Makefile   [plain text]

# "$Id: Makefile 6649 2007-07-11 21:46:42Z mike $"
#   pdftops filter Makefile for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS).
#   CUPS filter changes Copyright 2007 by Apple Inc. and Copyright 1997-2006
#   by Easy Software Products.
#   Xpdf code Copyright 1996-1999 by Derek B. Noonburg

include ../Makedefs

# Object files...

		Annot.o \
		Array.o \
		BuiltinFont.o \
		BuiltinFontTables.o \
		Catalog.o \
		CharCodeToUnicode.o \
		CMap.o \
		Decrypt.o \
		Dict.o \
		Error.o \
		FoFiBase.o \
		FoFiEncodings.o \
		FoFiTrueType.o \
		FoFiType1C.o \
		FoFiType1.o \
		FontEncodingTables.o \
		Function.o \
		gfile.o \
		Gfx.o \
		GfxFont.o \
		GfxState.o \
		GHash.o \
		GList.o \
		GlobalParams.o \
		gmem.o \
		gmempp.o \
		GString.o \
		JArithmeticDecoder.o \
		JBIG2Stream.o \
		JPXStream.o \
		Lexer.o \
		Link.o \
		NameToCharCode.o \
		Object.o \
		Outline.o \
		OutputDev.o \
		Page.o \
		parseargs.o \
		Parser.o \
		PDFDoc.o \
		PDFDocEncoding.o \
		PSOutputDev.o \
		PSTokenizer.o \
		SecurityHandler.o \
		Stream.o \
		UnicodeMap.o \
		UnicodeTypeTable.o \
		XpdfPluginAPI.o \

OBJS	=	pdftops.o $(LIBOBJS)

TARGETS	=	libxpdf.a pdftops

# Make everything...

all:	$(TARGETS)

# Clean all object files...

	$(RM) $(OBJS)
	$(RM) libxpdf.a
	$(RM) pdftops
	$(RM) pdftoraster

# Update dependencies (without system header dependencies...)

	makedepend -Y -I.. -fDependencies $(OBJS:.o=.cxx) gmem.c parseargs.c >/dev/null 2>&1

# Install the filter...

install:	all
	$(INSTALL_DIR) -m 755 $(SERVERBIN)/filter
	$(INSTALL_BIN) pdftops $(SERVERBIN)/filter

# Uninstall the filter...

	$(RM) $(SERVERBIN)/filter/pdftops
	-$(RMDIR) $(SERVERBIN)/filter

# pdftops

pdftops:	libxpdf.a pdftops.o ../cups/$(LIBCUPS)
	echo Linking $@...
	$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ pdftops.o libxpdf.a $(LIBS) $(CXXLIBS) -lm

# libxpdf.a

libxpdf.a:	$(LIBOBJS)
	echo Archiving $@...
	$(RM) $@
	$(RANLIB) $@

# Dependencies...

include Dependencies

# End of "$Id: Makefile 6649 2007-07-11 21:46:42Z mike $".