mime.c   [plain text]

 * "$Id: mime.c,v 2004/06/05 02:42:34 jlovell Exp $"
 *   MIME database file routines for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS).
 *   Copyright 1997-2004 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved.
 *   These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
 *   property of Easy Software Products and are protected by Federal
 *   copyright law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file
 *   "LICENSE.txt" which should have been included with this file.  If this
 *   file is missing or damaged please contact Easy Software Products
 *   at:
 *       Attn: CUPS Licensing Information
 *       Easy Software Products
 *       44141 Airport View Drive, Suite 204
 *       Hollywood, Maryland 20636-3111 USA
 *       Voice: (301) 373-9603
 *       EMail: cups-info@cups.org
 *         WWW: http://www.cups.org
 * Contents:
 *   mimeDelete()   - Delete (free) a MIME database.
 *   mimeMerge()    - Merge a MIME database from disk with the current one.
 *   mimeNew()      - Create a new, empty MIME database.
 *   load_types()   - Load a xyz.types file...
 *   delete_rules() - Free all memory for the given rule tree.
 *   load_convs()   - Load a xyz.convs file...

 * Include necessary headers...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include <cups/string.h>
#include "mime.h"

#ifdef WIN32
#  include <windows.h>
#  include <dirent.h>
typedef struct dirent DIRENT;
#  define NAMLEN(dirent) strlen((dirent)->d_name)
#    include <sys/ndir.h>
#  endif
#    include <sys/dir.h>
#  endif
#    include <ndir.h>
#  endif
typedef struct direct DIRENT;
#  define NAMLEN(dirent) (dirent)->d_namlen

 * Local functions...

static void	load_types(mime_t *mime, const char *filename);
static void	load_convs(mime_t *mime, const char *filename,
		           const char *filterpath);
static void	delete_rules(mime_magic_t *rules);

 * 'mimeDelete()' - Delete (free) a MIME database.

mimeDelete(mime_t *mime)	/* I - MIME database */
  int	i;			/* Looping var */

  if (mime == NULL)

  * Loop through the file types and delete any rules...

  for (i = 0; i < mime->num_types; i ++)

  * Free the types and filters arrays, and then the MIME database structure.


 * 'mimeMerge()' - Merge a MIME database from disk with the current one.

mime_t *			/* O - Updated MIME database */
mimeMerge(mime_t     *mime,	/* I - MIME database to add to */
          const char *pathname,	/* I - Directory to load */
          const char *filterpath)/* I - Directory to load */
#ifdef WIN32
  HANDLE	dir;		/* Directory handle */
  WIN32_FIND_DATA dent;		/* Directory entry */
  char		filename[1024],	/* Full filename of types/converts file */
		*pathsep;	/* Last character in path */

  * First open the directory specified by pathname...  Return NULL if nothing
  * was read or if the pathname is NULL...

  if (pathname == NULL)
    return (NULL);

  strlcpy(filename, pathname, sizeof(filename));

  pathsep = filename + strlen(filename);
  if ((pathsep - filename + 9) > sizeof(filename))
    return (NULL);

  if (pathsep == filename ||
      (pathsep[-1] != '/' && pathsep[-1] != '\\'))
    strcpy(pathsep, "/");
    pathsep ++;

  strcpy(pathsep, "*.types");
  if ((dir = FindFirstFile(filename, &dent)) == 0)
    return (NULL);

  * If "mime" is NULL, make a new, blank database...

  if (mime == NULL)
    if ((mime = mimeNew()) == NULL)
      return (NULL);

  * Read all the .types files...

    * Load a mime.types file...

    if ((pathsep - filename + strlen(dent.cFileName)) >= sizeof(filename))

    strcpy(pathsep, dent.cFileName);
    load_types(mime, filename);
  while (FindNextFile(dir, &dent));


  * Read all the .convs files...

  strcpy(pathsep, "*.convs");
  if ((dir = FindFirstFile(filename, &dent)) == 0)
    return (mime);

    * Load a mime.convs file...

    if ((pathsep - filename + strlen(dent.cFileName)) >= sizeof(filename))

    strcpy(pathsep, dent.cFileName);
    load_convs(mime, filename);
  while (FindNextFile(dir, &dent));


  return (mime);
  DIR		*dir;		/* Directory */
  DIRENT	*dent;		/* Directory entry */
  char		filename[1024];	/* Full filename of types/converts file */

  * First open the directory specified by pathname...  Return NULL if nothing
  * was read or if the pathname is NULL...

  if (pathname == NULL)
    return (NULL);

  if ((dir = opendir(pathname)) == NULL)
    return (NULL);

  * If "mime" is NULL, make a new, blank database...

  if (mime == NULL)
    if ((mime = mimeNew()) == NULL)
      return (NULL);

  * Read all the .types files...

  while ((dent = readdir(dir)) != NULL)
    if (NAMLEN(dent) > 6 &&
        strcmp(dent->d_name + NAMLEN(dent) - 6, ".types") == 0)
      * Load a mime.types file...

      snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", pathname, dent->d_name);
      load_types(mime, filename);


  * Read all the .convs files...

  while ((dent = readdir(dir)) != NULL)
    if (NAMLEN(dent) > 6 &&
        strcmp(dent->d_name + NAMLEN(dent) - 6, ".convs") == 0)
      * Load a mime.convs file...

      snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", pathname, dent->d_name);
      load_convs(mime, filename, filterpath);


  return (mime);
#endif /* WIN32 */

 * 'mimeNew()' - Create a new, empty MIME database.

mime_t *			/* O - MIME database */
  return ((mime_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(mime_t)));

 * 'load_types()' - Load a xyz.types file...

static void
load_types(mime_t     *mime,		/* I - MIME database */
           const char *filename)	/* I - Types file to load */
  cups_file_t	*fp;			/* Types file */
  int		linelen;		/* Length of line */
  char		line[65536],		/* Input line from file */
		*lineptr,		/* Current position in line */
		super[MIME_MAX_SUPER],	/* Super-type name */
		type[MIME_MAX_TYPE],	/* Type name */
		*temp;			/* Temporary pointer */
  mime_type_t	*typeptr;		/* New MIME type */

  * First try to open the file...

  if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(filename, "r")) == NULL)

  * Then read each line from the file, skipping any comments in the file...

  while (cupsFileGets(fp, line, sizeof(line)) != NULL)
    * Skip blank lines and lines starting with a #...

    if (!line[0] || line[0] == '#')

    * While the last character in the line is a backslash, continue on to the
    * next line (and the next, etc.)

    linelen = strlen(line);

    while (line[linelen - 1] == '\\')
      linelen --;

      if (cupsFileGets(fp, line + linelen, sizeof(line) - linelen) == NULL)
        line[linelen] = '\0';
        linelen += strlen(line + linelen);

    * Extract the super-type and type names from the beginning of the line.

    lineptr = line;
    temp    = super;

    while (*lineptr != '/' && *lineptr != '\n' && *lineptr != '\0' &&
           (temp - super + 1) < MIME_MAX_SUPER)
      *temp++ = tolower(*lineptr++ & 255);

    *temp = '\0';

    if (*lineptr != '/')

    lineptr ++;
    temp = type;

    while (*lineptr != ' ' && *lineptr != '\t' && *lineptr != '\n' &&
           *lineptr != '\0' && (temp - type + 1) < MIME_MAX_TYPE)
      *temp++ = tolower(*lineptr++ & 255);

    *temp = '\0';

    * Add the type and rules to the MIME database...

    typeptr = mimeAddType(mime, super, type);
    mimeAddTypeRule(typeptr, lineptr);


 * 'load_convs()' - Load a xyz.convs file...

static void
load_convs(mime_t     *mime,		/* I - MIME database */
           const char *filename,	/* I - Convs file to load */
           const char *filterpath)	/* I - Directory to load */
  int		i;			/* Looping var */
  cups_file_t	*fp;			/* Convs file */
  char		line[1024],		/* Input line from file */
		*lineptr,		/* Current position in line */
		super[MIME_MAX_SUPER],	/* Super-type name */
		type[MIME_MAX_TYPE],	/* Type name */
		*temp,			/* Temporary pointer */
		*filter;		/* Filter program */
  mime_type_t	**temptype,		/* MIME type looping var */
		*dsttype;		/* Destination MIME type */
  int		cost;			/* Cost of filter */
  char		filterprog[1024];	/* Full path of filter... */

  * First try to open the file...

  if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(filename, "r")) == NULL)

  * Then read each line from the file, skipping any comments in the file...

  while (cupsFileGets(fp, line, sizeof(line)) != NULL)
    * Skip blank lines and lines starting with a #...

    if (!line[0] || line[0] == '#')

    * Strip trailing whitespace...

    for (lineptr = line + strlen(line) - 1;
         lineptr >= line && isspace(*lineptr & 255);
	 lineptr --)
      *lineptr = '\0';

    * Extract the destination super-type and type names from the middle of
    * the line.

    lineptr = line;
    while (*lineptr != ' ' && *lineptr != '\t' && *lineptr != '\0')
      lineptr ++;

    while (*lineptr == ' ' || *lineptr == '\t')
      lineptr ++;

    temp = super;

    while (*lineptr != '/' && *lineptr != '\n' && *lineptr != '\0' &&
           (temp - super + 1) < MIME_MAX_SUPER)
      *temp++ = tolower(*lineptr++ & 255);

    *temp = '\0';

    if (*lineptr != '/')

    lineptr ++;
    temp = type;

    while (*lineptr != ' ' && *lineptr != '\t' && *lineptr != '\n' &&
           *lineptr != '\0' && (temp - type + 1) < MIME_MAX_TYPE)
      *temp++ = tolower(*lineptr++ & 255);

    *temp = '\0';

    if (*lineptr == '\0' || *lineptr == '\n')

    if ((dsttype = mimeType(mime, super, type)) == NULL)

    * Then get the cost and filter program...

    while (*lineptr == ' ' || *lineptr == '\t')
      lineptr ++;

    if (*lineptr < '0' || *lineptr > '9')

    cost = atoi(lineptr);

    while (*lineptr != ' ' && *lineptr != '\t' && *lineptr != '\0')
      lineptr ++;
    while (*lineptr == ' ' || *lineptr == '\t')
      lineptr ++;

    if (*lineptr == '\0' || *lineptr == '\n')

    filter = lineptr;

#ifndef WIN32
    if (strcmp(filter, "-") != 0)
      * Verify that the filter exists and is executable...

      if (filter[0] == '/')
	strlcpy(filterprog, filter, sizeof(filterprog));
	snprintf(filterprog, sizeof(filterprog), "%s/%s", filterpath, filter);

      if (access(filterprog, X_OK))
#endif /* !WIN32 */

    * Finally, get the source super-type and type names from the beginning of
    * the line.  We do it here so we can support wildcards...

    lineptr = line;
    temp    = super;

    while (*lineptr != '/' && *lineptr != '\n' && *lineptr != '\0' &&
           (temp - super + 1) < MIME_MAX_SUPER)
      *temp++ = tolower(*lineptr++ & 255);

    *temp = '\0';

    if (*lineptr != '/')

    lineptr ++;
    temp = type;

    while (*lineptr != ' ' && *lineptr != '\t' && *lineptr != '\n' &&
           *lineptr != '\0' && (temp - type + 1) < MIME_MAX_TYPE)
      *temp++ = tolower(*lineptr++ & 255);

    *temp = '\0';

    if (strcmp(super, "*") == 0 && strcmp(type, "*") == 0)
      * Force * / * to be "application/octet-stream"...

      strcpy(super, "application");
      strcpy(type, "octet-stream");

    * Add the filter to the MIME database, supporting wildcards as needed...

    for (temptype = mime->types, i = 0; i < mime->num_types; i ++, temptype ++)
      if ((super[0] == '*' || strcmp((*temptype)->super, super) == 0) &&
          (type[0] == '*' || strcmp((*temptype)->type, type) == 0))
	mimeAddFilter(mime, *temptype, dsttype, cost, filter);


 * 'delete_rules()' - Free all memory for the given rule tree.

static void
delete_rules(mime_magic_t *rules)	/* I - Rules to free */
  mime_magic_t	*next;			/* Next rule to free */

  * Free the rules list, descending recursively to free any child rules.

  while (rules != NULL)
    next = rules->next;

    if (rules->child != NULL)

    rules = next;

 * End of "$Id: mime.c,v 2004/06/05 02:42:34 jlovell Exp $".