dirsvc.c   [plain text]

 * "$Id: dirsvc.c,v 1.10 2003/08/16 18:48:27 jlovell Exp $"
 *   Directory services routines for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS).
 *   Copyright 1997-2003 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved.
 *   These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
 *   property of Easy Software Products and are protected by Federal
 *   copyright law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file
 *   "LICENSE.txt" which should have been included with this file.  If this
 *   file is missing or damaged please contact Easy Software Products
 *   at:
 *       Attn: CUPS Licensing Information
 *       Easy Software Products
 *       44141 Airport View Drive, Suite 204
 *       Hollywood, Maryland 20636-3111 USA
 *       Voice: (301) 373-9603
 *       EMail: cups-info@cups.org
 *         WWW: http://www.cups.org
 * Contents:
 *   ProcessBrowseData() - Process new browse data.
 *   SendBrowseList()    - Send new browsing information as necessary.
 *   SendCUPSBrowse()    - Send new browsing information using the CUPS protocol.
 *   StartBrowsing()     - Start sending and receiving broadcast information.
 *   StartPolling()      - Start polling servers as needed.
 *   StopBrowsing()      - Stop sending and receiving broadcast information.
 *   StopPolling()       - Stop polling servers as needed.
 *   UpdateCUPSBrowse()  - Update the browse lists using the CUPS protocol.
 *   UpdatePolling()     - Read status messages from the poll daemons.
 *   RegReportCallback() - Empty SLPRegReport.
 *   SendSLPBrowse()     - Register the specified printer with SLP.
 *   SLPDeregPrinter()   - SLPDereg() the specified printer
 *   GetSlpAttrVal()     - Get an attribute from an SLP registration.
 *   AttrCallback()      - SLP attribute callback 
 *   SrvUrlCallback()    - SLP service url callback
 *   UpdateSLPBrowse()   - Get browsing information via SLP.

 * Include necessary headers...

#include "cupsd.h"
#include <grp.h>

 * 'ProcessBrowseData()' - Process new browse data.

ProcessBrowseData(const char   *uri,	/* I - URI of printer/class */
                  cups_ptype_t type,	/* I - Printer type */
		  ipp_pstate_t state,	/* I - Printer state */
                  const char   *location,/* I - Printer location */
		  const char   *info,	/* I - Printer information */
                  const char   *make_model) /* I - Printer make and model */
  int		i;			/* Looping var */
  int		update;			/* Update printer attributes? */
  char		method[HTTP_MAX_URI],	/* Method portion of URI */
		username[HTTP_MAX_URI],	/* Username portion of URI */
		host[HTTP_MAX_URI],	/* Host portion of URI */
		resource[HTTP_MAX_URI];	/* Resource portion of URI */
  int		port;			/* Port portion of URI */
  char		name[IPP_MAX_NAME],	/* Name of printer */
		*hptr,			/* Pointer into hostname */
		*sptr;			/* Pointer into ServerName */
  char		local_make_model[IPP_MAX_NAME];
					/* Local make and model */
  printer_t	*p,			/* Printer information */
		*pclass,		/* Printer class */
		*first,			/* First printer in class */
		*next;			/* Next printer in list */
  int		offset,			/* Offset of name */
		len;			/* Length of name */

  * Pull the URI apart to see if this is a local or remote printer...

  httpSeparate(uri, method, username, host, &port, resource);

  * Determine if the URI contains any illegal characters in it...

  if (strncmp(uri, "ipp://", 6) != 0 ||
      !host[0] ||
      (strncmp(resource, "/printers/", 10) != 0 &&
       strncmp(resource, "/classes/", 9) != 0))
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "ProcessBrowseData: Bad printer URI in browse data: %s",

  if (strchr(resource, '?') != NULL ||
      (strncmp(resource, "/printers/", 10) == 0 &&
       strchr(resource + 10, '/') != NULL) ||
      (strncmp(resource, "/classes/", 9) == 0 &&
       strchr(resource + 9, '/') != NULL))
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "ProcessBrowseData: Bad resource in browse data: %s",
  * OK, this isn't a local printer; see if we already have it listed in
  * the Printers list, and add it if not...

  update = 0;
  hptr   = strchr(host, '.');
  sptr   = strchr(ServerName, '.');

  if (sptr != NULL && hptr != NULL)
    * Strip the common domain name components...

    while (hptr != NULL)
      if (strcasecmp(hptr, sptr) == 0)
        *hptr = '\0';
        hptr = strchr(hptr + 1, '.');

  if (type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS)
    * Remote destination is a class...

    if (strncmp(resource, "/classes/", 9) == 0)
      snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s@%s", resource + 9, host);

    if ((p = FindClass(name)) == NULL && BrowseShortNames)
      if ((p = FindClass(resource + 9)) != NULL)
        if (p->hostname && strcasecmp(p->hostname, host) != 0)
	  * Nope, this isn't the same host; if the hostname isn't the local host,
	  * add it to the other class and then find a class using the full host
	  * name...

	  if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE)
            SetStringf(&p->name, "%s@%s", p->name, p->hostname);

          p = NULL;
	else if (!p->hostname)
          SetString(&p->hostname, host);
	  SetString(&p->uri, uri);
	  SetString(&p->device_uri, uri);
          update = 1;
        strlcpy(name, resource + 9, sizeof(name));
    else if (p != NULL && !p->hostname)
      SetString(&p->hostname, host);
      SetString(&p->uri, uri);
      SetString(&p->device_uri, uri);
      update = 1;

    if (p == NULL)
      * Class doesn't exist; add it...

      p = AddClass(name);

      LogMessage(L_INFO, "Added remote class \"%s\"...", name);

      * Force the URI to point to the real server...

      p->type      = type;
      p->accepting = 1;
      SetString(&p->uri, uri);
      SetString(&p->device_uri, uri);
      SetString(&p->hostname, host);

      update = 1;
    * Remote destination is a printer...

    if (strncmp(resource, "/printers/", 10) == 0)
      snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s@%s", resource + 10, host);

    if ((p = FindPrinter(name)) == NULL && BrowseShortNames)
      if ((p = FindPrinter(resource + 10)) != NULL)
        if (p->hostname && strcasecmp(p->hostname, host) != 0)
	  * Nope, this isn't the same host; if the hostname isn't the local host,
	  * add it to the other printer and then find a printer using the full host
	  * name...

	  if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE)
	    SetStringf(&p->name, "%s@%s", p->name, p->hostname);

          p = NULL;
	else if (!p->hostname)
          SetString(&p->hostname, host);
	  SetString(&p->uri, uri);
	  SetString(&p->device_uri, uri);
          update = 1;
        strlcpy(name, resource + 10, sizeof(name));
    else if (p != NULL && !p->hostname)
      SetString(&p->hostname, host);
      SetString(&p->uri, uri);
      SetString(&p->device_uri, uri);
      update = 1;

    if (p == NULL)
      * Printer doesn't exist; add it...

      p = AddPrinter(name);

      LogMessage(L_INFO, "Added remote printer \"%s\"...", name);

      * Force the URI to point to the real server...

      p->type      = type;
      p->accepting = 1;
      SetString(&p->hostname, host);
      SetString(&p->uri, uri);
      SetString(&p->device_uri, uri);

      update = 1;

  * Update the state...

  p->state       = state;
  p->browse_time = time(NULL);

  if (p->type != type)
    p->type = type;
    update  = 1;

  if (!p->location || strcmp(p->location, location))
    SetString(&p->location, location);
    update = 1;

  if (!p->info || strcmp(p->info, info))
    SetString(&p->info, info);
    update = 1;

  if (!make_model[0])
    if (type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS)
      snprintf(local_make_model, sizeof(local_make_model),
               "Remote Class on %s", host);
      snprintf(local_make_model, sizeof(local_make_model),
               "Remote Printer on %s", host);
#ifdef __APPLE__
    /* Changing make_model makes it difficult to localize so we don't do it */
    strlcpy(local_make_model, make_model, sizeof(local_make_model));
    snprintf(local_make_model, sizeof(local_make_model),
             "%s on %s", make_model, host);
#endif        /* __APPLE__ */

  if (!p->make_model || strcmp(p->make_model, local_make_model))
    SetString(&p->make_model, local_make_model);
    update = 1;

  if (update)

  * See if we have a default printer...  If not, make the first printer the
  * default.

  if (DefaultPrinter == NULL && Printers != NULL)
    DefaultPrinter = Printers;


  * Do auto-classing if needed...

  if (ImplicitClasses)
    * Loop through all available printers and create classes as needed...

    for (p = Printers, len = 0, offset = 0, first = NULL;
         p != NULL;
	 p = next)
      * Get next printer in list...

      next = p->next;

      * Skip implicit classes...

      if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT)
        len = 0;

      * If len == 0, get the length of this printer name up to the "@"
      * sign (if any).

      if (len > 0 &&
	  strncasecmp(p->name, name + offset, len) == 0 &&
	  (p->name[len] == '\0' || p->name[len] == '@'))
	* We have more than one printer with the same name; see if
	* we have a class, and if this printer is a member...

        if ((pclass = FindDest(name)) == NULL)
	  * Need to add the class...

	  pclass = AddPrinter(name);
	  pclass->type      |= CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT;
	  pclass->accepting = 1;
	  pclass->state     = IPP_PRINTER_IDLE;

          SetString(&pclass->location, p->location);
          SetString(&pclass->info, p->info);


          LogMessage(L_INFO, "Added implicit class \"%s\"...", name);

        if (first != NULL)
          for (i = 0; i < pclass->num_printers; i ++)
	    if (pclass->printers[i] == first)

          if (i >= pclass->num_printers)
	    AddPrinterToClass(pclass, first);

	  first = NULL;

        for (i = 0; i < pclass->num_printers; i ++)
	  if (pclass->printers[i] == p)

        if (i >= pclass->num_printers)
	  AddPrinterToClass(pclass, p);
        * First time around; just get name length and mark it as first
	* in the list...

	if ((hptr = strchr(p->name, '@')) != NULL)
	  len = hptr - p->name;
	  len = strlen(p->name);

        strncpy(name, p->name, len);
	name[len] = '\0';
	offset    = 0;

	if ((pclass = FindDest(name)) != NULL &&
	    !(pclass->type & CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT))
	  * Can't use same name as a local printer; add "Any" to the
	  * front of the name, unless we have explicitly disabled
	  * the "ImplicitAnyClasses"...

          if (ImplicitAnyClasses && len < (sizeof(name) - 4))
	    * Add "Any" to the class name...

            strcpy(name, "Any");
            strncpy(name + 3, p->name, len);
	    name[len + 3] = '\0';
	    offset        = 3;
	    * Don't create an implicit class if we have a local printer
	    * with the same name...

	    len = 0;

	first = p;

 * 'SendBrowseList()' - Send new browsing information as necessary.

  int			count;	/* Number of dests to update */
  printer_t		*p,	/* Current printer */
			*np;	/* Next printer */
  time_t		ut,	/* Minimum update time */
			to;	/* Timeout time */

  if (!Browsing || !BrowseProtocols)

  * Compute the update and timeout times...

  ut = time(NULL) - BrowseInterval;
  to = time(NULL) - BrowseTimeout;

  * Figure out how many printers need an update...

  if (BrowseInterval > 0)
    for (count = 0, p = Printers; p != NULL; p = p->next)
          p->browse_time < ut)
        count ++;

    * Throttle the number of printers we'll be updating this time
    * around...

    count = 2 * count / BrowseInterval + 1;
    count = 0;

  * Loop through all of the printers and send local updates as needed...

  for (p = Printers; p != NULL; p = np)
    np = p->next;

    if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE)
      * See if this printer needs to be timed out...

      if (p->browse_time < to)
        LogMessage(L_INFO, "Remote destination \"%s\" has timed out; deleting it...",
        DeletePrinter(p, 1);
    else if (p->browse_time < ut && count > 0 &&
             !(p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT))
      * Need to send an update...

      count --;

      p->browse_time = time(NULL);

      if (BrowseProtocols & BROWSE_CUPS)

      if (BrowseProtocols & BROWSE_SLP)
#endif /* HAVE_LIBSLP */

 * 'SendCUPSBrowse()' - Send new browsing information using the CUPS protocol.

SendCUPSBrowse(printer_t *p)		/* I - Printer to send */
  int			i;		/* Looping var */
  dirsvc_addr_t		*b;		/* Browse address */
  int			bytes;		/* Length of packet */
  char			packet[1453];	/* Browse data packet */
  cups_netif_t		*iface;		/* Network interface */

  * Send a packet to each browse address...

  for (i = NumBrowsers, b = Browsers; i > 0; i --, b ++)
    if (b->iface[0])
      * Send the browse packet to one or more interfaces...

      if (strcmp(b->iface, "*") == 0)
        * Send to all local interfaces...


        for (iface = NetIFList; iface != NULL; iface = iface->next)
	  * Only send to local interfaces...

	  if (!iface->is_local)

	  snprintf(packet, sizeof(packet), "%x %x ipp://%s/%s/%s \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"\n",
        	   p->type | CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE, p->state, iface->hostname,
		   (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS) ? "classes" : "printers",
		   p->name, p->location ? p->location : "",
		   p->info ? p->info : "",
		   p->make_model ? p->make_model : "Unknown");

	  bytes = strlen(packet);

	  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "SendBrowseList: (%d bytes to \"%s\") %s", bytes,
        	     iface->name, packet);

          iface->broadcast.sin_port = htons(BrowsePort);

	  sendto(BrowseSocket, packet, bytes, 0,
		 (struct sockaddr *)&(iface->broadcast),
		 sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
      else if ((iface = NetIFFind(b->iface)) != NULL)
        * Send to the named interface...

	snprintf(packet, sizeof(packet), "%x %x ipp://%s/%s/%s \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"\n",
        	 p->type | CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE, p->state, iface->hostname,
		 (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS) ? "classes" : "printers",
		 p->name, p->location ? p->location : "",
		 p->info ? p->info : "",
		 p->make_model ? p->make_model : "Unknown");

	bytes = strlen(packet);

	LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "SendBrowseList: (%d bytes to \"%s\") %s", bytes,
        	   iface->name, packet);

        iface->broadcast.sin_port = htons(BrowsePort);

	sendto(BrowseSocket, packet, bytes, 0,
	       (struct sockaddr *)&(iface->broadcast),
	       sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
      * Send the browse packet to the indicated address using
      * the default server name...

      snprintf(packet, sizeof(packet), "%x %x %s \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"\n",
               p->type | CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE, p->state, p->uri,
	       p->location ? p->location : "",
	       p->info ? p->info : "",
	       p->make_model ? p->make_model : "Unknown");

      bytes = strlen(packet);
      LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "SendBrowseList: (%d bytes to %x) %s", bytes,
        	 (unsigned)ntohl(b->to.sin_addr.s_addr), packet);

      if (sendto(BrowseSocket, packet, bytes, 0,
		 (struct sockaddr *)&(b->to), sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) <= 0)
        * Unable to send browse packet, so remove this address from the
	* list...

	LogMessage(L_ERROR, "SendBrowseList: sendto failed for browser %d - %s.",
	           b - Browsers + 1, strerror(errno));

        if (i > 1)
	  memcpy(b, b + 1, (i - 1) * sizeof(dirsvc_addr_t));

	b --;
	NumBrowsers --;

 * 'StartBrowsing()' - Start sending and receiving broadcast information.

  int			val;	/* Socket option value */
  struct sockaddr_in	addr;	/* Broadcast address */

  if (!Browsing || !BrowseProtocols)

  if (BrowseProtocols & BROWSE_CUPS)
    * Create the broadcast socket...

    if ((BrowseSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0)
      LogMessage(L_ERROR, "StartBrowsing: Unable to create broadcast socket - %s.",
      BrowseProtocols &= ~BROWSE_CUPS;

    * Set the "broadcast" flag...

    val = 1;
    if (setsockopt(BrowseSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &val, sizeof(val)))
      LogMessage(L_ERROR, "StartBrowsing: Unable to set broadcast mode - %s.",

#ifdef WIN32
#endif /* WIN32 */

      BrowseSocket    = -1;
      BrowseProtocols &= ~BROWSE_CUPS;

    * Bind the socket to browse port...

    memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
    addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
    addr.sin_family      = AF_INET;
    addr.sin_port        = htons(BrowsePort);

    if (bind(BrowseSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)))
      LogMessage(L_ERROR, "StartBrowsing: Unable to bind broadcast socket - %s.",

#ifdef WIN32
#endif /* WIN32 */

      BrowseSocket    = -1;
      BrowseProtocols &= ~BROWSE_CUPS;

    * Finally, add the socket to the input selection set...

    LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "StartBrowsing: Adding fd %d to InputSet...",

    FD_SET(BrowseSocket, InputSet);

  if (BrowseProtocols & BROWSE_SLP)
    * Open SLP handle...

    if (SLPOpen("en", SLP_FALSE, &BrowseSLPHandle) != SLP_OK)
      LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Unable to open an SLP handle; disabling SLP browsing!");
      BrowseProtocols &= ~BROWSE_SLP;

    BrowseSLPRefresh = 0;
#endif /* HAVE_LIBSLP */

 * 'StartPolling()' - Start polling servers as needed.

  int		i;		/* Looping var */
  dirsvc_poll_t	*poll;		/* Current polling server */
  int		pid;		/* New process ID */
  char		sport[10];	/* Server port */
  char		bport[10];	/* Browser port */
  char		interval[10];	/* Poll interval */
  int		statusfds[2];	/* Status pipe */
  int		fd;		/* Current file descriptor */
#if defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) && !defined(HAVE_SIGSET)
  struct sigaction action;	/* POSIX signal handler */

  * Don't do anything if we aren't polling...

  if (NumPolled == 0)
    PollPipe = -1;

  * Setup string arguments for port and interval options.

  sprintf(bport, "%d", BrowsePort);

  if (BrowseInterval)
    sprintf(interval, "%d", BrowseInterval);
    strcpy(interval, "30");

  * Create a pipe that receives the status messages from each
  * polling daemon...

  if (pipe(statusfds))
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Unable to create polling status pipes - %s.",
    PollPipe = -1;

  PollPipe = statusfds[0];

  * Run each polling daemon, redirecting stderr to the polling pipe...

  for (i = 0, poll = Polled; i < NumPolled; i ++, poll ++)
    sprintf(sport, "%d", poll->port);

    * Block signals before forking...


    if ((pid = fork()) == 0)
      * Child...

      if (getuid() == 0)
	* Running as root, so change to non-priviledged user...

	if (setgid(Group))

	if (setgroups(1, &Group))

	if (setuid(User))
	* Reset group membership to just the main one we belong to.

	setgroups(1, &Group);

      * Redirect stdin and stdout to /dev/null, and stderr to the
      * status pipe.  Close all other files.

      open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY);

      open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);


      for (fd = 3; fd < MaxFDs; fd ++)

      * Unblock signals before doing the exec...

      sigset(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL);
      sigset(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
#elif defined(HAVE_SIGACTION)
      memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action));

      action.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;

      sigaction(SIGTERM, &action, NULL);
      sigaction(SIGCHLD, &action, NULL);
      signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL);
      signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
#endif /* HAVE_SIGSET */


      * Execute the polling daemon...

      execl(CUPS_SERVERBIN "/daemon/cups-polld", "cups-polld", poll->hostname,
            sport, interval, bport, NULL);
    else if (pid < 0)
      LogMessage(L_ERROR, "StartPolling: Unable to fork polling daemon - %s",
      poll->pid = 0;
      poll->pid = pid;
      LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "StartPolling: Started polling daemon for %s:%d, pid = %d",
                 poll->hostname, poll->port, pid);



  * Finally, add the pipe to the input selection set...

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "StartPolling: Adding fd %d to InputSet...",

  FD_SET(PollPipe, InputSet);

 * 'StopBrowsing()' - Stop sending and receiving broadcast information.

  if (!Browsing || !BrowseProtocols)

  if (BrowseProtocols & BROWSE_CUPS)
    * Close the socket and remove it from the input selection set.

    if (BrowseSocket >= 0)
#ifdef WIN32
#endif /* WIN32 */

      LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "StopBrowsing: Removing fd %d from InputSet...",

      FD_CLR(BrowseSocket, InputSet);
      BrowseSocket = 0;

  if (BrowseProtocols & BROWSE_SLP)
    * Close SLP handle...

#endif /* HAVE_LIBSLP */

 * 'StopPolling()' - Stop polling servers as needed.

  int		i;		/* Looping var */
  dirsvc_poll_t	*poll;		/* Current polling server */

  if (PollPipe >= 0)

    LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "StopPolling: removing fd %d from InputSet.",
    FD_CLR(PollPipe, InputSet);

    PollPipe = -1;

  for (i = 0, poll = Polled; i < NumPolled; i ++, poll ++)
    if (poll->pid)
      kill(poll->pid, SIGTERM);

 * 'UpdateCUPSBrowse()' - Update the browse lists using the CUPS protocol.

  int		i;			/* Looping var */
  int		auth;			/* Authorization status */
  int		len;			/* Length of name string */
  int		bytes;			/* Number of bytes left */
  char		packet[1540],		/* Broadcast packet */
		*pptr;			/* Pointer into packet */
  struct sockaddr_in srcaddr;		/* Source address */
  char		srcname[1024];		/* Source hostname */
  unsigned	address;		/* Source address (host order) */
  struct hostent *srchost;		/* Host entry for source address */
  cups_ptype_t	type;			/* Printer type */
  ipp_pstate_t	state;			/* Printer state */
  char		uri[HTTP_MAX_URI],	/* Printer URI */
		method[HTTP_MAX_URI],	/* Method portion of URI */
		username[HTTP_MAX_URI],	/* Username portion of URI */
		host[HTTP_MAX_URI],	/* Host portion of URI */
		resource[HTTP_MAX_URI],	/* Resource portion of URI */
		info[IPP_MAX_NAME],	/* Information string */
		location[IPP_MAX_NAME],	/* Location string */
		make_model[IPP_MAX_NAME];/* Make and model string */
  int		port;			/* Port portion of URI */
  cups_netif_t	*iface;			/* Network interface */

  * Read a packet from the browse socket...

  len = sizeof(srcaddr);
  if ((bytes = recvfrom(BrowseSocket, packet, sizeof(packet), 0, 
                        (struct sockaddr *)&srcaddr, &len)) <= 0)
    * "Connection refused" is returned under Linux if the destination port
    * or address is unreachable from a previous sendto(); check for the
    * error here and ignore it for now...

    if (errno != ECONNREFUSED)
      LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Browse recv failed - %s.", strerror(errno));
      LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Browsing turned off.");

      Browsing = 0;


  packet[bytes] = '\0';

  * Figure out where it came from...

  address = ntohl(srcaddr.sin_addr.s_addr);

  if (HostNameLookups)
#ifndef __sgi
    srchost = gethostbyaddr((char *)&(srcaddr.sin_addr), sizeof(struct in_addr),
    srchost = gethostbyaddr(&(srcaddr.sin_addr), sizeof(struct in_addr),
#endif /* !__sgi */
    srchost = NULL;

  if (srchost == NULL)
    sprintf(srcname, "%d.%d.%d.%d", address >> 24, (address >> 16) & 255,
            (address >> 8) & 255, address & 255);
    strlcpy(srcname, srchost->h_name, sizeof(srcname));

  len = strlen(srcname);

  * Do ACL stuff...

  if (BrowseACL && (BrowseACL->num_allow || BrowseACL->num_deny))
    if (address == 0x7f000001 || strcasecmp(srcname, "localhost") == 0)
      * Access from localhost ( is always allowed...

      auth = AUTH_ALLOW;
      * Do authorization checks on the domain/address...

      switch (BrowseACL->order_type)
        default :
	    auth = AUTH_DENY;	/* anti-compiler-warning-code */

	case AUTH_ALLOW : /* Order Deny,Allow */
            auth = AUTH_ALLOW;

            if (CheckAuth(address, srcname, len,
	        	  BrowseACL->num_deny, BrowseACL->deny))
	      auth = AUTH_DENY;

            if (CheckAuth(address, srcname, len,
	        	  BrowseACL->num_allow, BrowseACL->allow))
	      auth = AUTH_ALLOW;

	case AUTH_DENY : /* Order Allow,Deny */
            auth = AUTH_DENY;

            if (CheckAuth(address, srcname, len,
	        	  BrowseACL->num_allow, BrowseACL->allow))
	      auth = AUTH_ALLOW;

            if (CheckAuth(address, srcname, len,
	        	  BrowseACL->num_deny, BrowseACL->deny))
	      auth = AUTH_DENY;
    auth = AUTH_ALLOW;

  if (auth == AUTH_DENY)
    LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "UpdateCUPSBrowse: Refused %d bytes from %s", bytes,

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "UpdateCUPSBrowse: (%d bytes from %s) %s", bytes, srcname,

  * Parse packet...

  if (sscanf(packet, "%x%x%1023s", (unsigned *)&type, (unsigned *)&state,
             uri) < 3)
    LogMessage(L_WARN, "UpdateCUPSBrowse: Garbled browse packet - %s",

  strcpy(location, "Location Unknown");
  strcpy(info, "No Information Available");
  make_model[0] = '\0';

  if ((pptr = strchr(packet, '\"')) != NULL)
    * Have extended information; can't use sscanf for it because not all
    * sscanf's allow empty strings with %[^\"]...

    for (i = 0, pptr ++;
         i < (sizeof(location) - 1) && *pptr && *pptr != '\"';
         i ++, pptr ++)
      location[i] = *pptr;

    if (i)
      location[i] = '\0';

    if (*pptr == '\"')
      pptr ++;

    while (*pptr && isspace(*pptr))
      pptr ++;

    if (*pptr == '\"')
      for (i = 0, pptr ++;
           i < (sizeof(info) - 1) && *pptr && *pptr != '\"';
           i ++, pptr ++)
	info[i] = *pptr;

      if (i)
	info[i] = '\0';

      if (*pptr == '\"')
	pptr ++;

      while (*pptr && isspace(*pptr))
	pptr ++;

      if (*pptr == '\"')
	for (i = 0, pptr ++;
             i < (sizeof(make_model) - 1) && *pptr && *pptr != '\"';
             i ++, pptr ++)
	  make_model[i] = *pptr;

	if (i)
	  make_model[i] = '\0';

  DEBUG_printf(("type=%x, state=%x, uri=\"%s\"\n"
                "location=\"%s\", info=\"%s\", make_model=\"%s\"\n",
	        type, state, uri, location, info, make_model));

  * Pull the URI apart to see if this is a local or remote printer...

  httpSeparate(uri, method, username, host, &port, resource);

  DEBUG_printf(("host=\"%s\", ServerName=\"%s\"\n", host, ServerName));

  * Check for packets from the local server...

  if (strcasecmp(host, ServerName) == 0)


  for (iface = NetIFList; iface != NULL; iface = iface->next)
    if (strcasecmp(host, iface->hostname) == 0)

  * Do relaying...

  for (i = 0; i < NumRelays; i ++)
    if (CheckAuth(address, srcname, len, 1, &(Relays[i].from)))
      if (sendto(BrowseSocket, packet, bytes, 0,
                 (struct sockaddr *)&(Relays[i].to),
		 sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) <= 0)
	LogMessage(L_ERROR, "UpdateCUPSBrowse: sendto failed for relay %d - %s.",
	           i + 1, strerror(errno));

  * Process the browse data...

  ProcessBrowseData(uri, type, state, location, info, make_model);

 * 'UpdatePolling()' - Read status messages from the poll daemons.

  int		bytes;		/* Number of bytes read */
  char		*lineptr;	/* Pointer to end of line in buffer */
  static int	bufused = 0;	/* Number of bytes used in buffer */
  static char	buffer[1024];	/* Status buffer */

  if ((bytes = read(PollPipe, buffer + bufused,
                    sizeof(buffer) - bufused - 1)) > 0)
    bufused += bytes;
    buffer[bufused] = '\0';
    lineptr = strchr(buffer, '\n');
  else if (bytes < 0 && errno == EINTR)
    lineptr    = buffer + bufused;
    lineptr[1] = 0;

  if (bytes == 0 && bufused == 0)
    lineptr = NULL;

  while (lineptr != NULL)
    * Terminate each line and process it...

    *lineptr++ = '\0';

    if (!strncmp(buffer, "ERROR: ", 7))
      LogMessage(L_ERROR, "%s", buffer + 7);
    else if (!strncmp(buffer, "DEBUG: ", 7))
      LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "%s", buffer + 7);
    else if (!strncmp(buffer, "DEBUG2: ", 8))
      LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "%s", buffer + 8);
      LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "%s", buffer);

    * Copy over the buffer data we've used up...

    cups_strcpy(buffer, lineptr);
    bufused -= lineptr - buffer;

    if (bufused < 0)
      bufused = 0;

    lineptr = strchr(buffer, '\n');

  if (bytes <= 0)
    * All polling processes have died; stop polling...

    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "UpdatePolling: all polling processes have exited!");

 **** SLP Support Code *************************************************

 * SLP service name for CUPS...

#  define SLP_CUPS_SRVTYPE	"service:printer"
#  define SLP_CUPS_SRVLEN	15

 * Printer service URL structure

typedef struct _slpsrvurl
  struct _slpsrvurl	*next;
  char			url[HTTP_MAX_URI];
} slpsrvurl_t;

 * 'RegReportCallback()' - Empty SLPRegReport.

RegReportCallback(SLPHandle hslp,
                  SLPError  errcode,
		  void      *cookie)


 * 'SendSLPBrowse()' - Register the specified printer with SLP.

SendSLPBrowse(printer_t *p)		/* I - Printer to register */
  char		srvurl[HTTP_MAX_URI],	/* Printer service URI */
		attrs[8192],		/* Printer attributes */
		finishings[1024],	/* Finishings to support */
		make_model[IPP_MAX_NAME * 2],
					/* Make and model, quoted */
		location[IPP_MAX_NAME * 2],
					/* Location, quoted */
		info[IPP_MAX_NAME * 2],
					/* Info, quoted */
		*src,			/* Pointer to original string */
		*dst;			/* Pointer to destination string */
  ipp_attribute_t *authentication;	/* uri-authentication-supported value */
  SLPError	error;			/* SLP error, if any */

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "SendSLPBrowse(%p = \"%s\")", p, p->name);

  * Make the SLP service URL that conforms to the IANA 
  * 'printer:' template.

  snprintf(srvurl, sizeof(srvurl), SLP_CUPS_SRVTYPE ":%s", p->uri);

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "Service URL = \"%s\"", srvurl);

  * Figure out the finishings string...

  if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_STAPLE)
    strcpy(finishings, "staple");
    finishings[0] = '\0';

  if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_BIND)
    if (finishings[0])
      strlcat(finishings, ",bind", sizeof(finishings));
      strcpy(finishings, "bind");

  if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_PUNCH)
    if (finishings[0])
      strlcat(finishings, ",punch", sizeof(finishings));
      strcpy(finishings, "punch");

  if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_COVER)
    if (finishings[0])
      strlcat(finishings, ",cover", sizeof(finishings));
      strcpy(finishings, "cover");

  if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_SORT)
    if (finishings[0])
      strlcat(finishings, ",sort", sizeof(finishings));
      strcpy(finishings, "sort");

  if (!finishings[0])
    strcpy(finishings, "none");

  * Quote any commas in the make and model, location, and info strings
  * (local strings are twice the size of the ones in the printer_t
  * structure, so no buffer overflow is possible...)

  for (src = p->make_model, dst = make_model; *src;)
    if (*src == ',' || *src == '\\' || *src == ')')
      *dst++ = '\\';

    *dst++ = *src++;

  *dst = '\0';

  if (!make_model[0])
    strcpy(make_model, "Unknown");

  for (src = p->location, dst = location; *src;)
    if (*src == ',' || *src == '\\' || *src == ')')
      *dst++ = '\\';

    *dst++ = *src++;

  *dst = '\0';

  if (!location[0])
    strcpy(location, "Unknown");

  for (src = p->info, dst = info; *src;)
    if (*src == ',' || *src == '\\' || *src == ')')
      *dst++ = '\\';

    *dst++ = *src++;

  *dst = '\0';

  if (!info[0])
    strcpy(info, "Unknown");

  * Get the authentication value...

  authentication = ippFindAttribute(p->attrs, "uri-authentication-supported",

  * Make the SLP attribute string list that conforms to
  * the IANA 'printer:' template.

  snprintf(attrs, sizeof(attrs),
#ifdef HAVE_SSL
#endif /* HAVE_SSL */
	   p->uri, authentication->values[0].string.text, p->name, location,
	   info, p->uri, make_model, DefaultLanguage,
           p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_COLOR ? "true" : "false",
           p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_DUPLEX ?
	       ",two-sided-long-edge,two-sided-short-edge" : "");

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "Attributes = \"%s\"", attrs);

  * Register the printer with the SLP server...

  error = SLPReg(BrowseSLPHandle, srvurl, BrowseTimeout,
	         SLP_CUPS_SRVTYPE, attrs, SLP_TRUE, RegReportCallback, 0);

  if (error != SLP_OK)
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "SLPReg of \"%s\" failed with status %d!", p->name,

 * 'SLPDeregPrinter()' - SLPDereg() the specified printer

SLPDeregPrinter(printer_t *p)
  char	srvurl[HTTP_MAX_URI];	/* Printer service URI */

  if((p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE) == 0)
    * Make the SLP service URL that conforms to the IANA 
    * 'printer:' template.

    snprintf(srvurl, sizeof(srvurl), SLP_CUPS_SRVTYPE ":%s", p->uri);

    * Deregister the printer...

    SLPDereg(BrowseSLPHandle, srvurl, RegReportCallback, 0);

 * 'GetSlpAttrVal()' - Get an attribute from an SLP registration.

int 					/* O - 0 on success */
GetSlpAttrVal(const char *attrlist,	/* I - Attribute list string */
              const char *tag,		/* I - Name of attribute */
              char       *valbuf,	/* O - Value */
              int        valbuflen)	/* I - Max length of value */
  char	*ptr1,				/* Pointer into string */
	*ptr2;				/* ... */

  valbuf[0] = '\0';

  if ((ptr1 = strstr(attrlist, tag)) != NULL)
    ptr1 += strlen(tag);

    if ((ptr2 = strchr(ptr1,')')) != NULL)
      if (valbuflen > (ptr2 - ptr1))
        * Copy the value...

        strncpy(valbuf, ptr1, ptr2 - ptr1);
	valbuf[ptr2 - ptr1] = '\0';

        * Dequote the value...

	for (ptr1 = valbuf; *ptr1; ptr1 ++)
	  if (*ptr1 == '\\' && ptr1[1])
	    cups_strcpy(ptr1, ptr1 + 1);

        return (0);

  return (-1);

 * 'AttrCallback()' - SLP attribute callback 

AttrCallback(SLPHandle  hslp, 
             const char *attrlist, 
             SLPError   errcode, 
             void       *cookie)
  char         tmp[IPP_MAX_NAME];
  printer_t    *p = (printer_t*)cookie;

  * Let the compiler know we won't be using these...


  * Bail if there was an error

  if (errcode != SLP_OK)
    return (SLP_TRUE);

  * Parse the attrlist to obtain things needed to build CUPS browse packet

  memset(p, 0, sizeof(printer_t));


  if (GetSlpAttrVal(attrlist, "(printer-location=", p->location,
    return (SLP_FALSE);
  if (GetSlpAttrVal(attrlist, "(printer-make-and-model=", p->make_model,
    return (SLP_FALSE);

  if (GetSlpAttrVal(attrlist, "(color-supported=", tmp, sizeof(tmp)))
    return (SLP_FALSE);
  if (strcasecmp(tmp, "true") == 0)
    p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_COLOR;

  if (GetSlpAttrVal(attrlist, "(finishings-supported=", tmp, sizeof(tmp)))
    return (SLP_FALSE);
  if (strstr(tmp, "staple"))
    p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_STAPLE;
  if (strstr(tmp, "bind"))
    p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_BIND;
  if (strstr(tmp, "punch"))
    p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_PUNCH;

  if (GetSlpAttrVal(attrlist, "(sides-supported=", tmp, sizeof(tmp)))
    return (SLP_FALSE);
  if (strstr(tmp,"two-sided"))
    p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_DUPLEX;

  return (SLP_TRUE);

 * 'SrvUrlCallback()' - SLP service url callback

SLPBoolean				/* O - TRUE = OK, FALSE = error */
SrvUrlCallback(SLPHandle      hslp, 	/* I - SLP handle */
               const char     *srvurl, 	/* I - URL of service */
               unsigned short lifetime,	/* I - Life of service */
               SLPError       errcode, 	/* I - Existing error code */
               void           *cookie)	/* I - Pointer to service list */
  slpsrvurl_t	*s,			/* New service entry */
		**head;			/* Pointer to head of entry */

  * Let the compiler know we won't be using these vars...


  * Bail if there was an error

  if (errcode != SLP_OK)
    return (SLP_TRUE);

  * Grab the head of the list...

  head = (slpsrvurl_t**)cookie;

  * Allocate a *temporary* slpsrvurl_t to hold this entry.

  if ((s = (slpsrvurl_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(slpsrvurl_t))) == NULL)
    return (SLP_FALSE);

  * Copy the SLP service URL...

  strlcpy(s->url, srvurl, sizeof(s->url));

  * Link the SLP service URL into the head of the list

  if (*head)
    s->next = *head;

  *head = s;

  return (SLP_TRUE);

 * 'UpdateSLPBrowse()' - Get browsing information via SLP.

  slpsrvurl_t	*s,			/* Temporary list of service URLs */
		*next;			/* Next service in list */
  printer_t	p;			/* Printer information */
  const char	*uri;			/* Pointer to printer URI */
  char		method[HTTP_MAX_URI],	/* Method portion of URI */
		username[HTTP_MAX_URI],	/* Username portion of URI */
		host[HTTP_MAX_URI],	/* Host portion of URI */
		resource[HTTP_MAX_URI];	/* Resource portion of URI */
  int		port;			/* Port portion of URI */

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "UpdateSLPBrowse() Start...");

  * Reset the refresh time...

  BrowseSLPRefresh = time(NULL) + BrowseInterval;

  * Poll for remote printers using SLP...

  s = NULL;

  SLPFindSrvs(BrowseSLPHandle, SLP_CUPS_SRVTYPE, "", "",
	      SrvUrlCallback, &s);

  * Loop through the list of available printers...

  for (; s; s = next)
    * Save the "next" pointer...

    next = s->next;

    * Load a printer_t structure with the SLP service attributes...

    SLPFindAttrs(BrowseSLPHandle, s->url, "", "", AttrCallback, &p);

    * Process this printer entry...

    uri = s->url + SLP_CUPS_SRVLEN + 1;

    if (strncmp(uri, "http://", 7) == 0 ||
        strncmp(uri, "ipp://", 6) == 0)
      * Pull the URI apart to see if this is a local or remote printer...

      httpSeparate(uri, method, username, host, &port, resource);

      if (strcasecmp(host, ServerName) == 0)

      * OK, at least an IPP printer, see if it is a CUPS printer or
      * class...

      if (strstr(uri, "/printers/") != NULL)
        ProcessBrowseData(uri, p.type, IPP_PRINTER_IDLE, p.location,
	                  p.info, p.make_model);
      else if (strstr(uri, "/classes/") != NULL)
        ProcessBrowseData(uri, p.type | CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS, IPP_PRINTER_IDLE,
	                  p.location, p.info, p.make_model);

    * Free this listing...


  LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "UpdateSLPBrowse() End...");
#endif /* HAVE_LIBSLP */

 * End of "$Id: dirsvc.c,v 1.10 2003/08/16 18:48:27 jlovell Exp $".