PainterOpenVG.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2009-2010. All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#ifndef PainterOpenVG_h
#define PainterOpenVG_h

#include "Color.h"
#include "GraphicsContext.h"

#include <openvg.h>

#include <wtf/Noncopyable.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>

namespace WebCore {

class AffineTransform;
class FloatPoint;
class FloatRect;
class IntRect;
class IntSize;
class Path;
class SurfaceOpenVG;
class TiledImageOpenVG;

struct PlatformPainterState;

class PainterOpenVG {
    friend class SurfaceOpenVG;
    friend struct PlatformPainterState;

    enum SaveMode {
        CreateNewStateWithPaintStateOnly // internal usage only, do not use outside PainterOpenVG
    enum ClipOperation {
        IntersectClip = VG_INTERSECT_MASK,
        SubtractClip = VG_SUBTRACT_MASK


    void begin(SurfaceOpenVG*);
    void end();

    AffineTransform transformation() const;
    void setTransformation(const AffineTransform&);
    void concatTransformation(const AffineTransform&);

    static void transformPath(VGPath dst, VGPath src, const AffineTransform&);

    CompositeOperator compositeOperation() const;
    void setCompositeOperation(CompositeOperator);
    float opacity() const;
    void setOpacity(float);

    float strokeThickness() const;
    void setStrokeThickness(float);
    StrokeStyle strokeStyle() const;
    void setStrokeStyle(StrokeStyle);

    void setLineDash(const DashArray&, float dashOffset);
    void setLineCap(LineCap);
    void setLineJoin(LineJoin);
    void setMiterLimit(float);

    Color strokeColor() const;
    void setStrokeColor(const Color&);

    Color fillColor() const;
    void setFillColor(const Color&);

    int textDrawingMode() const;
    void setTextDrawingMode(int mode);

    bool antialiasingEnabled() const;
    void setAntialiasingEnabled(bool);

    void drawRect(const FloatRect&, VGbitfield paintModes = (VG_STROKE_PATH | VG_FILL_PATH));
    void drawRoundedRect(const FloatRect&, const IntSize& topLeft, const IntSize& topRight, const IntSize& bottomLeft, const IntSize& bottomRight, VGbitfield paintModes = (VG_STROKE_PATH | VG_FILL_PATH));
    void drawLine(const IntPoint& from, const IntPoint& to);
    void drawArc(const IntRect& ellipseBounds, int startAngle, int angleSpan, VGbitfield paintModes = (VG_STROKE_PATH | VG_FILL_PATH));
    void drawEllipse(const IntRect& bounds, VGbitfield paintModes = (VG_STROKE_PATH | VG_FILL_PATH));
    void drawPolygon(size_t numPoints, const FloatPoint* points, VGbitfield paintModes = (VG_STROKE_PATH | VG_FILL_PATH));
    void drawImage(TiledImageOpenVG*, const FloatRect& dst, const FloatRect& src);
    void drawText(VGFont, Vector<VGuint>& characters, VGfloat* adjustmentsX, VGfloat* adjustmentsY, const FloatPoint&);

    void scale(const FloatSize& scaleFactors);
    void rotate(float radians);
    void translate(float dx, float dy);

    void drawPath(const Path&, VGbitfield paintModes = (VG_STROKE_PATH | VG_FILL_PATH), WindRule fillRule = RULE_NONZERO);

    void intersectClipRect(const FloatRect&);
    void clipPath(const Path&, PainterOpenVG::ClipOperation, WindRule clipRule = RULE_NONZERO);

    TiledImageOpenVG* asNewNativeImage(const IntRect& src, VGImageFormat);

    void save(PainterOpenVG::SaveMode saveMode = CreateNewState);
    void restore();

    SurfaceOpenVG* surface() { return m_surface; }
    void blitToSurface();

    void destroyPainterStates();
    void applyState();

    void intersectScissorRect(const FloatRect&);

    Vector<PlatformPainterState*> m_stateStack;
    PlatformPainterState* m_state;
    SurfaceOpenVG* m_surface;

