dy_framework.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

 * Modification History
 * October 31, 2000		Allan Nathanson <ajn@apple.com>
 * - initial revision

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>

#include "dy_framework.h"

static void *
__loadIOKit(void) {
	static void *image = NULL;
	if (NULL == image) {
		const char	*framework		= "/System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit";
		struct stat	statbuf;
		const char	*suffix			= getenv("DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX");
		char		path[MAXPATHLEN];

		strlcpy(path, framework, sizeof(path));
		if (suffix) strlcat(path, suffix, sizeof(path));
		if (0 <= stat(path, &statbuf)) {
			image = dlopen(path, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL);
		} else {
			image = dlopen(framework, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL);
	return (void *)image;

__private_extern__ CFMutableDictionaryRef
_IOBSDNameMatching(mach_port_t masterPort, unsigned int options, const char *bsdName)
	#undef IOBSDNameMatching
	static typeof (IOBSDNameMatching) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadIOKit();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "IOBSDNameMatching");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(masterPort, options, bsdName) : NULL;

__private_extern__ io_object_t
_IOIteratorNext(io_iterator_t iterator)
	#undef IOIteratorNext
	static typeof (IOIteratorNext) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadIOKit();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "IOIteratorNext");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(iterator) : 0;

__private_extern__ kern_return_t
_IOMasterPort(mach_port_t bootstrapPort, mach_port_t *masterPort)
	#undef IOMasterPort
	static typeof (IOMasterPort) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadIOKit();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "IOMasterPort");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(bootstrapPort, masterPort) : KERN_FAILURE;

__private_extern__ boolean_t
_IOObjectConformsTo(io_object_t object, const io_name_t className)
	#undef IOObjectConformsTo
	static typeof (IOObjectConformsTo) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadIOKit();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "IOObjectConformsTo");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(object, className) : FALSE;

__private_extern__ boolean_t
_IOObjectGetClass(io_object_t object, io_name_t className)
	#undef IOObjectGetClass
	static typeof (IOObjectGetClass) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadIOKit();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "IOObjectGetClass");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(object, className) : FALSE;

__private_extern__ kern_return_t
_IOObjectRelease(io_object_t object)
	#undef IOObjectRelease
	static typeof (IOObjectRelease) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadIOKit();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "IOObjectRelease");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(object) : KERN_FAILURE;

__private_extern__ CFTypeRef
_IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(io_registry_entry_t entry, CFStringRef key, CFAllocatorRef allocator, IOOptionBits options)
	#undef IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty
	static typeof (IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadIOKit();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(entry, key, allocator, options) : NULL;

__private_extern__ kern_return_t
_IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties(io_registry_entry_t entry, CFMutableDictionaryRef *properties, CFAllocatorRef allocator, IOOptionBits options)
	#undef IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties
	static typeof (IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadIOKit();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(entry, properties, allocator, options) : KERN_FAILURE;

__private_extern__ kern_return_t
_IORegistryEntryCreateIterator(mach_port_t masterPort, const io_name_t plane, IOOptionBits options, io_iterator_t *iterator)
	#undef IORegistryEntryCreateIterator
	static typeof (IORegistryEntryCreateIterator) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadIOKit();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "IORegistryEntryCreateIterator");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(masterPort, plane, options, iterator) : KERN_FAILURE;

__private_extern__ kern_return_t
_IORegistryEntryGetName(io_registry_entry_t entry, io_name_t name)
	#undef IORegistryEntryGetName
	static typeof (IORegistryEntryGetName) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadIOKit();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "IORegistryEntryGetName");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(entry, name) : KERN_FAILURE;

__private_extern__ kern_return_t
_IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry(io_registry_entry_t entry, const io_name_t plane, io_registry_entry_t *parent)
	#undef IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry
	static typeof (IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadIOKit();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(entry, plane, parent) : KERN_FAILURE;

__private_extern__ kern_return_t
_IORegistryEntryGetPath(io_registry_entry_t entry, const io_name_t plane, io_string_t path)
	#undef IORegistryEntryGetPath
	static typeof (IORegistryEntryGetPath) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadIOKit();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "IORegistryEntryGetPath");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(entry, plane, path) : KERN_FAILURE;

__private_extern__ CFTypeRef
_IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty(io_registry_entry_t entry, const io_name_t plane, CFStringRef key, CFAllocatorRef allocator, IOOptionBits options)
	#undef IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty
	static typeof (IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadIOKit();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(entry, plane, key, allocator, options) : NULL;

__private_extern__ kern_return_t
_IOServiceGetMatchingServices(mach_port_t masterPort, CFDictionaryRef matching, io_iterator_t *existing)
	#undef IOServiceGetMatchingServices
	static typeof (IOServiceGetMatchingServices) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadIOKit();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "IOServiceGetMatchingServices");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(masterPort, matching, existing) : KERN_FAILURE;

__private_extern__ CFMutableDictionaryRef
_IOServiceMatching(const char *name)
	#undef IOServiceMatching
	static typeof (IOServiceMatching) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadIOKit();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "IOServiceMatching");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(name) : NULL;

static void *
__loadSecurity(void) {
	static void *image = NULL;
	if (NULL == image) {
		const char	*framework		= "/System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security";
		struct stat	statbuf;
		const char	*suffix			= getenv("DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX");
		char		path[MAXPATHLEN];

		strlcpy(path, framework, sizeof(path));
		if (suffix) strlcat(path, suffix, sizeof(path));
		if (0 <= stat(path, &statbuf)) {
			image = dlopen(path, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL);
		} else {
			image = dlopen(framework, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL);
	return (void *)image;

__private_extern__ OSStatus
_AuthorizationMakeExternalForm(AuthorizationRef authorization, AuthorizationExternalForm *extForm)
	#undef AuthorizationMakeExternalForm
	static typeof (AuthorizationMakeExternalForm) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadSecurity();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "AuthorizationMakeExternalForm");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(authorization, extForm) : -1;

__private_extern__ OSStatus
_SecAccessCopySelectedACLList(SecAccessRef accessRef, CSSM_ACL_AUTHORIZATION_TAG action, CFArrayRef *aclList)
	#undef SecAccessCopySelectedACLList
	static typeof (SecAccessCopySelectedACLList) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadSecurity();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "SecAccessCopySelectedACLList");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(accessRef, action, aclList) : -1;

__private_extern__ OSStatus
_SecAccessCreate(CFStringRef descriptor, CFArrayRef trustedlist, SecAccessRef *accessRef)
	#undef SecAccessCreate
	static typeof (SecAccessCreate) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadSecurity();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "SecAccessCreate");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(descriptor, trustedlist, accessRef) : -1;

__private_extern__ OSStatus
_SecAccessCreateFromOwnerAndACL(const CSSM_ACL_OWNER_PROTOTYPE *owner, uint32 aclCount, const CSSM_ACL_ENTRY_INFO *acls, SecAccessRef *accessRef)
	#undef SecAccessCreateFromOwnerAndACL
	static typeof (SecAccessCreateFromOwnerAndACL) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadSecurity();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "SecAccessCreateFromOwnerAndACL");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(owner, aclCount, acls, accessRef) : -1;

__private_extern__ OSStatus
_SecKeychainCopyDomainDefault(SecPreferencesDomain domain, SecKeychainRef *keychain)
	#undef SecKeychainCopyDomainDefault
	static typeof (SecKeychainCopyDomainDefault) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadSecurity();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "SecKeychainCopyDomainDefault");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(domain, keychain) : -1;

__private_extern__ OSStatus
_SecKeychainGetPreferenceDomain(SecPreferencesDomain *domain)
	#undef SecKeychainGetPreferenceDomain
	static typeof (SecKeychainGetPreferenceDomain) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadSecurity();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "SecKeychainGetPreferenceDomain");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(domain) : -1;

__private_extern__ OSStatus
_SecKeychainOpen(const char *pathName, SecKeychainRef *keychain)
	#undef SecKeychainOpen
	static typeof (SecKeychainOpen) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadSecurity();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "SecKeychainOpen");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(pathName, keychain) : -1;

__private_extern__ OSStatus
_SecKeychainSetDomainDefault(SecPreferencesDomain domain, SecKeychainRef keychain)
	#undef SecKeychainSetDomainDefault
	static typeof (SecKeychainSetDomainDefault) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadSecurity();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "SecKeychainSetDomainDefault");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(domain, keychain) : -1;

__private_extern__ OSStatus
_SecKeychainSetPreferenceDomain(SecPreferencesDomain domain)
	#undef SecKeychainSetPreferenceDomain
	static typeof (SecKeychainSetPreferenceDomain) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadSecurity();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "SecKeychainSetPreferenceDomain");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(domain) : -1;

__private_extern__ OSStatus
_SecKeychainItemCopyContent(SecKeychainItemRef itemRef, SecItemClass *itemClass, SecKeychainAttributeList *attrList, UInt32 *length, void **outData)
	#undef SecKeychainItemCopyContent
	static typeof (SecKeychainItemCopyContent) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadSecurity();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "SecKeychainItemCopyContent");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(itemRef, itemClass, attrList, length, outData) : -1;

__private_extern__ OSStatus
_SecKeychainItemCreateFromContent(SecItemClass itemClass, SecKeychainAttributeList *attrList, UInt32 length, const void *data, SecKeychainRef keychainRef, SecAccessRef initialAccess, SecKeychainItemRef *itemRef)
	#undef SecKeychainItemCreateFromContent
	static typeof (SecKeychainItemCreateFromContent) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadSecurity();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "SecKeychainItemCreateFromContent");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(itemClass, attrList, length, data, keychainRef, initialAccess, itemRef) : -1;

__private_extern__ OSStatus
_SecKeychainItemDelete(SecKeychainItemRef itemRef)
	#undef SecKeychainItemDelete
	static typeof (SecKeychainItemDelete) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadSecurity();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "SecKeychainItemDelete");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(itemRef) : -1;

__private_extern__ OSStatus
_SecKeychainItemFreeContent(SecKeychainAttributeList *attrList, void *data)
	#undef SecKeychainItemFreeContent
	static typeof (SecKeychainItemFreeContent) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadSecurity();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "SecKeychainItemFreeContent");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(attrList, data) : -1;

__private_extern__ OSStatus
_SecKeychainItemModifyContent(SecKeychainItemRef itemRef, const SecKeychainAttributeList *attrList, UInt32 length, const void *data)
	#undef SecKeychainItemModifyContent
	static typeof (SecKeychainItemModifyContent) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadSecurity();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "SecKeychainItemModifyContent");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(itemRef, attrList, length, data) : -1;

__private_extern__ OSStatus
_SecKeychainSearchCopyNext(SecKeychainSearchRef searchRef, SecKeychainItemRef *itemRef)
	#undef SecKeychainSearchCopyNext
	static typeof (SecKeychainSearchCopyNext) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadSecurity();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "SecKeychainSearchCopyNext");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(searchRef, itemRef) : -1;

__private_extern__ OSStatus
_SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes(CFTypeRef keychainOrArray, SecItemClass itemClass, const SecKeychainAttributeList *attrList, SecKeychainSearchRef *searchRef)
	#undef SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes
	static typeof (SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadSecurity();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(keychainOrArray, itemClass, attrList, searchRef) : -1;

__private_extern__ OSStatus
_SecTrustedApplicationCreateFromPath(const char *path, SecTrustedApplicationRef *app)
	#undef SecTrustedApplicationCreateFromPath
	static typeof (SecTrustedApplicationCreateFromPath) *dyfunc = NULL;
	if (!dyfunc) {
		void *image = __loadSecurity();
		if (image) dyfunc = dlsym(image, "SecTrustedApplicationCreateFromPath");
	return dyfunc ? dyfunc(path, app) : -1;