# # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Nikolas Zimmermann # Copyright (C) 2006 Anders Carlsson # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Samuel Weinig # Copyright (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the KDE project # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License # aint with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. package CodeGeneratorJS; use File::stat; my $module = ""; my $outputDir = ""; my @headerContent = (); my @implContentHeader = (); my @implContent = (); my %implIncludes = (); # Default .h template my $headerTemplate = << "EOF"; /* This file is part of the WebKit open source project. This file has been generated by generate-bindings.pl. DO NOT MODIFY! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ EOF # Default constructor sub new { my $object = shift; my $reference = { }; $codeGenerator = shift; $outputDir = shift; bless($reference, $object); return $reference; } sub finish { my $object = shift; # Commit changes! $object->WriteData(); } sub leftShift($$) { my ($value, $distance) = @_; return (($value << $distance) & 0xFFFFFFFF); } # Uppercase the first letter, while respecting WebKit style guidelines. # E.g., xmlEncoding becomes XMLEncoding, but xmlllang becomes Xmllang. sub WK_ucfirst { my $param = shift; my $ret = ucfirst($param); $ret =~ s/Xml/XML/ if $ret =~ /^Xml[^a-z]/; return $ret; } # Params: 'domClass' struct sub GenerateInterface { my $object = shift; my $dataNode = shift; my $defines = shift; # Start actual generation $object->GenerateHeader($dataNode); $object->GenerateImplementation($dataNode); my $name = $dataNode->name; # Open files for writing my $headerFileName = "$outputDir/JS$name.h"; my $implFileName = "$outputDir/JS$name.cpp"; open($IMPL, ">$implFileName") || die "Couldn't open file $implFileName"; open($HEADER, ">$headerFileName") || die "Couldn't open file $headerFileName"; } # Params: 'idlDocument' struct sub GenerateModule { my $object = shift; my $dataNode = shift; $module = $dataNode->module; } sub GetParentClassName { my $dataNode = shift; return $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"LegacyParent"} if $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"LegacyParent"}; return "KJS::DOMObject" if @{$dataNode->parents} eq 0; return "JS" . $codeGenerator->StripModule($dataNode->parents(0)); } sub GetLegacyHeaderIncludes { my $legacyParent = shift; return "#include \"JSHTMLInputElementBase.h\"\n\n" if $legacyParent eq "JSHTMLInputElementBase"; return "#include \"kjs_window.h\"\n\n" if $legacyParent eq "KJS::Window"; return "#include \"kjs_events.h\"\n\n" if $module eq "events"; return "#include \"kjs_css.h\"\n\n" if $module eq "css"; return "#include \"kjs_html.h\"\n\n" if $module eq "html"; die "Don't know what headers to include for module $module"; } sub AvoidInclusionOfType { my $type = shift; # Special case: SVGRect.h / SVGPoint.h / SVGNumber.h / SVGMatrix.h do not exist. return 1 if $type eq "SVGRect" or $type eq "SVGPoint" or $type eq "SVGNumber" or $type eq "SVGMatrix"; return 0; } sub UsesManualToJSImplementation { my $type = shift; return 1 if $type eq "Node" or $type eq "Document" or $type eq "HTMLCollection" or $type eq "SVGPathSeg" or $type eq "StyleSheet" or $type eq "CSSRule" or $type eq "CSSValue" or $type eq "Event"; return 0; } sub IndexGetterReturnsStrings { my $type = shift; return 1 if $type eq "CSSStyleDeclaration" or $type eq "MediaList"; return 0; } sub CreateSVGContextInterfaceName { my $type = shift; return $type if $codeGenerator->IsSVGAnimatedType($type); return "SVGPathSeg" if $type =~ /^SVGPathSeg/ and $type ne "SVGPathSegList"; return ""; } sub AddIncludesForType { my $type = $codeGenerator->StripModule(shift); # When we're finished with the one-file-per-class # reorganization, we won't need these special cases. if ($codeGenerator->IsPrimitiveType($type) or AvoidInclusionOfType($type) or $type eq "DOMString" or $type eq "DOMObject" or $type eq "RGBColor") { } elsif ($type =~ /SVGPathSeg/) { $joinedName = $type; $joinedName =~ s/Abs|Rel//; $implIncludes{"${joinedName}.h"} = 1; } elsif ($type eq "XPathNSResolver") { $implIncludes{"JSXPathNSResolver.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"JSCustomXPathNSResolver.h"} = 1; } else { # default, include the same named file $implIncludes{"${type}.h"} = 1; } # additional includes (things needed to compile the bindings but not the header) if ($type eq "CanvasRenderingContext2D") { $implIncludes{"CanvasGradient.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"CanvasPattern.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"CanvasStyle.h"} = 1; } if ($type eq "CanvasGradient" or $type eq "XPathNSResolver") { $implIncludes{"PlatformString.h"} = 1; } } sub AddIncludesForSVGAnimatedType { my $type = shift; $type =~ s/SVGAnimated//; if ($type eq "Point" or $type eq "Rect") { $implIncludes{"Float$type.h"} = 1; } elsif ($type eq "String") { $implIncludes{"PlatformString.h"} = 1; } } sub AddClassForwardIfNeeded { my $implClassName = shift; # SVGAnimatedLength/Number/etc.. are typedefs to SVGAnimtatedTemplate, so don't use class forwards for them! push(@headerContent, "class $implClassName;\n\n") unless $codeGenerator->IsSVGAnimatedType($implClassName); } sub HashValueForClassAndName { my $class = shift; my $name = shift; # SVG Filter enums live in WebCore namespace (platform/graphics/) if ($class =~ /^SVGFE*/ or $class =~ /^SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement$/) { return "WebCore::$name"; } return "${class}::$name"; } sub GenerateHeader { my $object = shift; my $dataNode = shift; my $interfaceName = $dataNode->name; my $className = "JS$interfaceName"; my $implClassName = $interfaceName; # We only support multiple parents with SVG (for now). if (@{$dataNode->parents} > 1) { die "A class can't have more than one parent" unless $interfaceName =~ /SVG/; $codeGenerator->AddMethodsConstantsAndAttributesFromParentClasses($dataNode); } my $hasLegacyParent = $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"LegacyParent"}; my $hasRealParent = @{$dataNode->parents} > 0; my $hasParent = $hasLegacyParent || $hasRealParent; my $parentClassName = GetParentClassName($dataNode); my $conditional = $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"Conditional"}; # - Add default header template @headerContent = split("\r", $headerTemplate); # - Add header protection push(@headerContent, "\n#ifndef $className" . "_H"); push(@headerContent, "\n#define $className" . "_H\n\n"); my $conditionalString; if ($conditional) { $conditionalString = "ENABLE(" . join(") && ENABLE(", split(/&/, $conditional)) . ")"; push(@headerContent, "\n#if ${conditionalString}\n\n"); } if (exists $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"LegacyParent"}) { push(@headerContent, GetLegacyHeaderIncludes($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"LegacyParent"})); } else { if ($hasParent) { push(@headerContent, "#include \"$parentClassName.h\"\n"); } else { push(@headerContent, "#include \"kjs_binding.h\"\n"); } } # Get correct pass/store types respecting PODType flag my $podType = $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"PODType"}; my $passType = $podType ? "JSSVGPODTypeWrapper<$podType>*" : "$implClassName*"; push(@headerContent, "#include \"$podType.h\"\n") if $podType and $podType ne "double"; push(@headerContent, "#include \"JSSVGPODTypeWrapper.h\"\n") if $podType; my $numConstants = @{$dataNode->constants}; my $numAttributes = @{$dataNode->attributes}; my $numFunctions = @{$dataNode->functions}; push(@headerContent, "\nnamespace WebCore {\n\n"); # Implementation class forward declaration AddClassForwardIfNeeded($implClassName) unless $podType; # Class declaration push(@headerContent, "class $className : public $parentClassName {\n"); push(@headerContent, "public:\n"); # Constructor if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"DoNotCache"}) { push(@headerContent, " $className($passType);\n"); } else { push(@headerContent, " $className(KJS::ExecState*, $passType);\n"); } # Destructor if (!$hasParent or $interfaceName eq "Document") { push(@headerContent, " virtual ~$className();\n"); } # Getters if ($numAttributes > 0 || $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateConstructor"}) { push(@headerContent, " virtual bool getOwnPropertySlot(KJS::ExecState*, const KJS::Identifier&, KJS::PropertySlot&);\n"); push(@headerContent, " KJS::JSValue* getValueProperty(KJS::ExecState*, int token) const;\n"); if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CustomGetOwnPropertySlot"}) { push(@headerContent, " bool customGetOwnPropertySlot(KJS::ExecState*, const KJS::Identifier&, KJS::PropertySlot&);\n"); } } # Check if we have any writable properties my $hasReadWriteProperties = 0; foreach (@{$dataNode->attributes}) { if ($_->type !~ /^readonly\ attribute$/) { $hasReadWriteProperties = 1; } } if ($hasReadWriteProperties) { push(@headerContent, " virtual void put(KJS::ExecState*, const KJS::Identifier&, KJS::JSValue*, int attr = KJS::None);\n"); push(@headerContent, " void putValueProperty(KJS::ExecState*, int, KJS::JSValue*, int attr);\n"); if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CustomPutFunction"}) { push(@headerContent, " bool customPut(KJS::ExecState*, const KJS::Identifier&, KJS::JSValue*, int attr);\n"); } } # Class info push(@headerContent, " virtual const KJS::ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }\n"); push(@headerContent, " static const KJS::ClassInfo info;\n\n"); # Custom mark function if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CustomMarkFunction"}) { push(@headerContent, " virtual void mark();\n\n"); } # Custom pushEventHandlerScope function if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CustomPushEventHandlerScope"}) { push(@headerContent, " virtual void pushEventHandlerScope(KJS::ExecState*, KJS::ScopeChain&) const;\n\n"); } # Custom call functions if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CustomCall"}) { push(@headerContent, " virtual KJS::JSValue* callAsFunction(KJS::ExecState*, KJS::JSObject*, const KJS::List&);\n"); push(@headerContent, " virtual bool implementsCall() const;\n\n"); } # Constructor object getter if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateConstructor"}) { push(@headerContent, " static KJS::JSValue* getConstructor(KJS::ExecState*);\n"); } my $numCustomFunctions = 0; my $numCustomAttributes = 0; # Attribute and function enums my $hasAttrFunctionEnum = ($numAttributes + $numFunctions > 0) || $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateConstructor"}; push(@headerContent, " enum {\n") if ($hasAttrFunctionEnum); if ($numAttributes > 0) { push(@headerContent, " // Attributes\n "); my $i = -1; foreach (@{$dataNode->attributes}) { my $attribute = $_; $numCustomAttributes++ if $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"}; $numCustomAttributes++ if $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CustomGetter"}; $numCustomAttributes++ if $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CustomSetter"}; $i++; if ((($i % 4) eq 0) and ($i ne 0)) { push(@headerContent, "\n "); } my $value = $attribute->signature->type =~ /Constructor$/ ? $attribute->signature->name . "ConstructorAttrNum" : WK_ucfirst($attribute->signature->name) . "AttrNum"; $value .= ", " if (($i < $numAttributes - 1) or (($i eq $numAttributes - 1) and (($numFunctions ne 0) or $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateConstructor"}))); push(@headerContent, $value); } } if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateConstructor"}) { push(@headerContent, "\n\n") if $numAttributes > 0; push(@headerContent, " // The Constructor Attribute\n"); push(@headerContent, " ConstructorAttrNum" . ($numFunctions ? ", " : "")); } if ($numFunctions > 0) { push(@headerContent, "\n\n") if $numAttributes > 0 || $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateConstructor"}; push(@headerContent," // Functions\n "); $i = -1; foreach my $function (@{$dataNode->functions}) { $i++; push(@headerContent, "\n ") if ((($i % 4) eq 0) and ($i ne 0)); $numCustomFunctions++ if $function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"}; my $value = WK_ucfirst($function->signature->name) . "FuncNum"; $value .= ", " if ($i < $numFunctions - 1); push(@headerContent, $value); } } push(@headerContent, "\n };\n") if ($hasAttrFunctionEnum); if ($numCustomAttributes > 0) { push(@headerContent, "\n // Custom attributes\n"); foreach my $attribute (@{$dataNode->attributes}) { if ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"}) { push(@headerContent, " KJS::JSValue* " . $attribute->signature->name . "(KJS::ExecState*) const;\n"); if ($attribute->type !~ /^readonly/) { push(@headerContent, " void set" . WK_ucfirst($attribute->signature->name) . "(KJS::ExecState*, KJS::JSValue*);\n"); } } elsif ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CustomGetter"}) { push(@headerContent, " KJS::JSValue* " . $attribute->signature->name . "(KJS::ExecState*) const;\n"); } elsif ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CustomSetter"}) { if ($attribute->type !~ /^readonly/) { push(@headerContent, " void set" . WK_ucfirst($attribute->signature->name) . "(KJS::ExecState*, KJS::JSValue*);\n"); } } } } if ($numCustomFunctions > 0) { push(@headerContent, "\n // Custom functions\n"); foreach my $function (@{$dataNode->functions}) { if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"}) { push(@headerContent, " KJS::JSValue* " . $function->signature->name . "(KJS::ExecState*, const KJS::List&);\n"); } } } # Index setter if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"HasCustomIndexSetter"}) { push(@headerContent, " void indexSetter(KJS::ExecState*, unsigned index, KJS::JSValue*, int attr);\n"); } if (!$hasParent) { if ($podType) { push(@headerContent, " JSSVGPODTypeWrapper<$podType>* impl() const { return m_impl.get(); }\n"); push(@headerContent, "private:\n"); push(@headerContent, " RefPtr > m_impl;\n"); } else { push(@headerContent, " $implClassName* impl() const { return m_impl.get(); }\n"); push(@headerContent, "private:\n"); push(@headerContent, " RefPtr<$implClassName> m_impl;\n"); } } elsif ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateNativeConverter"}) { push(@headerContent, " $implClassName* impl() const;\n"); } # Index getter if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"HasIndexGetter"}) { push(@headerContent, "private:\n"); push(@headerContent, " static KJS::JSValue* indexGetter(KJS::ExecState*, KJS::JSObject*, const KJS::Identifier&, const KJS::PropertySlot&);\n"); } # Name getter if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"HasNameGetter"} || $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"HasOverridingNameGetter"}) { push(@headerContent, "private:\n"); push(@headerContent, " static bool canGetItemsForName(KJS::ExecState*, $implClassName*, const KJS::Identifier&);\n"); push(@headerContent, " static KJS::JSValue* nameGetter(KJS::ExecState*, KJS::JSObject*, const KJS::Identifier&, const KJS::PropertySlot&);\n"); } push(@headerContent, "};\n\n"); if (!$hasParent || $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateToJS"}) { if ($podType) { push(@headerContent, "KJS::JSValue* toJS(KJS::ExecState*, JSSVGPODTypeWrapper<$podType>*);\n"); } elsif ($interfaceName eq "Node") { push(@headerContent, "KJS::JSValue* toJS(KJS::ExecState*, PassRefPtr);\n"); } else { push(@headerContent, "KJS::JSValue* toJS(KJS::ExecState*, $passType);\n"); } } if (!$hasParent || $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateNativeConverter"}) { if ($podType) { push(@headerContent, "$podType to${interfaceName}(KJS::JSValue*);\n"); } else { push(@headerContent, "$implClassName* to${interfaceName}(KJS::JSValue*);\n"); } } push(@headerContent, "\n"); # Add prototype declaration -- code adopted from the KJS_DEFINE_PROTOTYPE and KJS_DEFINE_PROTOTYPE_WITH_PROTOTYPE macros push(@headerContent, "class ${className}Prototype : public KJS::JSObject {\n"); push(@headerContent, "public:\n"); if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"DoNotCache"}) { push(@headerContent, " static KJS::JSObject* self();\n"); } else { push(@headerContent, " static KJS::JSObject* self(KJS::ExecState* exec);\n"); } push(@headerContent, " virtual const KJS::ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }\n"); push(@headerContent, " static const KJS::ClassInfo info;\n"); if ($numFunctions > 0 || $numConstants > 0) { push(@headerContent, " bool getOwnPropertySlot(KJS::ExecState*, const KJS::Identifier&, KJS::PropertySlot&);\n"); } if ($numConstants ne 0) { push(@headerContent, " KJS::JSValue* getValueProperty(KJS::ExecState*, int token) const;\n"); } if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"DoNotCache"}) { push(@headerContent, " ${className}Prototype() { }\n"); } else { push(@headerContent, " ${className}Prototype(KJS::ExecState* exec)\n"); if ($hasParent && $parentClassName ne "KJS::DOMNodeFilter") { push(@headerContent, " : KJS::JSObject(${parentClassName}Prototype::self(exec)) { }\n"); } else { push(@headerContent, " : KJS::JSObject(exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinObjectPrototype()) { }\n"); } } push(@headerContent, "};\n\n"); if ($numFunctions > 0) { push(@headerContent, prototypeFunctionFor($className)); } push(@headerContent, "} // namespace WebCore\n\n"); push(@headerContent, "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n\n") if $conditional; push(@headerContent, "#endif\n"); } sub GenerateImplementation { my ($object, $dataNode) = @_; my $interfaceName = $dataNode->name; my $className = "JS$interfaceName"; my $implClassName = $interfaceName; my $hasLegacyParent = $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"LegacyParent"}; my $hasRealParent = @{$dataNode->parents} > 0; my $hasParent = $hasLegacyParent || $hasRealParent; my $parentClassName = GetParentClassName($dataNode); my $conditional = $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"Conditional"}; # - Add default header template @implContentHeader = split("\r", $headerTemplate); push(@implContentHeader, "\n#include \"config.h\"\n\n"); my $conditionalString; if ($conditional) { $conditionalString = "ENABLE(" . join(") && ENABLE(", split(/&/, $conditional)) . ")"; push(@implContentHeader, "\n#if ${conditionalString}\n\n"); } if ($className =~ /^JSSVG/) { push(@implContentHeader, "#include \"Document.h\"\n"); push(@implContentHeader, "#include \"Frame.h\"\n"); push(@implContentHeader, "#include \"SVGDocumentExtensions.h\"\n"); push(@implContentHeader, "#include \"SVGElement.h\"\n"); push(@implContentHeader, "#include \"SVGAnimatedTemplate.h\"\n"); if ($className =~ /^JSSVGAnimated/) { AddIncludesForSVGAnimatedType($interfaceName); } } push(@implContentHeader, "#include \"$className.h\"\n\n"); push(@implContentHeader, "#include \n\n"); AddIncludesForType($interfaceName); @implContent = (); push(@implContent, "\nusing namespace KJS;\n\n"); push(@implContent, "namespace WebCore {\n\n"); # - Add all attributes in a hashtable definition my $numAttributes = @{$dataNode->attributes}; $numAttributes++ if $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateConstructor"}; if ($numAttributes > 0) { my $hashSize = $numAttributes; my $hashName = $className . "Table"; my @hashKeys = (); # ie. 'insertBefore' my @hashValues = (); # ie. 'JSNode::InsertBefore' my @hashSpecials = (); # ie. 'DontDelete|Function' my @hashParameters = (); # ie. '2' foreach my $attribute (@{$dataNode->attributes}) { my $name = $attribute->signature->name; push(@hashKeys, $name); my $value = $className . "::" . ($attribute->signature->type =~ /Constructor$/ ? $attribute->signature->name . "ConstructorAttrNum" : WK_ucfirst($attribute->signature->name) . "AttrNum"); push(@hashValues, $value); my @specials = (); push(@specials, "DontDelete") unless $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Deletable"}; push(@specials, "DontEnum") if $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"DontEnum"}; push(@specials, "ReadOnly") if $attribute->type =~ /readonly/; my $special = (@specials > 0) ? join("|", @specials) : "0"; push(@hashSpecials, $special); my $numParameters = "0"; push(@hashParameters, $numParameters); } if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateConstructor"}) { push(@hashKeys, "constructor"); push(@hashValues, $className . "::ConstructorAttrNum"); push(@hashSpecials, "DontDelete|DontEnum|ReadOnly"); push(@hashParameters, "0"); } $object->GenerateHashTable($hashName, $hashSize, \@hashKeys, \@hashValues, \@hashSpecials, \@hashParameters); } my $numConstants = @{$dataNode->constants}; my $numFunctions = @{$dataNode->functions}; # - Add all constants if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateConstructor"}) { $hashSize = $numConstants; $hashName = $className . "ConstructorTable"; @hashKeys = (); @hashValues = (); @hashSpecials = (); @hashParameters = (); foreach my $constant (@{$dataNode->constants}) { my $name = $constant->name; push(@hashKeys, $name); my $value = HashValueForClassAndName($implClassName, $name); push(@hashValues, $value); my $special = "DontDelete|ReadOnly"; push(@hashSpecials, $special); my $numParameters = 0; push(@hashParameters, $numParameters); } $object->GenerateHashTable($hashName, $hashSize, \@hashKeys, \@hashValues, \@hashSpecials, \@hashParameters); my $protoClassName; $protoClassName = "${className}Prototype"; push(@implContent, constructorFor($className, $protoClassName, $interfaceName, $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CanBeConstructed"})); } # - Add functions and constants to a hashtable definition $hashSize = $numFunctions + $numConstants; $hashName = $className . "PrototypeTable"; @hashKeys = (); @hashValues = (); @hashSpecials = (); @hashParameters = (); foreach my $constant (@{$dataNode->constants}) { my $name = $constant->name; push(@hashKeys, $name); my $value = HashValueForClassAndName($implClassName, $name); push(@hashValues, $value); my $special = "DontDelete|ReadOnly"; push(@hashSpecials, $special); my $numParameters = 0; push(@hashParameters, $numParameters); } foreach my $function (@{$dataNode->functions}) { my $name = $function->signature->name; push(@hashKeys, $name); my $value = $className . "::" . WK_ucfirst($name) . "FuncNum"; push(@hashValues, $value); my @specials = (); push(@specials, "DontDelete") unless $function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Deletable"}; push(@specials, "DontEnum") if $function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"DontEnum"}; push(@specials, "Function"); my $special = (@specials > 0) ? join("|", @specials) : "0"; push(@hashSpecials, $special); my $numParameters = @{$function->parameters}; push(@hashParameters, $numParameters); } $object->GenerateHashTable($hashName, $hashSize, \@hashKeys, \@hashValues, \@hashSpecials, \@hashParameters); push(@implContent, "const ClassInfo ${className}Prototype::info = { \"${interfaceName}Prototype\", 0, &${className}PrototypeTable, 0 };\n\n"); if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"DoNotCache"}) { push(@implContent, "JSObject* ${className}Prototype::self()\n"); push(@implContent, "{\n"); push(@implContent, " return new ${className}Prototype();\n"); push(@implContent, "}\n\n"); } else { push(@implContent, "JSObject* ${className}Prototype::self(ExecState* exec)\n"); push(@implContent, "{\n"); push(@implContent, " return KJS::cacheGlobalObject<${className}Prototype>(exec, \"[[${className}.prototype]]\");\n"); push(@implContent, "}\n\n"); } if ($numConstants > 0 || $numFunctions > 0) { push(@implContent, "bool ${className}Prototype::getOwnPropertySlot(ExecState* exec, const Identifier& propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)\n"); push(@implContent, "{\n"); if ($numConstants eq 0) { push(@implContent, " return getStaticFunctionSlot<${className}PrototypeFunction, JSObject>(exec, &${className}PrototypeTable, this, propertyName, slot);\n"); } elsif ($numFunctions eq 0) { push(@implContent, " return getStaticValueSlot<${className}Prototype, JSObject>(exec, &${className}PrototypeTable, this, propertyName, slot);\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " return getStaticPropertySlot<${className}PrototypeFunction, ${className}Prototype, JSObject>(exec, &${className}PrototypeTable, this, propertyName, slot);\n"); } push(@implContent, "}\n\n"); } if ($numConstants ne 0) { push(@implContent, "JSValue* ${className}Prototype::getValueProperty(ExecState*, int token) const\n{\n"); push(@implContent, " // The token is the numeric value of its associated constant\n"); push(@implContent, " return jsNumber(token);\n}\n\n"); } # - Initialize static ClassInfo object push(@implContent, "const ClassInfo $className" . "::info = { \"$interfaceName\", "); if ($hasParent) { push(@implContent, "&" .$parentClassName . "::info, "); } else { push(@implContent, "0, "); } if ($numAttributes > 0) { push(@implContent, "&${className}Table, "); } else { push(@implContent, "0, ") } push(@implContent, "0 };\n\n"); # Get correct pass/store types respecting PODType flag my $podType = $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"PODType"}; my $passType = $podType ? "JSSVGPODTypeWrapper<$podType>*" : "$implClassName*"; # Constructor if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"DoNotCache"}) { push(@implContent, "${className}::$className($passType impl)\n"); push(@implContent, " : $parentClassName(impl)\n"); } else { push(@implContent, "${className}::$className(ExecState* exec, $passType impl)\n"); if ($hasParent) { push(@implContent, " : $parentClassName(exec, impl)\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " : m_impl(impl)\n"); } } if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"DoNotCache"}) { push(@implContent, "{\n setPrototype(${className}Prototype::self());\n}\n\n"); } else { push(@implContent, "{\n setPrototype(${className}Prototype::self(exec));\n}\n\n"); } # Destructor if (!$hasParent) { push(@implContent, "${className}::~$className()\n"); my $contextInterfaceName = CreateSVGContextInterfaceName($interfaceName); push(@implContent, "{\n"); if ($contextInterfaceName ne "") { push(@implContent, " SVGDocumentExtensions::forgetGenericContext<$contextInterfaceName>(m_impl.get());\n"); push(@implContent, " ScriptInterpreter::forgetDOMObject(m_impl.get());\n"); } elsif ($interfaceName eq "Node") { push(@implContent, " ScriptInterpreter::forgetDOMNodeForDocument(m_impl->document(), m_impl.get());\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " ScriptInterpreter::forgetDOMObject(m_impl.get());\n"); } push(@implContent, "}\n\n"); } # Document needs a special destructor because it's a special case for caching. It needs # its own special handling rather than relying on the caching that Node normally does. if ($interfaceName eq "Document") { push(@implContent, "${className}::~$className()\n"); push(@implContent, "{\n ScriptInterpreter::forgetDOMObject(static_cast<${implClassName}*>(impl()));\n}\n\n"); } # Attributes if ($numAttributes ne 0) { push(@implContent, "bool ${className}::getOwnPropertySlot(ExecState* exec, const Identifier& propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)\n"); push(@implContent, "{\n"); if ($interfaceName eq "NamedNodeMap" or $interfaceName eq "HTMLCollection") { push(@implContent, " JSValue* proto = prototype();\n"); push(@implContent, " if (proto->isObject() && static_cast(proto)->hasProperty(exec, propertyName))\n"); push(@implContent, " return false;\n\n"); } my $hasNameGetterGeneration = sub { push(@implContent, " if (canGetItemsForName(exec, static_cast<$implClassName*>(impl()), propertyName)) {\n"); push(@implContent, " slot.setCustom(this, nameGetter);\n"); push(@implContent, " return true;\n"); push(@implContent, " }\n"); $implIncludes{"AtomicString.h"} = 1; }; if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"HasOverridingNameGetter"}) { &$hasNameGetterGeneration(); } my $requiresManualLookup = $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"HasIndexGetter"} || $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"HasNameGetter"}; if ($requiresManualLookup) { push(@implContent, " const HashEntry* entry = Lookup::findEntry(&${className}Table, propertyName);\n"); push(@implContent, " if (entry) {\n"); push(@implContent, " slot.setStaticEntry(this, entry, staticValueGetter<$className>);\n"); push(@implContent, " return true;\n"); push(@implContent, " }\n"); } if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"HasIndexGetter"}) { push(@implContent, " bool ok;\n"); push(@implContent, " unsigned index = propertyName.toUInt32(&ok, false);\n"); push(@implContent, " if (ok && index < static_cast<$implClassName*>(impl())->length()) {\n"); push(@implContent, " slot.setCustomIndex(this, index, indexGetter);\n"); push(@implContent, " return true;\n"); push(@implContent, " }\n"); } if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"HasNameGetter"}) { &$hasNameGetterGeneration(); } if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CustomGetOwnPropertySlot"}) { push(@implContent, " if (customGetOwnPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot))\n"); push(@implContent, " return true;\n"); } if ($requiresManualLookup) { push(@implContent, " return ${parentClassName}::getOwnPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot);\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " return getStaticValueSlot<$className, $parentClassName>(exec, &${className}Table, this, propertyName, slot);\n"); } push(@implContent, "}\n\n"); push(@implContent, "JSValue* ${className}::getValueProperty(ExecState* exec, int token) const\n{\n"); push(@implContent, " switch (token) {\n"); foreach my $attribute (@{$dataNode->attributes}) { my $name = $attribute->signature->name; my $implClassNameForValueConversion = ""; if (!$podType and ($codeGenerator->IsSVGAnimatedType($implClassName) or $attribute->type !~ /^readonly/)) { $implClassNameForValueConversion = $implClassName; } if ($attribute->signature->type =~ /Constructor$/) { push(@implContent, " case " . $name . "ConstructorAttrNum: {\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " case " . WK_ucfirst($name) . "AttrNum: {\n"); } if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CheckDomainSecurity"} && !$attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"DoNotCheckDomainSecurity"}) { push(@implContent, " if (!isSafeScript(exec))\n"); push(@implContent, " return jsUndefined();\n"); } if ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"} || $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CustomGetter"}) { push(@implContent, " return $name(exec);\n"); } elsif ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CheckNodeSecurity"}) { $implIncludes{"kjs_dom.h"} = 1; push(@implContent, " $implClassName* imp = static_cast<$implClassName*>(impl());\n\n"); push(@implContent, " return checkNodeSecurity(exec, imp->$name()) ? " . NativeToJSValue($attribute->signature, $implClassNameForValueConversion, "imp->$name()") . " : jsUndefined();\n"); } elsif ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CheckFrameSecurity"}) { $implIncludes{"Document.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"kjs_dom.h"} = 1; push(@implContent, " $implClassName* imp = static_cast<$implClassName*>(impl());\n\n"); push(@implContent, " return checkNodeSecurity(exec, imp->contentDocument()) ? " . NativeToJSValue($attribute->signature, $implClassNameForValueConversion, "imp->$name()") . " : jsUndefined();\n"); } elsif ($attribute->signature->type =~ /Constructor$/) { my $constructorType = $codeGenerator->StripModule($attribute->signature->type); $constructorType =~ s/Constructor$//; push(@implContent, " return JS" . $constructorType . "::getConstructor(exec);\n"); } elsif (!@{$attribute->getterExceptions}) { if ($podType) { push(@implContent, " $podType& imp(*impl());\n\n"); if ($podType eq "double") { # Special case for JSSVGNumber push(@implContent, " return " . NativeToJSValue($attribute->signature, "", "imp") . ";\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " return " . NativeToJSValue($attribute->signature, "", "imp.$name()") . ";\n"); } } else { push(@implContent, " $implClassName* imp = static_cast<$implClassName*>(impl());\n\n"); my $type = $codeGenerator->StripModule($attribute->signature->type); my $jsType = NativeToJSValue($attribute->signature, $implClassNameForValueConversion, "imp->$name()"); if ($codeGenerator->IsSVGAnimatedType($type)) { push(@implContent, " ASSERT(exec && exec->dynamicInterpreter());\n\n"); push(@implContent, " RefPtr<$type> obj = $jsType;\n"); push(@implContent, " Frame* activeFrame = static_cast(exec->dynamicInterpreter())->frame();\n"); push(@implContent, " if (activeFrame) {\n"); push(@implContent, " SVGDocumentExtensions* extensions = (activeFrame->document() ? activeFrame->document()->accessSVGExtensions() : 0);\n"); push(@implContent, " if (extensions) {\n"); push(@implContent, " if (extensions->hasGenericContext<$type>(obj.get()))\n"); push(@implContent, " ASSERT(extensions->genericContext<$type>(obj.get()) == imp);\n"); push(@implContent, " else\n"); push(@implContent, " extensions->setGenericContext<$type>(obj.get(), imp);\n"); push(@implContent, " }\n"); push(@implContent, " }\n\n"); push(@implContent, " return toJS(exec, obj.get());\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " return $jsType;\n"); } } } else { push(@implContent, " ExceptionCode ec = 0;\n"); if ($podType) { push(@implContent, " $podType& imp(*impl());\n\n"); push(@implContent, " KJS::JSValue* result = " . NativeToJSValue($attribute->signature, "", "imp.$name(ec)") . ";\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " $implClassName* imp = static_cast<$implClassName*>(impl());\n\n"); push(@implContent, " KJS::JSValue* result = " . NativeToJSValue($attribute->signature, $implClassNameForValueConversion, "imp->$name(ec)") . ";\n"); } push(@implContent, " setDOMException(exec, ec);\n"); push(@implContent, " return result;\n"); } push(@implContent, " }\n"); } if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateConstructor"}) { push(@implContent, " case ConstructorAttrNum:\n"); push(@implContent, " return getConstructor(exec);\n"); } push(@implContent, " }\n"); push(@implContent, " return 0;\n}\n\n"); # Check if we have any writable attributes my $hasReadWriteProperties = 0; foreach my $attribute (@{$dataNode->attributes}) { $hasReadWriteProperties = 1 if $attribute->type !~ /^readonly/; } if ($hasReadWriteProperties) { push(@implContent, "void ${className}::put(ExecState* exec, const Identifier& propertyName, JSValue* value, int attr)\n"); push(@implContent, "{\n"); if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"HasCustomIndexSetter"}) { push(@implContent, " bool ok;\n"); push(@implContent, " unsigned index = propertyName.toUInt32(&ok, false);\n"); push(@implContent, " if (ok) {\n"); push(@implContent, " indexSetter(exec, index, value, attr);\n"); push(@implContent, " return;\n"); push(@implContent, " }\n"); } if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CustomPutFunction"}) { push(@implContent, " if (customPut(exec, propertyName, value, attr))\n"); push(@implContent, " return;\n"); } push(@implContent, " lookupPut<$className, $parentClassName>(exec, propertyName, value, attr, &${className}Table, this);\n"); push(@implContent, "}\n\n"); push(@implContent, "void ${className}::putValueProperty(ExecState* exec, int token, JSValue* value, int /*attr*/)\n"); push(@implContent, "{\n"); push(@implContent, " switch (token) {\n"); foreach my $attribute (@{$dataNode->attributes}) { if ($attribute->type !~ /^readonly/) { my $name = $attribute->signature->name; if ($attribute->signature->type =~ /Constructor$/) { push(@implContent, " case " . $name ."ConstructorAttrNum: {\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " case " . WK_ucfirst($name) . "AttrNum: {\n"); } if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CheckDomainSecurity"} && !$attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"DoNotCheckDomainSecurity"}) { push(@implContent, " if (!isSafeScript(exec))\n"); push(@implContent, " return;\n"); } if ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"} || $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CustomSetter"}) { push(@implContent, " set" . WK_ucfirst($name) . "(exec, value);\n"); } elsif ($attribute->signature->type =~ /Constructor$/) { my $constructorType = $attribute->signature->type; $constructorType =~ s/Constructor$//; $implIncludes{"JS" . $constructorType . ".h"} = 1; push(@implContent, " // Shadowing a built-in constructor\n"); push(@implContent, " JSObject::put(exec, \"$name\", value);\n"); } else { if ($podType) { push(@implContent, " $podType& imp(*impl());\n\n"); if ($podType eq "double") { # Special case for JSSVGNumber push(@implContent, " imp = " . JSValueToNative($attribute->signature, "value") . ";\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " imp.set" . WK_ucfirst($name) . "(" . JSValueToNative($attribute->signature, "value") . ");\n"); } push(@implContent, " m_impl->commitChange(exec);\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " $implClassName* imp = static_cast<$implClassName*>(impl());\n\n"); push(@implContent, " ExceptionCode ec = 0;\n") if @{$attribute->setterExceptions}; push(@implContent, " imp->set" . WK_ucfirst($name) . "(" . JSValueToNative($attribute->signature, "value")); push(@implContent, ", ec") if @{$attribute->setterExceptions}; push(@implContent, ");\n"); push(@implContent, " setDOMException(exec, ec);\n") if @{$attribute->setterExceptions}; } } push(@implContent, " break;\n"); push(@implContent, " }\n"); } } push(@implContent, " }\n"); # end switch my $contextInterfaceName = CreateSVGContextInterfaceName($interfaceName); if ($contextInterfaceName ne "") { push(@implContent, " $implClassName* imp = static_cast<$implClassName*>(impl());\n\n"); push(@implContent, " ASSERT(exec && exec->dynamicInterpreter());\n"); push(@implContent, " Frame* activeFrame = static_cast(exec->dynamicInterpreter())->frame();\n"); push(@implContent, " if (!activeFrame)\n return;\n\n"); push(@implContent, " SVGDocumentExtensions* extensions = (activeFrame->document() ? activeFrame->document()->accessSVGExtensions() : 0);\n"); push(@implContent, " if (extensions && extensions->hasGenericContext<$contextInterfaceName>(imp)) {\n"); push(@implContent, " const SVGElement* context = extensions->genericContext<$contextInterfaceName>(imp);\n"); push(@implContent, " ASSERT(context);\n\n"); push(@implContent, " context->notifyAttributeChange();\n"); push(@implContent, " }\n\n"); } push(@implContent, "}\n\n"); # end function } } if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateConstructor"}) { push(@implContent, "JSValue* ${className}::getConstructor(ExecState* exec)\n{\n"); push(@implContent, " return KJS::cacheGlobalObject<${className}Constructor>(exec, \"[[${interfaceName}.constructor]]\");\n"); push(@implContent, "}\n"); } # Functions if ($numFunctions ne 0) { push(@implContent, "JSValue* ${className}PrototypeFunction::callAsFunction(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObj, const List& args)\n{\n"); push(@implContent, " if (!thisObj->inherits(&${className}::info))\n"); push(@implContent, " return throwError(exec, TypeError);\n\n"); if ($podType) { push(@implContent, " JSSVGPODTypeWrapper<$podType>* wrapper = static_cast<$className*>(thisObj)->impl();\n"); push(@implContent, " $podType& imp(*wrapper);\n\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " $implClassName* imp = static_cast<$implClassName*>(static_cast<$className*>(thisObj)->impl());\n\n"); } push(@implContent, " switch (id) {\n"); my $hasCustomFunctionsOnly = 1; foreach my $function (@{$dataNode->functions}) { push(@implContent, " case ${className}::" . WK_ucfirst($function->signature->name) . "FuncNum: {\n"); if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"}) { push(@implContent, " return static_cast<${className}*>(thisObj)->" . $function->signature->name . "(exec, args);\n }\n"); next; } $hasCustomFunctionsOnly = 0; AddIncludesForType($function->signature->type); if (@{$function->raisesExceptions}) { push(@implContent, " ExceptionCode ec = 0;\n"); } if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"SVGCheckSecurityDocument"}) { push(@implContent, " if (!checkNodeSecurity(exec, imp->getSVGDocument(" . (@{$function->raisesExceptions} ? "ec" : "") .")))\n"); push(@implContent, " return jsUndefined();\n"); $implIncludes{"kjs_dom.h"} = 1; } my $paramIndex = 0; my $functionString = "imp" . ($podType ? "." : "->") . $function->signature->name . "("; my $numParameters = @{$function->parameters}; my $hasOptionalArguments = 0; foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) { if (!$hasOptionalArguments && $parameter->extendedAttributes->{"Optional"}) { push(@implContent, "\n int argsCount = args.size();\n"); $hasOptionalArguments = 1; } if ($hasOptionalArguments) { push(@implContent, " if (argsCount < " . ($paramIndex + 1) . ") {\n"); GenerateImplementationFunctionCall($function, $functionString, $paramIndex, " " x 3, $podType); push(@implContent, " }\n\n"); } my $name = $parameter->name; if ($parameter->type eq "XPathNSResolver") { push(@implContent, " RefPtr customResolver;\n"); push(@implContent, " XPathNSResolver* resolver = toXPathNSResolver(args[$paramIndex]);\n"); push(@implContent, " if (!resolver) {\n"); push(@implContent, " customResolver = JSCustomXPathNSResolver::create(exec, args[$paramIndex]);\n"); push(@implContent, " if (exec->hadException())\n"); push(@implContent, " return jsUndefined();\n"); push(@implContent, " resolver = customResolver.get();\n"); push(@implContent, " }\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " bool ${name}Ok;\n") if TypeCanFailConversion($parameter); push(@implContent, " " . GetNativeTypeFromSignature($parameter) . " $name = " . JSValueToNative($parameter, "args[$paramIndex]", TypeCanFailConversion($parameter) ? "${name}Ok" : undef) . ";\n"); if (TypeCanFailConversion($parameter)) { push(@implContent, " if (!${name}Ok) {\n"); push(@implContent, " setDOMException(exec, TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR);\n"); push(@implContent, " return jsUndefined();\n }\n"); } # If a parameter is "an index", it should throw an INDEX_SIZE_ERR # exception if ($parameter->extendedAttributes->{"IsIndex"}) { $implIncludes{"ExceptionCode.h"} = 1; push(@implContent, " if ($name < 0) {\n"); push(@implContent, " setDOMException(exec, INDEX_SIZE_ERR);\n"); push(@implContent, " return jsUndefined();\n }\n"); } } $functionString .= ", " if $paramIndex; $functionString .= $name; $paramIndex++; } push(@implContent, "\n"); GenerateImplementationFunctionCall($function, $functionString, $paramIndex, " " x 2, $podType); push(@implContent, " }\n"); # end case } push(@implContent, " }\n"); # end switch push(@implContent, " (void)imp;\n") if $hasCustomFunctionsOnly; push(@implContent, " return 0;\n"); push(@implContent, "}\n"); } if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"HasIndexGetter"}) { push(@implContent, "\nJSValue* ${className}::indexGetter(ExecState* exec, JSObject* originalObject, const Identifier& propertyName, const PropertySlot& slot)\n"); push(@implContent, "{\n"); push(@implContent, " ${className}* thisObj = static_cast<$className*>(slot.slotBase());\n"); if (IndexGetterReturnsStrings($implClassName)) { $implIncludes{"PlatformString.h"} = 1; push(@implContent, " return jsStringOrNull(thisObj->impl()->item(slot.index()));\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " return toJS(exec, static_cast<$implClassName*>(thisObj->impl())->item(slot.index()));\n"); } push(@implContent, "}\n"); if ($interfaceName eq "HTMLCollection") { $implIncludes{"JSNode.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"Node.h"} = 1; } } if ((!$hasParent or $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateToJS"}) and !UsesManualToJSImplementation($implClassName)) { if ($podType) { push(@implContent, "KJS::JSValue* toJS(KJS::ExecState* exec, JSSVGPODTypeWrapper<$podType>* obj)\n"); } else { push(@implContent, "KJS::JSValue* toJS(KJS::ExecState* exec, $passType obj)\n"); } push(@implContent, "{\n"); if ($podType) { # This cache facility is not really working for POD types, we'd need to pass around pointers instead of POD # types to be able to reuse the JSSVGFooBar classes. What's happening right now, is that we just create a new # JSSVGPODTypeWrapper, once toJS is called. A follow up call, doing the same, would also create a new JSSVGPODTypeWrapper. # So if we'd use pointers for POD types like SVGPoint, SVGRect, we could easily reuse the JSSVGPoint/JSSVGRect classes. # Though we do NOT want to pass primitive pointer around in SVG, that's why we have to create these "smart wrappers" # around POD types in the bindings. This approach is still way better than using pointers all over SVG codebase. push(@implContent, " return KJS::cacheDOMObject, $className>(exec, obj);\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " return KJS::cacheDOMObject<$implClassName, $className>(exec, obj);\n"); } push(@implContent, "}\n"); } if ((!$hasParent or $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateNativeConverter"}) and !$dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CustomNativeConverter"}) { if ($podType) { push(@implContent, "$podType to${interfaceName}(KJS::JSValue* val)\n"); } else { push(@implContent, "$implClassName* to${interfaceName}(KJS::JSValue* val)\n"); } push(@implContent, "{\n"); push(@implContent, " return val->isObject(&${className}::info) ? " . ($podType ? "($podType) *" : "") . "static_cast<$className*>(val)->impl() : "); if ($podType and $podType ne "double") { push(@implContent, "$podType();\n}\n"); } else { push(@implContent, "0;\n}\n"); } } if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"GenerateNativeConverter"} && $hasParent) { push(@implContent, "\n$implClassName* ${className}::impl() const\n"); push(@implContent, "{\n"); push(@implContent, " return static_cast<$implClassName*>(${parentClassName}::impl());\n"); push(@implContent, "}\n"); } push(@implContent, "\n}\n"); push(@implContent, "\n#endif // ${conditionalString}\n") if $conditional; } sub GenerateImplementationFunctionCall() { my $function = shift; my $functionString = shift; my $paramIndex = shift; my $indent = shift; my $podType = shift; if (@{$function->raisesExceptions}) { $functionString .= ", " if $paramIndex; $functionString .= "ec"; } $functionString .= ")"; if ($function->signature->type eq "void") { push(@implContent, $indent . "$functionString;\n"); push(@implContent, $indent . "setDOMException(exec, ec);\n") if @{$function->raisesExceptions}; push(@implContent, $indent . "wrapper->commitChange(exec);\n") if $podType; push(@implContent, $indent . "return jsUndefined();\n"); } else { push(@implContent, "\n" . $indent . "KJS::JSValue* result = " . NativeToJSValue($function->signature, "", $functionString) . ";\n"); push(@implContent, $indent . "setDOMException(exec, ec);\n") if @{$function->raisesExceptions}; push(@implContent, $indent . "wrapper->commitChange(exec);\n") if $podType; push(@implContent, $indent . "return result;\n"); } } sub GetNativeTypeFromSignature { my $signature = shift; my $type = $codeGenerator->StripModule($signature->type); if ($type eq "unsigned long" and $signature->extendedAttributes->{"IsIndex"}) { # Special-case index arguments because we need to check that they aren't < 0. return "int"; } return GetNativeType($type); } sub GetNativeType { my $type = shift; return "unsigned" if $type eq "unsigned long"; return $type if $type eq "unsigned short" or $type eq "float" or $type eq "double" or $type eq "AtomicString"; return "bool" if $type eq "boolean"; return "int" if $type eq "long"; return "String" if $type eq "DOMString"; return "Range::CompareHow" if $type eq "CompareHow"; return "EventTargetNode*" if $type eq "EventTarget"; return "FloatRect" if $type eq "SVGRect"; return "FloatPoint" if $type eq "SVGPoint"; return "AffineTransform" if $type eq "SVGMatrix"; return "SVGTransform" if $type eq "SVGTransform"; return "SVGLength" if $type eq "SVGLength"; return "double" if $type eq "SVGNumber"; return "SVGPaint::SVGPaintType" if $type eq "SVGPaintType"; # Default, assume native type is a pointer with same type name as idl type return "${type}*"; } sub TypeCanFailConversion { my $signature = shift; my $type = $codeGenerator->StripModule($signature->type); # FIXME: convert to use a hash return 0 if $type eq "boolean" or $type eq "float" or $type eq "double" or $type eq "AtomicString" or $type eq "DOMString" or $type eq "Node" or $type eq "Element" or $type eq "DocumentType" or $type eq "Event" or $type eq "EventListener" or $type eq "EventTarget" or $type eq "Range" or $type eq "NodeFilter" or $type eq "DOMWindow" or $type eq "XPathEvaluator" or $type eq "XPathNSResolver" or $type eq "XPathResult" or $type eq "SVGAngle" or $type eq "SVGLength" or $type eq "SVGNumber" or $type eq "SVGPoint" or $type eq "SVGTransform" or $type eq "SVGPathSeg" or $type eq "SVGMatrix" or $type eq "SVGRect" or $type eq "SVGElement" or $type eq "HTMLElement" or $type eq "HTMLOptionElement" or $type eq "unsigned short" or # or can it? $type eq "CompareHow" or # or can it? $type eq "SVGPaintType"; # or can it? if ($type eq "unsigned long" or $type eq "long" or $type eq "Attr") { $implIncludes{"ExceptionCode.h"} = 1; return 1; } die "Don't know whether a JS value can fail conversion to type $type." } sub JSValueToNative { my $signature = shift; my $value = shift; my $okParam = shift; my $maybeOkParam = $okParam ? ", ${okParam}" : ""; my $type = $codeGenerator->StripModule($signature->type); return "$value->toBoolean(exec)" if $type eq "boolean"; return "$value->toNumber(exec)" if $type eq "double" or $type eq "SVGNumber"; return "$value->toFloat(exec)" if $type eq "float"; return "$value->toInt32(exec${maybeOkParam})" if $type eq "unsigned long" or $type eq "long" or $type eq "unsigned short"; return "static_cast($value->toInt32(exec))" if $type eq "CompareHow"; return "static_cast($value->toInt32(exec))" if $type eq "SVGPaintType"; return "$value->toString(exec)" if $type eq "AtomicString"; if ($type eq "DOMString") { return "valueToStringWithNullCheck(exec, $value)" if $signature->extendedAttributes->{"ConvertNullToNullString"}; return "valueToStringWithUndefinedOrNullCheck(exec, $value)" if $signature->extendedAttributes->{"ConvertUndefinedOrNullToNullString"}; return "$value->toString(exec)"; } if ($type eq "EventTarget") { $implIncludes{"JSEventTargetNode.h"} = 1; return "toEventTargetNode($value)"; } if ($type eq "Attr") { $implIncludes{"kjs_dom.h"} = 1; return "toAttr($value${maybeOkParam})"; } if ($type eq "SVGRect") { $implIncludes{"FloatRect.h"} = 1; } if ($type eq "SVGPoint") { $implIncludes{"FloatPoint.h"} = 1; } # Default, assume autogenerated type conversion routines $implIncludes{"JS$type.h"} = 1; return "to$type($value)"; } sub NativeToJSValue { my $signature = shift; my $implClassName = shift; my $value = shift; my $type = $codeGenerator->StripModule($signature->type); return "jsBoolean($value)" if $type eq "boolean"; return "jsNumber($value)" if $codeGenerator->IsPrimitiveType($type) or $type eq "SVGPaintType" or $type eq "DOMTimeStamp"; if ($codeGenerator->IsStringType($type)) { $implIncludes{"PlatformString.h"} = 1; my $conv = $signature->extendedAttributes->{"ConvertNullStringTo"}; if (defined $conv) { return "jsStringOrNull($value)" if $conv eq "Null"; return "jsStringOrUndefined($value)" if $conv eq "Undefined"; return "jsStringOrFalse($value)" if $conv eq "False"; die "Unknown value for ConvertNullStringTo extended attribute"; } return "jsString($value)"; } if ($type eq "RGBColor") { $implIncludes{"kjs_css.h"} = 1; return "getJSRGBColor(exec, $value)"; } if ($codeGenerator->IsPodType($type)) { $implIncludes{"JS$type.h"} = 1; my $nativeType = GetNativeType($type); my $getter = $value; $getter =~ s/imp->//; $getter =~ s/\(\)//; my $setter = "set" . WK_ucfirst($getter); if ($implClassName eq "") { return "toJS(exec, new JSSVGPODTypeWrapper<$nativeType>($value))"; } else { return "toJS(exec, new JSSVGPODTypeWrapperCreator<$nativeType, $implClassName>(imp, &${implClassName}::$getter, &${implClassName}::$setter))"; } } if ($type eq "StyleSheetList") { $implIncludes{"StyleSheetList.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"kjs_css.h"} = 1; return "toJS(exec, WTF::getPtr($value), imp)"; } if ($codeGenerator->IsSVGAnimatedType($type)) { $value =~ s/\(\)//; $value .= "Animated()"; } if ($type eq "CSSStyleDeclaration") { $implIncludes{"CSSMutableStyleDeclaration.h"} = 1; } if ($type eq "NamedNodeMap") { $implIncludes{"NamedAttrMap.h"} = 1; } if ($type eq "NodeList") { $implIncludes{"NameNodeList.h"} = 1; } if ($type eq "EventTarget") { $implIncludes{"EventTargetNode.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"JSEventTargetNode.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"kjs_dom.h"} = 1; } elsif ($type eq "DOMWindow") { $implIncludes{"kjs_window.h"} = 1; } elsif ($type eq "DOMObject") { $implIncludes{"JSCanvasRenderingContext2D.h"} = 1; } elsif ($type eq "Clipboard") { $implIncludes{"kjs_events.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"Clipboard.h"} = 1; } elsif ($type =~ /SVGPathSeg/) { $implIncludes{"JS$type.h"} = 1; $joinedName = $type; $joinedName =~ s/Abs|Rel//; $implIncludes{"$joinedName.h"} = 1; } else { # Default, include header with same name. $implIncludes{"JS$type.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"$type.h"} = 1; } return $value if $codeGenerator->IsSVGAnimatedType($type); return "toJS(exec, WTF::getPtr($value))"; } # Internal Helper sub GenerateHashTable { my $object = shift; my $name = shift; my $size = shift; my $keys = shift; my $values = shift; my $specials = shift; my $parameters = shift; # Helpers my @table = (); my @links = (); my $maxDepth = 0; my $collisions = 0; my $numEntries = $size; # Collect hashtable information my $i = 0; foreach (@{$keys}) { my $depth = 0; my $h = $object->GenerateHashValue($_) % $numEntries; while (defined($table[$h])) { if (defined($links[$h])) { $h = $links[$h]; $depth++; } else { $collisions++; $links[$h] = $size; $h = $size; $size++; } } $table[$h] = $i; $i++; $maxDepth = $depth if ($depth > $maxDepth); } # Ensure table is big enough (in case of undef entries at the end) if ($#table + 1 < $size) { $#table = $size - 1; } # Start outputing the hashtables my $nameEntries = "${name}Entries"; $nameEntries =~ s/:/_/g; # first, build the string table my %soffset = (); if (($name =~ /Prototype/) or ($name =~ /Constructor/)) { my $type = $name; my $implClass; if ($name =~ /Prototype/) { $type =~ s/Prototype.*//; $implClass = $type; $implClass =~ s/Wrapper$//; push(@implContent, "/* Hash table for prototype */\n"); } else { $type =~ s/Constructor.*//; $implClass = $type; $implClass =~ s/Constructor$//; push(@implContent, "/* Hash table for constructor */\n"); } } else { push(@implContent, "/* Hash table */\n"); } # Dump the hash table push(@implContent, "\nstatic const HashEntry $nameEntries\[\] =\n\{\n"); $i = 0; foreach $entry (@table) { if (defined($entry)) { my $key = @$keys[$entry]; push(@implContent, " \{ \"" . $key . "\""); push(@implContent, ", " . @$values[$entry]); push(@implContent, ", " . @$specials[$entry]); push(@implContent, ", " . @$parameters[$entry]); push(@implContent, ", "); if (defined($links[$i])) { push(@implContent, "&" . $nameEntries . "[$links[$i]]" . " \}"); } else { push(@implContent, "0 \}"); } } else { push(@implContent, " \{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 \}"); } push(@implContent, ",") unless($i eq $size - 1); push(@implContent, "\n"); $i++; } if ($size eq 0) { # dummy bucket -- an empty table would crash Lookup::findEntry push(@implContent, " \{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 \}\n") ; $numEntries = 1; $size = 1; } push(@implContent, "};\n\n"); push(@implContent, "static const HashTable $name = \n"); push(@implContent, "{\n 2, $size, $nameEntries, $numEntries\n};\n\n"); } # Internal helper sub GenerateHashValue { my $object = shift; @chars = split(/ */, $_[0]); # This hash is designed to work on 16-bit chunks at a time. But since the normal case # (above) is to hash UTF-16 characters, we just treat the 8-bit chars as if they # were 16-bit chunks, which should give matching results my $EXP2_32 = 4294967296; my $hash = 0x9e3779b9; my $l = scalar @chars; #I wish this was in Ruby --- Maks my $rem = $l & 1; $l = $l >> 1; my $s = 0; # Main loop for (; $l > 0; $l--) { $hash += ord($chars[$s]); my $tmp = leftShift(ord($chars[$s+1]), 11) ^ $hash; $hash = (leftShift($hash, 16)% $EXP2_32) ^ $tmp; $s += 2; $hash += $hash >> 11; $hash %= $EXP2_32; } # Handle end case if ($rem != 0) { $hash += ord($chars[$s]); $hash ^= (leftShift($hash, 11)% $EXP2_32); $hash += $hash >> 17; } # Force "avalanching" of final 127 bits $hash ^= leftShift($hash, 3); $hash += ($hash >> 5); $hash = ($hash% $EXP2_32); $hash ^= (leftShift($hash, 2)% $EXP2_32); $hash += ($hash >> 15); $hash = $hash% $EXP2_32; $hash ^= (leftShift($hash, 10)% $EXP2_32); # this avoids ever returning a hash code of 0, since that is used to # signal "hash not computed yet", using a value that is likely to be # effectively the same as 0 when the low bits are masked $hash = 0x80000000 if ($hash == 0); return $hash; } # Internal helper sub WriteData { if (defined($IMPL)) { # Write content to file. print $IMPL @implContentHeader; foreach my $implInclude (sort keys(%implIncludes)) { my $checkType = $implInclude; $checkType =~ s/\.h//; print $IMPL "#include \"$implInclude\"\n" unless $codeGenerator->IsSVGAnimatedType($checkType); } print $IMPL @implContent; close($IMPL); undef($IMPL); @implHeaderContent = (); @implContent = (); %implIncludes = (); } if (defined($HEADER)) { # Write content to file. print $HEADER @headerContent; close($HEADER); undef($HEADER); @headerContent = (); } } sub constructorFor { my $className = shift; my $protoClassName = shift; my $interfaceName = shift; my $canConstruct = shift; my $implContent = << "EOF"; class ${className}Constructor : public DOMObject { public: ${className}Constructor(ExecState* exec) { setPrototype(exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinObjectPrototype()); putDirect(exec->propertyNames().prototype, ${protoClassName}::self(exec), None); } virtual bool getOwnPropertySlot(ExecState*, const Identifier&, PropertySlot&); JSValue* getValueProperty(ExecState*, int token) const; virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; } static const ClassInfo info; virtual bool implementsHasInstance() const { return true; } EOF if ($canConstruct) { $implContent .= << "EOF"; virtual bool implementsConstruct() const { return true; } virtual JSObject* construct(ExecState* exec, const List& args) { return static_cast(toJS(exec, new $interfaceName)); } EOF } $implContent .= << "EOF"; }; const ClassInfo ${className}Constructor::info = { "${interfaceName}Constructor", 0, &${className}ConstructorTable, 0 }; bool ${className}Constructor::getOwnPropertySlot(ExecState* exec, const Identifier& propertyName, PropertySlot& slot) { return getStaticValueSlot<${className}Constructor, DOMObject>(exec, &${className}ConstructorTable, this, propertyName, slot); } JSValue* ${className}Constructor::getValueProperty(ExecState*, int token) const { // The token is the numeric value of its associated constant return jsNumber(token); } EOF return $implContent; } sub prototypeFunctionFor { my $className = shift; my $implContent = << "EOF"; class ${className}PrototypeFunction : public KJS::InternalFunctionImp { public: ${className}PrototypeFunction(KJS::ExecState* exec, int i, int len, const KJS::Identifier& name) : KJS::InternalFunctionImp(static_cast(exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinFunctionPrototype()), name) , id(i) { put(exec, exec->propertyNames().length, KJS::jsNumber(len), KJS::DontDelete|KJS::ReadOnly|KJS::DontEnum); } virtual KJS::JSValue* callAsFunction(KJS::ExecState*, KJS::JSObject*, const KJS::List&); private: int id; }; EOF return $implContent; } 1;