stack.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2004, Free Software Foundation,
 *                     Derek Price,
 *                     & Ximbiot <>.
 * You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * specified in the README file that comes with the CVS source distribution.
 * This module uses the hash.c module to implement a stack.

#include "cvs.h"
#include <assert.h>

static void
do_push (stack, elem, isstring)
    List *stack;
    void *elem;
    int isstring;
    Node *p = getnode();

    if (isstring)
	p->key = elem;
	p->data = elem;

    addnode(stack, p);

push (stack, elem)
    List *stack;
    void *elem;
    do_push (stack, elem, 0);

push_string (stack, elem)
    List *stack;
    char *elem;
    do_push (stack, elem, 1);

static void *
do_pop (stack, isstring)
    List *stack;
    int isstring;
    void *elem;

    if (isempty (stack)) return NULL;

    if (isstring)
	elem = stack->list->prev->key;
	stack->list->prev->key = NULL;
	elem = stack->list->prev->data;
	stack->list->prev->data = NULL;

    delnode (stack->list->prev);
    return elem;

void *
pop (stack)
    List *stack;
    return do_pop (stack, 0);

char *
pop_string (stack)
    List *stack;
    return do_pop (stack, 1);

static void
do_unshift (stack, elem, isstring)
    List *stack;
    void *elem;
    int isstring;
    Node *p = getnode();

    if (isstring)
	p->key = elem;
	p->data = elem;

    addnode_at_front(stack, p);

unshift (stack, elem)
    List *stack;
    void *elem;
    do_unshift (stack, elem, 0);

unshift_string (stack, elem)
    List *stack;
    char *elem;
    do_unshift (stack, elem, 1);

static void *
do_shift (stack, isstring)
    List *stack;
    int isstring;
    void *elem;

    if (isempty (stack)) return NULL;

    if (isstring)
	elem = stack->list->next->key;
	stack->list->next->key = NULL;
	elem = stack->list->next->data;
	stack->list->next->data = NULL;
    delnode (stack->list->next);
    return elem;

void *
shift (stack)
    List *stack;
    return do_shift (stack, 0);

char *
shift_string (stack)
    List *stack;
    return do_shift (stack, 1);

isempty (stack)
    List *stack;
    if (stack->list == stack->list->next)
	return 1;
    return 0;