form-tree.c   [plain text]

 * "$Id: form-tree.c 7721 2008-07-11 22:48:49Z mike $"
 *   CUPS form document tree routines for the Common UNIX Printing
 *   System (CUPS).
 *   Copyright 2007 by Apple Inc.
 *   Copyright 1997-2005 by Easy Software Products.
 *   These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
 *   property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright
 *   law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
 *   which should have been included with this file.  If this file is
 *   file is missing or damaged, see the license at "".
 *   This file is subject to the Apple OS-Developed Software exception.
 * Contents:

 * Include necessary headers...

#include "form.h"

 * Local functions...

static int	compare_attr(attr_t *a0, attr_t *a1);
static int	compare_elements(char **e0, char **e1);
static int	parse_attr(tree_t *t, FILE *fp);
static int	parse_element(tree_t *t, FILE *fp);

 * Local globals...

static char	*elements[] =

 * 'formDelete()' - Delete a node and its children.

formDelete(tree_t *t)			/* I - Tree node */

 * 'formGetAttr()' - Get a node attribute value.

char *					/* O - Value or NULL */
formGetAttr(tree_t     *t,		/* I - Tree node */
            const char *name)		/* I - Name of attribute */

 * 'formNew()' - Create a new form node.

tree_t *				/* O - New tree node */
formNew(tree_t    *p)			/* I - Parent node */
  tree_t	*t;			/* New tree node */

  * Allocate the new node...

  if ((t = (tree_t *)calloc(sizeof(tree_t), 1)) == NULL)
    return (NULL);

  * Set/copy attributes...

  if (p == NULL)
    t->bg[0]    = 1.0;
    t->bg[1]    = 1.0;
    t->bg[2]    = 1.0;
    t->halign   = HALIGN_LEFT;
    t->valign   = VALIGN_MIDDLE;
    t->typeface = "Courier";
    t->size     = 12.0;
    memcpy(t, p, sizeof(tree_t));

    t->prev       = NULL;
    t->next       = NULL;
    t->child      = NULL;
    t->last_child = NULL;
    t->parent     = NULL;
    t->num_attrs  = 0;
    t->attrs      = NULL;
    t->data       = NULL;

  * Return the new node...

  return (t);

 * 'formRead()' - Read a form tree from a file.

tree_t *				/* O - New form tree */
formRead(FILE   *fp,			/* I - File to read from */
         tree_t *p)			/* I - Parent node */
  int		ch,			/* Character from file */
		closech,		/* Closing character */
		have_whitespace;	/* Leading whitespace? */
  static char	s[10240];		/* String from file */
  uchar		*ptr,			/* Pointer in string */
		glyph[16],		/* Glyph name (&#nnn;) */
		*glyphptr;		/* Pointer in glyph string */
  tree_t	*tree,			/* "top" of this tree */
		*t,			/* New tree node */
		*prev,			/* Previous tree node */
		*temp;			/* Temporary looping var */
  uchar		*face,			/* Typeface for FONT tag */
		*color,			/* Color for FONT tag */
		*size;			/* Size for FONT tag */

  * Start off with no previous tree node...

  prev = NULL;
  tree = NULL;

  * Parse data until we hit end-of-file...

  while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF)
    * Ignore leading whitespace...

    have_whitespace = 0;
    closech         = '/';

    if (p == NULL || !p->preformatted)
      while (isspace(ch & 255))
        have_whitespace = 1;
        ch              = getc(fp);

      if (ch == EOF)

    * Allocate a new tree node - use calloc() to get zeroed data...

    t = formNew(p);

    * See what the character was...

    if (ch == '<')
      * Markup char; grab the next char to see if this is a /...

      ch = getc(fp);
      if (ch == ' ')
        * Illegal lone "<"!  Ignore it...

      if (ch != '/')
        ungetc(ch, fp);

      if (parse_element(t, fp) < 0)

      if ((closech = getc(fp)) == '/')

      * If this is the matching close mark, or if we are starting the same
      * element, or if we've completed a list, we're done!

      if (ch == '/')
        * Close element; find matching element...

        for (temp = p; temp != NULL; temp = temp->p)
          if (temp->element == t->element)


	if (temp != NULL)
    else if (t->preformatted)
      * Read a pre-formatted string into the current tree node...

      ptr = s;
      while (ch != '<' && ch != EOF && ptr < (s + sizeof(s) - 1))
        if (ch == '&')
          for (glyphptr = glyph;
               (ch = getc(fp)) != EOF && (glyphptr - glyph) < 15;
               glyphptr ++)
            if (!isalnum(ch & 255))
              *glyphptr = ch;

          *glyphptr = '\0';
	  if (atoi(glyph) > 0)
	    ch = atoi(glyph);
	  else if (strcmp(glyph, "lt") == 0)
	    ch = '<';
	  else if (strcmp(glyph, "gt") == 0)
	    ch = '>';
	  else if (strcmp(glyph, "quot") == 0)
	    ch = '\'';
	  else if (strcmp(glyph, "nbsp") == 0)
	    ch = ' ';
	    ch = '&';

        if (ch != 0)
          *ptr++ = ch;

        if (ch == '\n')

        ch = getc(fp);

      *ptr = '\0';

      if (ch == '<')
        ungetc(ch, fp);

      t->element = ELEMENT_FRAGMENT;
      t->data    = strdup(s);
      * Read the next string fragment...

      ptr = s;
      if (have_whitespace)
        *ptr++ = ' ';

      while (!isspace(ch & 255) && ch != '<' && ch != EOF && ptr < (s + sizeof(s) - 1))
        if (ch == '&')
          for (glyphptr = glyph;
               (ch = getc(fp)) != EOF && (glyphptr - glyph) < 15;
               glyphptr ++)
            if (!isalnum(ch & 255))
              *glyphptr = ch;

          *glyphptr = '\0';
	  if (atoi(glyph) > 0)
	    ch = atoi(glyph);
	  else if (strcmp(glyph, "lt") == 0)
	    ch = '<';
	  else if (strcmp(glyph, "gt") == 0)
	    ch = '>';
	  else if (strcmp(glyph, "quot") == 0)
	    ch = '\'';
	  else if (strcmp(glyph, "nbsp") == 0)
	    ch = ' ';
	    ch = '&';

        if (ch != 0)
          *ptr++ = ch;

        ch = getc(fp);

      if (isspace(ch & 255))
        *ptr++ = ' ';

      *ptr = '\0';

      if (ch == '<')
        ungetc(ch, fp);

      t->element = ELEMENT_FRAGMENT;
      t->data    = strdup(s);

    * If the p tree pointer is not NULL and this is the first
    * entry we've read, set the child pointer...

    if (p != NULL && prev == NULL)
      p->child = t;

    if (p != NULL)
      p->last_child = t;

    * Do the prev/next links...

    t->parent = p;
    t->prev   = prev;
    if (prev != NULL)
      prev->next = t;
      tree = t;

    prev = t;

    * Do child stuff as needed...

    if (closech == '>')
      t->child = formRead(t, fp);

  return (tree);

 * 'formSetAttr()' - Set a node attribute.

formSetAttr(tree_t     *t,		/* I - Tree node */
            const char *name,		/* I - Attribute name */
	    const char *value)		/* I - Attribute value */

 * 'compare_attr()' - Compare two attributes.

static int				/* O - -1 if a0 < a1, etc. */
compare_attr(attr_t *a0,		/* I - First attribute */
             attr_t *a1)		/* I - Second attribute */
  return (strcasecmp(a0->name, a1->name));

 * 'compare_elements()' - Compare two elements.

static int				/* O - -1 if e0 < e1, etc. */
compare_elements(char **e0,		/* I - First element */
                 char **e1)		/* I - Second element */
  return (strcasecmp(*e0, *e1));

 * 'parse_attr()' - Parse an element attribute string.

static int				/* O - -1 on error, 0 on success */
parse_attr(tree_t *t,			/* I - Current tree node */
           FILE   *fp)			/* I - Input file */
  char	name[1024],			/* Name of attr */
	value[10240],			/* Value of attr */
	*ptr;				/* Temporary pointer */
  int	ch;				/* Character from file */

  ptr = name;
  while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF)
    if (isalnum(ch & 255))
      if (ptr < (name + sizeof(name) - 1))
        *ptr++ = ch;

  *ptr = '\0';

  while (isspace(ch & 255) || ch == '\r')
    ch = getc(fp);

  switch (ch)
    default :
        ungetc(ch, fp);
        return (formSetAttr(t, name, NULL));
    case EOF :
        return (-1);
    case '=' :
        ptr = value;
        ch  = getc(fp);

        while (isspace(ch & 255) || ch == '\r')
          ch = getc(fp);

        if (ch == EOF)
          return (-1);

        if (ch == '\'')
          while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF)
            if (ch == '\'')
            else if (ptr < (value + sizeof(value) - 1))
              *ptr++ = ch;

          *ptr = '\0';
        else if (ch == '\"')
          while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF)
            if (ch == '\"')
            else if (ptr < (value + sizeof(value) - 1))
              *ptr++ = ch;

          *ptr = '\0';
          *ptr++ = ch;
          while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF)
            if (isspace(ch & 255) || ch == '>' || ch == '/' || ch == '\r')
            else if (ptr < (value + sizeof(value) - 1))
              *ptr++ = ch;

          *ptr = '\0';
          if (ch == '>' || ch == '/')
            ungetc(ch, fp);

        return (formSetAttr(t, name, value));

 * 'parse_element()' - Parse an element.

static int				/* O - -1 on error or ELEMENT_nnnn */
parse_element(tree_t *t,		/* I - Current tree node */
              FILE   *fp)		/* I - Input file */
  int	ch;				/* Character from file */
  char	element[255],			/* Element string... */
	*eptr,				/* Current character... */
	comment[10240],			/* Comment string */
	*cptr,				/* Current char... */
	**temp;				/* Element variable entry */

  eptr = element;

  while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF && eptr < (element + sizeof(element) - 1))
    if (ch == '>' || ch == '/' || isspace(ch & 255))
      *eptr++ = ch;

  *eptr = '\0';

  if (ch == EOF)
    return (ELEMENT_ERROR);

  eptr = element;
  temp = bsearch(&mptr, elements, sizeof(elements) / sizeof(elements[0]),
                 (int (*)(const void *, const void *))compare_elements);

  if (temp == NULL)
    * Unrecognized element stuff...

    t->element = ELEMENT_COMMENT;
    strcpy(comment, element);
    cptr = comment + strlen(comment);
    t->element = (element_t)((char **)temp - elements);
    cptr       = comment;

  if (t->element == ELEMENT_COMMENT)
    while (ch != EOF && ch != '>' && cptr < (comment + sizeof(comment) - 1))
      *cptr++ = ch;
      ch = getc(fp);

    *cptr   = '\0';
    t->data = strdup(comment);
    while (ch != EOF && ch != '>' && ch != '/')
      if (!isspace(ch & 255))
        ungetc(ch, fp);
        parse_variable(t, fp);

      ch = getc(fp);

    if (ch != EOF)
      ungetc(ch, fp);

  return (t->element);

 * End of "$Id: form-tree.c 7721 2008-07-11 22:48:49Z mike $".