Changes for the 5.26 release (the cctools-721 release): - Changed the Makefile and removed -force_cpusubtype_ALL from KERN. Radar bug #6233829. Changes for the 5.26 release (the cctools-705 release): - Ported to run on 64-bit hosts. Radar bug #6022298. Changes for the 5.26 release (the cctools-700 release): - Fixed a problem with swap_relocation_info() in swap.c where it was incorrectly using "long" which should be "uint32_t" in two places, the fields r_address and r_value fields of the swapped_relocation_info and the swapped_scattered_relocation_info structures. Radar bug #5904383. Changes for the 5.25 release (the cctools-697 release): Changes for the 5.25 release (the cctools-696 release): - Changed the Makefile to use -iwithsysroot as part of the KERN flags. Changes for the 5.25 release (the cctools-679.4 and cctools-686 releases): - Changed the Makefile to test OLD_LIBKLD passed down from the upper Makefile so to not build libmacho_kld.a when OLD_LIBKLD is not YES. Radar bug #5780592. Changes for the 5.25 release (the cctools-682 release): - Updated NXCombineCpuSubtypes() in arch.c to include arm. Changes for the 5.25 release (the cctools-681 release): - Removed all __OPEN_SOURCE__ references in: Makefile, notes and arch.c . Changes for the 5.25 release (the cctools-677 release): - Changed the Makefile to not use -Wno-long-double and -no-cpp-precomp . Radar bug #5563553. Changes for the 5.25 release (the cctools-676 release): - Changed get_end.c, getsecbyname.c and getsegbyname.c to stop defining _NSGetMachExecuteHeader and just use it out of . Radar bug #4696889. Changes for the 5.25 release (the cctools-673 release): - Changed the sources so the arm stuff is not in the open source version. Radar bug #5326431. - Changed the Makefile to build with -D__OPEN_SOURCE__ with $(OPEN) - Added #ifndef __OPEN_SOURCE__ to arch.c to bracket arm code. Changes for the 5.24 release (the cctools-652 release): - Added creating a vers.c file and linking in the vers.o into the libmacho archives. Radar bug #4980378. Changes for the 5.24 release (the cctools-642 release, picked up from cctools-640.1): - Fixed a problem in NXGetArchInfoFromCpuType() with the use of CPU_SUBTYPE_MULTIPLE and the changes to use CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK to mask out the capability bits. Since the value of CPU_SUBTYPE_MULTIPLE is -1, the