/** * This file is part of the DOM implementation for KDE. * * Copyright (C) 2000 Peter Kelly (pmk@post.com) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "dom/dom_exception.h" #include "xml/dom_xmlimpl.h" #include "xml/dom_docimpl.h" #include "xml/dom_stringimpl.h" #include "css/css_stylesheetimpl.h" #ifdef KHTML_XSLT #include "xsl_stylesheetimpl.h" #endif #include "misc/loader.h" #include "xml/xml_tokenizer.h" using khtml::parseAttributes; namespace DOM { EntityImpl::EntityImpl(DocumentPtr *doc) : NodeBaseImpl(doc) { m_publicId = 0; m_systemId = 0; m_notationName = 0; m_name = 0; } EntityImpl::EntityImpl(DocumentPtr *doc, DOMString _name) : NodeBaseImpl(doc) { m_publicId = 0; m_systemId = 0; m_notationName = 0; m_name = _name.implementation(); if (m_name) m_name->ref(); } EntityImpl::EntityImpl(DocumentPtr *doc, DOMString _publicId, DOMString _systemId, DOMString _notationName) : NodeBaseImpl(doc) { m_publicId = _publicId.implementation(); if (m_publicId) m_publicId->ref(); m_systemId = _systemId.implementation(); if (m_systemId) m_systemId->ref(); m_notationName = _notationName.implementation(); if (m_notationName) m_notationName->ref(); m_name = 0; } EntityImpl::~EntityImpl() { if (m_publicId) m_publicId->deref(); if (m_systemId) m_systemId->deref(); if (m_notationName) m_notationName->deref(); if (m_name) m_name->deref(); } DOMString EntityImpl::publicId() const { return m_publicId; } DOMString EntityImpl::systemId() const { return m_systemId; } DOMString EntityImpl::notationName() const { return m_notationName; } DOMString EntityImpl::nodeName() const { return m_name; } unsigned short EntityImpl::nodeType() const { return Node::ENTITY_NODE; } NodeImpl *EntityImpl::cloneNode ( bool /*deep*/) { // Spec says cloning Document nodes is "implementation dependent" // so we do not support it... return 0; } // DOM Section 1.1.1 bool EntityImpl::childTypeAllowed( unsigned short type ) { switch (type) { case Node::ELEMENT_NODE: case Node::PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: case Node::COMMENT_NODE: case Node::TEXT_NODE: case Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case Node::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: return true; break; default: return false; } } DOMString EntityImpl::toString() const { DOMString result = "l != 0) { result += " "; result += m_name; } if (m_publicId && m_publicId->l != 0) { result += " PUBLIC \""; result += m_publicId; result += "\" \""; result += m_systemId; result += "\""; } else if (m_systemId && m_systemId->l != 0) { result += " SYSTEM \""; result += m_systemId; result += "\""; } if (m_notationName && m_notationName->l != 0) { result += " NDATA "; result += m_notationName; } result += ">"; return result; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EntityReferenceImpl::EntityReferenceImpl(DocumentPtr *doc) : NodeBaseImpl(doc) { m_entityName = 0; } EntityReferenceImpl::EntityReferenceImpl(DocumentPtr *doc, DOMStringImpl *_entityName) : NodeBaseImpl(doc) { m_entityName = _entityName; if (m_entityName) m_entityName->ref(); } EntityReferenceImpl::~EntityReferenceImpl() { if (m_entityName) m_entityName->deref(); } DOMString EntityReferenceImpl::nodeName() const { return m_entityName; } unsigned short EntityReferenceImpl::nodeType() const { return Node::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE; } NodeImpl *EntityReferenceImpl::cloneNode ( bool deep ) { EntityReferenceImpl *clone = new EntityReferenceImpl(docPtr(),m_entityName); // ### make sure children are readonly // ### since we are a reference, should we clone children anyway (even if not deep?) if (deep) cloneChildNodes(clone); return clone; } // DOM Section 1.1.1 bool EntityReferenceImpl::childTypeAllowed( unsigned short type ) { switch (type) { case Node::ELEMENT_NODE: case Node::PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: case Node::COMMENT_NODE: case Node::TEXT_NODE: case Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case Node::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: return true; break; default: return false; } } DOMString EntityReferenceImpl::toString() const { DOMString result = "&"; result += m_entityName; result += ";"; return result; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NotationImpl::NotationImpl(DocumentPtr *doc) : NodeBaseImpl(doc) { m_publicId = 0; m_systemId = 0; m_name = 0; } NotationImpl::NotationImpl(DocumentPtr *doc, DOMString _name, DOMString _publicId, DOMString _systemId) : NodeBaseImpl(doc) { m_name = _name.implementation(); if (m_name) m_name->ref(); m_publicId = _publicId.implementation(); if (m_publicId) m_publicId->ref(); m_systemId = _systemId.implementation(); if (m_systemId) m_systemId->ref(); } NotationImpl::~NotationImpl() { if (m_name) m_name->deref(); if (m_publicId) m_publicId->deref(); if (m_systemId) m_systemId->deref(); } DOMString NotationImpl::publicId() const { return m_publicId; } DOMString NotationImpl::systemId() const { return m_systemId; } DOMString NotationImpl::nodeName() const { return m_name; } unsigned short NotationImpl::nodeType() const { return Node::NOTATION_NODE; } NodeImpl *NotationImpl::cloneNode ( bool /*deep*/) { // Spec says cloning Document nodes is "implementation dependent" // so we do not support it... return 0; } // DOM Section 1.1.1 bool NotationImpl::childTypeAllowed( unsigned short /*type*/ ) { return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ### need a way of updating these properly whenever child nodes of the processing instruction // change or are added/removed ProcessingInstructionImpl::ProcessingInstructionImpl(DocumentPtr *doc) : NodeBaseImpl(doc) { m_target = 0; m_data = 0; m_localHref = 0; m_sheet = 0; m_cachedSheet = 0; m_loading = false; #ifdef KHTML_XSLT m_isXSL = false; #endif } ProcessingInstructionImpl::ProcessingInstructionImpl(DocumentPtr *doc, DOMString _target, DOMString _data) : NodeBaseImpl(doc) { m_target = _target.implementation(); if (m_target) m_target->ref(); m_data = _data.implementation(); if (m_data) m_data->ref(); m_sheet = 0; m_cachedSheet = 0; m_localHref = 0; #ifdef KHTML_XSLT m_isXSL = false; #endif } ProcessingInstructionImpl::~ProcessingInstructionImpl() { if (m_target) m_target->deref(); if (m_data) m_data->deref(); if (m_cachedSheet) m_cachedSheet->deref(this); if (m_sheet) m_sheet->deref(); } DOMString ProcessingInstructionImpl::target() const { return m_target; } DOMString ProcessingInstructionImpl::data() const { return m_data; } void ProcessingInstructionImpl::setData( const DOMString &_data, int &exceptioncode ) { // NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised when the node is readonly. if (isReadOnly()) { exceptioncode = DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR; return; } if (m_data) m_data->deref(); m_data = _data.implementation(); if (m_data) m_data->ref(); } DOMString ProcessingInstructionImpl::nodeName() const { return m_target; } unsigned short ProcessingInstructionImpl::nodeType() const { return Node::PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE; } DOMString ProcessingInstructionImpl::nodeValue() const { return m_data; } void ProcessingInstructionImpl::setNodeValue( const DOMString &_nodeValue, int &exceptioncode ) { // NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: taken care of by setData() setData(_nodeValue, exceptioncode); } NodeImpl *ProcessingInstructionImpl::cloneNode ( bool /*deep*/) { // ### copy m_localHref return new ProcessingInstructionImpl(docPtr(),m_target,m_data); } DOMString ProcessingInstructionImpl::localHref() const { return m_localHref; } // DOM Section 1.1.1 bool ProcessingInstructionImpl::childTypeAllowed( unsigned short /*type*/ ) { return false; } bool ProcessingInstructionImpl::checkStyleSheet() { if (m_target && DOMString(m_target) == "xml-stylesheet") { // see http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-stylesheet/ // ### check that this occurs only in the prolog // ### support stylesheet included in a fragment of this (or another) document // ### make sure this gets called when adding from javascript bool attrsOk; const QMap attrs = parseAttributes(m_data, attrsOk); if (!attrsOk) return true; QMap::ConstIterator i = attrs.find("type"); QString type; if (i != attrs.end()) type = *i; bool isCSS = type.isEmpty() || type == "text/css"; #ifdef KHTML_XSLT m_isXSL = (type == "text/xml" || type == "text/xsl" || type == "application/xml" || type == "application/xhtml+xml" || type == "application/rss+xml" || type == "application/atom=xml"); if (!isCSS && !m_isXSL) #else if (!isCSS) #endif return true; #ifdef KHTML_XSLT if (m_isXSL) getDocument()->tokenizer()->setTransformSource(getDocument()); #endif i = attrs.find("href"); QString href; if (i != attrs.end()) href = *i; if (href.length()>1) { if (href[0]=='#') { DOMString newLocalHref = href.mid(1); if (m_localHref) m_localHref->deref(); m_localHref = newLocalHref.implementation(); if (m_localHref) m_localHref->ref(); #ifdef KHTML_XSLT // We need to make a synthetic XSLStyleSheetImpl that is embedded. It needs to be able // to kick off import/include loads that can hang off some parent sheet. if (m_isXSL) { if (m_sheet) m_sheet->deref(); XSLStyleSheetImpl* localSheet = new XSLStyleSheetImpl(this, m_localHref, true); localSheet->setDocument((xmlDocPtr)getDocument()->transformSource()); localSheet->ref(); localSheet->loadChildSheets(); m_sheet = localSheet; m_loading = false; } return !m_isXSL; #endif } else { // ### some validation on the URL? // ### FIXME charset if (getDocument()->part()) { m_loading = true; getDocument()->addPendingSheet(); if (m_cachedSheet) m_cachedSheet->deref(this); #ifdef KHTML_XSLT if (m_isXSL) m_cachedSheet = getDocument()->docLoader()->requestXSLStyleSheet(getDocument()->completeURL(href)); else #endif m_cachedSheet = getDocument()->docLoader()->requestStyleSheet(getDocument()->completeURL(href), QString::null); if (m_cachedSheet) m_cachedSheet->ref( this ); #ifdef KHTML_XSLT return !m_isXSL; #endif } } } } return true; } StyleSheetImpl* ProcessingInstructionImpl::sheet() const { return m_sheet; } bool ProcessingInstructionImpl::isLoading() const { if (m_loading) return true; if (!m_sheet) return false; return m_sheet->isLoading(); } void ProcessingInstructionImpl::sheetLoaded() { if (!isLoading()) getDocument()->stylesheetLoaded(); } void ProcessingInstructionImpl::setStyleSheet(const DOMString &url, const DOMString &sheet) { if (m_sheet) m_sheet->deref(); #ifdef KHTML_XSLT if (m_isXSL) m_sheet = new XSLStyleSheetImpl(this, url); else #endif m_sheet = new CSSStyleSheetImpl(this, url); m_sheet->ref(); m_sheet->parseString(sheet); if (m_cachedSheet) m_cachedSheet->deref(this); m_cachedSheet = 0; m_loading = false; // Tell the doc about the sheet. if (!isLoading() && m_sheet) getDocument()->stylesheetLoaded(); } void ProcessingInstructionImpl::setStyleSheet(CSSStyleSheetImpl* sheet) { if (m_sheet) m_sheet->deref(); m_sheet = sheet; if (m_sheet) m_sheet->ref(); } DOMString ProcessingInstructionImpl::toString() const { DOMString result = ""; return result; } } // namespace