Annot.h   [plain text]

// Annot.h
// Copyright 2000-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC

#ifndef ANNOT_H
#define ANNOT_H

#include <config.h>

#pragma interface

class XRef;
class Catalog;
class Gfx;

// Annot

class Annot {

  Annot(XRef *xrefA, Dict *acroForm, Dict *dict);
  GBool isOk() { return ok; }

  void draw(Gfx *gfx);

  // Get appearance object.
  Object *getAppearance(Object *obj) { return appearance.fetch(xref, obj); }

  void generateAppearance(Dict *acroForm, Dict *dict);

  XRef *xref;			// the xref table for this PDF file
  Object appearance;		// a reference to the Form XObject stream
				//   for the normal appearance
  GString *appearBuf;
  double xMin, yMin,		// annotation rectangle
         xMax, yMax;
  GBool ok;

// Annots

class Annots {

  // Extract non-link annotations from array of annotations.
  Annots(XRef *xref, Catalog *catalog, Object *annotsObj);


  // Iterate through list of annotations.
  int getNumAnnots() { return nAnnots; }
  Annot *getAnnot(int i) { return annots[i]; }


  Annot **annots;
  int nAnnots;
