classes.c   [plain text]

 * "$Id: classes.c,v 1.8 2004/06/05 03:49:46 jlovell Exp $"
 *   Printer class routines for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS).
 *   Copyright 1997-2004 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved.
 *   These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
 *   property of Easy Software Products and are protected by Federal
 *   copyright law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file
 *   "LICENSE.txt" which should have been included with this file.  If this
 *   file is missing or damaged please contact Easy Software Products
 *   at:
 *       Attn: CUPS Licensing Information
 *       Easy Software Products
 *       44141 Airport View Drive, Suite 204
 *       Hollywood, Maryland 20636-3111 USA
 *       Voice: (301) 373-9603
 *       EMail:
 *         WWW:
 * Contents:
 *   AddClass()                 - Add a class to the system.
 *   AddPrinterToClass()        - Add a printer to a class...
 *   DeletePrinterFromClass()   - Delete a printer from a class.
 *   DeletePrinterFromClasses() - Delete a printer from all classes.
 *   DeleteAllClasses()         - Remove all classes from the system.
 *   FindAvailablePrinter()     - Find an available printer in a class.
 *   FindClass()                - Find the named class.
 *   LoadAllClasses()           - Load classes from the classes.conf file.
 *   SaveAllClasses()           - Save classes to the classes.conf file.
 *   UpdateImplicitClasses()    - Update the accepting state of implicit
 *                                classes.

 * Include necessary headers...

#include "cupsd.h"

 * 'AddClass()' - Add a class to the system.

printer_t *			/* O - New class */
AddClass(const char *name)	/* I - Name of class */
  int		i,		/* Looping var */
  		port;		/* Port number to use */
  printer_t	*c;		/* New class */

  * Add the printer and set the type to "class"...

  if ((c = AddPrinter(name)) != NULL)
    * Change from a printer to a class...

  port = ippPort();
  for (i = 0; i < NumListeners && Listeners[i].address.sin_family != AF_INET; i++)

  if (i < NumListeners)
    port = ntohs(Listeners[i].address.sin_port);

    c->type = CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS;
    SetStringf(&c->uri, "ipp://%s:%d/classes/%s", ServerName,
               port, name);

  return (c);

 * 'AddPrinterToClass()' - Add a printer to a class...

AddPrinterToClass(printer_t *c,	/* I - Class to add to */
                  printer_t *p)	/* I - Printer to add */
  int		i;		/* Looping var */
  printer_t	**temp;		/* Pointer to printer array */

  * See if this printer is already a member of the class...

  for (i = 0; i < c->num_printers; i ++)
    if (c->printers[i] == p)

  * Allocate memory as needed...

  if (c->num_printers == 0)
    temp = malloc(sizeof(printer_t *));
    temp = realloc(c->printers, sizeof(printer_t *) * (c->num_printers + 1));

  if (temp == NULL)
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Unable to add printer %s to class %s!",
               p->name, c->name);

  * Add the printer to the end of the array and update the number of printers.

  c->printers = temp;
  temp        += c->num_printers;
  c->num_printers ++;

  *temp = p;

  * Update the IPP attributes...


 * 'DeletePrinterFromClass()' - Delete a printer from a class.

DeletePrinterFromClass(printer_t *c,	/* I - Class to delete from */
                       printer_t *p)	/* I - Printer to delete */
  int		i;			/* Looping var */
  cups_ptype_t	type;			/* Class type */

  * See if the printer is in the class...

  for (i = 0; i < c->num_printers; i ++)
    if (p == c->printers[i])

  * If it is, remove it from the list...

  if (i < c->num_printers)
    * Yes, remove the printer...

    c->num_printers --;
    if (i < c->num_printers)
      memcpy(c->printers + i, c->printers + i + 1,
             (c->num_printers - i) * sizeof(printer_t *));

  * Recompute the printer type mask as needed...

  if (c->num_printers > 0)
    c->type = ~CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE;

    for (i = 0; i < c->num_printers; i ++)
      c->type &= c->printers[i]->type;

    c->type |= type;

    * Update the IPP attributes...


 * 'DeletePrinterFromClasses()' - Delete a printer from all classes.

DeletePrinterFromClasses(printer_t *p)	/* I - Printer to delete */
  printer_t	*c,			/* Pointer to current class */
		*next;			/* Pointer to next class */

  * Loop through the printer/class list and remove the printer
  * from each class listed...

  for (c = Printers; c != NULL; c = next)
    next = c->next;

      DeletePrinterFromClass(c, p);

  * Then clean out any empty classes...

  for (c = Printers; c != NULL; c = next)
    next = c->next;

        c->num_printers == 0)
      DeletePrinter(c, 1);

 * 'DeleteAllClasses()' - Remove all classes from the system.

  printer_t	*c,	/* Pointer to current printer/class */
		*next;	/* Pointer to next printer in list */

  for (c = Printers; c != NULL; c = next)
    next = c->next;

    if (c->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS)
      DeletePrinter(c, 0);

 * 'FindAvailablePrinter()' - Find an available printer in a class.

printer_t *				/* O - Available printer or NULL */
FindAvailablePrinter(const char *name)	/* I - Class to check */
  int		i;			/* Looping var */
  printer_t	*c;			/* Printer class */

  * Find the class...

  if ((c = FindClass(name)) == NULL)
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Unable to find class \"%s\"!", name);
    return (NULL);

  * Loop through the printers in the class and return the first idle
  * printer...  We keep track of the last printer that we used so that
  * a "round robin" type of scheduling is realized (otherwise the first
  * server might be saturated with print jobs...)
  * Thanks to Joel Fredrikson for helping us get this right!

  for (i = c->last_printer + 1; ; i ++)
    if (i >= c->num_printers)
      i = 0;

    if (c->printers[i]->accepting &&
        (c->printers[i]->state == IPP_PRINTER_IDLE ||
         ((c->printers[i]->type & CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE) && !c->printers[i]->job)))
      c->last_printer = i;
      return (c->printers[i]);

    if (i == c->last_printer)

  return (NULL);

 * 'FindClass()' - Find the named class.

printer_t *			/* O - Matching class or NULL */
FindClass(const char *name)	/* I - Name of class */
  printer_t	*c;		/* Current class/printer */
  int		diff;		/* Difference */

  for (c = Printers; c != NULL; c = c->next)
    if ((diff = strcasecmp(name, c->name)) == 0 &&
      return (c);				/* name == c->name */
    else if (diff < 0)				/* name < c->name */
      return (NULL);

  return (NULL);

 * 'LoadAllClasses()' - Load classes from the classes.conf file.

  cups_file_t	*fp;			/* classes.conf file */
  int		linenum;		/* Current line number */
  int		len;			/* Length of line */
  char		line[1024],		/* Line from file */
		name[256],		/* Parameter name */
		*nameptr,		/* Pointer into name */
		*value,			/* Pointer to value */
		*valueptr;		/* Pointer into value */
  printer_t	*p,			/* Current printer class */
		*temp;			/* Temporary pointer to printer */

  * Open the classes.conf file...

  snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s/classes.conf", ServerRoot);
  if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(line, "r")) == NULL)
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "LoadAllClasses: Unable to open %s - %s", line,

  * Read class configurations until we hit EOF...

  linenum = 0;
  p       = NULL;

  while (cupsFileGets(fp, line, sizeof(line)) != NULL)
    linenum ++;

    * Skip comment lines...

    if (line[0] == '#')

    * Strip trailing whitespace, if any...

    len = strlen(line);

    while (len > 0 && isspace(line[len - 1] & 255))
      len --;
      line[len] = '\0';

    * Extract the name from the beginning of the line...

    for (value = line; isspace(*value & 255); value ++);

    for (nameptr = name; *value != '\0' && !isspace(*value & 255) &&
	                     nameptr < (name + sizeof(name) - 1);)
      *nameptr++ = *value++;
    *nameptr = '\0';

    while (isspace(*value & 255))
      value ++;

    if (name[0] == '\0')

    * Decode the directive...

    if (strcmp(name, "<Class") == 0 ||
        strcmp(name, "<DefaultClass") == 0)
      * <Class name> or <DefaultClass name>

      if (line[len - 1] == '>' && p == NULL)
        line[len - 1] = '\0';

        LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "LoadAllClasses: Loading class %s...", value);

        p = AddClass(value);
	p->accepting = 1;
	p->state     = IPP_PRINTER_IDLE;

        if (strcmp(name, "<DefaultClass") == 0)
	  DefaultPrinter = p;
        LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of classes.conf.",
    else if (strcmp(name, "</Class>") == 0)
      if (p != NULL)
        p = NULL;
        LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of classes.conf.",
    else if (p == NULL)
      LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of classes.conf.",
    else if (strcmp(name, "Info") == 0)
      SetString(&p->info, value);
    else if (strcmp(name, "Location") == 0)
      SetString(&p->location, value);
    else if (strcmp(name, "Printer") == 0)
      if ((temp = FindPrinter(value)) == NULL)
	LogMessage(L_WARN, "Unknown printer %s on line %d of classes.conf.",
	           value, linenum);

	* Add the missing remote printer...

	if ((temp = AddPrinter(value)) != NULL)
	  SetString(&temp->make_model, "Remote Printer on unknown");

          temp->state       = IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED;
	  temp->type        |= CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE;
	  temp->browse_time = 2147483647;

	  SetString(&temp->location, "Location Unknown");
	  SetString(&temp->info, "No Information Available");
	  temp->hostname[0] = '\0';


      if (temp)
        AddPrinterToClass(p, temp);
    else if (strcmp(name, "State") == 0)
      * Set the initial queue state...

      if (strcasecmp(value, "idle") == 0)
        p->state = IPP_PRINTER_IDLE;
      else if (strcasecmp(value, "stopped") == 0)
        p->state = IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED;
    else if (strcmp(name, "StateMessage") == 0)
      * Set the initial queue state message...

      while (isspace(*value & 255))
        value ++;

      strlcpy(p->state_message, value, sizeof(p->state_message));
    else if (strcmp(name, "Accepting") == 0)
      * Set the initial accepting state...

      if (strcasecmp(value, "yes") == 0)
        p->accepting = 1;
        p->accepting = 0;
    else if (strcmp(name, "JobSheets") == 0)
      * Set the initial job sheets...

      for (valueptr = value; *valueptr && !isspace(*valueptr & 255); valueptr ++);

      if (*valueptr)
        *valueptr++ = '\0';

      SetString(&p->job_sheets[0], value);

      while (isspace(*valueptr & 255))
        valueptr ++;

      if (*valueptr)
        for (value = valueptr; *valueptr && !isspace(*valueptr & 255); valueptr ++);

	if (*valueptr)
          *valueptr++ = '\0';

	SetString(&p->job_sheets[1], value);
    else if (strcmp(name, "AllowUser") == 0)
      p->deny_users = 0;
      AddPrinterUser(p, value);
    else if (strcmp(name, "DenyUser") == 0)
      p->deny_users = 1;
      AddPrinterUser(p, value);
    else if (strcmp(name, "QuotaPeriod") == 0)
      p->quota_period = atoi(value);
    else if (strcmp(name, "PageLimit") == 0)
      p->page_limit = atoi(value);
    else if (strcmp(name, "KLimit") == 0)
      p->k_limit = atoi(value);
      * Something else we don't understand...

      LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Unknown configuration directive %s on line %d of classes.conf.",
	         name, linenum);


 * 'SaveAllClasses()' - Save classes to the classes.conf file.

  cups_file_t	*fp;			/* classes.conf file */
  char		temp[1024];		/* Temporary string */
  char		backup[1024];		/* classes.conf.O file */
  printer_t	*pclass;		/* Current printer class */
  int		i;			/* Looping var */
  time_t	curtime;		/* Current time */
  struct tm	*curdate;		/* Current date */

  * Create the classes.conf file...

  snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s/classes.conf", ServerRoot);
  snprintf(backup, sizeof(backup), "%s/classes.conf.O", ServerRoot);

  if (rename(temp, backup))
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Unable to backup classes.conf - %s", strerror(errno));

  if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(temp, "w")) == NULL)
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Unable to save classes.conf - %s", strerror(errno));

    if (rename(backup, temp))
      LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Unable to restore classes.conf - %s", strerror(errno));
    LogMessage(L_INFO, "Saving classes.conf...");

  * Restrict access to the file...

  fchown(cupsFileNumber(fp), RunUser, Group);
#ifdef __APPLE__
  fchmod(cupsFileNumber(fp), 0600);
  fchmod(cupsFileNumber(fp), ConfigFilePerm);
#endif /* __APPLE__ */

  * Write a small header to the file...

  curtime = time(NULL);
  curdate = localtime(&curtime);
  strftime(temp, sizeof(temp) - 1, CUPS_STRFTIME_FORMAT, curdate);

  cupsFilePuts(fp, "# Class configuration file for " CUPS_SVERSION "\n");
  cupsFilePrintf(fp, "# Written by cupsd on %s\n", temp);

  * Write each local class known to the system...

  for (pclass = Printers; pclass != NULL; pclass = pclass->next)
    * Skip remote destinations and regular printers...

    if ((pclass->type & CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE) ||
        (pclass->type & CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT) ||
        !(pclass->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS))

    * Write printers as needed...

    if (pclass == DefaultPrinter)
      cupsFilePrintf(fp, "<DefaultClass %s>\n", pclass->name);
      cupsFilePrintf(fp, "<Class %s>\n", pclass->name);

    if (pclass->info)
      cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Info %s\n", pclass->info);

    if (pclass->location)
      cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Location %s\n", pclass->location);

    if (pclass->state == IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED)
      cupsFilePuts(fp, "State Stopped\n");
      cupsFilePrintf(fp, "StateMessage %s\n", pclass->state_message);
      cupsFilePuts(fp, "State Idle\n");

    if (pclass->accepting)
      cupsFilePuts(fp, "Accepting Yes\n");
      cupsFilePuts(fp, "Accepting No\n");

    cupsFilePrintf(fp, "JobSheets %s %s\n", pclass->job_sheets[0],

    for (i = 0; i < pclass->num_printers; i ++)
      cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Printer %s\n", pclass->printers[i]->name);

    cupsFilePrintf(fp, "QuotaPeriod %d\n", pclass->quota_period);
    cupsFilePrintf(fp, "PageLimit %d\n", pclass->page_limit);
    cupsFilePrintf(fp, "KLimit %d\n", pclass->k_limit);

    for (i = 0; i < pclass->num_users; i ++)
      cupsFilePrintf(fp, "%sUser %s\n", pclass->deny_users ? "Deny" : "Allow",

    cupsFilePuts(fp, "</Class>\n");


 * 'UpdateImplicitClasses()' - Update the accepting state of implicit classes.

  int		i;			/* Looping var */
  printer_t	*pclass;		/* Current class */
  int		accepting;		/* printer-is-accepting-jobs value */

  for (pclass = Printers; pclass; pclass = pclass->next)
    if (pclass->type & CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT)
      * Implicit class, loop through the printers to come up with a
      * composite state...

      for (i = 0, accepting = 0; i < pclass->num_printers; i ++)
        if ((accepting |= pclass->printers[i]->accepting) != 0)

      pclass->accepting = accepting;

 * End of "$Id: classes.c,v 1.8 2004/06/05 03:49:46 jlovell Exp $".