/*=========================================================================== Copyright (c) 1998-2000, The Santa Cruz Operation All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: *Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. *Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. *Neither name of The Santa Cruz Operation nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. =========================================================================*/ /* cscope - interactive C symbol cross-reference * * main functions */ #include "global.h" #include "vp.h" #include "version.h" /* FILEVERSION and FIXVERSION */ #include "scanner.h" #include /* atoi */ #if defined(USE_NCURSES) && !defined(RENAMED_NCURSES) #include #else #include #endif #include /* O_RDONLY */ #include /* needed by stat.h */ #include /* stat */ /* defaults for unset environment variables */ #define EDITOR "vi" #define SHELL "sh" #define LINEFLAG "+%s" /* default: used by vi and emacs */ #define TMPDIR "/tmp" #ifndef DFLT_INCDIR #define DFLT_INCDIR "/usr/include" #endif static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: main.c,v 1.3 2002/01/09 19:04:05 umeshv Exp $"; /* note: these digraph character frequencies were calculated from possible printable digraphs in the cross-reference for the C compiler */ char dichar1[] = " teisaprnl(of)=c"; /* 16 most frequent first chars */ char dichar2[] = " tnerpla"; /* 8 most frequent second chars using the above as first chars */ char dicode1[256]; /* digraph first character code */ char dicode2[256]; /* digraph second character code */ char *editor, *home, *shell, *lineflag; /* environment variables */ BOOL lineflagafterfile; char *argv0; /* command name */ BOOL compress = YES; /* compress the characters in the crossref */ BOOL dbtruncated; /* database symbols are truncated to 8 chars */ int dispcomponents = 1; /* file path components to display */ #if CCS BOOL displayversion; /* display the C Compilation System version */ #endif BOOL editallprompt = YES; /* prompt between editing files */ int fileargc; /* file argument count */ char **fileargv; /* file argument values */ int fileversion; /* cross-reference file version */ BOOL incurses = NO; /* in curses */ INVCONTROL invcontrol; /* inverted file control structure */ BOOL invertedindex; /* the database has an inverted index */ BOOL isuptodate; /* consider the crossref up-to-date */ BOOL kernelmode; /* don't use DFLT_INCDIR - bad for kernels */ BOOL linemode = NO; /* use line oriented user interface */ BOOL recurse_dir = NO; /* recurse dirs when searching for src files */ char *namefile; /* file of file names */ static char *newinvname; /* new inverted index file name */ static char *newinvpost; /* new inverted index postings file name */ char *newreffile; /* new cross-reference file name */ FILE *newrefs; /* new cross-reference */ BOOL ogs; /* display OGS book and subsystem names */ FILE *postings; /* new inverted index postings */ char *prependpath; /* prepend path to file names */ FILE *refsfound; /* references found file */ BOOL select_large = NO; /* enable more than 9 select lines */ int symrefs = -1; /* cross-reference file */ char temp1[PATHLEN + 1]; /* temporary file name */ char temp2[PATHLEN + 1]; /* temporary file name */ long totalterms; /* total inverted index terms */ BOOL trun_syms; /* truncate symbols to 8 characters */ char tempstring[8192]; /* use this as a buffer, instead of 'yytext', * which had better be left alone */ static BOOL buildonly = NO; /* only build the database */ static BOOL fileschanged; /* assume some files changed */ static char *invname = INVNAME; /* inverted index to the database */ static char *invpost = INVPOST; /* inverted index postings */ static long traileroffset; /* file trailer offset */ static BOOL onesearch; /* one search only in line mode */ static char *reffile = REFFILE; /* cross-reference file path name */ static char *reflines; /* symbol reference lines file */ static char *tmpdir; /* temporary directory */ static BOOL unconditional; /* unconditionally build database */ BOOL samelist(FILE *oldrefs, char **names, int count); char *getoldfile(void); int compare(const void *s1, const void *s2); /* needed for qsort call */ void copydata(void); void copyinverted(void); void initcompress(void); void movefile(char *new, char *old); void opendatabase(void); void putheader(char *dir); void putinclude(char *s); void putlist(char **names, int count); void skiplist(FILE *oldrefs); static void build(void); static void usage(void); static void longusage(void); int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *names; /* name file pointer */ int oldnum; /* number in old cross-ref */ char path[PATHLEN + 1]; /* file path */ FILE *oldrefs; /* old cross-reference file */ char *s; int c, i; pid_t pid; struct stat stat_buf; #if SVR2 && !BSD && !V9 && !u3b2 && !sun void fixkeypad(); #endif yyin = stdin; yyout = stdout; /* save the command name for messages */ argv0 = argv[0]; /* set the options */ while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-') { for (s = argv[0] + 1; *s != '\0'; s++) { /* look for an input field number */ if (isdigit((unsigned char)*s)) { field = *s - '0'; if (field > 8) { field = 8; } if (*++s == '\0' && --argc > 0) { s = *++argv; } if (strlen(s) > PATLEN) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: pattern too long, cannot be > %d characters\n", PATLEN); exit(1); } (void) strcpy(pattern, s); goto nextarg; } switch (*s) { case '-': /* end of options */ --argc; ++argv; goto lastarg; case 'V': /* print the version number */ #if CCS displayversion = YES; break; #else (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: version %d%s\n", argv0, FILEVERSION, FIXVERSION); exit(0); #endif case 'b': /* only build the cross-reference */ buildonly = YES; linemode = YES; break; case 'c': /* ASCII characters only in crossref */ compress = NO; break; case 'C': /* turn on caseless mode for symbol searches */ caseless = YES; egrepcaseless(caseless); /* simulate egrep -i flag */ break; case 'd': /* consider crossref up-to-date */ isuptodate = YES; break; case 'e': /* suppress ^E prompt between files */ editallprompt = NO; break; case 'h': (void) longusage(); exit(1); case 'k': /* ignore DFLT_INCDIR */ kernelmode = YES; break; case 'L': onesearch = YES; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'l': linemode = YES; break; case 'o': /* display OGS book and subsystem names */ ogs = YES; break; case 'q': /* quick search */ invertedindex = YES; break; case 'T': /* truncate symbols to 8 characters */ trun_syms = YES; break; case 'u': /* unconditionally build the cross-reference */ unconditional = YES; break; case 'U': /* assume some files have changed */ fileschanged = YES; break; case 'R': recurse_dir = YES; break; case 'f': /* alternate cross-reference file */ case 'F': /* symbol reference lines file */ case 'i': /* file containing file names */ case 'I': /* #include file directory */ case 'p': /* file path components to display */ case 'P': /* prepend path to file names */ case 's': /* additional source file directory */ case 'S': c = *s; if (*++s == '\0' && --argc > 0) { s = *++argv; } if (*s == '\0') { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: -%c option: missing or empty value\n", argv0, c); goto usage; } switch (c) { case 'f': /* alternate cross-reference file */ reffile = s; (void) strcpy(path, s); #if !BSD || sun /* suns can access Amdahl databases */ /* System V has a 14 character limit */ s = mybasename(path); if (strlen(s) > 11) { s[11] = '\0'; } #endif s = path + strlen(path); (void) strcpy(s, ".in"); invname = stralloc(path); (void) strcpy(s, ".po"); invpost = stralloc(path); break; case 'F': /* symbol reference lines file */ reflines = s; break; case 'i': /* file containing file names */ namefile = s; break; case 'I': /* #include file directory */ includedir(s); break; case 'p': /* file path components to display */ if (*s < '0' || *s > '9' ) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: -p option: missing or invalid numeric value\n", argv0); goto usage; } dispcomponents = atoi(s); break; case 'P': /* prepend path to file names */ prependpath = s; break; case 's': /* additional source directory */ case 'S': sourcedir(s); break; } goto nextarg; case 't': /* enable more than 9 select lines */ select_large = YES; break; default: (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown option: -%c\n", argv0, *s); usage: (void) usage(); (void) fprintf(stderr, "Try the -h option for more information.\n"); exit(1); } } nextarg: ; } lastarg: /* read the environment */ editor = mygetenv("EDITOR", EDITOR); editor = mygetenv("VIEWER", editor); /* use viewer if set */ editor = mygetenv("CSCOPE_EDITOR", editor); /* has last word */ home = getenv("HOME"); shell = mygetenv("SHELL", SHELL); lineflag = mygetenv("CSCOPE_LINEFLAG", LINEFLAG); lineflagafterfile = getenv("CSCOPE_LINEFLAG_AFTER_FILE")?1:0; tmpdir = mygetenv("TMPDIR", TMPDIR); /* XXX remove if/when clearerr() in dir.c does the right thing. */ if (namefile && strcmp(namefile, "-") == 0 && !buildonly) { fprintf (stderr, "cscope: Must use -b if file list comes from stdin\n"); exit(1); } /* make sure that tmpdir exists */ if (stat (tmpdir, &stat_buf)) { fprintf (stderr, "cscope: Temporary directory %s does not exist or cannot be accessed\n", tmpdir); fprintf (stderr, "cscope: Please create the directory or set the environment variable\ncscope: TMPDIR to a valid directory\n"); exit(1); } /* create the temporary file names */ pid = getpid(); (void) sprintf(temp1, "%s/cscope%d.1", tmpdir, pid); (void) sprintf(temp2, "%s/cscope%d.2", tmpdir, pid); /* if running in the foreground */ if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) { void myexit(); /* needed by ctrace */ /* cleanup on the interrupt and quit signals */ (void) signal(SIGINT, myexit); (void) signal(SIGQUIT, myexit); } /* cleanup on the hangup signal */ (void) signal(SIGHUP, myexit); /* if the database path is relative and it can't be created */ if (reffile[0] != '/' && access(".", WRITE) != 0) { /* put it in the home directory if the database may not be * up-to-date or doesn't exist in the relative directory, * so a database in the current directory will be * used instead of failing to open a non-existant database in * the home directory */ (void) sprintf(path, "%s/%s", home, reffile); if (isuptodate == NO || access(path, READ) == 0) { reffile = stralloc(path); (void) sprintf(path, "%s/%s", home, invname); invname = stralloc(path); (void) sprintf(path, "%s/%s", home, invpost); invpost = stralloc(path); } } if (linemode == NO) { (void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); /* ignore interrupts */ (void) signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);/* | command can cause pipe signal */ /* initialize the curses display package */ (void) initscr(); /* initialize the screen */ entercurses(); #if TERMINFO (void) keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* enable the keypad */ #if SVR2 && !BSD && !V9 && !u3b2 && !sun fixkeypad(); /* fix for getch() intermittently returning garbage */ #endif #endif #if UNIXPC standend(); /* turn off reverse video */ #endif dispinit(); /* initialize display parameters */ setfield(); /* set the initial cursor position */ postmsg(""); /* clear any build progress message */ display(); /* display the version number and input fields */ } /* if the cross-reference is to be considered up-to-date */ if (isuptodate == YES) { if ((oldrefs = vpfopen(reffile, "rb")) == NULL) { posterr("cscope: cannot open file %s\n", reffile); myexit(1); } /* get the crossref file version but skip the current directory */ if (fscanf(oldrefs, "cscope %d %*s", &fileversion) != 1) { posterr("cscope: cannot read file version from file %s\n", reffile); myexit(1); } if (fileversion >= 8) { /* override these command line options */ compress = YES; invertedindex = NO; /* see if there are options in the database */ for (;;) { (void) getc(oldrefs); /* skip the blank */ if ((c = getc(oldrefs)) != '-') { (void) ungetc(c, oldrefs); break; } switch (c = getc(oldrefs)) { case 'c': /* ASCII characters only */ compress = NO; break; case 'q': /* quick search */ invertedindex = YES; (void) fscanf(oldrefs, "%ld", &totalterms); break; case 'T': /* truncate symbols to 8 characters */ dbtruncated = YES; trun_syms = YES; break; } } initcompress(); /* seek to the trailer */ if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%ld", &traileroffset) != 1) { posterr("cscope: cannot read trailer offset from file %s\n", reffile); myexit(1); } if (fseek(oldrefs, traileroffset, SEEK_SET) == -1) { posterr("cscope: cannot seek to trailer in file %s\n", reffile); myexit(1); } } /* skip the source and include directory lists */ skiplist(oldrefs); skiplist(oldrefs); /* get the number of source files */ if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%d", &nsrcfiles) != 1) { posterr("cscope: cannot read source file size from file %s\n", reffile); myexit(1); } /* get the source file list */ srcfiles = mymalloc(nsrcfiles * sizeof(char *)); if (fileversion >= 9) { /* allocate the string space */ if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%d", &oldnum) != 1) { posterr("cscope: cannot read string space size from file %s\n", reffile); myexit(1); } s = (char *)mymalloc((unsigned) oldnum); (void) getc(oldrefs); /* skip the newline */ /* read the strings */ if (fread(s, oldnum, 1, oldrefs) != 1) { posterr("cscope: cannot read source file names from file %s\n", reffile); myexit(1); } /* change newlines to nulls */ for (i = 0; i < nsrcfiles; ++i) { srcfiles[i] = s; for (++s; *s != '\n'; ++s) { ; } *s = '\0'; ++s; } /* if there is a file of source file names */ if ((namefile != NULL && (names = vpfopen(namefile, "r")) != NULL) || (names = vpfopen(NAMEFILE, "r")) != NULL) { /* read any -p option from it */ while (fscanf(names, "%s", path) == 1 && *path == '-') { i = path[1]; s = path + 2; /* for "-Ipath" */ if (*s == '\0') { /* if "-I path" */ (void) fscanf(names, "%s", path); s = path; } switch (i) { case 'p': /* file path components to display */ if (*s < '0' || *s > '9') { posterr("cscope: -p option in file %s: missing or invalid numeric value\n", namefile); } dispcomponents = atoi(s); } } (void) fclose(names); } } else { for (i = 0; i < nsrcfiles; ++i) { if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%s", path) != 1) { posterr("cscope: cannot read source file name from file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } srcfiles[i] = stralloc(path); } } (void) fclose(oldrefs); } else { /* save the file arguments */ fileargc = argc; fileargv = argv; /* get source directories from the environment */ if ((s = getenv("SOURCEDIRS")) != NULL) { sourcedir(s); } /* make the source file list */ srcfiles = mymalloc(msrcfiles * sizeof(char *)); makefilelist(); if (nsrcfiles == 0) { posterr( "cscope: no source files found\n"); myexit(1); } /* get include directories from the environment */ if ((s = getenv("INCLUDEDIRS")) != NULL) { includedir(s); } /* add /usr/include to the #include directory list, but not in kernelmode... kernels tend not to use it. */ if (kernelmode == NO) { includedir(DFLT_INCDIR); } /* initialize the C keyword table */ initsymtab(); /* create the file name(s) used for a new cross-referene */ (void) strcpy(path, reffile); s = mybasename(path); *s = '\0'; (void) strcat(path, "n"); ++s; (void) strcpy(s, mybasename(reffile)); newreffile = stralloc(path); (void) strcpy(s, mybasename(invname)); newinvname = stralloc(path); (void) strcpy(s, mybasename(invpost)); newinvpost = stralloc(path); /* build the cross-reference */ initcompress(); if (linemode == NO ) /* display if verbose as well */ postmsg("Building cross-reference..."); build(); if (linemode == NO ) postmsg(""); /* clear any build progress message */ if (buildonly == YES) { myexit(0); } } opendatabase(); /* if using the line oriented user interface so cscope can be a subprocess to emacs or samuel */ if (linemode == YES) { if (*pattern != '\0') { /* do any optional search */ if (search() == YES) { while ((c = getc(refsfound)) != EOF) { (void) putchar(c); } } } if (onesearch == YES) { myexit(0); } for (;;) { char buf[PATLEN + 2]; (void) printf(">> "); (void) fflush(stdout); if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) == NULL) { myexit(0); } /* remove any trailing newline character */ if (*(s = buf + strlen(buf) - 1) == '\n') { *s = '\0'; } switch (*buf) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': /* samuel only */ field = *buf - '0'; (void) strcpy(pattern, buf + 1); (void) search(); (void) printf("cscope: %d lines\n", totallines); while ((c = getc(refsfound)) != EOF) { (void) putchar(c); } break; case 'c': /* toggle caseless mode */ case ctrl('C'): if (caseless == NO) { caseless = YES; } else { caseless = NO; } egrepcaseless(caseless); break; case 'r': /* rebuild database cscope style */ case ctrl('R'): freefilelist(); makefilelist(); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'R': /* rebuild database samuel style */ rebuild(); (void) putchar('\n'); break; case 'C': /* clear file names */ freefilelist(); (void) putchar('\n'); break; case 'F': /* add a file name */ (void) strcpy(path, buf + 1); if (infilelist(path) == NO && (s = inviewpath(path)) != NULL) { addsrcfile(path, s); } (void) putchar('\n'); break; case 'q': /* quit */ case ctrl('D'): case ctrl('Z'): myexit(0); default: (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: unknown command '%s'\n", buf); break; } } /* NOTREACHED */ } /* pause before clearing the screen if there have been error messages */ if (errorsfound == YES) { errorsfound = NO; askforreturn(); } /* do any optional search */ if (*pattern != '\0') { atfield(); /* move to the input field */ (void) command(ctrl('Y')); /* search */ } /* read any symbol reference lines file */ else if (reflines != NULL) { (void) readrefs(reflines); } display(); /* update the display */ for (;;) { if (!selecting) atfield(); /* move to the input field */ /* exit if the quit command is entered */ if ((c = mygetch()) == EOF || c == ctrl('D') || c == ctrl('Z')) { break; } /* execute the commmand, updating the display if necessary */ if (command(c) == YES) { display(); } if (selecting) { move(displine[curdispline], 0); refresh(); } } /* cleanup and exit */ myexit(0); /* NOTREACHED */ return 0; /* avoid warning... */ } void cannotindex(void) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot create inverted index; ignoring -q option\n"); invertedindex = NO; errorsfound = YES; (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: removed files %s and %s\n", newinvname, newinvpost); (void) unlink(newinvname); (void) unlink(newinvpost); } void cannotopen(char *file) { posterr("Cannot open file %s", file); } void cannotwrite(char *file) { #if HAVE_SNPRINTF char msg[MSGLEN + 1]; (void) snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Removed file %s because write failed", file); #else char *msg = mymalloc(50+strlen(file)); (void) sprintf(msg, "Removed file %s because write failed", file); #endif myperror(msg); /* display the reason */ #if !HAVE_SNPRINTF free(msg); #endif (void) unlink(file); myexit(1); /* calls exit(2), which closes files */ } /* set up the digraph character tables for text compression */ void initcompress(void) { int i; if (compress == YES) { for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { dicode1[(unsigned char) (dichar1[i])] = i * 8 + 1; } for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { dicode2[(unsigned char) (dichar2[i])] = i + 1; } } } /* open the database */ void opendatabase(void) { if ((symrefs = vpopen(reffile, O_BINARY | O_RDONLY)) == -1) { cannotopen(reffile); myexit(1); } blocknumber = -1; /* force next seek to read the first block */ /* open any inverted index */ if (invertedindex == YES && invopen(&invcontrol, invname, invpost, INVAVAIL) == -1) { askforreturn(); /* so user sees message */ invertedindex = NO; } } /* rebuild the database */ void rebuild(void) { (void) close(symrefs); if (invertedindex == YES) { invclose(&invcontrol); nsrcoffset = 0; npostings = 0; } build(); opendatabase(); /* revert to the initial display */ if (refsfound != NULL) { (void) fclose(refsfound); refsfound = NULL; } } /* build the cross-reference */ static void build(void) { int i; FILE *oldrefs; /* old cross-reference file */ time_t reftime; /* old crossref modification time */ char *file; /* current file */ char *oldfile; /* file in old cross-reference */ char newdir[PATHLEN + 1]; /* directory in new cross-reference */ char olddir[PATHLEN + 1]; /* directory in old cross-reference */ char oldname[PATHLEN + 1]; /* name in old cross-reference */ int oldnum; /* number in old cross-ref */ struct stat statstruct; /* file status */ int firstfile; /* first source file in pass */ int lastfile; /* last source file in pass */ int built = 0; /* built crossref for these files */ int copied = 0; /* copied crossref for these files */ BOOL interactive = YES; /* output progress messages */ /* normalize the current directory relative to the home directory so the cross-reference is not rebuilt when the user's login is moved */ (void) strcpy(newdir, currentdir); if (strcmp(currentdir, home) == 0) { (void) strcpy(newdir, "$HOME"); } else if (strncmp(currentdir, home, strlen(home)) == 0) { (void) sprintf(newdir, "$HOME%s", currentdir + strlen(home)); } /* sort the source file names (needed for rebuilding) */ qsort(srcfiles, (unsigned) nsrcfiles, sizeof(char *), compare); /* if there is an old cross-reference and its current directory matches */ /* or this is an unconditional build */ if ((oldrefs = vpfopen(reffile, "rb")) != NULL && unconditional == NO && fscanf(oldrefs, "cscope %d %s", &fileversion, olddir) == 2 && (strcmp(olddir, currentdir) == 0 || /* remain compatible */ strcmp(olddir, newdir) == 0)) { /* get the cross-reference file's modification time */ (void) fstat(fileno(oldrefs), &statstruct); reftime = statstruct.st_mtime; if (fileversion >= 8) { BOOL oldcompress = YES; BOOL oldinvertedindex = NO; BOOL oldtruncate = NO; int c; /* see if there are options in the database */ for (;;) { while((c = getc(oldrefs)) == ' ') { ; } if (c != '-') { (void) ungetc(c, oldrefs); break; } switch (c = getc(oldrefs)) { case 'c': /* ASCII characters only */ oldcompress = NO; break; case 'q': /* quick search */ oldinvertedindex = YES; (void) fscanf(oldrefs, "%ld", &totalterms); break; case 'T': /* truncate symbols to 8 characters */ oldtruncate = YES; break; } } /* check the old and new option settings */ if (oldcompress != compress || oldtruncate != trun_syms) { posterr("cscope: -c or -T option mismatch between command line and old symbol database\n"); goto force; } if (oldinvertedindex != invertedindex) { (void) posterr("cscope: -q option mismatch between command line and old symbol database\n"); if (invertedindex == NO) { posterr("cscope: removed files %s and %s\n", invname, invpost); (void) unlink(invname); (void) unlink(invpost); } goto outofdate; } /* seek to the trailer */ if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%ld", &traileroffset) != 1 || fseek(oldrefs, traileroffset, SEEK_SET) == -1) { posterr("cscope: incorrect symbol database file format\n"); goto force; } } /* if assuming that some files have changed */ if (fileschanged == YES) { goto outofdate; } /* see if the directory lists are the same */ if (samelist(oldrefs, srcdirs, nsrcdirs) == NO || samelist(oldrefs, incdirs, nincdirs) == NO || fscanf(oldrefs, "%d", &oldnum) != 1 || /* get the old number of files */ (fileversion >= 9 && fscanf(oldrefs, "%*s") != 0)) { /* skip the string space size */ goto outofdate; } /* see if the list of source files is the same and none have been changed up to the included files */ for (i = 0; i < nsrcfiles; ++i) { if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%s", oldname) != 1 || strnotequal(oldname, srcfiles[i]) || stat(srcfiles[i], &statstruct) != 0 || statstruct.st_mtime > reftime) { goto outofdate; } } /* the old cross-reference is up-to-date */ /* so get the list of included files */ while (i++ < oldnum && fscanf(oldrefs, "%s", oldname) == 1) { addsrcfile(mybasename(oldname), oldname); } (void) fclose(oldrefs); return; outofdate: /* if the database format has changed, rebuild it all */ if (fileversion != FILEVERSION) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: converting to new symbol database file format\n"); goto force; } /* reopen the old cross-reference file for fast scanning */ if ((symrefs = vpopen(reffile, O_BINARY | O_RDONLY)) == -1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot open file %s\n", reffile); myexit(1); } /* get the first file name in the old cross-reference */ blocknumber = -1; (void) readblock(); /* read the first cross-ref block */ (void) scanpast('\t'); /* skip the header */ oldfile = getoldfile(); } else { /* force cross-referencing of all the source files */ force: reftime = 0; oldfile = NULL; } /* open the new cross-reference file */ if ((newrefs = myfopen(newreffile, "wb")) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot open file %s\n", reffile); myexit(1); } if (invertedindex == YES && (postings = myfopen(temp1, "wb")) == NULL) { cannotwrite(temp1); cannotindex(); } putheader(newdir); fileversion = FILEVERSION; if (buildonly == YES && !isatty(0)) { interactive = NO; } else { searchcount = 0; } /* output the leading tab expected by crossref() */ dbputc('\t'); /* make passes through the source file list until the last level of included files is processed */ firstfile = 0; lastfile = nsrcfiles; if (invertedindex == YES) { srcoffset = mymalloc((nsrcfiles + 1) * sizeof(long)); } for (;;) { progress("Building symbol database", (long)built, (long)lastfile); if (linemode == NO) refresh(); /* get the next source file name */ for (fileindex = firstfile; fileindex < lastfile; ++fileindex) { /* display the progress about every three seconds */ if (interactive == YES && fileindex % 10 == 0) { progress("Building symbol database", (long)fileindex, (long)lastfile); } /* if the old file has been deleted get the next one */ file = srcfiles[fileindex]; while (oldfile != NULL && strcmp(file, oldfile) > 0) { oldfile = getoldfile(); } /* if there isn't an old database or this is a new file */ if (oldfile == NULL || strcmp(file, oldfile) < 0) { crossref(file); ++built; } /* if this file was modified */ else if (stat(file, &statstruct) == 0 && statstruct.st_mtime > reftime) { crossref(file); ++built; /* skip its old crossref so modifying the last source file does not cause all included files to be built. Unfortunately a new file that is alphabetically last will cause all included files to be build, but this is less likely */ oldfile = getoldfile(); } else { /* copy its cross-reference */ putfilename(file); if (invertedindex == YES) { copyinverted(); } else { copydata(); } ++copied; oldfile = getoldfile(); } } /* see if any included files were found */ if (lastfile == nsrcfiles) { break; } firstfile = lastfile; lastfile = nsrcfiles; if (invertedindex == YES) { srcoffset = myrealloc(srcoffset, (nsrcfiles + 1) * sizeof(long)); } /* sort the included file names */ qsort(&srcfiles[firstfile], (unsigned) (lastfile - firstfile), sizeof(char *), compare); } /* add a null file name to the trailing tab */ putfilename(""); dbputc('\n'); /* get the file trailer offset */ traileroffset = dboffset; /* output the source and include directory and file lists */ putlist(srcdirs, nsrcdirs); putlist(incdirs, nincdirs); putlist(srcfiles, nsrcfiles); if (fflush(newrefs) == EOF) { /* rewind doesn't check for write failure */ cannotwrite(newreffile); /* NOTREACHED */ } /* create the inverted index if requested */ if (invertedindex == YES) { char sortcommand[PATHLEN + 1]; if (fflush(postings) == EOF) { cannotwrite(temp1); /* NOTREACHED */ } (void) fstat(fileno(postings), &statstruct); (void) fclose(postings); (void) sprintf(sortcommand, "env LC_ALL=C sort -y -T %s %s", tmpdir, temp1); if ((postings = mypopen(sortcommand, "r")) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot open pipe to sort command\n"); cannotindex(); } else { if ((totalterms = invmake(newinvname, newinvpost, postings)) > 0) { movefile(newinvname, invname); movefile(newinvpost, invpost); } else { cannotindex(); } #if Darwin (void) mypclose(postings); #else (void) pclose(postings); #endif } (void) unlink(temp1); (void) free(srcoffset); } /* rewrite the header with the trailer offset and final option list */ rewind(newrefs); putheader(newdir); (void) fclose(newrefs); /* close the old database file */ if (symrefs >= 0) { (void) close(symrefs); } if (oldrefs != NULL) { (void) fclose(oldrefs); } /* replace it with the new database file */ movefile(newreffile, reffile); } /* string comparison function for qsort */ int compare(const void *arg_s1, const void *arg_s2) { const char **s1 = (const char **) arg_s1; const char **s2 = (const char **) arg_s2; return(strcmp(*s1, *s2)); } /* get the next file name in the old cross-reference */ char * getoldfile(void) { static char file[PATHLEN + 1]; /* file name in old crossref */ if (blockp != NULL) { do { if (*blockp == NEWFILE) { skiprefchar(); putstring(file); if (file[0] != '\0') { /* if not end-of-crossref */ return(file); } return(NULL); } } while (scanpast('\t') != NULL); } return(NULL); } /* output the cscope version, current directory, database format options, and the database trailer offset */ void putheader(char *dir) { dboffset = fprintf(newrefs, "cscope %d %s", FILEVERSION, dir); if (compress == NO) { dboffset += fprintf(newrefs, " -c"); } if (invertedindex == YES) { dboffset += fprintf(newrefs, " -q %.10ld", totalterms); } else { /* leave space so if the header is overwritten without -q because writing the inverted index failed, the header is the same length */ dboffset += fprintf(newrefs, " "); } if (trun_syms == YES) { dboffset += fprintf(newrefs, " -T"); } dboffset += fprintf(newrefs, " %.10ld\n", traileroffset); #if BSD && !sun dboffset = ftell(newrefs); /* fprintf doesn't return chars written */ #endif } /* put the name list into the cross-reference file */ void putlist(char **names, int count) { int i, size = 0; (void) fprintf(newrefs, "%d\n", count); if (names == srcfiles) { /* calculate the string space needed */ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { size += strlen(names[i]) + 1; } (void) fprintf(newrefs, "%d\n", size); } for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (fputs(names[i], newrefs) == EOF || putc('\n', newrefs) == EOF) { cannotwrite(newreffile); /* NOTREACHED */ } } } /* see if the name list is the same in the cross-reference file */ BOOL samelist(FILE *oldrefs, char **names, int count) { char oldname[PATHLEN + 1]; /* name in old cross-reference */ int oldcount; int i; /* see if the number of names is the same */ if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%d", &oldcount) != 1 || oldcount != count) { return(NO); } /* see if the name list is the same */ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%s", oldname) != 1 || strnotequal(oldname, names[i])) { return(NO); } } return(YES); } /* skip the list in the cross-reference file */ void skiplist(FILE *oldrefs) { int i; if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%d", &i) != 1) { posterr("cscope: cannot read list size from file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } while (--i >= 0) { if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%*s") != 0) { posterr("cscope: cannot read list name from file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } } } /* copy this file's symbol data */ void copydata(void) { char symbol[PATLEN + 1]; char *cp; setmark('\t'); cp = blockp; for (;;) { /* copy up to the next \t */ do { /* innermost loop optimized to only one test */ while (*cp != '\t') { dbputc(*cp++); } } while (*++cp == '\0' && (cp = readblock()) != NULL); dbputc('\t'); /* copy the tab */ /* get the next character */ if (*(cp + 1) == '\0') { cp = readblock(); } /* exit if at the end of this file's data */ if (cp == NULL || *cp == NEWFILE) { break; } /* look for an #included file */ if (*cp == INCLUDE) { blockp = cp; putinclude(symbol); writestring(symbol); setmark('\t'); cp = blockp; } } blockp = cp; } /* copy this file's symbol data and output the inverted index postings */ void copyinverted(void) { char *cp; char c; int type; /* reference type (mark character) */ char symbol[PATLEN + 1]; /* note: this code was expanded in-line for speed */ /* while (scanpast('\n') != NULL) { */ /* other macros were replaced by code using cp instead of blockp */ cp = blockp; for (;;) { setmark('\n'); do { /* innermost loop optimized to only one test */ while (*cp != '\n') { dbputc(*cp++); } } while (*++cp == '\0' && (cp = readblock()) != NULL); dbputc('\n'); /* copy the newline */ /* get the next character */ if (*(cp + 1) == '\0') { cp = readblock(); } /* exit if at the end of this file's data */ if (cp == NULL) { break; } switch (*cp) { case '\n': lineoffset = dboffset + 1; continue; case '\t': dbputc('\t'); blockp = cp; type = getrefchar(); switch (type) { case NEWFILE: /* file name */ return; case INCLUDE: /* #included file */ putinclude(symbol); goto output; } dbputc(type); skiprefchar(); putstring(symbol); goto output; } c = *cp; if (c & 0200) { /* digraph char? */ c = dichar1[(c & 0177) / 8]; } /* if this is a symbol */ if (isalpha((unsigned char)c) || c == '_') { blockp = cp; putstring(symbol); type = ' '; output: putposting(symbol, type); writestring(symbol); if (blockp == NULL) { return; } cp = blockp; } } blockp = cp; } /* process the #included file in the old database */ void putinclude(char *s) { dbputc(INCLUDE); skiprefchar(); putstring(s); incfile(s + 1, s); } /* replace the old file with the new file */ void movefile(char *new, char *old) { (void) unlink(old); if (rename(new, old) == -1) { (void) myperror("cscope"); posterr("cscope: cannot rename file %s to file %s\n", new, old); myexit(1); } } /* enter curses mode */ void entercurses(void) { incurses = YES; #ifndef __MSDOS__ /* HBB 20010313 */ (void) nonl(); /* don't translate an output \n to \n\r */ #endif (void) cbreak(); /* single character input */ (void) noecho(); /* don't echo input characters */ (void) clear(); /* clear the screen */ mouseinit(); /* initialize any mouse interface */ drawscrollbar(topline, nextline); } /* exit curses mode */ void exitcurses(void) { /* clear the bottom line */ (void) move(LINES - 1, 0); (void) clrtoeol(); (void) refresh(); /* exit curses and restore the terminal modes */ (void) endwin(); incurses = NO; /* restore the mouse */ mousecleanup(); (void) fflush(stdout); } /* normal usage message */ static void usage(void) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Usage: cscope [-bcCdehklLqRTuUV] [-f file] [-F file] [-i file] [-I dir] [-s dir]\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, " [-p number] [-P path] [-[0-8] pattern] [source files]\n"); } /* long usage message */ static void longusage(void) { (void) usage(); (void) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-b Build the cross-reference only.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-C Ignore letter case when searching.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-c Use only ASCII characters in the cross-ref file (don't compress).\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-d Do not update the cross-reference.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-e Suppress the -e command prompt between files.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-F symfile Read symbol reference lines from symfile.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-f reffile Use reffile as cross-ref file name instead of %s.\n", REFFILE); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-h This help screen.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-I incdir Look in incdir for any #include files.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-i namefile Browse through files listed in namefile, instead of %s\n", NAMEFILE); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-k Kernel Mode - don't use %s for #include files.\n", DFLT_INCDIR); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-L Do a single search with line-oriented output.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-l Line-oriented interface.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-num pattern Go to input field num (counting from 0) and find pattern.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-P path Prepend path to relative file names in pre-built cross-ref file.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-p n Display the last n file path components.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-q Build an inverted index for quick symbol searching.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-R Recurse directories for files.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-s dir Look in dir for additional source files.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-T Use only the first eight characters to match against C symbols.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-U Check file time stamps.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-u Unconditionally build the cross-reference file.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-V Print the version number.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "Please see the manpage for more information.\n"); } /* cleanup and exit */ void myexit(int sig) { /* HBB 20010313; close file before unlinking it. Unix may not care * about that, but DOS absolutely needs it */ if (refsfound != NULL) fclose(refsfound); /* remove any temporary files */ if (temp1[0] != '\0') { (void) unlink(temp1); (void) unlink(temp2); } /* restore the terminal to its original mode */ if (incurses == YES) { exitcurses(); } /* dump core for debugging on the quit signal */ if (sig == SIGQUIT) { (void) abort(); } /* HBB 20000421: be nice: free allocated data */ freefilelist(); freeinclist(); freesrclist(); freecrossref(); free(newinvname); free(newinvpost); free(newreffile); exit(sig); }