TinyX.cf   [plain text]

/* $XFree86: xc/config/cf/TinyX.cf,v 1.1 2000/12/08 22:09:32 keithp Exp $ */
 * This configuration file contains additional configuration needed
 * to compile a (nearly) minimal X server using the kdrive infrastructure
 * To use this, add the following to host.def:
   #define KDriveXServer YES
   #define TinyXServer YES

#define BuildLBX                NO
#define BuildFonts              NO
#define BuildAppgroup           NO
#define BuildDBE                NO
#define BuildXCSecurity         NO
#define FontServerAccess        NO
#undef BuildXF86RushExt
#define BuildXF86RushExt        NO
#undef BuildRender
#define BuildRender             YES
#define UseRgbTxt               YES
#define BuildFontServer         NO