; RUN: opt -regions -analyze < %s | FileCheck %s ; RUN: opt -regions -stats < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=STAT %s ; RUN: opt -regions -print-region-style=bb -analyze < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=BBIT %s ; RUN: opt -regions -print-region-style=rn -analyze < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=RNIT %s define internal fastcc zeroext i8 @loops_1() nounwind { entry: br i1 1, label %outer , label %a a: br label %body outer: br label %body body: br i1 1, label %land, label %if land: br i1 1, label %exit, label %end exit: br i1 1, label %if, label %end if: br label %outer end: ret i8 1 } ; CHECK-NOT: => ; CHECK: [0] entry => ; CHECK-NEXT: [1] entry => end ; STAT: 2 region - The # of regions ; BBIT: entry, outer, body, land, exit, if, end, a, ; BBIT: entry, outer, body, land, exit, if, a, ; RNIT: entry => end, end, ; RNIT: entry, outer, body, land, exit, if, a,