testoutput5   [plain text]

PCRE version 5.0 13-Sep-2004

Memory allocation (code space): 10
  0   6 Bra 0
  3     \x{100}
  6   6 Ket
  9     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 196
Need char = 128

Memory allocation (code space): 11
  0   7 Bra 0
  3     \x{1000}
  7   7 Ket
 10     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 225
Need char = 128

Memory allocation (code space): 12
  0   8 Bra 0
  3     \x{10000}
  8   8 Ket
 11     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 240
Need char = 128

Memory allocation (code space): 12
  0   8 Bra 0
  3     \x{100000}
  8   8 Ket
 11     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 244
Need char = 128

Memory allocation (code space): 13
  0   9 Bra 0
  3     \x{1000000}
  9   9 Ket
 12     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 249
Need char = 128

Memory allocation (code space): 14
  0  10 Bra 0
  3     \x{4000000}
 10  10 Ket
 13     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 252
Need char = 128

Memory allocation (code space): 14
  0  10 Bra 0
  3     \x{7fffffff}
 10  10 Ket
 13     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 253
Need char = 191

Memory allocation (code space): 10
  0   6 Bra 0
  3     \x{ff}
  6   6 Ket
  9     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 195
Need char = 191

Memory allocation (code space): 47
  0  11 Bra 0
  3     [\x{100}]
 11  11 Ket
 14     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char

Failed: character value in \x{...} sequence is too large at offset 11

Failed: character value in \x{...} sequence is too large at offset 12

 0: \x{100}a\x{1234}

  0   6 Bra 0
  3     \x{80}
  6   6 Ket
  9     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 194
Need char = 128

  0   6 Bra 0
  3     \x{ff}
  6   6 Ket
  9     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 195
Need char = 191

  0  14 Bra 0
  3     A\x{2262}\x{391}.
 14  14 Ket
 17     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 'A'
Need char = '.'
 0: A\x{2262}\x{391}.
  0  15 Bra 0
  3     \x{d55c}\x{ad6d}\x{c5b4}
 15  15 Ket
 18     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 237
Need char = 180
 0: \x{d55c}\x{ad6d}\x{c5b4}

  0  15 Bra 0
  3     \x{65e5}\x{672c}\x{8a9e}
 15  15 Ket
 18     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 230
Need char = 158
 0: \x{65e5}\x{672c}\x{8a9e}

  0   6 Bra 0
  3     \x{80}
  6   6 Ket
  9     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 194
Need char = 128

  0   6 Bra 0
  3     \x{84}
  6   6 Ket
  9     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 194
Need char = 132

  0   6 Bra 0
  3     \x{104}
  6   6 Ket
  9     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 196
Need char = 132

  0   7 Bra 0
  3     \x{861}
  7   7 Ket
 10     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 224
Need char = 161

  0   8 Bra 0
  3     \x{212ab}
  8   8 Ket
 11     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 240
Need char = 171

  0  13 Bra 0
  3     Any{3}
  7     Any{0,2}
 11     X
 13  13 Ket
 16     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Partial matching not supported
Options: utf8
No first char
Need char = 'X'
 0: \x{212ab}\x{212ab}\x{212ab}\x{861}X

  0  11 Bra 0
  3     Any{3}
  7     Any{0,2}?
 11  11 Ket
 14     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Partial matching not supported
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char
 0: \x{212ab}\x{212ab}\x{212ab}

/-- These tests are here rather than in testinput4 because Perl 5.6 has --/
/-- some problems with UTF-8 support, in the area of \x{..} where the   --/
No match
/-- value is < 255. It grumbles about invalid UTF-8 strings.            --/
No match

 0: \x{c0}b
 0: a\x{c0}aa
 1: a\x{c0}

 0: a\x{c0}aa
 1: a\x{c0}
 0: a\x{c0}a\x{c0}aa
 1: a\x{c0}a\x{c0}

 0: a\x{c0}aaaa
 1: a\x{c0}aa
 0: a\x{c0}a\x{c0}aaa
 1: a\x{c0}a\x{c0}a

 0: a\x{c0}
 0: a\x{c0}a\x{c0}
 1: a\x{c0}
/-- --/ 
Failed: \C not allowed in lookbehind assertion at offset 6

/-- This one is here not because it's different to Perl, but because the --/
/-- way the captured single-byte is displayed. (In Perl it becomes a --/
No match
/-- character, and you can't tell the difference.) --/
No match
 0: X\x{1234}
 1: \xe1
 2: \x88\xb4
 0: X\x{0a}abc
 1: \x{0a}
 2: abc
  0  37 Bra 0
  3     ^
  4     [ab]
 37  37 Ket
 40     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: anchored utf8
No first char
No need char
 0: b
    *** Failers
No match
No match
No match
No match

  0  37 Bra 0
  3     ^
  4     [\x00-`c-\xff] (neg)
 37  37 Ket
 40     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: anchored utf8
No first char
No need char
 0: c
 0: \x{ff}
 0: \x{100}
    *** Failers 
 0: *
No match
  0  36 Bra 0
  3     [\x00-`c-\xbf\xf1-\xff] (neg)
 36  36 Ket
 39     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char
Starting byte set: \x00 \x01 \x02 \x03 \x04 \x05 \x06 \x07 \x08 \x09 \x0a 
  \x0b \x0c \x0d \x0e \x0f \x10 \x11 \x12 \x13 \x14 \x15 \x16 \x17 \x18 \x19 
  \x1a \x1b \x1c \x1d \x1e \x1f \x20 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 
  5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y 
  Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ \x7f 
  \xc2 \xc3 \xc4 \xc5 \xc6 \xc7 \xc8 \xc9 \xca \xcb \xcc \xcd \xce \xcf \xd0 
  \xd1 \xd2 \xd3 \xd4 \xd5 \xd6 \xd7 \xd8 \xd9 \xda \xdb \xdc \xdd \xde \xdf 
  \xe0 \xe1 \xe2 \xe3 \xe4 \xe5 \xe6 \xe7 \xe8 \xe9 \xea \xeb \xec \xed \xee 
  \xef \xf0 \xf1 \xf2 \xf3 \xf4 \xf5 \xf6 \xf7 \xf8 \xf9 \xfa \xfb \xfc \xfd 
  \xfe \xff 
 0: \x{f1}
 0: \x{bf}
 0: \x{100}
 0: \x{1000}
    *** Failers
 0: *
No match
No match

  0  13 Bra 0
  3     \x{100}{3}
  8     \x{100}{,1}
 13  13 Ket
 16     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Partial matching not supported
Options: utf8
First char = 196
Need char = 128
Study returned NULL
 0: \x{100}\x{100}\x{100}

  0  17 Bra 0
  3   6 Bra 1
  6     \x{100}+
  9   5 Alt
 12     x
 14  11 Ket
 17  17 Ket
 20     End
Capturing subpattern count = 1
Partial matching not supported
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char
Starting byte set: x \xc4 

  0  19 Bra 0
  3   8 Bra 1
  6     \x{100}*
  9     a
 11   5 Alt
 14     x
 16  13 Ket
 19  19 Ket
 22     End
Capturing subpattern count = 1
Partial matching not supported
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char
Starting byte set: a x \xc4 

  0  21 Bra 0
  3  10 Bra 1
  6     \x{100}{,2}
 11     a
 13   5 Alt
 16     x
 18  15 Ket
 21  21 Ket
 24     End
Capturing subpattern count = 1
Partial matching not supported
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char
Starting byte set: a x \xc4 

  0  24 Bra 0
  3  13 Bra 1
  6     \x{100}
  9     \x{100}{,1}
 14     a
 16   5 Alt
 19     x
 21  18 Ket
 24  24 Ket
 27     End
Capturing subpattern count = 1
Partial matching not supported
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char
Starting byte set: x \xc4 

 0: 1234
 1: 1234
 0: "1234"
 1: "1234"
 0: \x{100}1234
 1: 1234
 0: \x{100}1234
 1: 1234
 0: \x{100}\x{100}12
 1: 12
 0: \x{100}\x{100}"12"
 1: "12"
    *** Failers 
No match
No match

  0   6 Bra 0
  3     \x{100}
  6   6 Ket
  9     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 196
Need char = 128

  0   6 Bra 0
  3     \x{100}*
  6   6 Ket
  9     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Partial matching not supported
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char

  0   8 Bra 0
  3     a
  5     \x{100}*
  8   8 Ket
 11     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Partial matching not supported
Options: utf8
First char = 'a'
No need char

  0  10 Bra 0
  3     ab
  7     \x{100}*
 10  10 Ket
 13     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Partial matching not supported
Options: utf8
First char = 'a'
Need char = 'b'

  0  11 Bra 0
  3     a\x{100}
  8     \x{101}*
 11  11 Ket
 14     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Partial matching not supported
Options: utf8
First char = 'a'
Need char = 128

  0  11 Bra 0
  3     a\x{100}
  8     \x{101}+
 11  11 Ket
 14     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Partial matching not supported
Options: utf8
First char = 'a'
Need char = 129

  0   8 Bra 0
  3     \x{100}*
  6     A
  8   8 Ket
 11     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Partial matching not supported
Options: utf8
No first char
Need char = 'A'
 0: A

  0  10 Bra 0
  3     \x{100}*
  6     \d
  7   0 Recurse
 10  10 Ket
 13     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Partial matching not supported
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char

  0  36 Bra 0
  3     [\x01-35-bd-z|~-\xff] (neg)
 36  36 Ket
 39     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
No options
No first char
No need char

  0  36 Bra 0
  3     [\x00-\xc3\xc5-\xff] (neg)
 36  36 Ket
 39     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char

Memory allocation (code space): 47
  0  11 Bra 0
  3     [\x{100}]
 11  11 Ket
 14     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char
 0: \x{100}
 0: \x{100}
 0: \x{100}
    *** Failers 
No match

Memory allocation (code space): 47
  0  43 Bra 0
  3     [Z\x{100}]
 43  43 Ket
 46     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char
 0: Z
 0: \x{100}
 0: \x{100}
    *** Failers 
No match

Failed: range out of order in character class at offset 15

 0: \x{100}
 0: \x{104}
    *** Failers
No match
No match
No match

  0  12 Bra 0
  3     [z-\x{100}]
 12  12 Ket
 15     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char

  0  43 Bra 0
  3     [\-\]adz\x{100}]
 43  43 Ket
 46     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char
 0: \x{100}
 0: \x{100}

  0   5 Bra 0
  3     \xff
  5   5 Ket
  8     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
No options
First char = 255
No need char
 0: \xff

  0   6 Bra 0
  3     \x{ff}
  6   6 Ket
  9     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
First char = 195
Need char = 191
 0: \x{ff}

  0   5 Bra 0
  3     [^\xff]
  5   5 Ket
  8     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
No options
No first char
No need char

  0  36 Bra 0
  3     [\x00-\xfe] (neg)
 36  36 Ket
 39     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char

    Ö # Matches without Study
 0: \x{d6}
 0: \x{d6}
    Ö <-- Same with Study
 0: \x{d6}
 0: \x{d6}
    Ö # Matches without Study
 0: \x{d6}
 0: \x{d6}

    Ö <-- Same with Study
 0: \x{d6}
 0: \x{d6}

Failed: invalid UTF-8 string at offset 2

Failed: invalid UTF-8 string at offset 0

Failed: invalid UTF-8 string at offset 1

  0  15 Bra 0
  3     \X{c0}\X{c0}\X{c0}xxx
 15  15 Ket
 18     End
Capturing subpattern count = 0
Options: utf8 no_utf8_check
First char = 195
Need char = 'x'

Error -10
Error -10
Error -10
No match

Error -10
Error -10
Error -10
Error -10
Error -10
Error -10
Error -10
Error -10
No match
No match
No match
No match
No match
No match
No match
No match
No match

  0  27 Bra 0
  3     \x{100}abc
 12  12 Bra 1
 15     xyz
 21  12 Recurse
 24  12 Ket
 27  27 Ket
 30     End
Capturing subpattern count = 1
Options: utf8
First char = 196
Need char = 'z'

  0  32 Bra 0
  3     [^\x{100}]
 11     abc
 17  12 Bra 1
 20     xyz
 26  17 Recurse
 29  12 Ket
 32  32 Ket
 35     End
Capturing subpattern count = 1
Options: utf8
No first char
Need char = 'z'

  0  64 Bra 0
  3     [ab\x{100}]
 43     abc
 49  12 Bra 1
 52     xyz
 58  49 Recurse
 61  12 Ket
 64  64 Ket
 67     End
Capturing subpattern count = 1
Options: utf8
No first char
Need char = 'z'

  0  26 Bra 0
  3     Brazero
  4  19 Bra 1
  7     \x{100}
 10  10 Bra 2
 13     b
 15  10 Recurse
 18     c
 20  10 Ket
 23  19 Ket
 26  26 Ket
 29     End
Capturing subpattern count = 2
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char

  0  55 Bra 0
  3     Brazero
  4  48 Bra 0
  7  19 Bra 1
 10     \x{100}
 13  10 Bra 2
 16     b
 18  13 Recurse
 21     c
 23  10 Ket
 26  19 Ket
 29     Brazero
 30  19 Bra 1
 33     \x{100}
 36  10 Bra 2
 39     b
 41  13 Recurse
 44     c
 46  10 Ket
 49  19 Ket
 52  48 Ket
 55  55 Ket
 58     End
Capturing subpattern count = 2
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char

  0  26 Bra 0
  3     Brazero
  4  19 Bra 1
  7     \x{100}
 10  10 Bra 2
 13     b
 15   4 Recurse
 18     c
 20  10 Ket
 23  19 Ket
 26  26 Ket
 29     End
Capturing subpattern count = 2
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char

  0  55 Bra 0
  3     Brazero
  4  48 Bra 0
  7  19 Bra 1
 10     \x{100}
 13  10 Bra 2
 16     b
 18   7 Recurse
 21     c
 23  10 Ket
 26  19 Ket
 29     Brazero
 30  19 Bra 1
 33     \x{100}
 36  10 Bra 2
 39     b
 41   7 Recurse
 44     c
 46  10 Ket
 49  19 Ket
 52  48 Ket
 55  55 Ket
 58     End
Capturing subpattern count = 2
Options: utf8
No first char
No need char

 0: .
 0: \x{100}
 0: X

/ End of testinput5 /