2006-10-19-UncondDiv.ll   [plain text]

; PR957
; RUN: opt < %s -simplifycfg -S | \
; RUN:   not grep select

@G = extern_weak global i32

define i32 @test(i32 %tmp) {
	%tmp181 = icmp eq i32 %tmp, 0		; <i1> [#uses=1]
	br i1 %tmp181, label %cond_true182, label %cond_next185
cond_true182:		; preds = %cond_false179
	br label %cond_next185
cond_next185:		; preds = %cond_true182, %cond_false179
	%d0.3 = phi i32 [ udiv (i32 1, i32 ptrtoint (i32* @G to i32)), %cond_true182 ], [ %tmp, %cond_false179 ]		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	ret i32 %d0.3

define i32 @test2(i32 %tmp) {
	%tmp181 = icmp eq i32 %tmp, 0		; <i1> [#uses=1]
	br i1 %tmp181, label %cond_true182, label %cond_next185
cond_true182:		; preds = %cond_false179
	br label %cond_next185
cond_next185:		; preds = %cond_true182, %cond_false179
	%d0.3 = phi i32 [ udiv (i32 1, i32 ptrtoint (i32* @G to i32)), %cond_true182 ], [ %tmp, %cond_false179 ]		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	call i32 @test( i32 4 )		; <i32>:0 [#uses=0]
	ret i32 %d0.3