.buffer;

	if (mdbp->drSigWord == kHFSPlusSigWord) {
		vhp = (HFSPlusVolumeHeader *) block.buffer;

	} else if (mdbp->drSigWord == kHFSSigWord) {

		if (mdbp->drEmbedSigWord == kHFSPlusSigWord) {
			UInt32 vhSector;
			UInt32 blkSectors;
			blkSectors = mdbp->drAlBlkSiz / 512;
			vhSector  = mdbp->drAlBlSt;
			vhSector += blkSectors * mdbp->drEmbedExtent.startBlock;
			vhSector += kIDSector;
			(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock(vcb, &block, kReleaseBlock);
			err = GetVolumeBlock(vcb, vhSector, kGetBlock, &block);
			if (err) return (-1);

			vhp = (HFSPlusVolumeHeader *) block.buffer;
			mdbp = (HFSMasterDirectoryBlock	*) NULL;

		} else /* plain old HFS */ {
			result = (mdbp->drAtrb & kHFSVolumeUnmountedMask) != 0;
			if (markClean && (result == 0)) {
				mdbp->drAtrb |= kHFSVolumeUnmountedMask;
				rbOptions = kForceWriteBlock;

	if ((vhp != NULL) && (ValidVolumeHeader(vhp) == noErr)) {
		result = (vhp->attributes & kHFSVolumeUnmountedMask) != 0;
		if (markClean && (result == 0)) {
			vhp->attributes |= kHFSVolumeUnmountedMask;
			rbOptions = kForceWriteBlock;

	(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock(vcb, &block, rbOptions);

	return (result);


Function:	IVChk - (Initial Volume Check)

Function:	Performs an initial check of the volume to be scavenged to confirm
			that the volume can be accessed and that it is a HFS/HFS+ volume.
Input:		GPtr		-	pointer to scavenger global area

Output:		IVChk	-	function result:			
								0	= no error
								n 	= error code

OSErr IVChk( SGlobPtr GPtr )
	#define					kBitsPerSector	4096
	UInt32					bitMapSizeInSectors;
	OSErr					err;
	HFSMasterDirectoryBlock	*alternateMDB;
	HFSPlusVolumeHeader		*alternateVolumeHeader;
	BlockDescriptor			block_VH;
	BlockDescriptor			block_MDB;
	UInt32					numABlks;
	UInt64					alternateBlockLocation;
	UInt32					minABlkSz;
	UInt64					totalSectors;
	UInt32					sectorSize;
	UInt32					maxNumberOfAllocationBlocks;
	UInt32					realAllocationBlockSize;
	UInt32					realTotalBlocks;
	UInt32					i;
	UInt32					hfsPlusIOPosOffset;
	BTreeControlBlock		*btcb;
	SVCB				*vcb	= GPtr->calculatedVCB;
	//  Set up

	GPtr->TarID = AMDB_FNum;	//	target = alt MDB
	GPtr->TarBlock	= 0;
	alternateVolumeHeader = NULL;
	block_VH.buffer = block_MDB.buffer = NULL;
	// Determine volume size
	err = GetDeviceSize(vcb->vcbDriveNumber, &totalSectors, &sectorSize);
	if ( (totalSectors < 3) || (err != noErr) )
		return( 123 );
	//	Get the Alternate MDB, 2nd to last block on disk
	//	On HFS+ disks this is still the HFS wrapper altMDB
	//	On HFS+ wrapperless disks, it's the AltVH
	alternateBlockLocation = totalSectors - 2;
	err = GetVolumeBlock(vcb, alternateBlockLocation, kGetBlock, &block_MDB);
	ReturnIfError( err );

	alternateMDB = (HFSMasterDirectoryBlock	*) block_MDB.buffer;
	if ( alternateMDB->drSigWord == kHFSPlusSigWord )
		alternateVolumeHeader	= (HFSPlusVolumeHeader *)alternateMDB;
		GPtr->volumeType		= kPureHFSPlusVolumeType;
		GPtr->isHFSPlus			= true;
		WriteMsg( GPtr, M_CheckingHFSPlusVolume, kStatusMessage );
	else if ( alternateMDB->drSigWord == kHFSSigWord )
		//	Volume Type is constant, weather we are examining wrapper or HFS+ volume.
		//	Detect if this is a wrapped HFS+ volume.
		err = ScavengeVolumeType( GPtr, alternateMDB, &GPtr->volumeType );
		/* Wrappered HFS+ volume */
		if ( ((GPtr->inputFlags & examineWrapperMask) == 0) && (alternateMDB->drEmbedSigWord == kHFSPlusSigWord) )
			WriteMsg( GPtr, M_CheckingHFSPlusVolume, kStatusMessage );
			GPtr->isHFSPlus	= true;
		else /* Plain HFS */
			WriteMsg( GPtr, M_CheckingHFSVolume, kStatusMessage );
			GPtr->isHFSPlus	= false;
		//	vcb->allocationsRefNum	= 0;
		//	vcb->attributesRefNum		= 0;
		if ( err == E_InvalidMDBdrAlBlSt )
			err = RcdMDBEmbededVolDescriptionErr( GPtr, E_InvalidMDBdrAlBlSt, alternateMDB );
		 * There was no valid alternate MDB so try the primary MDB
		if (alternateBlockLocation == MDB_BlkN) {
			err = R_BadSig;  /* doesn't bear the HFS signature */
			goto ReleaseAndBail;
		alternateBlockLocation = MDB_BlkN;
		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock(vcb, &block_MDB, kReleaseBlock);
		block_MDB.buffer = NULL;
		goto again;
	//	If we're checking an HFS+ volume's wrapper, check for bad extents
	if ( ((GPtr->inputFlags & examineWrapperMask) != 0) && (alternateMDB->drEmbedSigWord == kHFSPlusSigWord) )
		err = CheckWrapperExtents( GPtr, alternateMDB );
		if (err != noErr)
			goto ReleaseAndBail;
	//	If this is an HFS+ disk
	if ( GPtr->isHFSPlus == true )
		GPtr->numExtents = kHFSPlusExtentDensity;
		vcb->vcbSignature = kHFSPlusSigWord;
		//	Read the HFS+ VolumeHeader
		if ( GPtr->volumeType == kPureHFSPlusVolumeType )
			hfsPlusIOPosOffset	=	0;			//	alternateBlockLocation is already set up
			totalSectors	= (UInt64)alternateMDB->drEmbedExtent.blockCount * ( alternateMDB->drAlBlkSiz / Blk_Size );

			err = GetVolumeHeaderBlock(vcb, alternateMDB, &block_VH, &alternateBlockLocation, &hfsPlusIOPosOffset);
			if (err)
				goto ReleaseAndBail;
			alternateVolumeHeader = (HFSPlusVolumeHeader*) block_VH.buffer;
		err = ValidVolumeHeader( alternateVolumeHeader );
		//	If the alternate VolumeHeader is bad, just use the real VolumeHeader
		if ( err != noErr )
			WriteError( GPtr, E_InvalidVolumeHeader, 1, 0 );
			err = E_InvalidVolumeHeader;								//	doesn't bear the HFS signature
			goto ReleaseAndBail;
		//	Further populate the VCB with VolumeHeader info
		vcb->vcbAlBlSt = hfsPlusIOPosOffset / 512;
		vcb->vcbEmbeddedOffset = hfsPlusIOPosOffset;

		maxNumberOfAllocationBlocks	= 0xFFFFFFFF;
		realAllocationBlockSize		= alternateVolumeHeader->blockSize;
		realTotalBlocks				= alternateVolumeHeader->totalBlocks;
		vcb->vcbNextCatalogID	= alternateVolumeHeader->nextCatalogID;
		vcb->vcbCreateDate	= alternateVolumeHeader->createDate;
		vcb->vcbAttributes = alternateVolumeHeader->attributes & kHFSCatalogNodeIDsReused;
		if ( alternateVolumeHeader->attributesFile.totalBlocks == 0 )
			vcb->vcbAttributesFile = NULL;	/* XXX memory leak ? */

		//	Make sure the Extents B-Tree is set to use 16-bit key lengths.  We access it before completely setting
		//	up the control block.
		btcb = (BTreeControlBlock *) vcb->vcbExtentsFile->fcbBtree;
		btcb->attributes |= kBTBigKeysMask;
	else	//	It's an HFS disk
		GPtr->numExtents			= kHFSExtentDensity;
		vcb->vcbSignature	= alternateMDB->drSigWord;
		totalSectors				= alternateBlockLocation;
		maxNumberOfAllocationBlocks	= 0xFFFF;
		vcb->vcbNextCatalogID	= alternateMDB->drNxtCNID;			//	set up next file ID, CheckBTreeKey makse sure we are under this value
		vcb->vcbCreateDate	= alternateMDB->drCrDate;

		realAllocationBlockSize		= alternateMDB->drAlBlkSiz;
		realTotalBlocks				= alternateMDB->drNmAlBlks;
	GPtr->idSector	= alternateBlockLocation;							//	Location of ID block, AltMDB, MDB, AltVH or VH
	GPtr->TarBlock	= alternateBlockLocation;							//	target block = alt MDB

	//  verify volume allocation info
	//	Note: i is the number of sectors per allocation block
 	numABlks = totalSectors;
 	minABlkSz = Blk_Size;												//	init minimum ablock size
	for( i = 2; numABlks > maxNumberOfAllocationBlocks; i++ )			//	loop while #ablocks won't fit
		minABlkSz = i * Blk_Size;										//	jack up minimum
		numABlks  = alternateBlockLocation / i;							//	recompute #ablocks, assuming this size
	if ((realAllocationBlockSize >= minABlkSz) && (realAllocationBlockSize <= Max_ABSiz) && ((realAllocationBlockSize % Blk_Size) == 0))
		vcb->vcbBlockSize = realAllocationBlockSize;
		numABlks = totalSectors / ( realAllocationBlockSize / Blk_Size );	//	max # of alloc blks
		RcdError( GPtr, E_ABlkSz );
		err = E_ABlkSz;													//	bad allocation block size
		goto ReleaseAndBail;
	vcb->vcbTotalBlocks	= realTotalBlocks;
	vcb->vcbFreeBlocks	= 0;
	//	Only do these tests on HFS volumes, since they are either irrellivent
	//	or, getting the VolumeHeader would have already failed.

	if ( GPtr->isHFSPlus == false )
		// Calculate the volume bitmap size
		bitMapSizeInSectors = ( numABlks + kBitsPerSector - 1 ) / kBitsPerSector;			//	VBM size in blocks

	//¥¥	Calculate the validaty of HFS+ Allocation blocks, I think realTotalBlocks == numABlks
		numABlks = (totalSectors - 3 - bitMapSizeInSectors) / (realAllocationBlockSize / Blk_Size);	//	actual # of alloc blks

		if ( realTotalBlocks > numABlks )
			RcdError( GPtr, E_NABlks );
			err = E_NABlks;								//	invalid number of allocation blocks
			goto ReleaseAndBail;

		if ( alternateMDB->drVBMSt <= MDB_BlkN )
			err = E_VBMSt;								//	invalid VBM start block
			goto ReleaseAndBail;
		vcb->vcbVBMSt = alternateMDB->drVBMSt;
		if (alternateMDB->drAlBlSt < (alternateMDB->drVBMSt + bitMapSizeInSectors))
			err = E_ABlkSt;								//	invalid starting alloc block
			goto ReleaseAndBail;
		vcb->vcbAlBlSt = alternateMDB->drAlBlSt;

	if (block_MDB.buffer != NULL)
		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock(vcb, &block_MDB, kReleaseBlock);

	if (block_VH.buffer != NULL)
		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock(vcb, &block_VH, kReleaseBlock);
	return( err );		

 * Note: GetVolumeHeaderBlock does not need to be 64 bit clean
 * since we don't support HFS Wrappers on TB volumes.
static OSErr
GetVolumeHeaderBlock(SVCB *vcb, HFSMasterDirectoryBlock *mdb, BlockDescriptor *block,
			UInt64 *idSector, UInt32 *hfsPlusIOPosOffset)
	OSErr  err;
	HFSPlusVolumeHeader *  altVH;
	UInt32  totalHFSPlusSectors;
	totalHFSPlusSectors = (mdb->drAlBlkSiz / 512) * mdb->drEmbedExtent.blockCount;
	*hfsPlusIOPosOffset = (mdb->drEmbedExtent.startBlock * mdb->drAlBlkSiz) + (mdb->drAlBlSt * 512);
	/* always 2nd to last sector */
	*idSector = mdb->drAlBlSt + ((mdb->drAlBlkSiz / 512) * mdb->drEmbedExtent.startBlock) + totalHFSPlusSectors - 2;
	err = GetVolumeBlock(vcb, *idSector, kGetBlock, block);
	altVH = (HFSPlusVolumeHeader*) block->buffer;

	if ( err == noErr )
		err = ValidVolumeHeader(altVH);
	 * If the alternate VolumeHeader is bad, just use the real VolumeHeader
	if ( err != noErr ) {
		/* VH is always 3rd sector of HFS+ partition */
		*idSector = (mdb->drEmbedExtent.startBlock * mdb->drAlBlkSiz / 512) + mdb->drAlBlSt + 2;

		err = GetVolumeBlock(vcb, *idSector, kGetBlock, block);
		altVH = (HFSPlusVolumeHeader*) block->buffer;

		if ( err == noErr )
			err = ValidVolumeHeader(altVH);
	return (err);

OSErr	ScavengeVolumeType( SGlobPtr GPtr, HFSMasterDirectoryBlock *mdb, UInt16 *volumeType  )
	UInt64					vHSector;
	UInt64					totalSectors;
	UInt32					sectorSize;
	UInt64					startSector;
	UInt64					altVHSector;
	UInt32					sectorsPerBlock;
	UInt64					hfsPlusSectors = 0;
	UInt32					numSectorsToSearch;
	OSErr					err;
	HFSPlusVolumeHeader 	*volumeHeader;
	HFSExtentDescriptor		embededExtent;
	SVCB				*calculatedVCB			= GPtr->calculatedVCB;
	UInt16					embedSigWord			= mdb->drEmbedSigWord;
	BlockDescriptor block;

	 * If all of the embedded volume information is zero, then assume
	 * this really is a plain HFS disk like it says.  Otherwise, if
	 * you reinitialize a large HFS Plus volume as HFS, the original
	 * embedded volume's volume header and alternate volume header will
	 * still be there, and we'll try to repair the embedded volume.
	if (embedSigWord == 0  &&
		mdb->drEmbedExtent.blockCount == 0  &&
		mdb->drEmbedExtent.startBlock == 0)
		*volumeType = kHFSVolumeType;
		return noErr;
	*volumeType	= kEmbededHFSPlusVolumeType;		//	Assume HFS+
	//	First see if it is an HFS+ volume and the relevent structures look OK
	if ( embedSigWord == kHFSPlusSigWord )
		/* 2nd to last sector */
		vHSector = (UInt64)mdb->drAlBlSt +
			((UInt64)(mdb->drAlBlkSiz / 512) * (UInt64)mdb->drEmbedExtent.startBlock) + 2;

		err = GetVolumeBlock(calculatedVCB, vHSector, kGetBlock, &block);
		volumeHeader = (HFSPlusVolumeHeader *) block.buffer;
		if ( err != noErr ) goto AssumeHFS;

		err = ValidVolumeHeader( volumeHeader );
		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock(calculatedVCB, &block, kReleaseBlock);
		if ( err == noErr )
			return( noErr );

	sectorsPerBlock = mdb->drAlBlkSiz / 512;

	//	Search the end of the disk to see if a Volume Header is present at all
	if ( embedSigWord != kHFSPlusSigWord )
		err = GetDeviceSize( GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbDriveNumber, &totalSectors, &sectorSize );
		if ( err != noErr ) goto AssumeHFS;
		numSectorsToSearch = mdb->drAlBlkSiz / sectorSize;
		startSector = totalSectors - 4 - numSectorsToSearch;
		err = SeekVolumeHeader( GPtr, startSector, numSectorsToSearch, &altVHSector );
		if ( err != noErr ) goto AssumeHFS;
		//	We found the Alt VH, so this must be a damaged embeded HFS+ volume
		//	Now Scavenge for the VolumeHeader
		startSector = mdb->drAlBlSt + (4 * sectorsPerBlock);		// Start looking at 4th HFS allocation block
		numSectorsToSearch = 10 * sectorsPerBlock;			// search for VH in next 10 allocation blocks
		err = SeekVolumeHeader( GPtr, startSector, numSectorsToSearch, &vHSector );
		if ( err != noErr ) goto AssumeHFS;
		hfsPlusSectors	= altVHSector - vHSector + 1 + 2 + 1;	// numSectors + BB + end
		//	Fix the embeded extent
		embededExtent.blockCount	= hfsPlusSectors / sectorsPerBlock;
		embededExtent.startBlock	= (vHSector - 2 - mdb->drAlBlSt ) / sectorsPerBlock;
		embedSigWord				= kHFSPlusSigWord;
		embedSigWord				= mdb->drEmbedSigWord;
		embededExtent.blockCount	= mdb->drEmbedExtent.blockCount;
		embededExtent.startBlock	= mdb->drEmbedExtent.startBlock;
	if ( embedSigWord == kHFSPlusSigWord )
		startSector = 2 + mdb->drAlBlSt +
			((UInt64)embededExtent.startBlock * (mdb->drAlBlkSiz / 512));
		err = SeekVolumeHeader( GPtr, startSector, mdb->drAlBlkSiz / 512, &vHSector );
		if ( err != noErr ) goto AssumeHFS;
		//	Now replace the bad fields and mark the error
		mdb->drEmbedExtent.blockCount	= hfsPlusSectors / sectorsPerBlock;
		mdb->drEmbedExtent.startBlock	= (vHSector - 2 - mdb->drAlBlSt ) / sectorsPerBlock;
		mdb->drEmbedSigWord				= kHFSPlusSigWord;
		mdb->drAlBlSt					+= vHSector - startSector;								//	Fix the bad field
		GPtr->VIStat = GPtr->VIStat | S_MDB;													//	write out our MDB
		return( E_InvalidMDBdrAlBlSt );
	*volumeType	= kHFSVolumeType;
	return( noErr );

OSErr	SeekVolumeHeader( SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt64 startSector, UInt32 numSectors, UInt64 *vHSector )
	OSErr  err;
	HFSPlusVolumeHeader  *volumeHeader;
	SVCB  *calculatedVCB = GPtr->calculatedVCB;
	BlockDescriptor  block;

	for ( *vHSector = startSector ; *vHSector < startSector + numSectors  ; (*vHSector)++ )
		err = GetVolumeBlock(calculatedVCB, *vHSector, kGetBlock, &block);
		volumeHeader = (HFSPlusVolumeHeader *) block.buffer;
		if ( err != noErr ) return( err );

		err = ValidVolumeHeader(volumeHeader);

		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock(calculatedVCB, &block, kReleaseBlock);
		if ( err == noErr )
			return( noErr );
	return( fnfErr );

static OSErr CheckWrapperExtents( SGlobPtr GPtr, HFSMasterDirectoryBlock *mdb )
	OSErr	err = noErr;
	//	See if Norton Disk Doctor 2.0 corrupted the catalog's first extent
	if ( mdb->drCTExtRec[0].startBlock >= mdb->drEmbedExtent.startBlock)
		//	Fix the field in the in-memory copy, and record the error
		mdb->drCTExtRec[0].startBlock = mdb->drXTExtRec[0].startBlock + mdb->drXTExtRec[0].blockCount;
		GPtr->VIStat = GPtr->VIStat | S_MDB;													//	write out our MDB
		err = RcdInvalidWrapperExtents( GPtr, E_InvalidWrapperExtents );
	return err;


Function:	CreateExtentsBTreeControlBlock

Function:	Create the calculated ExtentsBTree Control Block
Input:		GPtr	-	pointer to scavenger global area

Output:				-	0	= no error
						n 	= error code 

OSErr	CreateExtentsBTreeControlBlock( SGlobPtr GPtr )
	OSErr					err;
	SInt32					size;
	UInt32					numABlks;
	BTHeaderRec				header;
	BTreeControlBlock *  btcb;
	SVCB *  vcb;
	BlockDescriptor  block;

	//	Set up
	GPtr->TarID = kHFSExtentsFileID;	// target = extent file
	GPtr->TarBlock	= kHeaderNodeNum;	// target block = header node
	vcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB;
	btcb = GPtr->calculatedExtentsBTCB;
	err = GetVolumeBlock(vcb, GPtr->idSector, kGetBlock, &block);
	//	check out allocation info for the Extents File 
	if (GPtr->isHFSPlus)
		HFSPlusVolumeHeader *volumeHeader;

		volumeHeader = (HFSPlusVolumeHeader *) block.buffer;
		CopyMemory(volumeHeader->extentsFile.extents, GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB->fcbExtents32, sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord) );
		err = CheckFileExtents( GPtr, kHFSExtentsFileID, 0, (void *)GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB->fcbExtents32, &numABlks );	//	check out extent info
		if (err) goto exit;

		if ( volumeHeader->extentsFile.totalBlocks != numABlks )				//	check out the PEOF
			RcdError( GPtr, E_ExtPEOF );
			err = E_ExtPEOF;
			goto exit;
			GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB->fcbLogicalSize  = (UInt32) volumeHeader->extentsFile.logicalSize;					//	Set Extents tree's LEOF
			GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB->fcbPhysicalSize = volumeHeader->extentsFile.totalBlocks * volumeHeader->blockSize;	//	Set Extents tree's PEOF

		//	Set up the minimal BTreeControlBlock structure
		//	Read the BTreeHeader from disk & also validate it's node size.
		err = GetBTreeHeader(GPtr, GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, &header);
		if (err) goto exit;
		btcb->maxKeyLength		= kHFSPlusExtentKeyMaximumLength;				//	max key length
		btcb->keyCompareProc	= (void *)CompareExtentKeysPlus;
		btcb->attributes		|=kBTBigKeysMask;								//	HFS+ Extent files have 16-bit key length
		btcb->leafRecords		= header.leafRecords;
		btcb->treeDepth			= header.treeDepth;
		btcb->rootNode			= header.rootNode;
		btcb->firstLeafNode		= header.firstLeafNode;
		btcb->lastLeafNode		= header.lastLeafNode;

		btcb->nodeSize			= header.nodeSize;
		btcb->totalNodes		= ( GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB->fcbPhysicalSize / btcb->nodeSize );
		btcb->freeNodes			= btcb->totalNodes;								//	start with everything free

		//	Make sure the header nodes size field is correct by looking at the 1st record offset
		err	= CheckNodesFirstOffset( GPtr, btcb );
		if ( (err != noErr) && (btcb->nodeSize != 1024) )		//	default HFS+ Extents node size is 1024
			btcb->nodeSize			= 1024;
			btcb->totalNodes		= ( GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB->fcbPhysicalSize / btcb->nodeSize );
			btcb->freeNodes			= btcb->totalNodes;								//	start with everything free
			err = CheckNodesFirstOffset( GPtr, btcb );
			if (err) goto exit;
			GPtr->EBTStat |= S_BTH;								//	update the Btree header
	else	// Classic HFS
		HFSMasterDirectoryBlock	*alternateMDB;

		alternateMDB = (HFSMasterDirectoryBlock *) block.buffer;
		CopyMemory(alternateMDB->drXTExtRec, GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB->fcbExtents16, sizeof(HFSExtentRecord) );
	//	ExtDataRecToExtents(alternateMDB->drXTExtRec, GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB->fcbExtents);

		err = CheckFileExtents( GPtr, kHFSExtentsFileID, 0, (void *)GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB->fcbExtents16, &numABlks );	/* check out extent info */	
		if (err) goto exit;
		if (alternateMDB->drXTFlSize != (numABlks * GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbBlockSize))//	check out the PEOF
			err = E_ExtPEOF;
			goto exit;
			GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB->fcbPhysicalSize = alternateMDB->drXTFlSize;		//	set up PEOF and EOF in FCB
			GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB->fcbLogicalSize = GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB->fcbPhysicalSize;

		//	Set up the minimal BTreeControlBlock structure
		//	Read the BTreeHeader from disk & also validate it's node size.
		err = GetBTreeHeader(GPtr, GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, &header);
		if (err) goto exit;

		btcb->maxKeyLength	= kHFSExtentKeyMaximumLength;						//	max key length
		btcb->keyCompareProc = (void *)CompareExtentKeys;
		btcb->leafRecords	= header.leafRecords;
		btcb->treeDepth		= header.treeDepth;
		btcb->rootNode		= header.rootNode;
		btcb->firstLeafNode	= header.firstLeafNode;
		btcb->lastLeafNode	= header.lastLeafNode;
		btcb->nodeSize		= header.nodeSize;
		btcb->totalNodes	= (GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB->fcbPhysicalSize / btcb->nodeSize );
		btcb->freeNodes		= btcb->totalNodes;									//	start with everything free

		//	Make sure the header nodes size field is correct by looking at the 1st record offset
		err = CheckNodesFirstOffset( GPtr, btcb );
		if (err) goto exit;

	if ( header.btreeType != kHFSBTreeType )
		GPtr->EBTStat |= S_ReservedBTH;						//	Repair reserved fields in Btree header

	//	set up our DFA extended BTCB area.  Will we have enough memory on all HFS+ volumes.
	btcb->refCon = (UInt32) AllocateClearMemory( sizeof(BTreeExtensionsRec) );			// allocate space for our BTCB extensions
	if ( btcb->refCon == (UInt32) nil ) {
		err = R_NoMem;
		goto exit;
	size = (btcb->totalNodes + 7) / 8;											//	size of BTree bit map
	((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr = AllocateClearMemory(size);			//	get precleared bitmap
	if ( ((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr == nil )
		err = R_NoMem;
		goto exit;

	((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMSize = size;				//	remember how long it is
	((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->realFreeNodeCount = header.freeNodes;//	keep track of real free nodes for progress
	(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock(vcb, &block, kReleaseBlock);
	return (err);


Function:	CheckNodesFirstOffset

Function:	Minimal check verifies that the 1st offset is within bounds.  If it's not
			the nodeSize may be wrong.  In the future this routine could be modified
			to try different size values until one fits.
#define GetRecordOffset(btreePtr,node,index)		(*(short *) ((UInt8 *)(node) + (btreePtr)->nodeSize - ((index) << 1) - kOffsetSize))
static	OSErr	CheckNodesFirstOffset( SGlobPtr GPtr, BTreeControlBlock *btcb )
	NodeRec		nodeRec;
	UInt16		offset;
	OSErr		err;
	(void) SetFileBlockSize(btcb->fcbPtr, btcb->nodeSize);

	err = GetNode( btcb, kHeaderNodeNum, &nodeRec );
	if ( err == noErr )
		offset	= GetRecordOffset( btcb, (NodeDescPtr)nodeRec.buffer, 0 );
		if ( (offset < sizeof (BTNodeDescriptor)) ||			// offset < minimum
			 (offset & 1) ||									// offset is odd
			 (offset >= btcb->nodeSize) )						// offset beyond end of node
			err	= fsBTInvalidNodeErr;
	if ( err != noErr )
		RcdError( GPtr, E_InvalidNodeSize );

	(void) ReleaseNode(btcb, &nodeRec);

	return( err );


Function:	ExtBTChk - (Extent BTree Check)

Function:	Verifies the extent BTree structure.
Input:		GPtr		-	pointer to scavenger global area

Output:		ExtBTChk	-	function result:			
								0	= no error
								n 	= error code 

OSErr ExtBTChk( SGlobPtr GPtr )
	OSErr					err;

	//	Set up
	GPtr->TarID		= kHFSExtentsFileID;										//	target = extent file
	GPtr->TarBlock	= GPtr->idSector;											//	target block = ID sector
	//	check out the BTree structure

	err = BTCheck(GPtr, kCalculatedExtentRefNum, NULL);
	ReturnIfError( err );														//	invalid extent file BTree

	//	check out the allocation map structure

	err = BTMapChk( GPtr, kCalculatedExtentRefNum );
	ReturnIfError( err );														//	Invalid extent BTree map

	//	compare BTree header record on disk with scavenger's BTree header record 

	err = CmpBTH( GPtr, kCalculatedExtentRefNum );
	ReturnIfError( err );

	//	compare BTree map on disk with scavenger's BTree map

	err = CmpBTM( GPtr, kCalculatedExtentRefNum );

	return( err );


Function:	ExtFlChk - (Extent File Check)

Function:	Verifies the extent file structure.
Input:		GPtr		-	pointer to scavenger global area

Output:		ExtFlChk		-	function result:			
								0	= no error
								+n 	= error code

OSErr ExtFlChk( SGlobPtr GPtr )
	UInt32			attributes;
	void			*p;
	OSErr			result;
	SVCB *  vcb;
	BlockDescriptor  block;

	//	process the bad block extents (created by the disk init pkg to hide badspots)
	vcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB;
	result = GetVolumeBlock(vcb, GPtr->idSector, kGetBlock, &block);
	ReturnIfError( result );									//	error, could't get it
	p = (void *) block.buffer;

	attributes = GPtr->isHFSPlus == true ? ((HFSPlusVolumeHeader*)p)->attributes : ((HFSMasterDirectoryBlock*)p)->drAtrb;

	//¥¥ Does HFS+ honnor the same mask?
	if ( attributes & kHFSVolumeSparedBlocksMask )				//	if any badspots
		HFSPlusExtentRecord		zeroXdr;						//	dummy passed to 'CheckFileExtents'
		UInt32					numBadBlocks;
		ClearMemory ( zeroXdr, sizeof( HFSPlusExtentRecord ) );
		result = CheckFileExtents( GPtr, kHFSBadBlockFileID, 0, (void *)zeroXdr, &numBadBlocks );	//	check and mark bitmap
	(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock(vcb, &block, kReleaseBlock);

	return (result);


Function:	CreateCatalogBTreeControlBlock

Function:	Create the calculated ExtentsBTree Control Block
Input:		GPtr	-	pointer to scavenger global area

Output:				-	0	= no error
						n 	= error code 
OSErr	CreateCatalogBTreeControlBlock( SGlobPtr GPtr )
	OSErr					err;
	SInt32					size;
	UInt32					numABlks;
	BTHeaderRec				header;
	BTreeControlBlock *  btcb;
	SVCB *  vcb;
	BlockDescriptor  block;

	//	Set up
	GPtr->TarID		= kHFSCatalogFileID;
	GPtr->TarBlock	= kHeaderNodeNum;
	vcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB;
	btcb = GPtr->calculatedCatalogBTCB;
	err = GetVolumeBlock(vcb, GPtr->idSector, kGetBlock, &block);
	//	check out allocation info for the Catalog File 

	if (GPtr->isHFSPlus)
		HFSPlusVolumeHeader * volumeHeader;

		volumeHeader = (HFSPlusVolumeHeader *) block.buffer;

		CopyMemory(volumeHeader->catalogFile.extents, GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB->fcbExtents32, sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord) );

		err = CheckFileExtents( GPtr, kHFSCatalogFileID, 0, (void *)GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB->fcbExtents32, &numABlks );	
		if (err) goto exit;

		if ( volumeHeader->catalogFile.totalBlocks != numABlks )
			RcdError( GPtr, E_CatPEOF );
			err = E_CatPEOF;
			goto exit;
			GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB->fcbLogicalSize  = (UInt32) volumeHeader->catalogFile.logicalSize;
			GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB->fcbPhysicalSize = volumeHeader->catalogFile.totalBlocks * volumeHeader->blockSize;

		//	Set up the minimal BTreeControlBlock structure

		//	read the BTreeHeader from disk & also validate it's node size.
		err = GetBTreeHeader(GPtr, GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &header);
		if (err) goto exit;

		btcb->maxKeyLength		= kHFSPlusCatalogKeyMaximumLength;					//	max key length
		btcb->keyCompareProc	= (void *)CompareExtendedCatalogKeys;
		btcb->leafRecords		= header.leafRecords;
		btcb->nodeSize			= header.nodeSize;
		btcb->totalNodes		= ( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB->fcbPhysicalSize / btcb->nodeSize );
		btcb->freeNodes			= btcb->totalNodes;									//	start with everything free
		btcb->attributes		|=(kBTBigKeysMask + kBTVariableIndexKeysMask);		//	HFS+ Catalog files have large, variable-sized keys

		btcb->treeDepth		= header.treeDepth;
		btcb->rootNode		= header.rootNode;
		btcb->firstLeafNode	= header.firstLeafNode;
		btcb->lastLeafNode	= header.lastLeafNode;

		//	Make sure the header nodes size field is correct by looking at the 1st record offset
		err	= CheckNodesFirstOffset( GPtr, btcb );
		if ( (err != noErr) && (btcb->nodeSize != 4096) )		//	default HFS+ Catalog node size is 4096
			btcb->nodeSize			= 4096;
			btcb->totalNodes		= ( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB->fcbPhysicalSize / btcb->nodeSize );
			btcb->freeNodes			= btcb->totalNodes;								//	start with everything free
			err = CheckNodesFirstOffset( GPtr, btcb );
			if (err) goto exit;
			GPtr->CBTStat |= S_BTH;								//	update the Btree header
	else	//	HFS
		HFSMasterDirectoryBlock	*alternateMDB;

		alternateMDB = (HFSMasterDirectoryBlock	*) block.buffer;

		CopyMemory( alternateMDB->drCTExtRec, GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB->fcbExtents16, sizeof(HFSExtentRecord) );
	//	ExtDataRecToExtents(alternateMDB->drCTExtRec, GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB->fcbExtents);

		err = CheckFileExtents( GPtr, kHFSCatalogFileID, 0, (void *)GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB->fcbExtents16, &numABlks );	/* check out extent info */	
		if (err) goto exit;

		if (alternateMDB->drCTFlSize != (numABlks * vcb->vcbBlockSize))	//	check out the PEOF
			RcdError( GPtr, E_CatPEOF );
			err = E_CatPEOF;
			goto exit;
			GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB->fcbPhysicalSize	= alternateMDB->drCTFlSize;			//	set up PEOF and EOF in FCB
			GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB->fcbLogicalSize	= GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB->fcbPhysicalSize;

		//	Set up the minimal BTreeControlBlock structure

		//	read the BTreeHeader from disk & also validate it's node size.
		err = GetBTreeHeader(GPtr, GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &header);
		if (err) goto exit;

		btcb->maxKeyLength		= kHFSCatalogKeyMaximumLength;						//	max key length
		btcb->keyCompareProc	= (void *) CompareCatalogKeys;
		btcb->leafRecords		= header.leafRecords;
		btcb->nodeSize			= header.nodeSize;
		btcb->totalNodes		= (GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB->fcbPhysicalSize / btcb->nodeSize );
		btcb->freeNodes			= btcb->totalNodes;									//	start with everything free

		btcb->treeDepth		= header.treeDepth;
		btcb->rootNode		= header.rootNode;
		btcb->firstLeafNode	= header.firstLeafNode;
		btcb->lastLeafNode	= header.lastLeafNode;

		//	Make sure the header nodes size field is correct by looking at the 1st record offset
		err = CheckNodesFirstOffset( GPtr, btcb );
		if (err) goto exit;
#if 0	
	printf("   Catalog B-tree is %qd bytes\n", (UInt64)btcb->totalNodes * (UInt64) btcb->nodeSize);

	if ( header.btreeType != kHFSBTreeType )
		GPtr->CBTStat |= S_ReservedBTH;						//	Repair reserved fields in Btree header

	//	set up our DFA extended BTCB area.  Will we have enough memory on all HFS+ volumes.

	btcb->refCon = (UInt32) AllocateClearMemory( sizeof(BTreeExtensionsRec) );			// allocate space for our BTCB extensions
	if ( btcb->refCon == (UInt32)nil ) {
		err = R_NoMem;
		goto exit;
	size = (btcb->totalNodes + 7) / 8;											//	size of BTree bit map
	((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr = AllocateClearMemory(size);			//	get precleared bitmap
	if ( ((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr == nil )
		err = R_NoMem;
		goto exit;

	((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMSize			= size;						//	remember how long it is
	((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->realFreeNodeCount	= header.freeNodes;		//	keep track of real free nodes for progress

	(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock(vcb, &block, kReleaseBlock);

	return (err);


Function:	CreateExtendedAllocationsFCB

Function:	Create the calculated ExtentsBTree Control Block
Input:		GPtr	-	pointer to scavenger global area

Output:				-	0	= no error
						n 	= error code 
OSErr	CreateExtendedAllocationsFCB( SGlobPtr GPtr )
	OSErr					err = 0;
	UInt32					numABlks;
	SVCB * vcb;
	BlockDescriptor block;

	//	Set up
	GPtr->TarID = kHFSAllocationFileID;
	GPtr->TarBlock = GPtr->idSector;
 	vcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB;
	block.buffer = NULL;
	//	check out allocation info for the allocation File 

	if ( GPtr->isHFSPlus )
		SFCB * fcb;
		HFSPlusVolumeHeader *volumeHeader;
		err = GetVolumeBlock(vcb, GPtr->idSector, kGetBlock, &block);
		volumeHeader = (HFSPlusVolumeHeader *) block.buffer;

		fcb = GPtr->calculatedAllocationsFCB;
		CopyMemory( volumeHeader->allocationFile.extents, fcb->fcbExtents32, sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord) );

		err = CheckFileExtents( GPtr, kHFSAllocationFileID, 0, (void *)fcb->fcbExtents32, &numABlks );
		if (err) goto exit;

		(void) SetFileBlockSize (fcb, vcb->vcbBlockSize);

		if ( volumeHeader->allocationFile.totalBlocks != numABlks )
			RcdError( GPtr, E_CatPEOF );
			err = E_CatPEOF;
			goto exit;
			fcb->fcbLogicalSize  = (UInt32) volumeHeader->allocationFile.logicalSize;
			fcb->fcbPhysicalSize = volumeHeader->allocationFile.totalBlocks * volumeHeader->blockSize;

		/* while we're here, also get startup file extents... */
		fcb = GPtr->calculatedStartupFCB;
		CopyMemory( volumeHeader->startupFile.extents, fcb->fcbExtents32, sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord) );

		err = CheckFileExtents( GPtr, kHFSStartupFileID, 0, (void *)fcb->fcbExtents32, &numABlks );
		if (err) goto exit;

		fcb->fcbLogicalSize  = (UInt32) volumeHeader->startupFile.logicalSize;
		fcb->fcbPhysicalSize = volumeHeader->startupFile.totalBlocks * volumeHeader->blockSize;

	if (block.buffer)
		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock(vcb, &block, kReleaseBlock);
	return (err);



Function:	CatHChk - (Catalog Hierarchy Check)

Function:	Verifies the catalog hierarchy.
Input:		GPtr		-	pointer to scavenger global area

Output:		CatHChk	-	function result:			
								0	= no error
								n 	= error code 

OSErr CatHChk( SGlobPtr GPtr )
	SInt16					i;
	OSErr					result;
	UInt16 					recSize;
	SInt16					selCode;
	UInt32					hint;
	UInt32					dirCnt;
	UInt32					filCnt;
	SInt16					rtdirCnt;
	SInt16					rtfilCnt;
	SVCB				*calculatedVCB;
	SDPR					*dprP;
	SDPR					*dprP1;
	CatalogKey				foundKey;
	Boolean					validKeyFound;
	CatalogKey				key;
	CatalogRecord			record;
	CatalogRecord			record2;
	HFSPlusCatalogFolder	*largeCatalogFolderP;
	HFSPlusCatalogFile		*largeCatalogFileP;
	HFSCatalogFile			*smallCatalogFileP;
	HFSCatalogFolder		*smallCatalogFolderP;
	CatalogName				catalogName;
	UInt32					valence;
	CatalogRecord			threadRecord;
	HFSCatalogNodeID		parID;
	Boolean					isHFSPlus		= GPtr->isHFSPlus;

	//	set up
	calculatedVCB	= GPtr->calculatedVCB;
	GPtr->TarID		= kHFSCatalogFileID;						/* target = catalog file */
	GPtr->TarBlock	= 0;										/* no target block yet */

	//	position to the beginning of catalog
	//¥¥ Can we ignore this part by just taking advantage of setting the selCode = 0x8001;
		BuildCatalogKey( 1, (const CatalogName *)nil, isHFSPlus, &key );
		result = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint, &foundKey, &threadRecord, &recSize, &hint );
		GPtr->TarBlock = hint;									/* set target block */
		if ( result != btNotFound )
			RcdError( GPtr, E_CatRec );
			return( E_CatRec );
	GPtr->DirLevel    = 1;
	dprP              = &(*GPtr->DirPTPtr)[0];					
	dprP->directoryID = 1;

	dirCnt = filCnt = rtdirCnt = rtfilCnt = 0;

	result	= noErr;
	selCode = 0x8001;  /* start with root directory */			

	//	enumerate the entire catalog 
	while ( (GPtr->DirLevel > 0) && (result == noErr) )
		dprP = &(*GPtr->DirPTPtr)[GPtr->DirLevel -1];
		validKeyFound = true;
		record.recordType = 0;
		//	get the next record
		result = GetBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, selCode, &foundKey, &record, &recSize, &hint );
		GPtr->TarBlock = hint;									/* set target block */
		if ( result != noErr )
			if ( result == btNotFound )
				result = noErr;
				validKeyFound = false;
				result = IntError( GPtr, result );				/* error from BTGetRecord */
				return( result );
		selCode = 1;											/* get next rec from now on */

		//	 if same ParID ...
		parID = isHFSPlus == true ? foundKey.hfsPlus.parentID : foundKey.hfs.parentID;
		if ( (validKeyFound == true) && (parID == dprP->directoryID) )
			dprP->offspringIndex++;								/* increment offspring index */

			//	if new directory ...
			if ( record.recordType == kHFSPlusFolderRecord )
 				result = CheckForStop( GPtr ); ReturnIfError( result );				//	Permit the user to interrupt
				largeCatalogFolderP = (HFSPlusCatalogFolder *) &record;				
				GPtr->TarID = largeCatalogFolderP->folderID;				//	target ID = directory ID 
				GPtr->CNType = record.recordType;							//	target CNode type = directory ID 
				CopyCatalogName( (const CatalogName *) &foundKey.hfsPlus.nodeName, &GPtr->CName, isHFSPlus );

				if ( dprP->directoryID > 1 )
					GPtr->DirLevel++;										//	we have a new directory level 
				if ( dprP->directoryID == kHFSRootFolderID )				//	bump root dir count 

				if ( GPtr->DirLevel > CMMaxDepth )
					RcdError(GPtr,E_CatDepth);								//	error, exceeded max catalog depth
					return noErr;											//	abort this check, but let other checks proceed

				dprP = &(*GPtr->DirPTPtr)[GPtr->DirLevel -1];
				dprP->directoryID		= largeCatalogFolderP->folderID;
				dprP->offspringIndex	= 1;
				dprP->directoryHint		= hint;
				dprP->parentDirID		= foundKey.hfsPlus.parentID;
				CopyCatalogName( (const CatalogName *) &foundKey.hfsPlus.nodeName, &dprP->directoryName, isHFSPlus );

				for ( i = 1; i < GPtr->DirLevel; i++ )
					dprP1 = &(*GPtr->DirPTPtr)[i -1];
					if (dprP->directoryID == dprP1->directoryID)
						RcdError( GPtr,E_DirLoop );							//	loop in directory hierarchy 
						return( E_DirLoop );
				 * Find thread record
				BuildCatalogKey( dprP->directoryID, (const CatalogName *) nil, isHFSPlus, &key );
				result = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint, &foundKey, &threadRecord, &recSize, &hint );
				if ( result != noErr ) {
					char idStr[16];
					struct MissingThread *mtp;
					/* Report the error */
					sprintf(idStr, "%d", dprP->directoryID);
					PrintError(GPtr, E_NoThd, 1, idStr);
					/* HFS will exit here */
					if ( !isHFSPlus )
						return (E_NoThd);
					 * A directory thread is missing.  If we can find this
					 * ID on the missing-thread list then we know where the
					 * child entries reside and can resume our enumeration.
					for (mtp = GPtr->missingThreadList; mtp != NULL; mtp = mtp->link) {
						if (mtp->threadID == dprP->directoryID) {
							mtp->thread.recordType = kHFSPlusFolderThreadRecord;
							mtp->thread.parentID = dprP->parentDirID;
							CopyCatalogName(&dprP->directoryName, (CatalogName *)&mtp->thread.nodeName, isHFSPlus);

							/* Reposition to the first child of target directory */
							result = SearchBTreeRecord(GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &mtp->nextKey,
							                           kNoHint, &foundKey, &threadRecord, &recSize, &hint);
							if (result)
								return (E_NoThd);
							selCode = 0; /* use current record instead of next */
					if (selCode != 0) {
						 * A directory thread is missing but we know this
						 * directory has no children (since we didn't find
						 * its ID on the missing-thread list above).
						 * At this point we can resume the enumeration at
						 * our previous position in our parent directory.
						goto resumeAtParent;
				dprP->threadHint = hint;
				GPtr->TarBlock = hint; 

			//	LargeCatalogFile
			else if ( record.recordType == kHFSPlusFileRecord )
				largeCatalogFileP = (HFSPlusCatalogFile *) &record;
				GPtr->TarID = largeCatalogFileP->fileID;					//	target ID = file number 
				GPtr->CNType = record.recordType;							//	target CNode type = thread 
				CopyCatalogName( (const CatalogName *) &foundKey.hfsPlus.nodeName, &GPtr->CName, isHFSPlus );
				if (dprP->directoryID == kHFSRootFolderID)

			else if ( record.recordType == kHFSFolderRecord )
 				result = CheckForStop( GPtr ); ReturnIfError( result );				//	Permit the user to interrupt
				smallCatalogFolderP = (HFSCatalogFolder *) &record;				
				GPtr->TarID = smallCatalogFolderP->folderID;				/* target ID = directory ID */
				GPtr->CNType = record.recordType;							/* target CNode type = directory ID */
				CopyCatalogName( (const CatalogName *) &key.hfs.nodeName, &GPtr->CName, isHFSPlus );	/* target CName = directory name */

				if (dprP->directoryID > 1)
					GPtr->DirLevel++;										/* we have a new directory level */
				if (dprP->directoryID == kHFSRootFolderID)					/* bump root dir count */

				if (GPtr->DirLevel > CMMaxDepth)
					RcdError(GPtr,E_CatDepth);								/* error, exceeded max catalog depth */
					return noErr;											/* abort this check, but let other checks proceed */

				dprP = &(*GPtr->DirPTPtr)[GPtr->DirLevel -1];			
				dprP->directoryID		= smallCatalogFolderP->folderID;
				dprP->offspringIndex	= 1;
				dprP->directoryHint		= hint;
				dprP->parentDirID		= foundKey.hfs.parentID;

				CopyCatalogName( (const CatalogName *) &foundKey.hfs.nodeName, &dprP->directoryName, isHFSPlus );

				for (i = 1; i < GPtr->DirLevel; i++)
					dprP1 = &(*GPtr->DirPTPtr)[i -1];
					if (dprP->directoryID == dprP1->directoryID)
						RcdError( GPtr,E_DirLoop );				/* loop in directory hierarchy */
						return( E_DirLoop );
				BuildCatalogKey( dprP->directoryID, (const CatalogName *)0, isHFSPlus, &key );
				result = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, kNoHint, &foundKey, &threadRecord, &recSize, &hint );
				if  (result != noErr )
					result = IntError(GPtr,result);				/* error from BTSearch */
				dprP->threadHint	= hint;						/* save hint for thread */
				GPtr->TarBlock		= hint;						/* set target block */

			//	HFSCatalogFile...
			else if ( record.recordType == kHFSFileRecord )
				smallCatalogFileP = (HFSCatalogFile *) &record;
				GPtr->TarID = smallCatalogFileP->fileID;							/* target ID = file number */
				GPtr->CNType = record.recordType;									/* target CNode type = thread */
				CopyCatalogName( (const CatalogName *) &foundKey.hfs.nodeName, &GPtr->CName, isHFSPlus );	/* target CName = directory name */
				if (dprP->directoryID == kHFSRootFolderID)
			//	Unknown/Bad record type
				M_DebugStr("\p Unknown-Bad record type");
				return( 123 );
		//	 if not same ParID or no record
		else if ( (record.recordType == kHFSFileThreadRecord) || (record.recordType == kHFSPlusFileThreadRecord) )			/* it's a file thread, skip past it */
			GPtr->TarID				= parID;						//	target ID = file number
			GPtr->CNType			= record.recordType;			//	target CNode type = thread
			GPtr->CName.ustr.length	= 0;							//	no target CName
			GPtr->TarID = dprP->directoryID;						/* target ID = current directory ID */
			GPtr->CNType = record.recordType;						/* target CNode type = directory */
			CopyCatalogName( (const CatalogName *) &dprP->directoryName, &GPtr->CName, isHFSPlus );	// copy the string name

			//	re-locate current directory
			CopyCatalogName( (const CatalogName *) &dprP->directoryName, &catalogName, isHFSPlus );
			BuildCatalogKey( dprP->parentDirID, (const CatalogName *)&catalogName, isHFSPlus, &key );
			result = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, &key, dprP->directoryHint, &foundKey, &record2, &recSize, &hint );
			if ( result != noErr )
				result = IntError(GPtr,result);						/* error from BTSearch */
			GPtr->TarBlock = hint;									/* set target block */

			valence = isHFSPlus == true ? record2.hfsPlusFolder.valence : (UInt32)record2.hfsFolder.valence;

			if ( valence != dprP->offspringIndex -1 ) 				/* check its valence */
				if ( result = RcdValErr( GPtr, E_DirVal, dprP->offspringIndex -1, valence, dprP->parentDirID ) )
					return( result );

			GPtr->DirLevel--;										/* move up a level */			
			if(GPtr->DirLevel > 0)
				dprP = &(*GPtr->DirPTPtr)[GPtr->DirLevel -1];
				GPtr->TarID	= dprP->directoryID;					/* target ID = current directory ID */
				GPtr->CNType = record.recordType;					/* target CNode type = directory */
				CopyCatalogName( (const CatalogName *) &dprP->directoryName, &GPtr->CName, isHFSPlus );
	}		//	end while

	//	verify directory and file counts (all nonfatal, repairable errors)
	if (!isHFSPlus && (rtdirCnt != calculatedVCB->vcbNmRtDirs)) /* check count of dirs in root */
		if ( result = RcdValErr(GPtr,E_RtDirCnt,rtdirCnt,calculatedVCB->vcbNmRtDirs,0) )
			return( result );

	if (!isHFSPlus && (rtfilCnt != calculatedVCB->vcbNmFls)) /* check count of files in root */
		if ( result = RcdValErr(GPtr,E_RtFilCnt,rtfilCnt,calculatedVCB->vcbNmFls,0) )
			return( result );

	if (dirCnt != calculatedVCB->vcbFolderCount) /* check count of dirs in volume */
		if ( result = RcdValErr(GPtr,E_DirCnt,dirCnt,calculatedVCB->vcbFolderCount,0) )
			return( result );
	if (filCnt != calculatedVCB->vcbFileCount) /* check count of files in volume */
		if ( result = RcdValErr(GPtr,E_FilCnt,filCnt,calculatedVCB->vcbFileCount,0) )
			return( result );

	return( noErr );

}	/* end of CatHChk */


Function:	CreateAttributesBTreeControlBlock

Function:	Create the calculated AttributesBTree Control Block
Input:		GPtr	-	pointer to scavenger global area

Output:				-	0	= no error
						n 	= error code 
OSErr	CreateAttributesBTreeControlBlock( SGlobPtr GPtr )
	OSErr					err = 0;
	SInt32					size;
	UInt32					numABlks;
	BTHeaderRec				header;
	BTreeControlBlock *  btcb;
	SVCB *  vcb;
	BlockDescriptor  block;

	//	Set up
	GPtr->TarID		= kHFSAttributesFileID;
	GPtr->TarBlock	= kHeaderNodeNum;
	block.buffer = NULL;
	btcb = GPtr->calculatedAttributesBTCB;
	vcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB;

	//	check out allocation info for the Attributes File 

	if (GPtr->isHFSPlus)
		HFSPlusVolumeHeader *volumeHeader;

		err = GetVolumeBlock(vcb, GPtr->idSector, kGetBlock, &block);
		volumeHeader = (HFSPlusVolumeHeader *) block.buffer;

		CopyMemory( volumeHeader->attributesFile.extents, GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB->fcbExtents32, sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord) );

		err = CheckFileExtents( GPtr, kHFSAttributesFileID, 0, (void *)GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB->fcbExtents32, &numABlks );	
		if (err) goto exit;

		if ( volumeHeader->attributesFile.totalBlocks != numABlks )					//	check out the PEOF
			RcdError( GPtr, E_CatPEOF );
			err = E_CatPEOF;
			goto exit;
			GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB->fcbLogicalSize  = (UInt64) volumeHeader->attributesFile.logicalSize;						//	Set Attributes tree's LEOF
			GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB->fcbPhysicalSize = volumeHeader->attributesFile.totalBlocks * volumeHeader->blockSize;	//	Set Attributes tree's PEOF

		//	See if we actually have an attributes BTree
		if (numABlks == 0)
			btcb->maxKeyLength		= 0;
			btcb->keyCompareProc	= 0;
			btcb->leafRecords		= 0;
			btcb->nodeSize			= 0;
			btcb->totalNodes		= 0;
			btcb->freeNodes			= 0;
			btcb->attributes		= 0;

			btcb->treeDepth		= 0;
			btcb->rootNode		= 0;
			btcb->firstLeafNode	= 0;
			btcb->lastLeafNode	= 0;
		//	GPtr->calculatedVCB->attributesRefNum = 0;
			GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbAttributesFile = NULL;
			//	read the BTreeHeader from disk & also validate it's node size.
			err = GetBTreeHeader(GPtr, GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB, &header);
			if (err) goto exit;

			btcb->maxKeyLength		= kAttributeKeyMaximumLength;					//	max key length
			btcb->keyCompareProc	= (void *)CompareAttributeKeys;
			btcb->leafRecords		= header.leafRecords;
			btcb->nodeSize			= header.nodeSize;
			btcb->totalNodes		= ( GPtr->calculatedAttributesFCB->fcbPhysicalSize / btcb->nodeSize );
			btcb->freeNodes			= btcb->totalNodes;									//	start with everything free
			btcb->attributes		|=(kBTBigKeysMask + kBTVariableIndexKeysMask);		//	HFS+ Attributes files have large, variable-sized keys

			btcb->treeDepth		= header.treeDepth;
			btcb->rootNode		= header.rootNode;
			btcb->firstLeafNode	= header.firstLeafNode;
			btcb->lastLeafNode	= header.lastLeafNode;

			//	Make sure the header nodes size field is correct by looking at the 1st record offset
			err = CheckNodesFirstOffset( GPtr, btcb );
			if (err) goto exit;
		btcb->maxKeyLength		= 0;
		btcb->keyCompareProc	= 0;
		btcb->leafRecords		= 0;
		btcb->nodeSize			= 0;
		btcb->totalNodes		= 0;
		btcb->freeNodes			= 0;
		btcb->attributes		= 0;

		btcb->treeDepth		= 0;
		btcb->rootNode		= 0;
		btcb->firstLeafNode	= 0;
		btcb->lastLeafNode	= 0;
	//	GPtr->calculatedVCB->attributesRefNum = 0;
		GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbAttributesFile = NULL;

	//	set up our DFA extended BTCB area.  Will we have enough memory on all HFS+ volumes.
	btcb->refCon = (UInt32) AllocateClearMemory( sizeof(BTreeExtensionsRec) );			// allocate space for our BTCB extensions
	if ( btcb->refCon == (UInt32)nil ) {
		err = R_NoMem;
		goto exit;

	if (btcb->totalNodes == 0)
		((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr			= nil;
		((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMSize			= 0;
		((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->realFreeNodeCount	= 0;
		if ( btcb->refCon == (UInt32)nil ) {
			err = R_NoMem;
			goto exit;
		size = (btcb->totalNodes + 7) / 8;											//	size of BTree bit map
		((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr = AllocateClearMemory(size);			//	get precleared bitmap
		if ( ((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMPtr == nil )
			err = R_NoMem;
			goto exit;

		((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->BTCBMSize			= size;						//	remember how long it is
		((BTreeExtensionsRec*)btcb->refCon)->realFreeNodeCount	= header.freeNodes;		//	keep track of real free nodes for progress

	if (block.buffer)
		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock(vcb, &block, kReleaseBlock);

	return (err);


Function:	AttrBTChk - (Attributes BTree Check)

Function:	Verifies the attributes BTree structure.
Input:		GPtr		-	pointer to scavenger global area

Output:		ExtBTChk	-	function result:			
								0	= no error
								n 	= error code 

OSErr AttrBTChk( SGlobPtr GPtr )
	OSErr					err;

	//	If this volume has no attributes BTree, then skip this check
	if (GPtr->calculatedVCB->vcbAttributesFile == NULL)
		return noErr;
	//	Write the status message here to avoid potential confusion to user.
	WriteMsg( GPtr, M_AttrBTChk, kStatusMessage );

	//	Set up
	GPtr->TarID		= kHFSAttributesFileID;										//	target = attributes file
	GPtr->TarBlock	= GPtr->idSector;											//	target block = ID Block
	//	check out the BTree structure

	err = BTCheck( GPtr, kCalculatedAttributesRefNum, NULL);
	ReturnIfError( err );														//	invalid attributes file BTree

	//	check out the allocation map structure

	err = BTMapChk( GPtr, kCalculatedAttributesRefNum );
	ReturnIfError( err );														//	Invalid attributes BTree map

	//	compare BTree header record on disk with scavenger's BTree header record 

	err = CmpBTH( GPtr, kCalculatedAttributesRefNum );
	ReturnIfError( err );

	//	compare BTree map on disk with scavenger's BTree map

	err = CmpBTM( GPtr, kCalculatedAttributesRefNum );

	return( err );


Name:		RcdFThdErr - (record file thread error)

Function:	Allocates a RepairOrder node describing a dangling file thread record,
			most likely caused by discarding a file with system 6 (or less) that
			had an alias created by system 7 (or greater).  System 6 isn't aware
			of aliases, and so won't remove the accompanying thread record.

Input:		GPtr 		- the scavenger globals
			fid			- the File ID in the thread record key

Output:		0 			- no error
			R_NoMem		- not enough mem to allocate the record

static int RcdFThdErr( SGlobPtr	GPtr, UInt32 fid )			//	the dangling file ID
	RepairOrderPtr	p;										//	the node we compile
	RcdError( GPtr, E_NoFile );								//	first, record the error
	p = AllocMinorRepairOrder( GPtr, 0 );					//	then get a repair order node (std size)
	if ( p==NULL )											//	quit if out of room
		return( R_NoMem );
	p->type = E_NoFile;										//	repair type
	p->parid = fid;											//	this is the only info we need
	GPtr->CatStat |= S_FThd;								//	set flag to trigger repair
	return( noErr );										//	successful return


Name:		RcdNoDirErr - (record missing direcotury record error)

Function:	Allocates a RepairOrder node describing a missing directory record,
			most likely caused by disappearing folder bug.  This bug causes some
			folders to jump to Desktop from the root window.  The catalog directory
			record for such a folder has the Desktop folder as the parent but its
			thread record still the root directory as its parent.

Input:		GPtr 		- the scavenger globals
			did			- the directory ID in the thread record key

Output:		0 			- no error
			R_NoMem		- not enough mem to allocate the record

static int RcdNoDirErr( SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 did )			//	the directory ID in the thread record key
	RepairOrderPtr	p;										//	the node we compile
	RcdError( GPtr, E_NoDir );								//	first, record the error
	p = AllocMinorRepairOrder( GPtr, 0 );					//	then get a repair order node (std size)
	if ( p==NULL )											//	quit if out of room
		return ( R_NoMem );
	p->type = E_NoDir;										//	repair type
	p->parid = did;											//	this is the only info we need
	GPtr->CatStat |= S_NoDir;								//	set flag to trigger repair
	return( noErr );										//	successful return


Name:		RcdValErr - (Record Valence Error)

Function:	Allocates a RepairOrder node and linkg it into the 'GPtr->RepairP'
			list, to describe an incorrect valence count for possible repair.

Input:		GPtr		- ptr to scavenger global data
			type		- error code (E_xxx), which should be >0
			correct		- the correct valence, as computed here
			incorrect	- the incorrect valence as found in volume
			parid		- the parent id, if S_Valence error

Output:		0 			- no error
			R_NoMem		- not enough mem to allocate record

static int RcdValErr( SGlobPtr GPtr, OSErr type, UInt32 correct, UInt32 incorrect, HFSCatalogNodeID parid )										/* the ParID, if needed */
	RepairOrderPtr	p;										/* the new node we compile */
	SInt16			n;										/* size of node we allocate */
	char goodStr[32], badStr[32];

	PrintError(GPtr, type, 0);
	sprintf(goodStr, "%d", correct);
	sprintf(badStr, "%d", incorrect);
	PrintError(GPtr, E_BadValue, 2, goodStr, badStr);
	if (type == E_DirVal)									/* if normal directory valence error */
		n = CatalogNameSize( &GPtr->CName, GPtr->isHFSPlus);
		n = 0;												/* other errors don't need the name */
	p = AllocMinorRepairOrder( GPtr,n );					/* get the node */
	if (p==NULL) 											/* quit if out of room */
		return (R_NoMem);
	p->type			= type;									/* save error info */
	p->correct		= correct;
	p->incorrect	= incorrect;
	p->parid		= parid;
	if ( n != 0 ) 											/* if name needed */
		CopyCatalogName( (const CatalogName *) &GPtr->CName, (CatalogName*)&p->name, GPtr->isHFSPlus );
	GPtr->CatStat |= S_Valence;								/* set flag to trigger repair */
	return( noErr );										/* successful return */


Name:		RcdMDBAllocationBlockStartErr - (Record Allocation Block Start Error)

Function:	Allocates a RepairOrder node and linking it into the 'GPtr->RepairP'
			list, to describe the error for possible repair.

Input:		GPtr		- ptr to scavenger global data
			type		- error code (E_xxx), which should be >0
			correct		- the correct valence, as computed here
			incorrect	- the incorrect valence as found in volume

Output:		0 			- no error
			R_NoMem		- not enough mem to allocate record

static	OSErr	RcdMDBEmbededVolDescriptionErr( SGlobPtr GPtr, OSErr type, HFSMasterDirectoryBlock *mdb )
	RepairOrderPtr			p;											//	the new node we compile
	EmbededVolDescription	*desc;
	RcdError( GPtr, type );												//	first, record the error
	p = AllocMinorRepairOrder( GPtr, sizeof(EmbededVolDescription) );	//	get the node
	if ( p == nil )	return( R_NoMem );
	p->type							=  type;							//	save error info
	desc							=  (EmbededVolDescription *) &(p->name);
	desc->drAlBlSt					=  mdb->drAlBlSt;
	desc->drEmbedSigWord			=  mdb->drEmbedSigWord;
	desc->drEmbedExtent.startBlock	=  mdb->drEmbedExtent.startBlock;
	desc->drEmbedExtent.blockCount	=  mdb->drEmbedExtent.blockCount;
	GPtr->VIStat					|= S_InvalidWrapperExtents;			//	set flag to trigger repair
	return( noErr );													//	successful return


Name:		RcdInvalidWrapperExtents - (Record Invalid Wrapper Extents)

Function:	Allocates a RepairOrder node and linking it into the 'GPtr->RepairP'
			list, to describe the error for possible repair.

Input:		GPtr		- ptr to scavenger global data
			type		- error code (E_xxx), which should be >0
			correct		- the correct valence, as computed here
			incorrect	- the incorrect valence as found in volume

Output:		0 			- no error
			R_NoMem		- not enough mem to allocate record

static	OSErr	RcdInvalidWrapperExtents( SGlobPtr GPtr, OSErr type )
	RepairOrderPtr			p;											//	the new node we compile
	RcdError( GPtr, type );												//	first, record the error
	p = AllocMinorRepairOrder( GPtr, 0 );	//	get the node
	if ( p == nil )	return( R_NoMem );
	p->type							=  type;							//	save error info
	GPtr->VIStat					|= S_BadMDBdrAlBlSt;				//	set flag to trigger repair
	return( noErr );													//	successful return

#if(0)	//	We just check and fix them in SRepair.c

Name:		RcdOrphanedExtentErr 

Function:	Allocates a RepairOrder node and linkg it into the 'GPtr->RepairP'
			list, to describe an locked volume name for possible repair.

Input:		GPtr		- ptr to scavenger global data
			type		- error code (E_xxx), which should be >0
			incorrect	- the incorrect file flags as found in file record

Output:		0 			- no error
			R_NoMem		- not enough mem to allocate record

static OSErr RcdOrphanedExtentErr ( SGlobPtr GPtr, SInt16 type, void *theKey )
	RepairOrderPtr	p;										/* the new node we compile */
	SInt16			n;										/* size of node we allocate */
	RcdError( GPtr,type );									/* first, record the error */
	if ( GPtr->isHFSPlus )
		n = sizeof( HFSPlusExtentKey );
		n = sizeof( HFSExtentKey );
	p = AllocMinorRepairOrder( GPtr, n );					/* get the node */
	if ( p == NULL ) 										/* quit if out of room */
		return( R_NoMem );
	CopyMemory( theKey, p->name, n );					/* copy in the key */
	p->type = type;											/* save error info */
	GPtr->EBTStat |= S_OrphanedExtent;						/* set flag to trigger repair */
	return( noErr );										/* successful return */


Function:	VInfoChk - (Volume Info Check)

Function:	Verifies volume level information.
Input:		GPtr		-	pointer to scavenger global area

Output:		VInfoChk	-	function result:			
								0	= no error
								n 	= error code

OSErr VInfoChk( SGlobPtr GPtr )
	OSErr					result;
	UInt32					hint;
	UInt32					maxClump;
	SVCB				*vcb;
	CatalogRecord			record;
	CatalogKey				foundKey;
	UInt16					recSize;
	Boolean					isHFSPlus = GPtr->isHFSPlus;
	BlockDescriptor  altBlock;
	BlockDescriptor  priBlock;

	vcb = GPtr->calculatedVCB;
	altBlock.buffer = priBlock.buffer = NULL;

	// locate the catalog record for the root directoryÉ
	result = GetBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, 0x8001, &foundKey, &record, &recSize, &hint );
	GPtr->TarID = kHFSCatalogFileID;							/* target = catalog */
	GPtr->TarBlock = hint;										/* target block = returned hint */
	if ( result != noErr )
		result = IntError( GPtr, result );
		return( result );
	result = GetVolumeBlock(vcb, GPtr->idSector, kGetBlock, &altBlock);
	if ( isHFSPlus )
		HFSPlusVolumeHeader *volumeHeader;
		HFSPlusVolumeHeader *alternateVolumeHeader;
		GPtr->TarID		= AMDB_FNum;								//	target = alternate MDB
		GPtr->TarBlock	= GPtr->idSector;							//	target block =  ID block (Alternate VolumeHeader)

		alternateVolumeHeader = (HFSPlusVolumeHeader *) altBlock.buffer;

		GPtr->TarID		= MDB_FNum;								/* target = MDB */
		GPtr->TarBlock	= MDB_BlkN;								/* target block = MDB */

		if ( GPtr->idSector == (vcb->vcbEmbeddedOffset/512)+2) {
			volumeHeader = alternateVolumeHeader;
		} else {
			/* VH is 3rd sector in */
			result = GetVolumeBlock(vcb, (vcb->vcbEmbeddedOffset/512)+2, kGetBlock, &priBlock);
			if (result) goto exit;	
			volumeHeader = (HFSPlusVolumeHeader *) priBlock.buffer;
		maxClump = (vcb->vcbTotalBlocks / 4) * vcb->vcbBlockSize; /* max clump = 1/4 volume size */

		//	check out creation and last mod dates
		vcb->vcbCreateDate	= alternateVolumeHeader->createDate;	// use creation date in alt MDB
		vcb->vcbModifyDate	= volumeHeader->modifyDate;		// don't change last mod date
		vcb->vcbCheckedDate	= volumeHeader->checkedDate;		// don't change checked date

		//	verify volume attribute flags
		if ( ((UInt16)volumeHeader->attributes & VAtrb_Msk) == 0 )
			vcb->vcbAttributes = (UInt16)volumeHeader->attributes;
			vcb->vcbAttributes = VAtrb_DFlt;
		//	verify allocation map ptr
		if ( volumeHeader->nextAllocation < vcb->vcbTotalBlocks )
			vcb->vcbNextAllocation = volumeHeader->nextAllocation;
			vcb->vcbNextAllocation = 0;

		//	verify default clump sizes
		if ( (volumeHeader->rsrcClumpSize > 0) && (volumeHeader->rsrcClumpSize <= kMaxClumpSize) && ((volumeHeader->rsrcClumpSize % vcb->vcbBlockSize) == 0) )
			vcb->vcbRsrcClumpSize = volumeHeader->rsrcClumpSize;
		else if ( (alternateVolumeHeader->rsrcClumpSize > 0) && (alternateVolumeHeader->rsrcClumpSize <= kMaxClumpSize) && ((alternateVolumeHeader->rsrcClumpSize % vcb->vcbBlockSize) == 0) )
			vcb->vcbRsrcClumpSize = alternateVolumeHeader->rsrcClumpSize;
			vcb->vcbRsrcClumpSize = 4 * vcb->vcbBlockSize;
		if ( vcb->vcbRsrcClumpSize > kMaxClumpSize )
			vcb->vcbRsrcClumpSize = vcb->vcbBlockSize;	/* for very large volumes, just use 1 allocation block */

		if ( (volumeHeader->dataClumpSize > 0) && (volumeHeader->dataClumpSize <= kMaxClumpSize) && ((volumeHeader->dataClumpSize % vcb->vcbBlockSize) == 0) )
			vcb->vcbDataClumpSize = volumeHeader->dataClumpSize;
		else if ( (alternateVolumeHeader->dataClumpSize > 0) && (alternateVolumeHeader->dataClumpSize <= kMaxClumpSize) && ((alternateVolumeHeader->dataClumpSize % vcb->vcbBlockSize) == 0) )
			vcb->vcbDataClumpSize = alternateVolumeHeader->dataClumpSize;
			vcb->vcbDataClumpSize = 4 * vcb->vcbBlockSize;
		if ( vcb->vcbDataClumpSize > kMaxClumpSize )
			vcb->vcbDataClumpSize = vcb->vcbBlockSize;	/* for very large volumes, just use 1 allocation block */

		//	verify next CNode ID
		if ( (volumeHeader->nextCatalogID > vcb->vcbNextCatalogID) && (volumeHeader->nextCatalogID <= (vcb->vcbNextCatalogID + 4096)) )
			vcb->vcbNextCatalogID = volumeHeader->nextCatalogID;
		//¥¥TBD location and unicode? volumename
		//	verify the volume name
		result = ChkCName( GPtr, (const CatalogName*) &foundKey.hfsPlus.nodeName, isHFSPlus );

		//	verify last backup date and backup seqence number
		vcb->vcbBackupDate = volumeHeader->backupDate;					/* don't change last backup date */
		//	verify write count
		vcb->vcbWriteCount = volumeHeader->writeCount;	/* don't change write count */

		//	check out extent file clump size
		if ( ((volumeHeader->extentsFile.clumpSize % vcb->vcbBlockSize) == 0) && (volumeHeader->extentsFile.clumpSize <= maxClump) )
			vcb->vcbExtentsFile->fcbClumpSize = volumeHeader->extentsFile.clumpSize;
		else if ( ((alternateVolumeHeader->extentsFile.clumpSize % vcb->vcbBlockSize) == 0) && (alternateVolumeHeader->extentsFile.clumpSize <= maxClump) )
			vcb->vcbExtentsFile->fcbClumpSize = alternateVolumeHeader->extentsFile.clumpSize;
			vcb->vcbExtentsFile->fcbClumpSize = (alternateVolumeHeader->extentsFile.extents[0].blockCount * vcb->vcbBlockSize);
		//	check out extent file clump size
		if ( ((volumeHeader->catalogFile.clumpSize % vcb->vcbBlockSize) == 0) && (volumeHeader->catalogFile.clumpSize <= maxClump) )
			vcb->vcbCatalogFile->fcbClumpSize = volumeHeader->catalogFile.clumpSize;
		else if ( ((alternateVolumeHeader->catalogFile.clumpSize % vcb->vcbBlockSize) == 0) && (alternateVolumeHeader->catalogFile.clumpSize <= maxClump) )
			vcb->vcbCatalogFile->fcbClumpSize = alternateVolumeHeader->catalogFile.clumpSize;
			vcb->vcbCatalogFile->fcbClumpSize = (alternateVolumeHeader->catalogFile.extents[0].blockCount * vcb->vcbBlockSize);
		//	check out allocations file clump size
		if ( ((volumeHeader->allocationFile.clumpSize % vcb->vcbBlockSize) == 0) && (volumeHeader->allocationFile.clumpSize <= maxClump) )
			vcb->vcbAllocationFile->fcbClumpSize = volumeHeader->allocationFile.clumpSize;
		else if ( ((alternateVolumeHeader->allocationFile.clumpSize % vcb->vcbBlockSize) == 0) && (alternateVolumeHeader->allocationFile.clumpSize <= maxClump) )
			vcb->vcbAllocationFile->fcbClumpSize = alternateVolumeHeader->allocationFile.clumpSize;
			vcb->vcbAllocationFile->fcbClumpSize = (alternateVolumeHeader->allocationFile.extents[0].blockCount * vcb->vcbBlockSize);

		CopyMemory( volumeHeader->finderInfo, vcb->vcbFinderInfo, sizeof(vcb->vcbFinderInfo) );
		//	just copy cache parameters for now
	//	vcb->vcbEmbedSigWord			= 0;
	//	vcb->vcbEmbedExtent.startBlock	= 0;
	//	vcb->vcbEmbedExtent.blockCount	= 0;
		//	Now compare verified MDB info with MDB info on disk
		result = CompareVolumeHeader( GPtr, volumeHeader );
	else		//	HFS
		HFSMasterDirectoryBlock	*mdbP;
		HFSMasterDirectoryBlock	*alternateMDB;
		//	get volume name from BTree Key
		GPtr->TarID		= AMDB_FNum;								/* target = alternate MDB */
		GPtr->TarBlock	= GPtr->idSector;							/* target block =  alt MDB */

		alternateMDB = (HFSMasterDirectoryBlock	*) altBlock.buffer;
		GPtr->TarID		= MDB_FNum;								/* target = MDB */
		GPtr->TarBlock	= MDB_BlkN;								/* target block = MDB */

		if (GPtr->idSector == MDB_BlkN) {
			mdbP = alternateMDB;
		} else {
			result = GetVolumeBlock(vcb, MDB_BlkN, kGetBlock, &priBlock);
			if (result) goto exit;
			mdbP = (HFSMasterDirectoryBlock	*) priBlock.buffer;

		maxClump = (vcb->vcbTotalBlocks / 4) * vcb->vcbBlockSize; /* max clump = 1/4 volume size */

		//	check out creation and last mod dates
		vcb->vcbCreateDate	= alternateMDB->drCrDate;		/* use creation date in alt MDB */	
		vcb->vcbModifyDate	= mdbP->drLsMod;			/* don't change last mod date */

		//	verify volume attribute flags
		if ( (mdbP->drAtrb & VAtrb_Msk) == 0 )
			vcb->vcbAttributes = mdbP->drAtrb;
			vcb->vcbAttributes = VAtrb_DFlt;
		//	verify allocation map ptr
		if ( mdbP->drAllocPtr < vcb->vcbTotalBlocks )
			vcb->vcbNextAllocation = mdbP->drAllocPtr;
			vcb->vcbNextAllocation = 0;

		//	verify default clump size
		if ( (mdbP->drClpSiz > 0) && (mdbP->drClpSiz <= maxClump) && ((mdbP->drClpSiz % vcb->vcbBlockSize) == 0) )
			vcb->vcbDataClumpSize = mdbP->drClpSiz;
		else if ( (alternateMDB->drClpSiz > 0) && (alternateMDB->drClpSiz <= maxClump) && ((alternateMDB->drClpSiz % vcb->vcbBlockSize) == 0) )
			vcb->vcbDataClumpSize = alternateMDB->drClpSiz;
			vcb->vcbDataClumpSize = 4 * vcb->vcbBlockSize;
		if ( vcb->vcbDataClumpSize > kMaxClumpSize )
			vcb->vcbDataClumpSize = vcb->vcbBlockSize;	/* for very large volumes, just use 1 allocation block */
		//	verify next CNode ID
		if ( (mdbP->drNxtCNID > vcb->vcbNextCatalogID) && (mdbP->drNxtCNID <= (vcb->vcbNextCatalogID + 4096)) )
			vcb->vcbNextCatalogID = mdbP->drNxtCNID;
		//	verify the volume name
		result = ChkCName( GPtr, (const CatalogName*) &vcb->vcbVN, isHFSPlus );
		if ( result == noErr )		
			if ( CmpBlock( mdbP->drVN, vcb->vcbVN, vcb->vcbVN[0] + 1 ) == 0 )
				CopyMemory( mdbP->drVN, vcb->vcbVN, kHFSMaxVolumeNameChars + 1 ); /* ...we have a good one */		

		//	verify last backup date and backup seqence number
		vcb->vcbBackupDate = mdbP->drVolBkUp;		/* don't change last backup date */
		vcb->vcbVSeqNum = mdbP->drVSeqNum;		/* don't change last backup sequence # */
		//	verify write count
		vcb->vcbWriteCount = mdbP->drWrCnt;						/* don't change write count */

		//	check out extent file and catalog clump sizes
		if ( ((mdbP->drXTClpSiz % vcb->vcbBlockSize) == 0) && (mdbP->drXTClpSiz <= maxClump) )
			vcb->vcbExtentsFile->fcbClumpSize = mdbP->drXTClpSiz;
		else if ( ((alternateMDB->drXTClpSiz % vcb->vcbBlockSize) == 0) && (alternateMDB->drXTClpSiz <= maxClump) )
			vcb->vcbExtentsFile->fcbClumpSize = alternateMDB->drXTClpSiz;
			vcb->vcbExtentsFile->fcbClumpSize = (alternateMDB->drXTExtRec[0].blockCount * vcb->vcbBlockSize);
		if ( ((mdbP->drCTClpSiz % vcb->vcbBlockSize) == 0) && (mdbP->drCTClpSiz <= maxClump) )
			vcb->vcbCatalogFile->fcbClumpSize = mdbP->drCTClpSiz;
		else if ( ((alternateMDB->drCTClpSiz % vcb->vcbBlockSize) == 0) && (alternateMDB->drCTClpSiz <= maxClump) )
			vcb->vcbCatalogFile->fcbClumpSize = alternateMDB->drCTClpSiz;
			vcb->vcbCatalogFile->fcbClumpSize = (alternateMDB->drCTExtRec[0].blockCount * vcb->vcbBlockSize);
		//	just copy Finder info for now
		CopyMemory(mdbP->drFndrInfo, vcb->vcbFinderInfo, sizeof(mdbP->drFndrInfo));
		//	just copy cache parameters for now
	//	vcb->vcbEmbedSigWord			= alternateMDB->drEmbedSigWord;
	//	vcb->vcbEmbedExtent.startBlock	= alternateMDB->drEmbedExtent.startBlock;
	//	vcb->vcbEmbedExtent.blockCount	= alternateMDB->drEmbedExtent.blockCount;
		//	now compare verified MDB info with MDB info on disk
		result = CmpMDB( GPtr, mdbP);

	if (priBlock.buffer)
		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock(vcb, &priBlock, kReleaseBlock);
	if (altBlock.buffer)
		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock(vcb, &altBlock, kReleaseBlock);

	return (result);
}	/* end of VInfoChk */


Function:	VLockedChk - (Volume Name Locked Check)

Function:	Makes sure the volume name isn't locked.  If it is locked, generate a repair order.

			This function is not called if file sharing is operating.
Input:		GPtr		-	pointer to scavenger global area

Output:		VInfoChk	-	function result:			
								0	= no error
								n 	= error code

OSErr	VLockedChk( SGlobPtr GPtr )
	UInt32				hint;
	CatalogKey			foundKey;
	CatalogRecord		record;
	UInt16				recSize;
	OSErr				result;
	UInt16				frFlags;
	Boolean				isHFSPlus		= GPtr->isHFSPlus;
	SVCB			*calculatedVCB	= GPtr->calculatedVCB;
	GPtr->TarID		= kHFSCatalogFileID;								/* target = catalog file */
	GPtr->TarBlock	= 0;												/* no target block yet */
	//	locate the catalog record for the root directory
	result = GetBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedCatalogFCB, 0x8001, &foundKey, &record, &recSize, &hint );
	if ( result)
		RcdError( GPtr, E_EntryNotFound );
		return( E_EntryNotFound );

	//	put the vloume name in the VCB
	if ( isHFSPlus == false )
		CopyMemory( foundKey.hfs.nodeName, calculatedVCB->vcbVN, sizeof(calculatedVCB->vcbVN) );
	else if ( GPtr->volumeType != kPureHFSPlusVolumeType )
		HFSMasterDirectoryBlock	*mdbP;
		BlockDescriptor  block;
		result = GetVolumeBlock(calculatedVCB, MDB_BlkN, kGetBlock, &block);

		mdbP = (HFSMasterDirectoryBlock	*) block.buffer;
		CopyMemory( mdbP->drVN, calculatedVCB->vcbVN, sizeof(mdbP->drVN) );

		(void) ReleaseVolumeBlock(calculatedVCB, &block, kReleaseBlock);
	else		//	Because we don't have the unicode converters, just fill it with a dummy name.
		CopyMemory( "\x0dPure HFS Plus", calculatedVCB->vcbVN, sizeof(Str27) );
	GPtr->TarBlock = hint;
	if ( isHFSPlus )
		CopyCatalogName( (const CatalogName *)&foundKey.hfsPlus.nodeName, &GPtr->CName, isHFSPlus );
		CopyCatalogName( (const CatalogName *)&foundKey.hfs.nodeName, &GPtr->CName, isHFSPlus );
	if ( (record.recordType == kHFSPlusFolderRecord) || (record.recordType == kHFSFolderRecord) )
		frFlags = record.recordType == kHFSPlusFolderRecord ? record.hfsPlusFolder.userInfo.frFlags : record.hfsFolder.userInfo.frFlags;
		if ( frFlags & fNameLocked )												// name locked bit set?
			RcdNameLockedErr( GPtr, E_LockedDirName, frFlags );
	return( noErr );


Name:		RcdNameLockedErr 

Function:	Allocates a RepairOrder node and linkg it into the 'GPtr->RepairP'
			list, to describe an locked volume name for possible repair.

Input:		GPtr		- ptr to scavenger global data
			type		- error code (E_xxx), which should be >0
			incorrect	- the incorrect file flags as found in file record

Output:		0 			- no error
			R_NoMem		- not enough mem to allocate record

static int RcdNameLockedErr( SGlobPtr GPtr, SInt16 type, UInt32 incorrect )									/* for a consistency check */
	RepairOrderPtr	p;										/* the new node we compile */
	int				n;										/* size of node we allocate */
	RcdError( GPtr, type );									/* first, record the error */
	n = CatalogNameSize( &GPtr->CName, GPtr->isHFSPlus );
	p = AllocMinorRepairOrder( GPtr, n );					/* get the node */
	if ( p==NULL ) 											/* quit if out of room */
		return ( R_NoMem );
	CopyCatalogName( (const CatalogName *) &GPtr->CName, (CatalogName*)&p->name, GPtr->isHFSPlus );
	p->type				= type;								/* save error info */
	p->correct			= incorrect & ~fNameLocked;			/* mask off the name locked bit */
	p->incorrect		= incorrect;
	p->maskBit			= (UInt16)fNameLocked;
	p->parid			= 1;
	GPtr->CatStat |= S_LockedDirName;						/* set flag to trigger repair */
	return( noErr );										/* successful return */


Function:	CheckFileExtents - (Check File Extents)

Function:	Verifies the extent info for a file.
Input:		GPtr		-	pointer to scavenger global area
			fileNumber	-	file number
			forkType	-	fork type ($00 = data fork, $FF = resource fork)
			extents		-	ptr to 1st extent record for the file

			CheckFileExtents	-	function result:			
								noErr	= no error
								n 		= error code
			blocksUsed	-	number of allocation blocks allocated to the file

OSErr	CheckFileExtents( SGlobPtr GPtr, UInt32 fileNumber, UInt8 forkType, const void *extents, UInt32 *blocksUsed )
	UInt32				blockCount;
	UInt32				extentBlockCount;
	UInt32				extentStartBlock;
	UInt32				hint;
	HFSPlusExtentKey	key;
	HFSPlusExtentKey	extentKey;
	HFSPlusExtentRecord	extentRecord;
	UInt16 				recSize;
	OSErr				err;
	SInt16				i;
	Boolean				firstRecord;
	Boolean				isHFSPlus;

	isHFSPlus	= GPtr->isHFSPlus;
	firstRecord	= true;
	err			= noErr;
	blockCount	= 0;
	while ( (extents != nil) && (err == noErr) )
		err = ChkExtRec( GPtr, extents );			//	checkout the extent record first
		if ( err != noErr )							//	Bad extent record, don't mark it
		for ( i=0 ; i<GPtr->numExtents ; i++ )		//	now checkout the extents
			//	HFS+/HFS moving extent fields into local variables for evaluation
			if ( isHFSPlus == true )
				extentBlockCount = ((HFSPlusExtentDescriptor *)extents)[i].blockCount;
				extentStartBlock = ((HFSPlusExtentDescriptor *)extents)[i].startBlock;
				extentBlockCount = ((HFSExtentDescriptor *)extents)[i].blockCount;
				extentStartBlock = ((HFSExtentDescriptor *)extents)[i].startBlock;
			if ( extentBlockCount == 0 )

			err = CaptureBitmapBits(extentStartBlock, extentBlockCount);
			if (err == E_OvlExt)
				err = AddExtentToOverlapList(GPtr, fileNumber, extentStartBlock, extentBlockCount, forkType);
			blockCount += extentBlockCount;
		if ( fileNumber == kHFSExtentsFileID )		//	Extents file has no overflow extents
		if ( firstRecord == true )
			firstRecord = false;

			//	Set up the extent key
			BuildExtentKey( isHFSPlus, forkType, fileNumber, blockCount, (void *)&key );

			err = SearchBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, &key, kNoHint, (void *) &extentKey, (void *) &extentRecord, &recSize, &hint );
			if ( err == btNotFound )
				err = noErr;								//	 no more extent records
				extents = nil;
			else if ( err != noErr )
		 		err = IntError( GPtr, err );		//	error from SearchBTreeRecord
				return( err );
			err = GetBTreeRecord( GPtr->calculatedExtentsFCB, 1, &extentKey, extentRecord, &recSize, &hint );
			if ( err == btNotFound )
				err = noErr;								//	 no more extent records
				extents = nil;
			else if ( err != noErr )
		 		err = IntError( GPtr, err ); 		/* error from BTGetRecord */
				return( err );
			//	Check same file and fork
			if ( isHFSPlus )
				if ( (extentKey.fileID != fileNumber) || (extentKey.forkType != forkType) )
				if ( (((HFSExtentKey *) &extentKey)->fileID != fileNumber) || (((HFSExtentKey *) &extentKey)->forkType != forkType) )
		extents = (void *) &extentRecord;
	*blocksUsed = blockCount;
	return( err );

void	BuildExtentKey( Boolean isHFSPlus, UInt8 forkType, HFSCatalogNodeID fileNumber, UInt32 blockNumber, void * key )
	if ( isHFSPlus )
		HFSPlusExtentKey *hfsPlusKey	= (HFSPlusExtentKey*) key;
		hfsPlusKey->keyLength	= kHFSPlusExtentKeyMaximumLength;
		hfsPlusKey->forkType	= forkType;
		hfsPlusKey->pad			= 0;
		hfsPlusKey->fileID		= fileNumber;
		hfsPlusKey->startBlock	= blockNumber;
		HFSExtentKey *hfsKey	= (HFSExtentKey*) key;

		hfsKey->keyLength		= kHFSExtentKeyMaximumLength;
		hfsKey->forkType		= forkType;
		hfsKey->fileID			= fileNumber;
		hfsKey->startBlock		= (UInt16) blockNumber;

//	Adds this extent to our OverlappedExtentList for later repair.
OSErr	AddExtentToOverlapList( SGlobPtr GPtr, HFSCatalogNodeID fileNumber, UInt32 extentStartBlock, UInt32 extentBlockCount, UInt8 forkType )
	UInt32			newHandleSize;
	ExtentInfo		extentInfo;
	ExtentsTable	**extentsTableH;
	char fileno[32];
	sprintf(fileno, "%ud", fileNumber);
	PrintError(GPtr, E_OvlExt, 1, fileno);
	GPtr->VIStat |= S_OverlappingExtents;
	extentInfo.fileNumber	= fileNumber;
	extentInfo.startBlock	= extentStartBlock;
	extentInfo.blockCount	= extentBlockCount;
	extentInfo.forkType		= forkType;
	//	If it's uninitialized
	if ( GPtr->overlappedExtents == nil )
		GPtr->overlappedExtents	= (ExtentsTable **) NewHandleClear( sizeof(ExtentsTable) );
		extentsTableH	= GPtr->overlappedExtents;
		extentsTableH	= GPtr->overlappedExtents;

		if ( ExtentInfoExists( extentsTableH, &extentInfo ) == true )
			return( noErr );

		//	Grow the Extents table for a new entry.
		newHandleSize = ( sizeof(ExtentInfo) ) + ( GetHandleSize( (Handle)extentsTableH ) );
		SetHandleSize( (Handle)extentsTableH, newHandleSize );

	//	Copy the new extents into the end of the table
	CopyMemory( &extentInfo, &((**extentsTableH).extentInfo[(**extentsTableH).count]), sizeof(ExtentInfo) );
	//	Update the extent table count
	return( noErr );

static	Boolean	ExtentInfoExists( ExtentsTable **extentsTableH, ExtentInfo *extentInfo )
	UInt32		i;
	ExtentInfo	*aryExtentInfo;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < (**extentsTableH).count ; i++ )
		aryExtentInfo	= &((**extentsTableH).extentInfo[i]);
		if ( extentInfo->fileNumber == aryExtentInfo->fileNumber )
			if (	(extentInfo->startBlock == aryExtentInfo->startBlock)	&& 
					(extentInfo->blockCount == aryExtentInfo->blockCount)	&&
					(extentInfo->forkType	== aryExtentInfo->forkType)		)
				return( true );
	return( false );