[plain text]

/*  configuration file for Windows NT
   Conrad T. Pino <> --- May 2004 */

/* This file lives in the windows-NT subdirectory, which is only included
   in your header search path if you're working under Microsoft Visual C++,
   and use ../cvsnt.mak for your project.  Thus, this is the right place to
   put configuration information for Windows NT.  */

/* This file is getting chaotic and will be organized as follows:

		Macros appears first alphabetized in case sensitive order.
		Typedefs appear next alphabetized in case sensitive order.
		Function prototypes alphabetized in case sensitive order.

	Reorgnized by Conrad T. Pino <> May 25, 2005 */

/* just one time please */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma once

/* ======================= Macro Definnitions Follow ====================== */

/* Under Windows NT, mkdir only takes one argument.  */
#define CVS_MKDIR wnt_mkdir

#define CVS_RENAME wnt_rename

/* This is where old bits go to die under Windows NT.  */
#define DEVNULL "nul"

/* Windows has no ELOOP value in errno.h */

/* Windows has _snprintf function.
   HAVE_DECL__SNPRINTF used in ../lib/vasnprintf.c */


/* This tells the client that it must use send()/recv() to talk to the
   server if it is connected to the server via a socket; Win95 needs
   it because _open_osfhandle doesn't work.  */
#define NO_SOCKET_TO_FD 1

/* Is this true on NT?  Seems like I remember reports that NT 3.51 has
   problems with 200K writes (of course, the issue of large writes is
   moot since the use of buffer.c ensures that writes will only be as big
   as the buffers).  */

/* Stop server macro */
#define SHUTDOWN_SERVER wnt_shutdown_server

/* This tells the client that, in addition to needing to use
   send()/recv() to do socket I/O, the error codes for send()/recv()
   and other socket operations are not available through errno.
   Instead, this macro should be used to obtain an error code. */
#define SOCK_ERRNO (WSAGetLastError ())

/* This tells the client that, in addition to needing to use
   send()/recv() to do socket I/O, the error codes for send()/recv()
   and other socket operations are not known to strerror.  Instead,
   this macro should be used to convert the error codes to strings. */
#define SOCK_STRERROR sock_strerror

/* Start server macro */
#define START_SERVER wnt_start_server

/* The internal rsh client uses sockets not file descriptors.  Note
   that as the code stands now, it often takes values from a SOCKET and
   puts them in an int.  This is ugly but it seems like sizeof
   (SOCKET) <= sizeof (int) on win32, even the 64-bit variants.  */

/* Macro name tells the story */
#define SYSTEM_CLEANUP woe32_cleanup

/* Macro name tells the story */
#define SYSTEM_INITIALIZE(pargc,pargv) woe32_init_winsock()

 * According to GNU conventions, we should avoid referencing any macro
 * containing "WIN" as a reference to Microsoft Windows, as we would like to
 * avoid any implication that we consider Microsoft Windows any sort of "win".
 * FIXME: As of 2003-06-09, folks on the GNULIB project were discussing
 * defining a configure macro to define WOE32 appropriately.  If they ever do
 * write such a beast, we should use it, though in most cases it would be
 * preferable to avoid referencing any OS or compiler anyhow, per Autoconf
 * convention, and reference only tested features of the system.
 * re FIXME: This definition would still be necessary since systems which run
 * configure do not use this config.h and vice-versa.
#define WOE32 1

/* Define POSIX name to Microsoft name */
#define dup _dup

/* getpagesize is missing on Windows, 4096 does the right thing. */
#define getpagesize() 4096

/* Define to a substitute for the `lstat' function. */
#define lstat stat

/* Define POSIX name to Microsoft name */
#define popen _popen

/* Define POSIX name to Microsoft name */
#define pclose _pclose

/* Diff needs us to define this.  I think it could always be
   -1 for CVS, because we pass temporary files to diff, but
   config.h seems like the easiest place to put this, so for
   now we put it here.  */
#define same_file(s,t) (-1)

/* Define to a substitute for the stat function. */
#define stat wnt_stat

/* ====================== Typedef Declarations Follow ===================== */

/* ====================== Function Prototypes Follow ====================== */

#include <woe32.h>

/* #define SOCK_STRERROR sock_strerror */
char *sock_strerror (int errnum);

/* #define CVS_MKDIR wnt_mkdir */
int wnt_mkdir (const char *PATH, int MODE);

/* #define CVS_RENAME wnt_rename */
int wnt_rename (const char *, const char *);

/* #define SHUTDOWN_SERVER wnt_shutdown_server */
void wnt_shutdown_server (int fd);

/* #define START_SERVER wnt_start_server */
void wnt_start_server (int *tofd, int *fromfd,
		       char *client_user,
		       char *server_user,
		       char *server_host,
		       char *server_cvsroot);

/* #define stat wnt_stat and #define lstat wnt_stat */
int wnt_stat (const char *file, struct wnt_stat *sb);

/* =============== Special mkdir Prototype Handling Follows =============== */

#include <direct.h>
#define mkdir wnt_mkdir

/* ===================== Special Function Definitions ===================== */

	Microsoft defines "mbinit" in <wchar.h> for C++ code only.

	Expect link errors for versions:

		earlier than Visual C++ 5.0

		later than Visual C++ .NET 2003

	and Visual C++ .NET is just a guess which might be wrong.

#if _MSC_VER >= 1100 && _MSC_VER <= 1200

/* If within Visual C++ 5.0 to Visual C++ 6.0 */

inline int mbsinit (const void * arg)
	{ return 1; }

#elif _MSC_VER >= 1300 && _MSC_VER <= 1310

/* If within Visual C++ .NET to Visual C++ .NET 2003 */

inline int mbsinit (const int * arg)
        { return arg == NULL || ! *arg; }


/* =========================== End Of This File =========================== */