XvFreeAdaptorInfo.man   [plain text]

.TH XvFreeAdaptorInfo __libmansuffix__ __vendorversion__
.\" $XFree86: xc/doc/man/Xv/XvFreeAdaptorInfo.man,v 1.4 1999/03/02 11:49:13 dawes Exp $
.SH Name
XvFreeAdaptorInfo \- free adaptor information 
.SH Syntax
.sp 1l
\fBXvAdaptorInfo \fI*p_adaptor_info\fR;
.SH Arguments
.IP \fIp_adaptor_info\fR 8
Pointer to where the adaptor information is located. 
.SH Description
XvFreeAdaptorInfo(__libmansuffix__) frees adaptor information that 
was returned by XvQueryAdaptors(__libmansuffix__).  The data structure
used for adaptor information is defined in the
reference page for XvQueryAdaptors(__libmansuffix__).
.SH See Also
XvQueryAdaptors(__libmansuffix__), XvFreeEncodingInfo(__libmansuffix__)