textcommon.c   [plain text]

 * "$Id: textcommon.c 7721 2008-07-11 22:48:49Z mike $"
 *   Common text filter routines for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS).
 *   Copyright 2007 by Apple Inc.
 *   Copyright 1997-2007 by Easy Software Products.
 *   These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
 *   property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright
 *   law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
 *   which should have been included with this file.  If this file is
 *   file is missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/".
 *   This file is subject to the Apple OS-Developed Software exception.
 * Contents:
 *   TextMain()         - Standard main entry for text filters.
 *   compare_keywords() - Compare two C/C++ keywords.
 *   getutf8()          - Get a UTF-8 encoded wide character...

 * Include necessary headers...

#include "textcommon.h"
#include <cups/i18n.h>

 * Globals...

int	WrapLines = 1,		/* Wrap text in lines */
	SizeLines = 60,		/* Number of lines on a page */
	SizeColumns = 80,	/* Number of columns on a line */
	PageColumns = 1,	/* Number of columns on a page */
	ColumnGutter = 0,	/* Number of characters between text columns */
	ColumnWidth = 80,	/* Width of each column */
	PrettyPrint = 0,	/* Do pretty code formatting */
	Copies = 1;		/* Number of copies */
lchar_t	**Page = NULL;		/* Page characters */
int	NumPages = 0;		/* Number of pages in document */
float	CharsPerInch = 10;	/* Number of character columns per inch */
float	LinesPerInch = 6;	/* Number of lines per inch */
int	UTF8 = 0;		/* Use UTF-8 encoding? */
int	NumKeywords = 0;	/* Number of known keywords */
char	**Keywords = NULL;	/* List of known keywords */

 * Local globals...

static char *code_keywords[] =	/* List of known C/C++ keywords... */
	*sh_keywords[] =	/* List of known Boure/Korn/zsh/bash keywords... */
	*csh_keywords[] =	/* List of known csh/tcsh keywords... */
	*perl_keywords[] =	/* List of known perl keywords... */

 * Local functions...

static int	compare_keywords(const void *, const void *);
static int	getutf8(FILE *fp);

 * 'TextMain()' - Standard main entry for text filters.

int				/* O - Exit status */
TextMain(const char *name,	/* I - Name of filter */
         int        argc,	/* I - Number of command-line arguments */
         char       *argv[])	/* I - Command-line arguments */
  FILE		*fp;		/* Print file */
  ppd_file_t	*ppd;		/* PPD file */
  int		i,		/* Looping var */
		ch,		/* Current char from file */
		lastch,		/* Previous char from file */
		attr,		/* Current attribute */
		line,		/* Current line */
  		column,		/* Current column */
  		page_column;	/* Current page column */
  int		num_options;	/* Number of print options */
  cups_option_t	*options;	/* Print options */
  const char	*val;		/* Option value */
  char		keyword[64],	/* Keyword string */
		*keyptr;	/* Pointer into string */
  int		keycol;		/* Column where keyword starts */
  int		ccomment;	/* Inside a C-style comment? */
  int		cstring;	/* Inside a C string */

  * Make sure status messages are not buffered...

  setbuf(stderr, NULL);

  * Check command-line...

  if (argc < 6 || argc > 7)
    fprintf(stderr, _("Usage: %s job-id user title copies options [file]\n"),
    return (1);

  * If we have 7 arguments, print the file named on the command-line.
  * Otherwise, send stdin instead...

  if (argc == 6)
    fp = stdin;
    * Try to open the print file...

    if ((fp = fopen(argv[6], "rb")) == NULL)
      perror("DEBUG: unable to open print file - ");
      return (1);

  * Process command-line options and write the prolog...

  options     = NULL;
  num_options = cupsParseOptions(argv[5], 0, &options);

  if ((val = cupsGetOption("prettyprint", num_options, options)) != NULL &&
      strcasecmp(val, "no") && strcasecmp(val, "off") &&
      strcasecmp(val, "false"))
    PageLeft     = 72.0f;
    PageRight    = PageWidth - 36.0f;
    PageBottom   = PageBottom > 36.0f ? PageBottom : 36.0f;
    PageTop      = PageLength - 36.0f;
    CharsPerInch = 12;
    LinesPerInch = 8;

    if ((val = getenv("CONTENT_TYPE")) == NULL)
      PrettyPrint = PRETTY_PLAIN;
      NumKeywords = 0;
      Keywords    = NULL;
    else if (strcasecmp(val, "application/x-cshell") == 0)
      PrettyPrint = PRETTY_SHELL;
      NumKeywords = sizeof(csh_keywords) / sizeof(csh_keywords[0]);
      Keywords    = csh_keywords;
    else if (strcasecmp(val, "application/x-csource") == 0)
      PrettyPrint = PRETTY_CODE;
      NumKeywords = sizeof(code_keywords) / sizeof(code_keywords[0]);
      Keywords    = code_keywords;
    else if (strcasecmp(val, "application/x-perl") == 0)
      PrettyPrint = PRETTY_PERL;
      NumKeywords = sizeof(perl_keywords) / sizeof(perl_keywords[0]);
      Keywords    = perl_keywords;
    else if (strcasecmp(val, "application/x-shell") == 0)
      PrettyPrint = PRETTY_SHELL;
      NumKeywords = sizeof(sh_keywords) / sizeof(sh_keywords[0]);
      Keywords    = sh_keywords;
      PrettyPrint = PRETTY_PLAIN;
      NumKeywords = 0;
      Keywords    = NULL;

  ppd = SetCommonOptions(num_options, options, 1);

  if ((val = cupsGetOption("wrap", num_options, options)) == NULL)
    WrapLines = 1;
    WrapLines = !strcasecmp(val, "true") || !strcasecmp(val, "on") ||
                !strcasecmp(val, "yes");

  if ((val = cupsGetOption("columns", num_options, options)) != NULL)
    PageColumns = atoi(val);

  if ((val = cupsGetOption("cpi", num_options, options)) != NULL)
    CharsPerInch = atof(val);

  if ((val = cupsGetOption("lpi", num_options, options)) != NULL)
    LinesPerInch = atof(val);

  if (PrettyPrint)
    PageTop -= 216.0f / LinesPerInch;

  Copies = atoi(argv[4]);

  WriteProlog(argv[3], argv[2], getenv("CLASSIFICATION"),
              cupsGetOption("page-label", num_options, options), ppd);

  * Read text from the specified source and print it...

  lastch       = 0;
  column       = 0;
  line         = 0;
  page_column  = 0;
  attr         = 0;
  keyptr       = keyword;
  keycol       = 0;
  ccomment     = 0;
  cstring      = 0;

  while ((ch = getutf8(fp)) >= 0)
    * Control codes:
    *   BS	Backspace (0x08)
    *   HT	Horizontal tab; next 8th column (0x09)
    *   LF	Line feed; forward full line (0x0a)
    *   VT	Vertical tab; reverse full line (0x0b)
    *   FF	Form feed (0x0c)
    *   CR	Carriage return (0x0d)
    *   ESC 7	Reverse full line (0x1b 0x37)
    *   ESC 8	Reverse half line (0x1b 0x38)
    *   ESC 9	Forward half line (0x1b 0x39)

    switch (ch)
      case 0x08 :		/* BS - backspace for boldface & underline */
          if (column > 0)
            column --;

          keyptr = keyword;
	  keycol = column;

      case 0x09 :		/* HT - tab to next 8th column */
          if (PrettyPrint && keyptr > keyword)
	    *keyptr = '\0';
	    keyptr  = keyword;

	    if (bsearch(&keyptr, Keywords, NumKeywords, sizeof(char *),
	      * Put keywords in boldface...

	      i = page_column * (ColumnWidth + ColumnGutter);

	      while (keycol < column)
	        Page[line][keycol + i].attr |= ATTR_BOLD;
		keycol ++;

          column = (column + 8) & ~7;

          if (column >= ColumnWidth && WrapLines)
          {			/* Wrap text to margins */
            line ++;
            column = 0;

            if (line >= SizeLines)
              page_column ++;
              line = 0;

              if (page_column >= PageColumns)
		page_column = 0;

	  keycol = column;

          attr &= ~ATTR_BOLD;

      case 0x0d :		/* CR */
#ifndef __APPLE__
	  * All but MacOS/Darwin treat CR as was intended by ANSI
	  * folks, namely to move to column 0/1.  Some programs still
	  * use this to do boldfacing and underlining...

          column = 0;
	  * MacOS/Darwin still need to treat CR as a line ending.

	    int nextch;
            if ((nextch = getc(fp)) != 0x0a)
	      ungetc(nextch, fp);
	      ch = nextch;
#endif /* !__APPLE__ */

      case 0x0a :		/* LF - output current line */
          if (PrettyPrint && keyptr > keyword)
	    *keyptr = '\0';
	    keyptr  = keyword;

	    if (bsearch(&keyptr, Keywords, NumKeywords, sizeof(char *),
	      * Put keywords in boldface...

	      i = page_column * (ColumnWidth + ColumnGutter);

	      while (keycol < column)
	        Page[line][keycol + i].attr |= ATTR_BOLD;
		keycol ++;

          line ++;
          column = 0;
	  keycol = 0;

          if (!ccomment && !cstring)

          if (line >= SizeLines)
            page_column ++;
            line = 0;

            if (page_column >= PageColumns)
	      page_column = 0;

      case 0x0b :		/* VT - move up 1 line */
          if (line > 0)
	    line --;

          keyptr = keyword;
	  keycol = column;

          if (!ccomment && !cstring)

      case 0x0c :		/* FF - eject current page... */
          if (PrettyPrint && keyptr > keyword)
	    *keyptr = '\0';
	    keyptr  = keyword;

	    if (bsearch(&keyptr, Keywords, NumKeywords, sizeof(char *),
	      * Put keywords in boldface...

	      i = page_column * (ColumnWidth + ColumnGutter);

	      while (keycol < column)
	        Page[line][keycol + i].attr |= ATTR_BOLD;
		keycol ++;

          page_column ++;
	  column = 0;
	  keycol = 0;
          line   = 0;

          if (!ccomment && !cstring)

          if (page_column >= PageColumns)
            page_column = 0;

      case 0x1b :		/* Escape sequence */
          ch = getutf8(fp);
	  if (ch == '7')
	    * ESC 7	Reverse full line (0x1b 0x37)

            if (line > 0)
	      line --;
	  else if (ch == '8')
	    *   ESC 8	Reverse half line (0x1b 0x38)

            if ((attr & ATTR_RAISED) && line > 0)
	      attr &= ~ATTR_RAISED;
              line --;
	    else if (attr & ATTR_LOWERED)
	      attr &= ~ATTR_LOWERED;
	      attr |= ATTR_RAISED;
	  else if (ch == '9')
	    *   ESC 9	Forward half line (0x1b 0x39)

            if ((attr & ATTR_LOWERED) && line < (SizeLines - 1))
	      attr &= ~ATTR_LOWERED;
              line ++;
	    else if (attr & ATTR_RAISED)
	      attr &= ~ATTR_RAISED;
	      attr |= ATTR_LOWERED;

      default :			/* All others... */
          if (ch < ' ')
            break;		/* Ignore other control chars */

          if (PrettyPrint > PRETTY_PLAIN)
	    * Do highlighting of C/C++ keywords, preprocessor commands,
	    * and comments...

	    if (ch == ' ' && (attr & ATTR_BOLD))
	      * Stop bolding preprocessor command...

	      attr &= ~ATTR_BOLD;
	    else if (!(isalnum(ch & 255) || ch == '_') && keyptr > keyword)
	      * Look for a keyword...

	      *keyptr = '\0';
	      keyptr  = keyword;

	      if (!(attr & ATTR_ITALIC) &&
	          bsearch(&keyptr, Keywords, NumKeywords, sizeof(char *),
	        * Put keywords in boldface...

	        i = page_column * (ColumnWidth + ColumnGutter);

		while (keycol < column)
	          Page[line][keycol + i].attr |= ATTR_BOLD;
		  keycol ++;
	    else if ((isalnum(ch & 255) || ch == '_') && !ccomment && !cstring)
	      * Add characters to the current keyword (if they'll fit).

              if (keyptr == keyword)
	        keycol = column;

	      if (keyptr < (keyword + sizeof(keyword) - 1))
	        *keyptr++ = ch;
	    else if (ch == '\"' && lastch != '\\' && !ccomment && !cstring)
	      * Start a C string constant...

	      cstring = -1;
              attr    = ATTR_BLUE;
            else if (ch == '*' && lastch == '/' && !cstring &&
	             PrettyPrint != PRETTY_SHELL)
	      * Start a C-style comment...

	      ccomment = 1;
	      attr     = ATTR_ITALIC | ATTR_GREEN;
	    else if (ch == '/' && lastch == '/' && !cstring &&
	             PrettyPrint == PRETTY_CODE)
	      * Start a C++-style comment...

	      attr = ATTR_ITALIC | ATTR_GREEN;
	    else if (ch == '#' && !cstring && PrettyPrint != PRETTY_CODE)
	      * Start a shell-style comment...

	      attr = ATTR_ITALIC | ATTR_GREEN;
	    else if (ch == '#' && column == 0 && !ccomment && !cstring &&
	             PrettyPrint == PRETTY_CODE)
	      * Start a preprocessor command...

	      attr = ATTR_BOLD | ATTR_RED;

          if (column >= ColumnWidth && WrapLines)
          {			/* Wrap text to margins */
            column = 0;
	    line ++;

            if (line >= SizeLines)
              page_column ++;
              line = 0;

              if (page_column >= PageColumns)
        	page_column = 0;

	  * Add text to the current column & line...

          if (column < ColumnWidth)
	    i = column + page_column * (ColumnWidth + ColumnGutter);

            if (PrettyPrint)
              Page[line][i].attr = attr;
	    else if (ch == ' ' && Page[line][i].ch)
	      ch = Page[line][i].ch;
            else if (ch == Page[line][i].ch)
              Page[line][i].attr |= ATTR_BOLD;
            else if (Page[line][i].ch == '_')
              Page[line][i].attr |= ATTR_UNDERLINE;
            else if (ch == '_')
              Page[line][i].attr |= ATTR_UNDERLINE;

              if (Page[line][i].ch)
	        ch = Page[line][i].ch;
              Page[line][i].attr = attr;

            Page[line][i].ch = ch;

          if (PrettyPrint)
	    if ((ch == '{' || ch == '}') && !ccomment && !cstring &&
	        column < ColumnWidth)
	      * Highlight curley braces...

	      Page[line][column].attr |= ATTR_BOLD;
	    else if ((ch == '/' || ch == '*') && lastch == '/' &&
	             column < ColumnWidth && PrettyPrint != PRETTY_SHELL)
	      * Highlight first comment character...

	      Page[line][column - 1].attr = attr;
	    else if (ch == '\"' && lastch != '\\' && !ccomment && cstring > 0)
	      * End a C string constant...

	      cstring = 0;
	      attr    &= ~ATTR_BLUE;
	    else if (ch == '/' && lastch == '*' && ccomment)
	      * End a C-style comment...

	      ccomment = 0;
	      attr     &= ~(ATTR_ITALIC | ATTR_GREEN);

            if (cstring < 0)
	      cstring = 1;

          column ++;

    * Save this character for the next cycle.

    lastch = ch;

  * Write any remaining page data...

  if (line > 0 || page_column > 0 || column > 0)

  * Write the epilog and return...


  if (ppd != NULL)

  return (0);

 * 'compare_keywords()' - Compare two C/C++ keywords.

static int				/* O - Result of strcmp */
compare_keywords(const void *k1,	/* I - First keyword */
                 const void *k2)	/* I - Second keyword */
  return (strcmp(*((const char **)k1), *((const char **)k2)));

 * 'getutf8()' - Get a UTF-8 encoded wide character...

static int		/* O - Character or -1 on error */
getutf8(FILE *fp)	/* I - File to read from */
  int	ch;		/* Current character value */
  int	next;		/* Next character from file */

  * Read the first character and process things accordingly...
  * UTF-8 maps 16-bit characters to:
  *        0 to 127 = 0xxxxxxx
  *     128 to 2047 = 110xxxxx 10yyyyyy (xxxxxyyyyyy)
  *   2048 to 65535 = 1110xxxx 10yyyyyy 10zzzzzz (xxxxyyyyyyzzzzzz)
  * We also accept:
  *      128 to 191 = 10xxxxxx
  * since this range of values is otherwise undefined unless you are
  * in the middle of a multi-byte character...
  * This code currently does not support anything beyond 16-bit
  * characters, in part because PostScript doesn't support more than
  * 16-bit characters...

  if ((ch = getc(fp)) == EOF)
    return (EOF);

  if (ch < 0xc0 || !UTF8)	/* One byte character? */
    return (ch);
  else if ((ch & 0xe0) == 0xc0)
    * Two byte character...

    if ((next = getc(fp)) == EOF)
      return (EOF);
      return (((ch & 0x1f) << 6) | (next & 0x3f));
  else if ((ch & 0xf0) == 0xe0)
    * Three byte character...

    if ((next = getc(fp)) == EOF)
      return (EOF);

    ch = ((ch & 0x0f) << 6) | (next & 0x3f);

    if ((next = getc(fp)) == EOF)
      return (EOF);
      return ((ch << 6) | (next & 0x3f));
    * More than three bytes...  We don't support that...

    return (EOF);

 * End of "$Id: textcommon.c 7721 2008-07-11 22:48:49Z mike $".