/*=========================================================================== Copyright (c) 1998-2000, The Santa Cruz Operation All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: *Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. *Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. *Neither name of The Santa Cruz Operation nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. =========================================================================*/ /* cscope - interactive C symbol cross-reference * * directory searching functions */ #include #include /* needed by stat.h and dirent.h */ #include #include #include /* stat */ #include "global.h" #include "vp.h" /* vpdirs and vpndirs */ static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: dir.c,v 1.3 2002/01/09 19:04:04 umeshv Exp $"; #define DIRSEPS " ,:" /* directory list separators */ #define DIRINC 10 /* directory list size increment */ #define HASHMOD 2003 /* must be a prime number */ #define SRCINC HASHMOD /* source file list size increment */ /* largest known database had 22049 files */ char currentdir[PATHLEN + 1];/* current directory */ char **incdirs; /* #include directories */ char **srcdirs; /* source directories */ char **srcfiles; /* source files */ int nincdirs; /* number of #include directories */ int mincdirs = DIRINC; /* maximum number of #include directories */ int nsrcdirs; /* number of source directories */ int msrcdirs; /* maximum number of source directories */ int nsrcfiles; /* number of source files */ int msrcfiles = SRCINC; /* maximum number of source files */ static char **incnames; /* #include directory names without view pathing */ static int nvpsrcdirs; /* number of view path source directories */ static struct listitem { /* source file names without view pathing */ char *text; struct listitem *next; } *srcnames[HASHMOD]; BOOL issrcfile(char *file); void addsrcdir(char *dir); void addincdir(char *name, char *path); static void scan_dir(const char *dirfile, BOOL recurse); /* make the source file list */ /* make the view source directory list */ void makevpsrcdirs(void) { int i; /* return if this function has already been called */ if (nsrcdirs > 0) { return; } /* get the current directory name */ if (getcwd(currentdir, PATHLEN) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: warning: cannot get current directory name\n"); (void) strcpy(currentdir, ""); } /* see if there is a view path and this directory is in it */ vpinit(currentdir); if (vpndirs > 1) { nsrcdirs = vpndirs; } else { nsrcdirs = 1; } /* create the source directory list */ msrcdirs = nsrcdirs + DIRINC; srcdirs = mymalloc(msrcdirs * sizeof(char *)); *srcdirs = "."; /* first source dir is always current dir */ for (i = 1; i < vpndirs; ++i) { srcdirs[i] = vpdirs[i]; } /* save the number of original source directories in the view path */ nvpsrcdirs = nsrcdirs; } /* add a source directory to the list for each view path source directory */ void sourcedir(char *dirlist) { char path[PATHLEN + 1]; char *dir; int i; makevpsrcdirs(); /* make the view source directory list */ dirlist = stralloc(dirlist); /* don't change environment variable text */ /* parse the directory list */ dir = strtok(dirlist, DIRSEPS); while (dir != NULL) { addsrcdir(dir); /* if it isn't a full path name and there is a multi-directory view path */ if (*dirlist != '/' && vpndirs > 1) { /* compute its path from higher view path source dirs */ for (i = 1; i < nvpsrcdirs; ++i) { (void) sprintf(path, "%s/%s", srcdirs[i], dir); addsrcdir(path); } } dir = strtok(NULL, DIRSEPS); } free(dirlist); /* HBB 20000421: avoid memory leaks */ } /* add a source directory to the list */ void addsrcdir(char *dir) { struct stat statstruct; /* make sure it is a directory */ if (stat(compath(dir), &statstruct) == 0 && (statstruct.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) { /* note: there already is a source directory list */ if (nsrcdirs == msrcdirs) { msrcdirs += DIRINC; srcdirs = myrealloc(srcdirs, msrcdirs * sizeof(char *)); } srcdirs[nsrcdirs++] = stralloc(dir); } } /* HBB 20000421: new function, for avoiding leaks */ /* free list of src directories */ void freesrclist() { if (!srcdirs) return; while(nsrcdirs>1) free(srcdirs[--nsrcdirs]); free(srcdirs); } /* add a #include directory to the list for each view path source directory */ void includedir(char *dirlist) { char path[PATHLEN + 1]; char *dir; int i; makevpsrcdirs(); /* make the view source directory list */ dirlist = stralloc(dirlist); /* don't change environment variable text */ /* parse the directory list */ dir = strtok(dirlist, DIRSEPS); while (dir != NULL) { addincdir(dir, dir); /* if it isn't a full path name and there is a multi-directory view path */ if (*dirlist != '/' && vpndirs > 1) { /* compute its path from higher view path source dirs */ for (i = 1; i < nvpsrcdirs; ++i) { (void) sprintf(path, "%s/%s", srcdirs[i], dir); addincdir(dir, path); } } dir = strtok(NULL, DIRSEPS); } free(dirlist); /* HBB 20000421: avoid leaks */ } /* add a #include directory to the list */ void addincdir(char *name, char *path) { struct stat statstruct; /* make sure it is a directory */ if (stat(compath(path), &statstruct) == 0 && (statstruct.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) { if (incdirs == NULL) { incdirs = mymalloc(mincdirs * sizeof(char *)); incnames = mymalloc(mincdirs * sizeof(char *)); } else if (nincdirs == mincdirs) { mincdirs += DIRINC; incdirs = myrealloc(incdirs, mincdirs * sizeof(char *)); incnames = myrealloc(incnames, mincdirs * sizeof(char *)); } incdirs[nincdirs] = stralloc(path); incnames[nincdirs++] = stralloc(name); } } /* HBB 2000421: new function, for avoiding memory leaks */ /* free the list of include files, if wanted */ void freeinclist() { if (!incdirs) return; while(nincdirs>0) { free(incdirs[--nincdirs]); free(incnames[nincdirs]); } free(incdirs); free(incnames); } /* make the source file list */ void makefilelist(void) { static BOOL firstbuild = YES; /* first time through */ FILE *names; /* name file pointer */ char dir[PATHLEN + 1]; char path[PATHLEN + 1]; char *file; char *s; int i; makevpsrcdirs(); /* make the view source directory list */ /* if -i was NOT given and there are source file arguments */ if (namefile == NULL && fileargc > 0) { /* put them in a list that can be expanded */ for (i = 0; i < fileargc; ++i) { file = fileargv[i]; if (infilelist(file) == NO) { if ((s = inviewpath(file)) != NULL) { addsrcfile(file, s); } else { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot find file %s\n", file); errorsfound = YES; } } } return; } /* see if a file name file exists */ if (namefile == NULL && vpaccess(NAMEFILE, READ) == 0) { namefile = NAMEFILE; } /* if there is a file of source file names */ if (namefile != NULL) { if (strcmp(namefile, "-") == 0) names = stdin; else if ((names = vpfopen(namefile, "r")) == NULL) { cannotopen(namefile); myexit(1); } /* get the names in the file */ while (fscanf(names, "%s", path) == 1) { if (*path == '-') { /* if an option */ i = path[1]; switch (i) { case 'c': /* ASCII characters only in crossref */ compress = NO; break; case 'k': /* ignore DFLT_INCDIR */ kernelmode = YES; break; case 'q': /* quick search */ invertedindex = YES; break; case 'T': /* truncate symbols to 8 characters */ trun_syms = YES; break; case 'I': /* #include file directory */ case 'p': /* file path components to display */ s = path + 2; /* for "-Ipath" */ if (*s == '\0') { /* if "-I path" */ (void) fscanf(names, "%s", path); s = path; } switch (i) { case 'I': /* #include file directory */ if (firstbuild == YES) { shellpath(dir, sizeof(dir), s); /* expand $ and ~ */ includedir(dir); } break; case 'p': /* file path components to display */ if (*s < '0' || *s > '9') { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: -p option in file %s: missing or invalid numeric value\n", namefile); } dispcomponents = atoi(s); break; } break; default: (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: only -I, -c, -k, -p, and -T options can be in file %s\n", namefile); } } else if ((s = inviewpath(path)) != NULL) { addsrcfile(path, s); } else { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot find file %s\n", path); errorsfound = YES; } } if (names == stdin) clearerr(stdin); else (void) fclose(names); firstbuild = NO; return; } /* make a list of all the source files in the directories */ for (i = 0; i < nsrcdirs; ++i) { scan_dir(srcdirs[i], recurse_dir); } } /* scan a directory (recursively?) for source files */ static void scan_dir(const char *adir, BOOL recurse_dir) { DIR *dirfile; if( (dirfile = opendir(adir)) != NULL ) { struct dirent *entry; char path[PATHLEN + 1]; char *file; while( (entry = readdir(dirfile)) != NULL ) { if( (strcmp(".",entry->d_name) != 0) && (strcmp("..",entry->d_name) != 0) ) { struct stat buf; sprintf(path,"%s/%s",adir,entry->d_name); if(stat(path,&buf) == 0) { file = entry->d_name; if( recurse_dir && (buf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) ) { scan_dir(path, recurse_dir); } else if ( #ifdef __DJGPP__ /* FIXME: should test for feature, not platform */ 1 /* DJGPP doesn't have this field in dirent */ #else entry->d_ino != 0 #endif && issrcfile(path) && infilelist(path) == NO) { addsrcfile(file, path); } } } } closedir(dirfile); } return; } /* see if this is a source file */ BOOL issrcfile(char *file) { struct stat statstruct; char *s; /* if there is a file suffix */ if ((s = strrchr(file, '.')) != NULL && *++s != '\0') { /* if an SCCS or versioned file */ if (file[1] == '.' && file + 2 != s) { /* 1 character prefix */ switch (*file) { case 's': case 'S': return(NO); } } if (s[1] == '\0') { /* 1 character suffix */ switch (*s) { case 'c': case 'h': case 'l': case 'y': case 'C': case 'G': case 'H': case 'L': return(YES); } } else if (s[2] == '\0') { /* 2 character suffix */ if ((*s == 'b' && s[1] == 'p') || /* breakpoint listing */ (*s == 'q' && (s[1] == 'c' || s[1] == 'h')) || /* Ingres */ (*s == 's' && s[1] == 'd') || /* SDL */ (*s == 'c' && s[1] == 'c') || /* C++ source */ (*s == 'h' && s[1] == 'h')) { /* C++ header */ /* some directories have 2 character suffixes so make sure it is a file */ if (stat(file, &statstruct) == 0 && (statstruct.st_mode & S_IFREG)) { return(YES); } } } else if( s[3] == '\0' ) { /* 3 char suffix */ if( (*s == 't' && s[1] == 'c' && s[2] == 'c' ) || /* C++ template source */ 0) { /* make sure it is a file */ if (stat(file, &statstruct) == 0 && (statstruct.st_mode & S_IFREG)) { return(YES); } } } } return(NO); } /* add an include file to the source file list */ void incfile(char *file, char *type) { char name[PATHLEN + 1]; char path[PATHLEN + 1]; char *s; int i; /* see if the file is already in the source file list */ if (infilelist(file) == YES) { return; } /* look in current directory if it was #include "file" */ if (type[0] == '"' && (s = inviewpath(file)) != NULL) { addsrcfile(file, s); } else { /* search for the file in the #include directory list */ for (i = 0; i < nincdirs; ++i) { /* don't include the file from two directories */ (void) sprintf(name, "%s/%s", incnames[i], file); if (infilelist(name) == YES) { break; } /* make sure it exists and is readable */ (void) sprintf(path, "%s/%s", incdirs[i], file); if (access(compath(path), READ) == 0) { addsrcfile(name, path); break; } } } } /* see if the file is already in the list */ BOOL infilelist(char *path) { struct listitem *p; for (p = srcnames[hash(compath(path)) % HASHMOD]; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (strequal(path, p->text)) { return(YES); } } return(NO); } /* search for the file in the view path */ char * inviewpath(char *file) { static char path[PATHLEN + 1]; int i; /* look for the file */ if (access(compath(file), READ) == 0) { return(file); } /* if it isn't a full path name and there is a multi-directory view path */ if (*file != '/' && vpndirs > 1) { /* compute its path from higher view path source dirs */ for (i = 1; i < nvpsrcdirs; ++i) { (void) sprintf(path, "%s/%s", srcdirs[i], file); if (access(compath(path), READ) == 0) { return(path); } } } return(NULL); } /* add a source file to the list */ /* TODO:-=db=-: remove the name parameter. it is not used * any longer, since we're now using path to check for * existence of file in srcfiles[] */ void addsrcfile(char *name, char *path) { struct listitem *p; int i; /* make sure there is room for the file */ if (nsrcfiles == msrcfiles) { msrcfiles += SRCINC; srcfiles = myrealloc(srcfiles, msrcfiles * sizeof(char *)); } /* add the file to the list */ srcfiles[nsrcfiles++] = stralloc(compath(path)); p = mymalloc(sizeof(struct listitem)); p->text = stralloc(compath(path)); i = hash(p->text) % HASHMOD; p->next = srcnames[i]; srcnames[i] = p; } /* free the memory allocated for the source file list */ void freefilelist(void) { struct listitem *p, *nextp; int i; /* if '-d' option is used a string space block is allocated */ if (isuptodate == NO) { while (nsrcfiles > 0) { free (srcfiles[--nsrcfiles]); } } else { /* for '-d' option free the string space block */ if (nsrcfiles > 0) /* protect against empty list */ free (srcfiles[0]); nsrcfiles = 0; } free (srcfiles); /* HBB 20000421: avoid leak */ msrcfiles = 0; srcfiles=0; for (i = 0; i < HASHMOD; ++i) { for (p = srcnames[i]; p != NULL; p = nextp) { /* HBB 20000421: avoid memory leak */ free(p->text); nextp = p->next; free(p); } srcnames[i] = NULL; } }