ODBC Test 4 - Cursors

The following test requires your ODBC driver to support positioned updates

Error connecting to database! Check DSN, username and password

- OK

Updating table "php_test" 1002 for update'))){ $cursor = odbc_cursor($result); if(($upd = odbc_prepare($conn,"update php_test set a=?, b=? where current of $cursor"))){ while(odbc_fetch_row($result)) { $params[0] = odbc_result($result, 1) . "(*)"; $params[1] = odbc_result($result, 2) + 2000; odbc_execute($upd, $params); } odbc_commit($conn); } } if($result && $upd){ ?> - OK

The table "php_test" should now contain the following values:

test-11001100.01php3 - values 1
test-21002200.02php - values 2
test-3(*)3003300.03php - values 3
test-4(*)3004400.04php - values 4
test-5(*)3005500.05php - values 5
Note: If you reload this testpage,
the three last rows will contain different
values in columns A and B

Actual contents of table "php_test":

"; } ?>

">Proceed to next test
