create-printer-subscription.test   [plain text]

# "$Id: 4.4-subscription-ops.test 4840 2005-11-14 21:53:30Z mike $"
#   Verify that the CUPS subscription operations work.
	# The name of the test...
	NAME "Add Printer Subscription w/Lease"

	# The operation to use
	OPERATION Create-Printer-Subscription

	# The attributes to send
	GROUP operation
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR language attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri

        GROUP subscription
	ATTR uri notify-recipient testnotify://nowait
	ATTR keyword notify-events printer-state-changed

	# What statuses are OK?
	STATUS successful-ok

	# What attributes do we expect?
	EXPECT attributes-charset
	EXPECT attributes-natural-language
	EXPECT notify-subscription-id
	DISPLAY notify-subscription-id

# End of "$Id: 4.4-subscription-ops.test 4840 2005-11-14 21:53:30Z mike $"