property-typecheck-1.m   [plain text]

// RUN: clang-cc -fsyntax-only -verify %s

@interface A
-(float) x;	// expected-note {{declared at}}
@property int x; // expected-warning {{type of property 'x' does not match type of accessor 'x'}}

@interface A (Cat)
@property int moo;	// expected-note {{previous definition is here}}

@implementation A (Cat)
-(int) moo {
  return 0;
-(void) setMoo: (float) x { // expected-warning {{conflicting parameter types in implementation of 'setMoo:': 'int' vs 'float'}}

typedef int T[2];
typedef void (F)(void);

@interface C
@property(assign) T p2;  // expected-error {{property cannot have array or function type 'T'}}

@property(assign) F f2; // expected-error {{property cannot have array or function type 'F'}}


@class SSyncSet;

@interface SPeer
  @property(nonatomic,readonly,retain) SSyncSet* syncSet;

@class SSyncSet_iDisk;

@interface SPeer_iDisk_remote1 : SPeer
- (SSyncSet_iDisk*) syncSet; // expected-note {{declared at}}

@interface SPeer_iDisk_local
- (SSyncSet_iDisk*) syncSet;

@interface SSyncSet

@interface SSyncSet_iDisk
@property(nonatomic,readonly,retain) SPeer_iDisk_local* localPeer;

@interface SPeer_iDisk_remote1 (protected)

@implementation SPeer_iDisk_remote1 (protected)
- (id) preferredSource1
  return self.syncSet.localPeer; // expected-warning {{type of property 'syncSet' does not match type of accessor 'syncSet'}}

@interface NSArray @end

@interface NSMutableArray : NSArray

@interface Class1 
 NSMutableArray* pieces;
 NSArray* first;

@property (readonly) NSArray* pieces;  // expected-warning {{type of property 'pieces' does not match type of accessor 'pieces'}}
@property (readonly) NSMutableArray* first; 

- (NSMutableArray*) pieces; // expected-note {{declared at}} // expected-note {{declared at}}
- (NSArray*) first;

@interface Class2  {
 Class1* container;


@implementation Class2

- (id) lastPiece
 return container.pieces; // expected-warning {{type of property 'pieces' does not match type of accessor 'pieces'}}

- (id)firstPeice
  return container.first; 