/** * This file is part of the DOM implementation for KDE. * * Copyright (C) 1997 Martin Jones (mjones@kde.org) * (C) 1997 Torben Weis (weis@kde.org) * (C) 1998 Waldo Bastian (bastian@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "HTMLTableElement.h" #include "csshelper.h" #include "CSSPropertyNames.h" #include "CSSStyleSheet.h" #include "CSSValueKeywords.h" #include "Document.h" #include "ExceptionCode.h" #include "HTMLCollection.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HTMLTableCaptionElement.h" #include "HTMLTableSectionElement.h" #include "RenderTable.h" #include "Text.h" namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; HTMLTableElement::HTMLTableElement(Document *doc) : HTMLElement(tableTag, doc) , head(0) , foot(0) , firstBody(0) , tCaption(0) , m_noBorder(true) , m_solid(false) , padding(1) { } HTMLTableElement::~HTMLTableElement() { if (firstBody) firstBody->deref(); } bool HTMLTableElement::checkDTD(const Node* newChild) { if (newChild->isTextNode()) return static_cast(newChild)->containsOnlyWhitespace(); return newChild->hasTagName(captionTag) || newChild->hasTagName(colTag) || newChild->hasTagName(colgroupTag) || newChild->hasTagName(theadTag) || newChild->hasTagName(tfootTag) || newChild->hasTagName(tbodyTag) || newChild->hasTagName(formTag) || newChild->hasTagName(scriptTag); } Node* HTMLTableElement::setCaption(HTMLTableCaptionElement* c) { ExceptionCode ec = 0; if (Node* oc = tCaption) replaceChild(c, oc, ec); else insertBefore(c, firstChild(), ec); tCaption = c; return tCaption; } Node* HTMLTableElement::setTHead(HTMLTableSectionElement* s) { ExceptionCode ec = 0; if (Node* h = head) replaceChild(s, h, ec); else if (foot) insertBefore(s, foot, ec); else if (firstBody) insertBefore(s, firstBody, ec); else appendChild(s, ec); head = s; return head; } Node* HTMLTableElement::setTFoot(HTMLTableSectionElement *s) { ExceptionCode ec = 0; if (Node *f = foot) replaceChild(s, f, ec); else if (firstBody) insertBefore(s, firstBody, ec); else appendChild(s, ec); foot = s; return foot; } Node* HTMLTableElement::setTBody(HTMLTableSectionElement *s) { ExceptionCode ec = 0; Node* r; s->ref(); if (Node *fb = firstBody) { replaceChild(s, fb, ec); fb->deref(); r = s; } else appendChild(s, ec); firstBody = s; return firstBody; } HTMLElement *HTMLTableElement::createTHead() { if (!head) { ExceptionCode ec = 0; head = new HTMLTableSectionElement(theadTag, document(), true /* implicit */); if (foot) insertBefore(head, foot, ec); else if (firstBody) insertBefore(head, firstBody, ec); else appendChild(head, ec); } return head; } void HTMLTableElement::deleteTHead() { if (head) { ExceptionCode ec = 0; head->ref(); HTMLElement::removeChild(head, ec); head->deref(); } head = 0; } HTMLElement *HTMLTableElement::createTFoot() { if (!foot) { ExceptionCode ec = 0; foot = new HTMLTableSectionElement(tfootTag, document(), true /*implicit */); if (firstBody) insertBefore(foot, firstBody, ec); else appendChild(foot, ec); } return foot; } void HTMLTableElement::deleteTFoot() { if (foot) { ExceptionCode ec = 0; foot->ref(); HTMLElement::removeChild(foot, ec); foot->deref(); } foot = 0; } HTMLElement *HTMLTableElement::createCaption() { if (!tCaption) { ExceptionCode ec = 0; tCaption = new HTMLTableCaptionElement(document()); insertBefore(tCaption, firstChild(), ec); } return tCaption; } void HTMLTableElement::deleteCaption() { if (tCaption) { ExceptionCode ec = 0; tCaption->ref(); HTMLElement::removeChild(tCaption, ec); tCaption->deref(); } tCaption = 0; } HTMLElement *HTMLTableElement::insertRow(int index, ExceptionCode& ec) { // The DOM requires that we create a tbody if the table is empty // (cf DOM2TS HTMLTableElement31 test) // (note: this is different from "if the table has no sections", since we can have // ) if (!firstBody && !head && !foot) setTBody(new HTMLTableSectionElement(tbodyTag, document(), true /* implicit */)); // IE treats index=-1 as default value meaning 'append after last' // This isn't in the DOM. So, not implemented yet. HTMLTableSectionElement* section = 0L; HTMLTableSectionElement* lastSection = 0L; Node *node = firstChild(); bool append = (index == -1); bool found = false; for (; node && (index>=0 || append) ; node = node->nextSibling()) { // there could be 2 tfoot elements in the table. Only the first one is the "foot", that's why we have the more // complicated if statement below. if (node != foot && (node->hasTagName(theadTag) || node->hasTagName(tfootTag) || node->hasTagName(tbodyTag))) { section = static_cast(node); lastSection = section; if (!append) { int rows = section->numRows(); if (rows >= index) { found = true; break; } else index -= rows; } } } if (!found && foot) section = static_cast(foot); // Index == 0 means "insert before first row in current section" // or "append after last row" (if there's no current section anymore) if (!section && (index == 0 || append)) { section = lastSection; index = section ? section->numRows() : 0; } if (section && (index >= 0 || append)) return section->insertRow(index, ec); else { // No more sections => index is too big ec = INDEX_SIZE_ERR; return 0L; } } void HTMLTableElement::deleteRow(int index, ExceptionCode& ec) { HTMLTableSectionElement* section = 0L; Node *node = firstChild(); bool lastRow = index == -1; HTMLTableSectionElement* lastSection = 0L; bool found = false; for (; node ; node = node->nextSibling()) { if (node != foot && (node->hasTagName(theadTag) || node->hasTagName(tfootTag) || node->hasTagName(tbodyTag))) { section = static_cast(node); lastSection = section; int rows = section->numRows(); if (!lastRow) { if (rows > index) { found = true; break; } else index -= rows; } } section = 0L; } if (!found && foot) section = static_cast(foot); if (lastRow) lastSection->deleteRow(-1, ec); else if (section && index >= 0 && index < section->numRows()) section->deleteRow(index, ec); else ec = INDEX_SIZE_ERR; } ContainerNode* HTMLTableElement::addChild(PassRefPtr child) { if (child->hasTagName(formTag)) { // First add the child. HTMLElement::addChild(child); // Now simply return ourselves as the container to insert into. // This has the effect of demoting the form to a leaf and moving it safely out of the way. return this; } // The creation of elements relies on the "childAllowed" check, // so we need to do it even for XML documents. assert(child->nodeType() != DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE); if (!document()->isHTMLDocument() && !childAllowed(child.get())) return 0; ContainerNode* container = HTMLElement::addChild(child.get()); if (container) { if (!tCaption && child->hasTagName(captionTag)) tCaption = static_cast(child.get()); else if (!head && child->hasTagName(theadTag)) head = static_cast(child.get()); else if (!foot && child->hasTagName(tfootTag)) foot = static_cast(child.get()); else if (!firstBody && child->hasTagName(tbodyTag)) { firstBody = static_cast(child.get()); firstBody->ref(); } } return container; } void HTMLTableElement::childrenChanged() { HTMLElement::childrenChanged(); if (firstBody && firstBody->parentNode() != this) { firstBody->deref(); firstBody = 0; } } bool HTMLTableElement::mapToEntry(const QualifiedName& attrName, MappedAttributeEntry& result) const { if (attrName == backgroundAttr) { result = (MappedAttributeEntry)(eLastEntry + document()->docID()); return false; } if (attrName == widthAttr || attrName == heightAttr || attrName == bgcolorAttr || attrName == cellspacingAttr || attrName == vspaceAttr || attrName == hspaceAttr || attrName == valignAttr) { result = eUniversal; return false; } if (attrName == bordercolorAttr) { result = eUniversal; return true; } if (attrName == borderAttr) { result = eTable; return true; } if (attrName == alignAttr) { result = eTable; return false; } return HTMLElement::mapToEntry(attrName, result); } void HTMLTableElement::parseMappedAttribute(MappedAttribute *attr) { if (attr->name() == widthAttr) addCSSLength(attr, CSS_PROP_WIDTH, attr->value()); else if (attr->name() == heightAttr) addCSSLength(attr, CSS_PROP_HEIGHT, attr->value()); else if (attr->name() == borderAttr) { m_noBorder = true; if (attr->decl()) { RefPtr val = attr->decl()->getPropertyCSSValue(CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH); if (val && val->isPrimitiveValue()) { CSSPrimitiveValue* primVal = static_cast(val.get()); m_noBorder = !primVal->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); } } else if (!attr->isNull()) { // ### this needs more work, as the border value is not only // the border of the box, but also between the cells int border = 0; if (attr->isEmpty()) border = 1; else border = attr->value().toInt(); #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW_BORDER border=1; #endif m_noBorder = !border; addCSSLength(attr, CSS_PROP_BORDER_WIDTH, String::number(border)); } } else if (attr->name() == bgcolorAttr) addCSSColor(attr, CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_COLOR, attr->value()); else if (attr->name() == bordercolorAttr) { m_solid = attr->decl(); if (!attr->decl() && !attr->isEmpty()) { addCSSColor(attr, CSS_PROP_BORDER_COLOR, attr->value()); addCSSProperty(attr, CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_STYLE, CSS_VAL_SOLID); addCSSProperty(attr, CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE, CSS_VAL_SOLID); addCSSProperty(attr, CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_STYLE, CSS_VAL_SOLID); addCSSProperty(attr, CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE, CSS_VAL_SOLID); m_solid = true; } } else if (attr->name() == backgroundAttr) { String url = parseURL(attr->value()); if (!url.isEmpty()) addCSSImageProperty(attr, CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE, document()->completeURL(url)); } else if (attr->name() == frameAttr) { } else if (attr->name() == rulesAttr) { } else if (attr->name() == cellspacingAttr) { if (!attr->value().isEmpty()) addCSSLength(attr, CSS_PROP_BORDER_SPACING, attr->value()); } else if (attr->name() == cellpaddingAttr) { if (!attr->value().isEmpty()) padding = max(0, attr->value().toInt()); else padding = 1; if (renderer() && renderer()->isTable()) { static_cast(renderer())->setCellPadding(padding); if (!renderer()->needsLayout()) renderer()->setNeedsLayout(true); } } else if (attr->name() == colsAttr) { // ### } else if (attr->name() == vspaceAttr) { addCSSLength(attr, CSS_PROP_MARGIN_TOP, attr->value()); addCSSLength(attr, CSS_PROP_MARGIN_BOTTOM, attr->value()); } else if (attr->name() == hspaceAttr) { addCSSLength(attr, CSS_PROP_MARGIN_LEFT, attr->value()); addCSSLength(attr, CSS_PROP_MARGIN_RIGHT, attr->value()); } else if (attr->name() == alignAttr) { if (!attr->value().isEmpty()) addCSSProperty(attr, CSS_PROP_FLOAT, attr->value()); } else if (attr->name() == valignAttr) { if (!attr->value().isEmpty()) addCSSProperty(attr, CSS_PROP_VERTICAL_ALIGN, attr->value()); } else HTMLElement::parseMappedAttribute(attr); } CSSMutableStyleDeclaration* HTMLTableElement::additionalAttributeStyleDecl() { if (m_noBorder) return 0; MappedAttribute attr(tableborderAttr, m_solid ? "solid" : "outset"); CSSMappedAttributeDeclaration* decl = getMappedAttributeDecl(ePersistent, &attr); if (!decl) { decl = new CSSMappedAttributeDeclaration(0); decl->setParent(document()->elementSheet()); decl->setNode(this); decl->setStrictParsing(false); // Mapped attributes are just always quirky. decl->ref(); // This single ref pins us in the table until the document dies. int v = m_solid ? CSS_VAL_SOLID : CSS_VAL_OUTSET; decl->setProperty(CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_STYLE, v, false); decl->setProperty(CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE, v, false); decl->setProperty(CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_STYLE, v, false); decl->setProperty(CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE, v, false); setMappedAttributeDecl(ePersistent, &attr, decl); decl->setParent(0); decl->setNode(0); decl->setMappedState(ePersistent, attr.name(), attr.value()); } return decl; } CSSMutableStyleDeclaration* HTMLTableElement::getSharedCellDecl() { MappedAttribute attr(cellborderAttr, m_noBorder ? "none" : (m_solid ? "solid" : "inset")); CSSMappedAttributeDeclaration* decl = getMappedAttributeDecl(ePersistent, &attr); if (!decl) { decl = new CSSMappedAttributeDeclaration(0); decl->setParent(document()->elementSheet()); decl->setNode(this); decl->setStrictParsing(false); // Mapped attributes are just always quirky. decl->ref(); // This single ref pins us in the table until the table dies. if (m_noBorder) decl->setProperty(CSS_PROP_BORDER_WIDTH, "0", false); else { decl->setProperty(CSS_PROP_BORDER_WIDTH, "1px", false); int v = m_solid ? CSS_VAL_SOLID : CSS_VAL_INSET; decl->setProperty(CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_STYLE, v, false); decl->setProperty(CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE, v, false); decl->setProperty(CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_STYLE, v, false); decl->setProperty(CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE, v, false); decl->setProperty(CSS_PROP_BORDER_COLOR, "inherit", false); } setMappedAttributeDecl(ePersistent, &attr, decl); decl->setParent(0); decl->setNode(0); decl->setMappedState(ePersistent, attr.name(), attr.value()); } return decl; } void HTMLTableElement::attach() { assert(!m_attached); HTMLElement::attach(); if (renderer() && renderer()->isTable()) static_cast(renderer())->setCellPadding(padding); } bool HTMLTableElement::isURLAttribute(Attribute *attr) const { return attr->name() == backgroundAttr; } PassRefPtr HTMLTableElement::rows() { return new HTMLCollection(this, HTMLCollection::TableRows); } PassRefPtr HTMLTableElement::tBodies() { return new HTMLCollection(this, HTMLCollection::TableTBodies); } String HTMLTableElement::align() const { return getAttribute(alignAttr); } void HTMLTableElement::setAlign(const String &value) { setAttribute(alignAttr, value); } String HTMLTableElement::bgColor() const { return getAttribute(bgcolorAttr); } void HTMLTableElement::setBgColor(const String &value) { setAttribute(bgcolorAttr, value); } String HTMLTableElement::border() const { return getAttribute(borderAttr); } void HTMLTableElement::setBorder(const String &value) { setAttribute(borderAttr, value); } String HTMLTableElement::cellPadding() const { return getAttribute(cellpaddingAttr); } void HTMLTableElement::setCellPadding(const String &value) { setAttribute(cellpaddingAttr, value); } String HTMLTableElement::cellSpacing() const { return getAttribute(cellspacingAttr); } void HTMLTableElement::setCellSpacing(const String &value) { setAttribute(cellspacingAttr, value); } String HTMLTableElement::frame() const { return getAttribute(frameAttr); } void HTMLTableElement::setFrame(const String &value) { setAttribute(frameAttr, value); } String HTMLTableElement::rules() const { return getAttribute(rulesAttr); } void HTMLTableElement::setRules(const String &value) { setAttribute(rulesAttr, value); } String HTMLTableElement::summary() const { return getAttribute(summaryAttr); } void HTMLTableElement::setSummary(const String &value) { setAttribute(summaryAttr, value); } String HTMLTableElement::width() const { return getAttribute(widthAttr); } void HTMLTableElement::setWidth(const String &value) { setAttribute(widthAttr, value); } }