## # Clang B&I Build Logic ## # This makefile defines the common build logic which is shared by all the Clang # projects. Projects are expected to define the following variables and then # include this Makefile:: # # Clang_Use_Assertions := {0, 1} # Enable/disable asserts. # # Clang_Build_All := {0, 1} # Enable the building of all LLVM tools, for use in testing. # # Clang_Driver_Mode := {Production, Development} # Enable/disable the "production" driver mode. # # Clang_Extra_Options := ... # Additional options to pass to make. # # Clang_Optimize_Option := ... # The optimization flags to use. # # Clang_Linker_Options := ... # The linker flags to use. # Particular build targets (which correspond to project configurations) may # override various defaults based on what makes sense to build/install for that # particular target. ## # Default target. all: help help: @echo "usage: make [{VARIABLE=VALUE}*] " @echo @echo "The Apple Clang makefile is primarily intended for use with XBS." @echo @echo "Supported B&I related targets are:" @echo " installsrc -- Copy source files from the current" \ "directory to the SRCROOT." @echo " clean -- Does nothing, just for XBS support." @echo " installhdrs -- Does nothing, just for XBS support." @echo " install -- Alias for install-clang." @echo " install-clang -- Build the Apple Clang compiler." @echo " install-cross -- Build the Apple Clang compiler, for ARM." @echo " install-clang-links" @echo " -- Install links from a platforms subdirectory" \ "to the root clang." @echo @echo "The Makefile also supports the following utility targets:" @echo " commit-buildbot-order-file -- order file update utility" @echo " This command is for use with buildbot, it copies back a" @echo " generated order file to the " ## # Variable defaults. # Install to $DT_TOOLCHAIN_DIR if it is set, otherwise $DEVELOPER_DIR. DEVELOPER_DIR ?= /Developer DT_TOOLCHAIN_DIR ?= $(DEVELOPER_DIR) Default_Install_Root := $(DT_TOOLCHAIN_DIR) # Don't install root links or license. Post_Install_RootLinks := 0 Post_Install_OpenSourceLicense := 0 # Install the magic file that enables use of -fobjc-gc for Apple-internal use. Post_Install_EnableObjCGC := 1 # Install to .../usr Install_Path_Suffix := usr # Include x86, ARM, and ARM64 backends. LLVM_Backends := x86,arm,arm64 # Don't use extra make variables. Extra_Make_Variables := # Don't install any archive files. Extra_Make_Variables += NO_INSTALL_ARCHIVES=1 # LLVM level install target is 'install-clang. LLVM_Install_Target := OPTIONAL_DIRS=tools/llvm-cov install-clang ## # Per Project/Target Configuration ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),install-cross) # Install to / by default. Default_Install_Root := / # Don't build compiler-rt. Extra_Make_Variables += CLANG_NO_RUNTIME=1 # Never bootstrap. Clang_Enable_Bootstrap := 0 else ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),install-clang-links) # Dummy project which only installs compiler links from the INSTALL_LOCATION to # the primary SDK compiler. else # Default project (clang). # Install root links and license when no install location is set. ifeq ($(INSTALL_LOCATION),) Post_Install_OpenSourceLicense := 1 endif endif ## # B&I Build Logic ## # Require Clang_Version to be set. ifeq ($(Clang_Version),) $(error "invalid setting for clang version: '$(Clang_Version)'") endif # Set RC_ProjectSourceVersion, if unspecified, and a real target (i.e. not one # of installsrc, clean, help, the default target, or any utility target). ifeq ($(RC_ProjectSourceVersion),) ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),installsrc) else ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean) else ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),help) else ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),) else ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),commit-buildbot-order-file) else $(error "B&I build variable RC_ProjectSourceVersion must be set") endif endif # Set the Clang_Tag based on RC_ProjectNameAndSourceVersion. ifeq ($(RC_ProjectNameAndSourceVersion),) RC_ProjectNameAndSourceVersion := "clang-$(RC_ProjectSourceVersion)" endif Clang_Tag := $(RC_ProjectNameAndSourceVersion) # Select optimized mode. ifeq ($(Clang_Use_Optimized), 1) Optimized_Configure_Flag := --enable-optimized Build_Mode := Release else ifeq ($(Clang_Use_Optimized), 0) Optimized_Configure_Flag := --disable-optimized Build_Mode := Debug else $(error "invalid setting for clang optimized: '$(Clang_Use_Optimized)'") endif # Select assertions mode. ifeq ($(Clang_Use_Assertions), 1) Assertions_Configure_Flag := --enable-assertions Build_Mode := $(Build_Mode)+Asserts else ifeq ($(Clang_Use_Assertions), 0) Assertions_Configure_Flag := --disable-assertions else $(error "invalid setting for clang assertions: '$(Clang_Use_Assertions)'") endif # Select final build target based on automatic order file generation. ifeq ($(Clang_Autogenerate_Order_File), 1) Final_Build_Target := build-clang_final_ordered else ifeq ($(Clang_Autogenerate_Order_File), 0) Final_Build_Target := build-clang_final else $(error "invalid setting for clang autogenerate order file: '$(Clang_Autogenerate_Order_File)'") endif # Select whether to build everything (for testing purposes). ifeq ($(Clang_Build_All), 1) Clang_Build_Target := all else ifeq ($(Clang_Build_All), 0) Clang_Build_Target := ONLY_TOOLS="clang lto llvm-cov" all else $(error "invalid setting for clang build all mode: '$(Clang_Build_All)'") endif # Set makefile variables to pass during build and install. Clang_Make_Variables := $(Extra_Make_Variables) KEEP_SYMBOLS=1 VERBOSE=1 \ CLANG_VENDOR=Apple \ CLANG_VENDOR_UTI=com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang \ BUILD_CLANG_ONLY=$(Clang_Build_No_Tools) Clang_Make_Variables += CLANG_VERSION=$(Clang_Version) # If CLANG_REPOSITORY_STRING has been set via an argument to buildit, use that # (and expect an SVN_REVISION to have been provided), otherwise we use the tag # name. ifdef CLANG_REPOSITORY_STRING ifndef SVN_REVISION $(error "not setting for SVN_REVISION (required with CLANG_REPOSITORY_STRING)") endif Clang_Make_Variables += CLANG_REPOSITORY_STRING=$(CLANG_REPOSITORY_STRING) Clang_Make_Variables += SVN_REVISION=$(SVN_REVISION) else Clang_Make_Variables += CLANG_REPOSITORY_STRING=$(Clang_Tag) endif ifeq ($(Clang_Driver_Mode), Production) Clang_Make_Variables += CLANG_IS_PRODUCTION=1 # Set LLVM_VERSION_INFO make variable. We do this here because setting it in the # CC options for configure ends up breaking tests that can't be bothered to # quote things properly, and that is too hard to fix. Clang_Make_Variables += \ LLVM_VERSION_INFO="from Apple Clang $(Clang_Version) (build $(RC_ProjectSourceVersion))" else ifeq ($(Clang_Driver_Mode), Development) # ... this is the default ... else $(error "invalid setting for clang driver mode: '$(Clang_Driver_Mode)'") endif # Set destination information. ifneq ($(INSTALL_LOCATION),) Install_Root := $(INSTALL_LOCATION) else ifneq ($(Default_Install_Root),) Install_Root := $(Default_Install_Root) else $(error "invalid setting for default install root: '$(Default_Install_Root)'") endif # Set Install_Prefix. Install_Prefix := $(Install_Root) ifneq ($(Install_Path_Suffix),) Install_Prefix := $(Install_Prefix)/$(Install_Path_Suffix) else $(error "invalid setting for install path suffix: '$(Install_Path_Suffix)'") endif # Set build version and subversion, for embedding into dylibs. SourceVersion := $(shell echo $(RC_ProjectSourceVersion) | sed -e 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/') SourceSubversion := $(shell echo $(RC_ProjectSourceVersion) | sed -e 's/[^.]*\.\([0-9]*\)/\1/') ifneq ($(SourceVersion),) Clang_Make_Variables += LLVM_SUBMIT_VERSION=$(SourceVersion) ifneq ($(SourceVersion),$(RC_ProjectSourceVersion)) Clang_Make_Variables += LLVM_SUBMIT_SUBVERSION=$(SourceSubversion) else Clang_Make_Variables += LLVM_SUBMIT_SUBVERSION= endif endif # When building libLTO as part of Clang, we need to offset the version to keep # the sequencing monotonic. Clang_Make_Variables += LLVM_LTO_VERSION_OFFSET=3000 # Set extra compile options. Extra_Options := $(Clang_Extra_Options) Final_Extra_Options := $(Extra_Options) $(Clang_Final_Extra_Options) # Enable LTO if requested. ifeq ($(Clang_Enable_LTO),1) Final_Extra_Options += -flto -gline-tables-only else ifeq ($(Clang_Enable_LTO),0) Final_Extra_Options += -g else $(error "invalid setting for Clang_Enable_LTO: '$(Clang_Enable_LTO)'") endif # Set configure flags. Common_Configure_Flags = \ --enable-targets=$(LLVM_Backends) \ --disable-timestamps \ $(Assertions_Configure_Flag) \ $(Optimized_Configure_Flag) \ --with-optimize-option="$(Clang_Optimize_Option)" \ --with-extra-ld-options="$(Clang_Linker_Options)" \ --without-llvmgcc --without-llvmgxx \ --disable-bindings \ --disable-doxygen \ --disable-zlib \ --enable-backtraces=no \ --enable-libcpp \ --with-bug-report-url="http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/" Stage1_Configure_Flags = $(Common_Configure_Flags) \ --with-extra-options="$(Extra_Options)" Configure_Flags = $(Common_Configure_Flags) \ --with-internal-prefix="$(Install_Prefix)/local" \ --with-extra-options="$(Final_Extra_Options)" CC := $(shell xcrun -find clang) CXX := $(shell xcrun -find clang++) # Set stage1 compiler. Stage1_CC := $(CC) Stage1_CXX := $(CXX) # Set stage1 GCC_EXEC_PATH path and proper dsymutil tool Exec_Path := $(shell dirname `xcrun -find ld`) DSYMUTIL := $(shell xcrun -find dsymutil) # Set up any additional Clang install targets. Extra_Clang_Install_Targets := install-lto-h install-clang-diagnostic # Install /usr/... symlinks? ifeq ($(Post_Install_RootLinks),1) Extra_Clang_Install_Targets += install-clang-rootlinks else ifneq ($(Post_Install_RootLinks),0) $(error "unknown value for post install of root symlinks: '$(Post_Install_RootLinks)'") endif # Install open source license? ifeq ($(Post_Install_OpenSourceLicense),1) Extra_Clang_Install_Targets += install-clang-opensourcelicense else ifneq ($(Post_Install_OpenSourceLicense),0) $(error "unknown value for post install of open source license: '$(Post_Install_OpenSourceLicense)'") endif # Install the magic file to enable internal use of -fobjc-gc? ifeq ($(Post_Install_EnableObjCGC),1) Extra_Clang_Install_Targets += install-clang-enableobjcgc else ifneq ($(Post_Install_EnableObjCGC),0) $(error "unknown value for post install of enable_objc_gc: '$(Post_Install_EnableObjCGC)'") endif # Select stage1 compiler to build. ifeq ($(Clang_Enable_Bootstrap), 1) # Always use an x86_64 stage1 compiler -- it is the most well tested and so most # likely to not be miscompiled by the host compiler. Stage1_Compiler_Arch := x86_64 endif # Select final configure target for clang builds. ifeq ($(Clang_Enable_Bootstrap), 1) Final_Configure_Target := configure-clang_stage2 else ifeq ($(Clang_Enable_Bootstrap), 0) Final_Configure_Target := configure-clang_singlestage else $(error "invalid setting for clang enable bootstrap: '$(Clang_Enable_Bootstrap)'") endif # Set install and build targets. Install_Target = $(Clang_Make_Variables) $(LLVM_Install_Target) Build_Target = $(Clang_Make_Variables) $(Clang_Build_Target) Install_Target_Stage1 = $(Clang_Make_Variables) install-clang Build_Target_Stage1 = $(Clang_Make_Variables) clang-only ## # Additional Tool Paths CHOWN := /usr/sbin/chown FIND := /usr/bin/find INSTALL := /usr/bin/install INSTALL_FILE := $(INSTALL) -m 0444 MKDIR := /bin/mkdir -p -m 0755 PAX := /bin/pax RMDIR := /bin/rm -fr XARGS := /usr/bin/xargs # We aren't really a recursive make, rather we are a separate build which just # happens to use make for a sub-task. For that reason, we redefine MAKE to not # propagate overrides. MAKE := env MAKEFLAGS= $(MAKE_COMMAND) ## # Assorted variables Sources = $(SRCROOT)/src Configure = $(Sources)/configure Install_Flags = DESTDIR=$(OBJROOT)/install-$$arch ONLY_MAN_DOCS=1 Library_SearchPaths = "$(OBJROOT)/stage1-install-$(Stage1_Compiler_Arch)/lib" ifneq ($(Clang_libLTO_SearchPath),) Library_SearchPaths += ":$(Clang_libLTO_SearchPath)" endif OSV = $(DSTROOT)/$(Install_Prefix)/local/OpenSourceVersions OSL = $(DSTROOT)/$(Install_Prefix)/local/OpenSourceLicenses ## # Cross-builds need wrapper scripts on the path, so have a local directory # available for them. PATH := ${OBJROOT}/bin:${PATH} ## # Build Logic .PHONY: all help install installsrc installhdrs clean SYSCTL := $(shell if [ `sysctl -n hw.activecpu` -ge 8 -a `sysctl -n hw.memsize` -le 2147483648 ]; then echo 4; else sysctl -n hw.activecpu; fi) # At this point, we know that Clang_Enable_LTO/Clang_Build_All are either 0 or # 1, so we don't need to check for improper values. SYSCTL_FINAL := $(SYSCTL) ifeq ($(Clang_Enable_LTO),1) ifeq ($(Clang_Build_All),1) SYSCTL_FINAL := 1 endif endif # Default is to build Clang. install: install-clang # We install the source using rsync. We take particular care to: # # 1. Exclude any source control files. # # 2. Exclude any editor or OS cruft. # # 3. Exclude any build products that might be expected to be in a users local # tree (e.g., docs/_build) but not in the build directory. We don't try and # support users silly enough to do in-tree builds, though. # # 4. Exclude all tests. # # This is unfortunate -- we would ideally like to have the exact versions # of the tests present at a submission archived -- but XBS does not deal # well with projects with many small files and the copy to the submission # server takes a very long time without this. # # 5. Copy "unsafe" links (links to outside the input directory). This allows # developers to link to a properly set up LLVM source directory from # Clang-IB and still be able to run buildit or submitproject directly. installsrc: @echo "Installing source..." $(_v) $(MKDIR) "$(SRCROOT)" $(_v) time rsync -ar . "$(SRCROOT)" \ --exclude .git --exclude .svn \ --exclude .DS_Store --exclude '*~' --exclude '.*~' \ --exclude src/docs/_build \ --exclude src/test/ --exclude src/tools/clang/test/ \ --exclude 'src/projects/*/test/' \ --copy-unsafe-links # The clean target is run after installing sources, but we do nothing because # the expectation is that we will just avoid copying in cruft during the installsrc # phase. clean: # We do not need to do anything for the install headers phase. installhdrs: ## # Standard Clang Build Support .PHONY: install-clang .PHONY: install-clang_final build-clang build-clang_final build-clang_stage1 .PHONY: build-clang_final_ordered .PHONY: configure-clang_final configure-clang_singlestage configure-clang_stage2 .PHONY: configure-clang_stage1 .PHONY: install-clang-rootlinks install-clang-opensourcelicense .PHONY: install-clang-enableobjcgc install-clang: install-clang_final $(Extra_Clang_Install_Targets) install-clang_final: build-clang $(_v) for arch in $(RC_ARCHS) ; do \ echo "Installing for $$arch..." && \ $(MKDIR) $(OBJROOT)/install-$$arch && \ umask 0022 && \ $(MAKE) -C $(OBJROOT)/$$arch \ $(Install_Flags) $(Install_Target) || exit 1 ; \ done $(_v) rm -rf $(DSTROOT) $(_v) mkdir -p $(DSTROOT) $(_v) for arch in $(filter-out $(firstword $(RC_ARCHS)),$(RC_ARCHS)); do \ rm -rf $(OBJROOT)/install-$$arch$(Install_Prefix)/lib/clang/*/lib; \ done ./merge-lipo `for arch in $(RC_ARCHS) ; do echo $(OBJROOT)/install-$$arch ; done` $(DSTROOT) $(_v) ln -sf clang $(DSTROOT)/$(Install_Prefix)/bin/cc $(_v) ln -sf clang.1 $(DSTROOT)/$(Install_Prefix)/share/man/man1/cc.1 $(_v) ln -sf clang++ $(DSTROOT)/$(Install_Prefix)/bin/c++ $(_v) ln -sf clang++.1 $(DSTROOT)/$(Install_Prefix)/share/man/man1/c++.1 $(_v) ln -sf clang.1 $(DSTROOT)/$(Install_Prefix)/share/man/man1/clang++.1 $(_v) ln -sf llvm-cov $(DSTROOT)/$(Install_Prefix)/bin/gcov $(_v) $(FIND) $(DSTROOT) -perm -0111 -name '*.a' | $(XARGS) chmod a-x @echo "Copying executables into SYMROOT..." $(_v) cd $(DSTROOT) && find . -perm -0111 -type f -print | cpio -pdm $(SYMROOT) @echo "Running 'dsymutil' on executables (in SYMROOT)..." $(_v) cd $(SYMROOT) && find . -perm -0111 -type f -print | \ xargs -n 1 -P $(SYSCTL) $(DSYMUTIL) @echo "Stripping executables in DSTROOT..." $(_v) find $(DSTROOT) -perm -0111 -type f -print | xargs -n 1 -P $(SYSCTL) strip -S @echo "Setting permissions for executables in DSTROOT..." $(_v)- $(CHOWN) -R root:wheel $(DSTROOT) $(SYMROOT) build-clang: $(Final_Build_Target) build-clang_final: configure-clang_final $(_v) set -ex; \ for arch in $(RC_ARCHS) ; do \ echo "Building (Final) for $$arch..."; \ if [ -f $(SRCROOT)/buildbot-order-files/$$arch/clang.order ]; then \ order_file=$(SRCROOT)/buildbot-order-files/$$arch/clang.order; \ else \ order_file=$(SRCROOT)/static-order-files/$$arch/clang.order; \ fi; \ time $(MAKE) -j$(SYSCTL_FINAL) -C $(OBJROOT)/$$arch \ $(Build_Target) CLANG_ORDER_FILE=$${order_file} \ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(Library_SearchPaths)" ; \ done # This is a special target which uses the build compiler to generate order file # information, and then rebuilds the compiler with the constructed order file. build-clang_final_ordered: build-clang_final set -ex && \ $(_v) for arch in $(RC_ARCHS) ; do \ echo "Building (Final) (Ordered) for $$arch..." && \ echo "Generating Order File Data for $$arch " && \ $(SRCROOT)/order-files/gen-clang-order-data \ --no-sudo \ --cc "$(OBJROOT)/$$arch/$(Build_Mode)/bin/clang" \ --inputs "$(SRCROOT)/order-files/inputs" \ --temps "$(OBJROOT)/order-data/$$arch/temps" \ --outputs "$(OBJROOT)/order-data/$$arch/data"; \ echo "Generating Order File for $$arch" && \ $(SRCROOT)/order-files/gen-order-file \ --binary "$(OBJROOT)/$$arch/$(Build_Mode)/bin/clang" \ --output "$(OBJROOT)/order-data/$$arch/clang.order" \ --output-unordered-symbols \ "$(OBJROOT)/order-data/$$arch/unordered_symbols.txt" \ --method "call_order" \ "$(OBJROOT)/order-data/$$arch/"data*.log && \ echo "Rebuilding With Order File" && \ mv "$(OBJROOT)/$$arch/$(Build_Mode)/bin/clang" \ "$(OBJROOT)/$$arch/$(Build_Mode)/bin/clang.preorder" && \ $(MAKE) -j$(SYSCTL_FINAL) \ -C "$(OBJROOT)/$$arch/tools/clang/tools/driver" \ $(Clang_Make_Variables) \ "CLANG_ORDER_FILE=$(OBJROOT)/order-data/$$arch/clang.order" \ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(Library_SearchPaths)" ; \ done build-clang_stage1: configure-clang_stage1 $(_v) set -ex; \ $(_v) for arch in $(Stage1_Compiler_Arch) ; do \ $(_v) echo "Building (Stage 1) for $$arch..."; \ if [ -f $(SRCROOT)/buildbot-order-files/$$arch/clang.order ]; then \ order_file=$(SRCROOT)/buildbot-order-files/$$arch/clang.order; \ else \ order_file=$(SRCROOT)/static-order-files/$$arch/clang.order; \ fi; \ $(_v) time $(MAKE) -j$(SYSCTL) -C $(OBJROOT)/stage1-$(Stage1_Compiler_Arch) \ $(Build_Target_Stage1) CLANG_ORDER_FILE=$${order_file}; \ $(_v) time $(MAKE) -j$(SYSCTL) -C $(OBJROOT)/stage1-$(Stage1_Compiler_Arch) \ $(Install_Target_Stage1); \ done configure-clang_final: $(Final_Configure_Target) configure-clang_stage2: build-clang_stage1 $(_v) $(MKDIR) $(OBJROOT) $(_v) for arch in $(RC_ARCHS) ; do \ echo "Configuring (Final) for $$arch..." && \ $(MKDIR) $(OBJROOT)/$$arch && \ cd $(OBJROOT)/$$arch && \ time $(Configure) --prefix="$(Install_Prefix)" $(Configure_Flags) \ CC="$(OBJROOT)/stage1-install-$(Stage1_Compiler_Arch)/bin/clang -B$(Exec_Path) -arch $$arch" \ CXX="$(OBJROOT)/stage1-install-$(Stage1_Compiler_Arch)/bin/clang++ -B$(Exec_Path) -arch $$arch" || exit 1 ; \ done configure-clang_singlestage: $(_v) $(MKDIR) $(OBJROOT) $(_v) for arch in $(RC_ARCHS) ; do \ echo "Configuring (Final) for $$arch..." && \ $(MKDIR) $(OBJROOT)/$$arch && \ cd $(OBJROOT)/$$arch && \ time $(Configure) --prefix="$(Install_Prefix)" $(Configure_Flags) \ CC="$(Stage1_CC) -arch $$arch" \ CXX="$(Stage1_CXX) -arch $$arch" || exit 1 ; \ done configure-clang_stage1: $(_v) $(MKDIR) $(OBJROOT) $(_v) echo "Configuring (Stage 1) for $(Stage1_Compiler_Arch)..." $(_v) $(MKDIR) $(OBJROOT)/stage1-$(Stage1_Compiler_Arch) $(_v) cd $(OBJROOT)/stage1-$(Stage1_Compiler_Arch) && \ time $(Configure) --prefix="$(OBJROOT)/stage1-install-$(Stage1_Compiler_Arch)" $(Stage1_Configure_Flags) \ CC="$(Stage1_CC) -arch $(Stage1_Compiler_Arch)" \ CXX="$(Stage1_CXX) -arch $(Stage1_Compiler_Arch)" || exit 1 install-clang-rootlinks: install-clang_final $(MKDIR) -p $(DSTROOT)/usr/bin $(MKDIR) -p $(DSTROOT)/usr/share/man/man1 ln -sf ../../$(Install_Prefix)/bin/clang $(DSTROOT)/usr/bin/clang cp $(DSTROOT)/$(Install_Prefix)/share/man/man1/clang.1 $(DSTROOT)/usr/share/man/man1/ if [ -f $(DSTROOT)/$(Install_Prefix)/bin/clang++ ]; then \ ln -sf ../../$(Install_Prefix)/bin/clang++ $(DSTROOT)/usr/bin/clang++; \ ln -sf clang.1 $(DSTROOT)/usr/share/man/man1/clang++.1; \ fi if [ -f $(DSTROOT)/$(Install_Prefix)/lib/libLTO.dylib ]; then \ $(MKDIR) -p $(DSTROOT)/usr/lib; \ ln -sf ../../$(Install_Prefix)/lib/libLTO.dylib $(DSTROOT)/usr/lib/libLTO.dylib; \ fi install-clang-opensourcelicense: install-clang_final $(MKDIR) $(OSV) $(INSTALL_FILE) $(SRCROOT)/clang.plist $(OSV)/clang.plist $(MKDIR) $(OSL) $(INSTALL_FILE) $(Sources)/LICENSE.TXT $(OSL)/clang-llvm.txt $(INSTALL_FILE) $(Sources)/tools/clang/LICENSE.TXT $(OSL)/clang.txt install-clang-enableobjcgc: install-clang_final $(MKDIR) $(DSTROOT)/$(Install_Prefix)/local/lib/clang echo 1 > $(DSTROOT)/$(Install_Prefix)/local/lib/clang/enable_objc_gc install-clang-links: $(MKDIR) -p $(DSTROOT)/$(Install_Prefix)/bin ln -sf ../../../../../usr/bin/clang $(DSTROOT)/$(Install_Prefix)/bin/clang ln -sf ../../../../../usr/bin/clang++ $(DSTROOT)/$(Install_Prefix)/bin/clang++ install-lto-h: $(MKDIR) -p $(DSTROOT)/$(Install_Prefix)/local/include/llvm-c $(INSTALL_FILE) $(Sources)/include/llvm-c/lto.h $(DSTROOT)/$(Install_Prefix)/local/include/llvm-c # We install a copy of the clang-parse-diagnostics-file utility into # /usr/local/bin, for use by B&I's XBS_SEND_WARNINGS_EMAIL parameter. # # This file always installs to /usr/local/bin. install-clang-diagnostic: $(MKDIR) -p $(DSTROOT)/usr/local/bin $(INSTALL) $(Sources)/utils/clang-parse-diagnostics-file $(DSTROOT)/usr/local/bin/ ## # Cross Compilation Build Support .PHONY: install-cross build-cross configure-cross setup-tools-cross install-cross: build-cross $(_v) for arch in $(RC_ARCHS) ; do \ echo "Installing for $$arch..." && \ $(MKDIR) $(OBJROOT)/install-$$arch && \ umask 0022 && \ $(MAKE) -C $(OBJROOT)/$$arch \ $(Install_Flags) $(Install_Target) || exit 1 ; \ done $(_v) rm -rf $(DSTROOT) $(_v) mkdir -p $(DSTROOT) $(_v) for arch in $(filter-out $(firstword $(RC_ARCHS)),$(RC_ARCHS)); do \ rm -rf $(OBJROOT)/install-$$arch$(Install_Prefix)/lib/clang/*/lib; \ rm -f $(OBJROOT)/install-$$arch$(Install_Prefix)/bin/llvm-config-host; \ done ./merge-lipo `for arch in $(RC_ARCHS) ; do echo $(OBJROOT)/install-$$arch ; done` $(DSTROOT) $(_v) $(FIND) $(DSTROOT) -perm -0111 -name '*.a' | $(XARGS) chmod a-x @echo "Copying executables into SYMROOT..." $(_v) cd $(DSTROOT) && find . -perm -0111 -type f -print | cpio -pdm $(SYMROOT) @echo "Running 'dsymutil' on executables (in SYMROOT)..." $(_v) cd $(SYMROOT) && find . -perm -0111 -type f -print | \ xargs -n 1 -P $(SYSCTL) $(DSYMUTIL) @echo "Stripping executables in DSTROOT..." $(_v) find $(DSTROOT) -perm -0111 -type f -print | xargs -n 1 -P $(SYSCTL) strip -S @echo "Setting permissions for executables in DSTROOT..." $(_v)- $(CHOWN) -R root:wheel $(DSTROOT) $(SYMROOT) build-cross: configure-cross $(_v) for arch in $(RC_ARCHS) ; do \ echo "Building (Cross) for $$arch..." && \ $(MAKE) -j$(SYSCTL) -C $(OBJROOT)/$$arch $(Build_Target) CFLAGS="-arch $$arch $(CFLAGS)" CXXFLAGS="-arch $$arch $(CXXFLAGS)" SDKROOT= || exit 1; \ done configure-cross: setup-tools-cross $(_v) for arch in $(RC_ARCHS) ; do \ echo "Configuring (Cross) for $$arch..." && \ $(MKDIR) $(OBJROOT)/$$arch && \ cd $(OBJROOT)/$$arch && \ unset SDKROOT && \ $(Configure) --prefix="$(Install_Prefix)" $(Configure_Flags) \ --host=arm-apple-darwin10 \ --target=arm-apple-darwin10 \ --build=i686-apple-darwin10 \ --program-prefix="" \ || exit 1 ; \ done # A cross-compiler configure will expect to find tools under names like # arm-apple-darwin10-gcc, so make sure we have them. Also add sym links # for the host tools so we are sure to use the right versions of them. setup-tools-cross: $(_v) $(MKDIR) $(OBJROOT)/bin $(_v) for prog in ar nm ranlib strip lipo ld as ; do \ ln -s `xcrun -find $$prog` $(OBJROOT)/bin/$$prog && \ echo '#!/bin/sh' > $(OBJROOT)/bin/arm-apple-darwin10-$$prog && \ echo 'exec '`xcrun -sdk $(SDKROOT) -find $$prog` '"$$@"' \ >> $(OBJROOT)/bin/arm-apple-darwin10-$$prog && \ chmod a+x $(OBJROOT)/bin/arm-apple-darwin10-$$prog || exit 1; \ done $(_v) for gcc in gcc g++ ; do \ cc=`echo $$gcc | sed -e 's/gcc/cc/' -e 's/g/c/'` && \ clang=`echo $$gcc | sed -e 's/gcc/clang/' -e 's/^g/clang/'` && \ prog=`xcrun -find $$cc` && \ sysroot=`xcrun -sdk $(SDKROOT) --show-sdk-path` && \ ln -s $$prog $(OBJROOT)/bin/$$gcc && \ ln -s $$prog $(OBJROOT)/bin/$$clang && \ script=$(OBJROOT)/bin/arm-apple-darwin10-$$gcc && \ echo '#!/bin/sh' > $$script && \ echo "ARCH='-arch armv7'" >> $$script && \ echo 'for i in $$@ ; do if [ "$$i" == "-arch" ] ; then' \ ' ARCH= ; fi ; done' >> $$script && \ echo exec $$prog '$$ARCH -isysroot '$$sysroot' "$$@"' >> $$script &&\ chmod a+x $$script || exit 1 ; \ done ### # Utility targets commit-buildbot-order-file: @if ([ ! -d .svn ] || [ ! -f ClangBNI.mk ] || \ [ ! -d buildbot-order-files ]); then \ echo "error: this does not look like a valid Apple Clang checkout"; \ exit 1; \ fi @if ([ -z "$(OBJROOT)" ] || [ ! -d "$(OBJROOT)" ]); then \ echo "error: OBJROOT must point to a valid directory"; \ exit 1; \ fi @echo "Updating current order files to HEAD (to avoid conflicts)." @(cd buildbot-order-files && svn up) @echo "Copying order files from OBJROOT to the current checkout." @for path in "$(OBJROOT)"/order-data/*; do \ arch=$$(basename $$path); \ if [ ! -f $$path/clang.order ]; then \ echo "warning: missing order file for arch $$arch"; \ fi; \ mkdir -p buildbot-order-files/$$arch; \ cp $$path/clang.order buildbot-order-files/$$arch/; \ done @echo "Committing result." (set -ex; \ cd buildbot-order-files && \ svn add -N */ && \ svn add */clang.order && \ if (! svn commit -m "[autoupdate] Update buildbot order files."); then \ echo "warning: svn commit failed, restoring contents!"; \ svn revert */ || true; \ rm -rf */; \ svn up; \ fi) .PHONY: commit-buildbot-order-file ### # Debugging # General debugging rule, use 'make dbg-print-XXX' to print the # definition, value and origin of XXX. make-print-%: $(error PRINT: $(value $*) = "$($*)" (from $(origin $*)))