Writing Clang Tools

Clang provides infrastructure to write tools that need syntactic and semantic information about a program. This document will give a short introduction of the different ways to write clang tools, and their pros and cons.


LibClang is a stable high level C interface to clang. When in doubt LibClang is probably the interface you want to use. Consider the other interfaces only when you have a good reason not to use LibClang.

Canonical examples of when to use LibClang:

Use LibClang when you...

Do not use LibClang when you...

Clang Plugins

Clang Plugins allow you to run additional actions on the AST as part of a compilation. Plugins are dynamic libraries that are loaded at runtime by the compiler, and they're easy to integrate into your build environment.

Canonical examples of when to use Clang Plugins:

Use Clang Plugins when you...

Do not use Clang Plugins when you...


LibTooling is a C++ interface aimed at writing standalone tools, as well as integrating into services that run clang tools.

Canonical examples of when to use LibTooling:

Use LibTooling when you...

Do not use LibTooling when you...

Clang Tools

These are a collection of specific developer tools built on top of the LibTooling infrastructure as part of the Clang project. They are targeted at automating and improving core development activities of C/C++ developers.

Examples of tools we are building or planning as part of the Clang project: