bashdb   [plain text]

# kshdb - Korn Shell Debugger main file
# adapted from 'Learning the Korn Shell' by Bill Rosenblatt (O'Reilly)
# by Cigy Cyriac (
# Main driver: constructs full script (with preamble) and runs it

echo 'Bourne-Again Shell Debugger version 0.1'


[ $# -eq 0 ] && {
	echo "${_pname}: usage: ${_pname} <script_file>"
	exit 1


[ -r $_guineapig ] || {
	echo "${_pname}: cannot read $_guineapig." >&2
	exit 1

_dbgfile=$_tmpdir/bashdb$$		#temp file for script being debugged

cat $_libdir/bashdb.pre $_guineapig > $_dbgfile
if [ -f "$BASH" ]; then
	exec $BASH $_dbgfile $_guineapig $_tmpdir $_libdir "$@"
	exec bash $_dbgfile $_guineapig $_tmpdir $_libdir "$@"
# end of bashdb