RenderObject.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
 *           (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
 *           (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
 *           (C) 2004 Allan Sandfeld Jensen (
 * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (C) 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "config.h"
#include "RenderObject.h"

#include "AXObjectCache.h"
#include "AnimationController.h"
#include "ContentData.h"
#include "CursorList.h"
#include "EventHandler.h"
#include "FloatQuad.h"
#include "FlowThreadController.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "FrameSelection.h"
#include "FrameView.h"
#include "GraphicsContext.h"
#include "HTMLElement.h"
#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "HitTestResult.h"
#include "LogicalSelectionOffsetCaches.h"
#include "Page.h"
#include "RenderArena.h"
#include "RenderCounter.h"
#include "RenderDeprecatedFlexibleBox.h"
#include "RenderFlexibleBox.h"
#include "RenderGeometryMap.h"
#include "RenderGrid.h"
#include "RenderImage.h"
#include "RenderImageResourceStyleImage.h"
#include "RenderInline.h"
#include "RenderLayer.h"
#include "RenderLayerBacking.h"
#include "RenderListItem.h"
#include "RenderMultiColumnBlock.h"
#include "RenderNamedFlowThread.h"
#include "RenderRegion.h"
#include "RenderRuby.h"
#include "RenderRubyText.h"
#include "RenderScrollbarPart.h"
#include "RenderTableCaption.h"
#include "RenderTableCell.h"
#include "RenderTableCol.h"
#include "RenderTableRow.h"
#include "RenderTheme.h"
#include "RenderView.h"
#include "Settings.h"
#include "StyleResolver.h"
#include "TransformState.h"
#include "htmlediting.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <wtf/RefCountedLeakCounter.h>
#include <wtf/StackStats.h>

#include "RenderLayerCompositor.h"

#include "RenderSVGResourceContainer.h"
#include "SVGRenderSupport.h"

#include "SelectionRect.h"

using namespace std;

namespace WebCore {

using namespace HTMLNames;

#ifndef NDEBUG
static void* baseOfRenderObjectBeingDeleted;

RenderObject::SetLayoutNeededForbiddenScope::SetLayoutNeededForbiddenScope(RenderObject* renderObject, bool isForbidden)
    : m_renderObject(renderObject)
    , m_preexistingForbidden(m_renderObject->isSetNeedsLayoutForbidden())


struct SameSizeAsRenderObject {
    virtual ~SameSizeAsRenderObject() { } // Allocate vtable pointer.
    void* pointers[5];
#ifndef NDEBUG
    unsigned m_debugBitfields : 2;
    unsigned m_bitfields;

COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(RenderObject) == sizeof(SameSizeAsRenderObject), RenderObject_should_stay_small);

// On low-powered/mobile devices, preventing blitting on a scroll can cause noticeable delays
// when scrolling a page with a fixed background image. As an optimization, assuming there are
// no fixed positoned elements on the page, we can acclerate scrolling (via blitting) if we
// ignore the CSS property "background-attachment: fixed".
static bool shouldRepaintFixedBackgroundsOnScroll(FrameView* frameView)

    bool repaintFixedBackgroundsOnScroll = true;
    if (frameView->delegatesScrolling())
        repaintFixedBackgroundsOnScroll = false;
    repaintFixedBackgroundsOnScroll = false;
    return repaintFixedBackgroundsOnScroll;

bool RenderObject::s_affectsParentBlock = false;
bool RenderObject::s_noLongerAffectsParentBlock = false;

RenderObjectAncestorLineboxDirtySet* RenderObject::s_ancestorLineboxDirtySet = 0;

void* RenderObject::operator new(size_t sz, RenderArena* renderArena)
    return renderArena->allocate(sz);

void RenderObject::operator delete(void* ptr, size_t sz)
    ASSERT(baseOfRenderObjectBeingDeleted == ptr);

    // Stash size where destroy can find it.
    *(size_t *)ptr = sz;

RenderObject* RenderObject::createObject(Element* element, RenderStyle* style)
    Document* doc = element->document();
    RenderArena* arena = doc->renderArena();

    // Minimal support for content properties replacing an entire element.
    // Works only if we have exactly one piece of content and it's a URL.
    // Otherwise acts as if we didn't support this feature.
    const ContentData* contentData = style->contentData();
    if (contentData && !contentData->next() && contentData->isImage() && !element->isPseudoElement()) {
        RenderImage* image = new (arena) RenderImage(element);
        // RenderImageResourceStyleImage requires a style being present on the image but we don't want to
        // trigger a style change now as the node is not fully attached. Moving this code to style change
        // doesn't make sense as it should be run once at renderer creation.
        if (const StyleImage* styleImage = static_cast<const ImageContentData*>(contentData)->image()) {
        } else
        return image;

    if (element->hasTagName(rubyTag)) {
        if (style->display() == INLINE)
            return new (arena) RenderRubyAsInline(element);
        else if (style->display() == BLOCK)
            return new (arena) RenderRubyAsBlock(element);
    // treat <rt> as ruby text ONLY if it still has its default treatment of block
    if (element->hasTagName(rtTag) && style->display() == BLOCK)
        return new (arena) RenderRubyText(element);
    if (doc->cssRegionsEnabled() && style->isDisplayRegionType() && !style->regionThread().isEmpty() && doc->renderView())
        return new (arena) RenderRegion(element, 0);
    switch (style->display()) {
    case NONE:
        return 0;
    case INLINE:
        return new (arena) RenderInline(element);
    case BLOCK:
    case INLINE_BLOCK:
    case RUN_IN:
    case COMPACT:
        if ((!style->hasAutoColumnCount() || !style->hasAutoColumnWidth()) && doc->regionBasedColumnsEnabled())
            return new (arena) RenderMultiColumnBlock(element);
        return new (arena) RenderBlock(element);
    case LIST_ITEM:
        return new (arena) RenderListItem(element);
    case TABLE:
    case INLINE_TABLE:
        return new (arena) RenderTable(element);
        return new (arena) RenderTableSection(element);
    case TABLE_ROW:
        return new (arena) RenderTableRow(element);
    case TABLE_COLUMN:
        return new (arena) RenderTableCol(element);
    case TABLE_CELL:
        return new (arena) RenderTableCell(element);
        return new (arena) RenderTableCaption(element);
    case BOX:
    case INLINE_BOX:
        return new (arena) RenderDeprecatedFlexibleBox(element);
    case FLEX:
    case INLINE_FLEX:
        return new (arena) RenderFlexibleBox(element);
    case GRID:
    case INLINE_GRID:
        return new (arena) RenderGrid(element);

    return 0;

DEFINE_DEBUG_ONLY_GLOBAL(WTF::RefCountedLeakCounter, renderObjectCounter, ("RenderObject"));

RenderObject::RenderObject(Node* node)
    : CachedImageClient()
    , m_style(0)
    , m_node(node)
    , m_parent(0)
    , m_previous(0)
    , m_next(0)
#ifndef NDEBUG
    , m_hasAXObject(false)
    , m_setNeedsLayoutForbidden(false)
    , m_bitfields(node)
#ifndef NDEBUG

#ifndef NDEBUG

RenderTheme* RenderObject::theme() const

    return document()->page()->theme();

bool RenderObject::isDescendantOf(const RenderObject* obj) const
    for (const RenderObject* r = this; r; r = r->m_parent) {
        if (r == obj)
            return true;
    return false;

bool RenderObject::isBody() const
    return node() && node()->hasTagName(bodyTag);

bool RenderObject::isHR() const
    return node() && node()->hasTagName(hrTag);

bool RenderObject::isLegend() const
    return node() && node()->hasTagName(legendTag);

bool RenderObject::isHTMLMarquee() const
    return node() && node()->renderer() == this && node()->hasTagName(marqueeTag);

void RenderObject::setFlowThreadStateIncludingDescendants(FlowThreadState state)

    for (RenderObject* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        // If the child is a fragmentation context it already updated the descendants flag accordingly.
        if (child->isRenderFlowThread())
        ASSERT(state != child->flowThreadState());

void RenderObject::addChild(RenderObject* newChild, RenderObject* beforeChild)
    RenderObjectChildList* children = virtualChildren();
    if (!children)

    bool needsTable = false;

    if (newChild->isRenderTableCol()) {
        RenderTableCol* newTableColumn = toRenderTableCol(newChild);
        bool isColumnInColumnGroup = newTableColumn->isTableColumn() && isRenderTableCol();
        needsTable = !isTable() && !isColumnInColumnGroup;
    } else if (newChild->isTableCaption())
        needsTable = !isTable();
    else if (newChild->isTableSection())
        needsTable = !isTable();
    else if (newChild->isTableRow())
        needsTable = !isTableSection();
    else if (newChild->isTableCell())
        needsTable = !isTableRow();

    if (needsTable) {
        RenderTable* table;
        RenderObject* afterChild = beforeChild ? beforeChild->previousSibling() : children->lastChild();
        if (afterChild && afterChild->isAnonymous() && afterChild->isTable() && !afterChild->isBeforeContent())
            table = toRenderTable(afterChild);
        else {
            table = RenderTable::createAnonymousWithParentRenderer(this);
            addChild(table, beforeChild);
    } else
        children->insertChildNode(this, newChild, beforeChild);

    if (newChild->isText() && newChild->style()->textTransform() == CAPITALIZE)

    // SVG creates renderers for <g display="none">, as SVG requires children of hidden
    // <g>s to have renderers - at least that's how our implementation works. Consider:
    // <g display="none"><foreignObject><body style="position: relative">FOO...
    // - requiresLayer() would return true for the <body>, creating a new RenderLayer
    // - when the document is painted, both layers are painted. The <body> layer doesn't
    //   know that it's inside a "hidden SVG subtree", and thus paints, even if it shouldn't.
    // To avoid the problem alltogether, detect early if we're inside a hidden SVG subtree
    // and stop creating layers at all for these cases - they're not used anyways.
    if (newChild->hasLayer() && !layerCreationAllowedForSubtree())

    SVGRenderSupport::childAdded(this, newChild);

void RenderObject::removeChild(RenderObject* oldChild)
    RenderObjectChildList* children = virtualChildren();
    if (!children)

    children->removeChildNode(this, oldChild);

RenderObject* RenderObject::nextInPreOrder() const
    if (RenderObject* o = firstChild())
        return o;

    return nextInPreOrderAfterChildren();

RenderObject* RenderObject::nextInPreOrderAfterChildren() const
    RenderObject* o;
    if (!(o = nextSibling())) {
        o = parent();
        while (o && !o->nextSibling())
            o = o->parent();
        if (o)
            o = o->nextSibling();

    return o;

RenderObject* RenderObject::nextInPreOrder(const RenderObject* stayWithin) const
    if (RenderObject* o = firstChild())
        return o;

    return nextInPreOrderAfterChildren(stayWithin);

RenderObject* RenderObject::nextInPreOrderAfterChildren(const RenderObject* stayWithin) const
    if (this == stayWithin)
        return 0;

    const RenderObject* current = this;
    RenderObject* next;
    while (!(next = current->nextSibling())) {
        current = current->parent();
        if (!current || current == stayWithin)
            return 0;
    return next;

RenderObject* RenderObject::previousInPreOrder() const
    if (RenderObject* o = previousSibling()) {
        while (o->lastChild())
            o = o->lastChild();
        return o;

    return parent();

RenderObject* RenderObject::previousInPreOrder(const RenderObject* stayWithin) const
    if (this == stayWithin)
        return 0;

    return previousInPreOrder();

RenderObject* RenderObject::childAt(unsigned index) const
    RenderObject* child = firstChild();
    for (unsigned i = 0; child && i < index; i++)
        child = child->nextSibling();
    return child;

RenderObject* RenderObject::firstLeafChild() const
    RenderObject* r = firstChild();
    while (r) {
        RenderObject* n = 0;
        n = r->firstChild();
        if (!n)
        r = n;
    return r;

RenderObject* RenderObject::lastLeafChild() const
    RenderObject* r = lastChild();
    while (r) {
        RenderObject* n = 0;
        n = r->lastChild();
        if (!n)
        r = n;
    return r;

// Inspired by Node::traverseNextNode.
RenderObject *RenderObject::traverseNext(const RenderObject *stayWithin) const
    if (firstChild()) {
        assert(!stayWithin || firstChild()->isDescendantOf(stayWithin));
        return firstChild();
    if (this == stayWithin)
        return 0;
    if (nextSibling()) {
        assert(!stayWithin || nextSibling()->isDescendantOf(stayWithin));
        return nextSibling();
    const RenderObject *n = this;
    while (n && !n->nextSibling() && (!stayWithin || n->parent() != stayWithin))
        n = n->parent();
    if (n) {
        assert(!stayWithin || !n->nextSibling() || n->nextSibling()->isDescendantOf(stayWithin));
        return n->nextSibling();
    return 0;

// Non-recursive version of the DFS search.
RenderObject* RenderObject::traverseNext(const RenderObject* stayWithin, HeightTypeTraverseNextInclusionFunction inclusionFunction, int &currentDepth, int &newFixedDepth) const
    BlockContentHeightType overflowType;

    // Check for suitable children.
    for (RenderObject* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        overflowType = inclusionFunction(child);
        if (overflowType != FixedHeight) {
            if (overflowType == OverflowHeight)
                 newFixedDepth = currentDepth;
            ASSERT(!stayWithin || child->isDescendantOf(stayWithin));
            return child;

    if (this == stayWithin)
        return 0;

    // Now we traverse other nodes if they exist, otherwise
    // we go to the parent node and try doing the same.
    const RenderObject* n = this;
    while (n) {
        while (n && !n->nextSibling() && (!stayWithin || n->parent() != stayWithin)) {
            n = n->parent();
        if (!n)
            return 0;
        for (RenderObject* sibling = n->nextSibling(); sibling; sibling = sibling->nextSibling()) {
            overflowType = inclusionFunction(sibling);
            if (overflowType != FixedHeight) {
                if (overflowType == OverflowHeight)
                    newFixedDepth = currentDepth;
                ASSERT(!stayWithin || !n->nextSibling() || n->nextSibling()->isDescendantOf(stayWithin));
                return sibling;
        if (!stayWithin || n->parent() != stayWithin) {
            n = n->parent();
        } else
            return 0;
    return 0;

RenderObject* RenderObject::traverseNext(const RenderObject *stayWithin, TraverseNextInclusionFunction inclusionFunction) const
    for (RenderObject *child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        if (inclusionFunction(child)) {
            assert(!stayWithin || child->isDescendantOf(stayWithin));
            return child;

    if (this == stayWithin)
        return 0;

    for (RenderObject *sibling = nextSibling(); sibling; sibling = sibling->nextSibling()) {
        if (inclusionFunction(sibling)) {
            assert(!stayWithin || sibling->isDescendantOf(stayWithin));
            return sibling;

    const RenderObject *n = this;
    while (n) {
        while (n && !n->nextSibling() && (!stayWithin || n->parent() != stayWithin))
            n = n->parent();
        if (n) {
            for (RenderObject *sibling = n->nextSibling(); sibling; sibling = sibling->nextSibling()) {
                if (inclusionFunction(sibling)) {
                    assert(!stayWithin || !n->nextSibling() || n->nextSibling()->isDescendantOf(stayWithin));
                    return sibling;
            if ((!stayWithin || n->parent() != stayWithin))
                n = n->parent();
                return 0;
    return 0;

static RenderObject::BlockContentHeightType includeNonFixedHeight(const RenderObject *render)
    RenderStyle* style = render->style();
    if (style) {
        if (style->height().type() == Fixed) {
            if (render->isRenderBlock()) {
                const RenderBlock* block = static_cast<const RenderBlock*>(render);
                // For fixed height styles, if the overflow size of the element spills out of the specified
                // height, assume we can apply text auto-sizing.
                if (style->overflowY() == OVISIBLE && style->height().value() < block->layoutOverflowRect().maxY())
                    return RenderObject::OverflowHeight;
            return RenderObject::FixedHeight;
    return RenderObject::FlexibleHeight;

void RenderObject::adjustComputedFontSizesOnBlocks(float size, float visibleWidth)
    Document* document = view()->frameView()->frame()->document();
    if (!document)

    Vector<int> depthStack;
    int currentDepth = 0;
    int newFixedDepth = 0;

    // We don't apply autosizing to nodes with fixed height normally.
    // But we apply it to nodes which are located deep enough
    // (nesting depth is greater than some const) inside of a parent block
    // which has fixed height but its content overflows intentionally.
    for (RenderObject* descendent = traverseNext(this, includeNonFixedHeight, currentDepth, newFixedDepth); descendent; descendent = descendent->traverseNext(this, includeNonFixedHeight, currentDepth, newFixedDepth)) {
        while (depthStack.size() > 0 && currentDepth <= depthStack[depthStack.size() - 1])
            depthStack.remove(depthStack.size() - 1);
        if (newFixedDepth)

        int stackSize = depthStack.size();
        if (descendent->isRenderBlock() && !descendent->isListItem() && (!stackSize || currentDepth - depthStack[stackSize - 1] > TextAutoSizingFixedHeightDepth))
            static_cast<RenderBlock*>(descendent)->adjustComputedFontSizes(size, visibleWidth);
        newFixedDepth = 0;

    // Remove style from auto-sizing table that are no longer valid.

void RenderObject::resetTextAutosizing()
    Document* document = view()->frameView()->frame()->document();
    if (!document)


    Vector<int> depthStack;
    int currentDepth = 0;
    int newFixedDepth = 0;

    for (RenderObject* descendent = traverseNext(this, includeNonFixedHeight, currentDepth, newFixedDepth); descendent; descendent = descendent->traverseNext(this, includeNonFixedHeight, currentDepth, newFixedDepth)) {
        while (depthStack.size() > 0 && currentDepth <= depthStack[depthStack.size() - 1])
            depthStack.remove(depthStack.size() - 1);
        if (newFixedDepth)

        int stackSize = depthStack.size();
        if (descendent->isRenderBlock() && !descendent->isListItem() && (!stackSize || currentDepth - depthStack[stackSize - 1] > TextAutoSizingFixedHeightDepth))
        newFixedDepth = 0;

static void addLayers(RenderObject* obj, RenderLayer* parentLayer, RenderObject*& newObject,
                      RenderLayer*& beforeChild)
    if (obj->hasLayer()) {
        if (!beforeChild && newObject) {
            // We need to figure out the layer that follows newObject. We only do
            // this the first time we find a child layer, and then we update the
            // pointer values for newObject and beforeChild used by everyone else.
            beforeChild = newObject->parent()->findNextLayer(parentLayer, newObject);
            newObject = 0;
        parentLayer->addChild(toRenderLayerModelObject(obj)->layer(), beforeChild);

    for (RenderObject* curr = obj->firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling())
        addLayers(curr, parentLayer, newObject, beforeChild);

void RenderObject::addLayers(RenderLayer* parentLayer)
    if (!parentLayer)

    RenderObject* object = this;
    RenderLayer* beforeChild = 0;
    WebCore::addLayers(this, parentLayer, object, beforeChild);

void RenderObject::removeLayers(RenderLayer* parentLayer)
    if (!parentLayer)

    if (hasLayer()) {

    for (RenderObject* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling())

void RenderObject::moveLayers(RenderLayer* oldParent, RenderLayer* newParent)
    if (!newParent)

    if (hasLayer()) {
        RenderLayer* layer = toRenderLayerModelObject(this)->layer();
        ASSERT(oldParent == layer->parent());
        if (oldParent)

    for (RenderObject* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling())
        curr->moveLayers(oldParent, newParent);

RenderLayer* RenderObject::findNextLayer(RenderLayer* parentLayer, RenderObject* startPoint,
                                         bool checkParent)
    // Error check the parent layer passed in. If it's null, we can't find anything.
    if (!parentLayer)
        return 0;

    // Step 1: If our layer is a child of the desired parent, then return our layer.
    RenderLayer* ourLayer = hasLayer() ? toRenderLayerModelObject(this)->layer() : 0;
    if (ourLayer && ourLayer->parent() == parentLayer)
        return ourLayer;

    // Step 2: If we don't have a layer, or our layer is the desired parent, then descend
    // into our siblings trying to find the next layer whose parent is the desired parent.
    if (!ourLayer || ourLayer == parentLayer) {
        for (RenderObject* curr = startPoint ? startPoint->nextSibling() : firstChild();
             curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) {
            RenderLayer* nextLayer = curr->findNextLayer(parentLayer, 0, false);
            if (nextLayer)
                return nextLayer;

    // Step 3: If our layer is the desired parent layer, then we're finished. We didn't
    // find anything.
    if (parentLayer == ourLayer)
        return 0;

    // Step 4: If |checkParent| is set, climb up to our parent and check its siblings that
    // follow us to see if we can locate a layer.
    if (checkParent && parent())
        return parent()->findNextLayer(parentLayer, this, true);

    return 0;

RenderLayer* RenderObject::enclosingLayer() const
    const RenderObject* curr = this;
    while (curr) {
        RenderLayer* layer = curr->hasLayer() ? toRenderLayerModelObject(curr)->layer() : 0;
        if (layer)
            return layer;
        curr = curr->parent();
    return 0;

bool RenderObject::scrollRectToVisible(const LayoutRect& rect, const ScrollAlignment& alignX, const ScrollAlignment& alignY)
    RenderLayer* enclosingLayer = this->enclosingLayer();
    if (!enclosingLayer)
        return false;

    enclosingLayer->scrollRectToVisible(rect, alignX, alignY);
    return true;

RenderBox* RenderObject::enclosingBox() const
    RenderObject* curr = const_cast<RenderObject*>(this);
    while (curr) {
        if (curr->isBox())
            return toRenderBox(curr);
        curr = curr->parent();
    return 0;

RenderBoxModelObject* RenderObject::enclosingBoxModelObject() const
    RenderObject* curr = const_cast<RenderObject*>(this);
    while (curr) {
        if (curr->isBoxModelObject())
            return toRenderBoxModelObject(curr);
        curr = curr->parent();

    return 0;

RenderFlowThread* RenderObject::locateFlowThreadContainingBlock() const
    ASSERT(flowThreadState() != NotInsideFlowThread);

    // See if we have the thread cached because we're in the middle of layout.
    RenderFlowThread* flowThread = view()->flowThreadController()->currentRenderFlowThread();
    if (flowThread)
        return flowThread;
    // Not in the middle of layout so have to find the thread the slow way.
    RenderObject* curr = const_cast<RenderObject*>(this);
    while (curr) {
        if (curr->isRenderFlowThread())
            return toRenderFlowThread(curr);
        curr = curr->containingBlock();
    return 0;

RenderNamedFlowThread* RenderObject::renderNamedFlowThreadWrapper() const
    RenderObject* object = const_cast<RenderObject*>(this);
    while (object && object->isAnonymousBlock() && !object->isRenderNamedFlowThread())
        object = object->parent();

    return object && object->isRenderNamedFlowThread() ? toRenderNamedFlowThread(object) : 0;

RenderBlock* RenderObject::firstLineBlock() const
    return 0;

static inline bool objectIsRelayoutBoundary(const RenderObject* object)
    // FIXME: In future it may be possible to broaden these conditions in order to improve performance.
    if (object->isTextControl())
        return true;

    if (object->isSVGRoot())
        return true;

    if (!object->hasOverflowClip())
        return false;

    if (object->style()->width().isIntrinsicOrAuto() || object->style()->height().isIntrinsicOrAuto() || object->style()->height().isPercent())
        return false;

    // Table parts can't be relayout roots since the table is responsible for layouting all the parts.
    if (object->isTablePart())
        return false;

    return true;

void RenderObject::markContainingBlocksForLayout(bool scheduleRelayout, RenderObject* newRoot)
    ASSERT(!scheduleRelayout || !newRoot);

    RenderObject* object = container();
    RenderObject* last = this;

    bool simplifiedNormalFlowLayout = needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout() && !selfNeedsLayout() && !normalChildNeedsLayout();

    while (object) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
        // FIXME: Remove this once we remove the special cases for counters, quotes and mathml
        // calling setNeedsLayout during preferred width computation.
        SetLayoutNeededForbiddenScope layoutForbiddenScope(object, isSetNeedsLayoutForbidden());
        // Don't mark the outermost object of an unrooted subtree. That object will be
        // marked when the subtree is added to the document.
        RenderObject* container = object->container();
        if (!container && !object->isRenderView())
        if (!last->isText() && last->style()->hasOutOfFlowPosition()) {
            bool willSkipRelativelyPositionedInlines = !object->isRenderBlock() || object->isAnonymousBlock();
            // Skip relatively positioned inlines and anonymous blocks to get to the enclosing RenderBlock.
            while (object && (!object->isRenderBlock() || object->isAnonymousBlock()))
                object = object->container();
            if (!object || object->posChildNeedsLayout())
            if (willSkipRelativelyPositionedInlines)
                container = object->container();
            simplifiedNormalFlowLayout = true;
        } else if (simplifiedNormalFlowLayout) {
            if (object->needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout())
        } else {
            if (object->normalChildNeedsLayout())

        if (object == newRoot)

        last = object;
        if (scheduleRelayout && objectIsRelayoutBoundary(last))
        object = container;

    if (scheduleRelayout)

#ifndef NDEBUG
void RenderObject::checkBlockPositionedObjectsNeedLayout()

    if (isRenderBlock())

void RenderObject::setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(bool shouldBeDirty, MarkingBehavior markParents)
    bool alreadyDirty = preferredLogicalWidthsDirty();
    if (shouldBeDirty && !alreadyDirty && markParents == MarkContainingBlockChain && (isText() || !style()->hasOutOfFlowPosition()))

void RenderObject::invalidateContainerPreferredLogicalWidths()
    // In order to avoid pathological behavior when inlines are deeply nested, we do include them
    // in the chain that we mark dirty (even though they're kind of irrelevant).
    RenderObject* o = isTableCell() ? containingBlock() : container();
    while (o && !o->preferredLogicalWidthsDirty()) {
        // Don't invalidate the outermost object of an unrooted subtree. That object will be 
        // invalidated when the subtree is added to the document.
        RenderObject* container = o->isTableCell() ? o->containingBlock() : o->container();
        if (!container && !o->isRenderView())

        if (o->style()->hasOutOfFlowPosition())
            // A positioned object has no effect on the min/max width of its containing block ever.
            // We can optimize this case and not go up any further.
        o = container;

void RenderObject::setLayerNeedsFullRepaint()

void RenderObject::setLayerNeedsFullRepaintForPositionedMovementLayout()

RenderBlock* RenderObject::containingBlock() const
    RenderObject* o = parent();
    if (!o && isRenderScrollbarPart())
        o = toRenderScrollbarPart(this)->rendererOwningScrollbar();

    if (!isText() && m_style->position() == FixedPosition)
        o = containingBlockForFixedPosition(o);
    else if (!isText() && m_style->position() == AbsolutePosition)
        o = containingBlockForAbsolutePosition(o);
        o = containingBlockForObjectInFlow(o);

    if (!o || !o->isRenderBlock())
        return 0; // This can still happen in case of an orphaned tree

    return toRenderBlock(o);

static bool mustRepaintFillLayers(const RenderObject* renderer, const FillLayer* layer)
    // Nobody will use multiple layers without wanting fancy positioning.
    if (layer->next())
        return true;

    // Make sure we have a valid image.
    StyleImage* img = layer->image();
    if (!img || !img->canRender(renderer, renderer->style()->effectiveZoom()))
        return false;

    if (!layer->xPosition().isZero() || !layer->yPosition().isZero())
        return true;

    EFillSizeType sizeType = layer->sizeType();

    if (sizeType == Contain || sizeType == Cover)
        return true;
    if (sizeType == SizeLength) {
        LengthSize size = layer->sizeLength();
        if (size.width().isPercent() || size.height().isPercent())
            return true;
        // If the image has neither an intrinsic width nor an intrinsic height, its size is determined as for 'contain'.
        if ((size.width().isAuto() || size.height().isAuto()) && img->isGeneratedImage())
            return true;
    } else if (img->usesImageContainerSize())
        return true;

    return false;

bool RenderObject::borderImageIsLoadedAndCanBeRendered() const

    StyleImage* borderImage = style()->borderImage().image();
    return borderImage && borderImage->canRender(this, style()->effectiveZoom()) && borderImage->isLoaded();

bool RenderObject::mustRepaintBackgroundOrBorder() const
    if (hasMask() && mustRepaintFillLayers(this, style()->maskLayers()))
        return true;

    // If we don't have a background/border/mask, then nothing to do.
    if (!hasBoxDecorations())
        return false;

    if (mustRepaintFillLayers(this, style()->backgroundLayers()))
        return true;
    // Our fill layers are ok.  Let's check border.
    if (style()->hasBorder() && borderImageIsLoadedAndCanBeRendered())
        return true;

    return false;

void RenderObject::drawLineForBoxSide(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
                                      BoxSide side, Color color, EBorderStyle style,
                                      int adjacentWidth1, int adjacentWidth2, bool antialias)
    int thickness;
    int length;
    if (side == BSTop || side == BSBottom) {
        thickness = y2 - y1;
        length = x2 - x1;
    } else {
        thickness = x2 - x1;
        length = y2 - y1;

    // FIXME: We really would like this check to be an ASSERT as we don't want to draw empty borders. However
    // nothing guarantees that the following recursive calls to drawLineForBoxSide will have non-null dimensions.
    if (!thickness || !length)

    if (style == DOUBLE && thickness < 3)
        style = SOLID;

    switch (style) {
        case BNONE:
        case BHIDDEN:
        case DOTTED:
        case DASHED: {
            if (thickness > 0) {
                bool wasAntialiased = graphicsContext->shouldAntialias();
                StrokeStyle oldStrokeStyle = graphicsContext->strokeStyle();
                graphicsContext->setStrokeColor(color, m_style->colorSpace());
                graphicsContext->setStrokeStyle(style == DASHED ? DashedStroke : DottedStroke);

                switch (side) {
                    case BSBottom:
                    case BSTop:
                        graphicsContext->drawLine(IntPoint(x1, (y1 + y2) / 2), IntPoint(x2, (y1 + y2) / 2));
                    case BSRight:
                    case BSLeft:
                        graphicsContext->drawLine(IntPoint((x1 + x2) / 2, y1), IntPoint((x1 + x2) / 2, y2));
        case DOUBLE: {
            int thirdOfThickness = (thickness + 1) / 3;

            if (adjacentWidth1 == 0 && adjacentWidth2 == 0) {
                StrokeStyle oldStrokeStyle = graphicsContext->strokeStyle();
                graphicsContext->setFillColor(color, m_style->colorSpace());
                bool wasAntialiased = graphicsContext->shouldAntialias();

                switch (side) {
                    case BSTop:
                    case BSBottom:
                        graphicsContext->drawRect(IntRect(x1, y1, length, thirdOfThickness));
                        graphicsContext->drawRect(IntRect(x1, y2 - thirdOfThickness, length, thirdOfThickness));
                    case BSLeft:
                    case BSRight:
                        // FIXME: Why do we offset the border by 1 in this case but not the other one?
                        if (length > 1) {
                            graphicsContext->drawRect(IntRect(x1, y1 + 1, thirdOfThickness, length - 1));
                            graphicsContext->drawRect(IntRect(x2 - thirdOfThickness, y1 + 1, thirdOfThickness, length - 1));

            } else {
                int adjacent1BigThird = ((adjacentWidth1 > 0) ? adjacentWidth1 + 1 : adjacentWidth1 - 1) / 3;
                int adjacent2BigThird = ((adjacentWidth2 > 0) ? adjacentWidth2 + 1 : adjacentWidth2 - 1) / 3;

                switch (side) {
                    case BSTop:
                        drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1 + max((-adjacentWidth1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
                                   y1, x2 - max((-adjacentWidth2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0), y1 + thirdOfThickness,
                                   side, color, SOLID, adjacent1BigThird, adjacent2BigThird, antialias);
                        drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1 + max((adjacentWidth1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
                                   y2 - thirdOfThickness, x2 - max((adjacentWidth2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0), y2,
                                   side, color, SOLID, adjacent1BigThird, adjacent2BigThird, antialias);
                    case BSLeft:
                        drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1, y1 + max((-adjacentWidth1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
                                   x1 + thirdOfThickness, y2 - max((-adjacentWidth2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
                                   side, color, SOLID, adjacent1BigThird, adjacent2BigThird, antialias);
                        drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x2 - thirdOfThickness, y1 + max((adjacentWidth1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
                                   x2, y2 - max((adjacentWidth2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
                                   side, color, SOLID, adjacent1BigThird, adjacent2BigThird, antialias);
                    case BSBottom:
                        drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1 + max((adjacentWidth1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
                                   y1, x2 - max((adjacentWidth2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0), y1 + thirdOfThickness,
                                   side, color, SOLID, adjacent1BigThird, adjacent2BigThird, antialias);
                        drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1 + max((-adjacentWidth1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
                                   y2 - thirdOfThickness, x2 - max((-adjacentWidth2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0), y2,
                                   side, color, SOLID, adjacent1BigThird, adjacent2BigThird, antialias);
                    case BSRight:
                        drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1, y1 + max((adjacentWidth1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
                                   x1 + thirdOfThickness, y2 - max((adjacentWidth2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
                                   side, color, SOLID, adjacent1BigThird, adjacent2BigThird, antialias);
                        drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x2 - thirdOfThickness, y1 + max((-adjacentWidth1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
                                   x2, y2 - max((-adjacentWidth2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
                                   side, color, SOLID, adjacent1BigThird, adjacent2BigThird, antialias);
        case RIDGE:
        case GROOVE: {
            EBorderStyle s1;
            EBorderStyle s2;
            if (style == GROOVE) {
                s1 = INSET;
                s2 = OUTSET;
            } else {
                s1 = OUTSET;
                s2 = INSET;

            int adjacent1BigHalf = ((adjacentWidth1 > 0) ? adjacentWidth1 + 1 : adjacentWidth1 - 1) / 2;
            int adjacent2BigHalf = ((adjacentWidth2 > 0) ? adjacentWidth2 + 1 : adjacentWidth2 - 1) / 2;

            switch (side) {
                case BSTop:
                    drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1 + max(-adjacentWidth1, 0) / 2, y1, x2 - max(-adjacentWidth2, 0) / 2, (y1 + y2 + 1) / 2,
                               side, color, s1, adjacent1BigHalf, adjacent2BigHalf, antialias);
                    drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1 + max(adjacentWidth1 + 1, 0) / 2, (y1 + y2 + 1) / 2, x2 - max(adjacentWidth2 + 1, 0) / 2, y2,
                               side, color, s2, adjacentWidth1 / 2, adjacentWidth2 / 2, antialias);
                case BSLeft:
                    drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1, y1 + max(-adjacentWidth1, 0) / 2, (x1 + x2 + 1) / 2, y2 - max(-adjacentWidth2, 0) / 2,
                               side, color, s1, adjacent1BigHalf, adjacent2BigHalf, antialias);
                    drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, (x1 + x2 + 1) / 2, y1 + max(adjacentWidth1 + 1, 0) / 2, x2, y2 - max(adjacentWidth2 + 1, 0) / 2,
                               side, color, s2, adjacentWidth1 / 2, adjacentWidth2 / 2, antialias);
                case BSBottom:
                    drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1 + max(adjacentWidth1, 0) / 2, y1, x2 - max(adjacentWidth2, 0) / 2, (y1 + y2 + 1) / 2,
                               side, color, s2, adjacent1BigHalf, adjacent2BigHalf, antialias);
                    drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1 + max(-adjacentWidth1 + 1, 0) / 2, (y1 + y2 + 1) / 2, x2 - max(-adjacentWidth2 + 1, 0) / 2, y2,
                               side, color, s1, adjacentWidth1 / 2, adjacentWidth2 / 2, antialias);
                case BSRight:
                    drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1, y1 + max(adjacentWidth1, 0) / 2, (x1 + x2 + 1) / 2, y2 - max(adjacentWidth2, 0) / 2,
                               side, color, s2, adjacent1BigHalf, adjacent2BigHalf, antialias);
                    drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, (x1 + x2 + 1) / 2, y1 + max(-adjacentWidth1 + 1, 0) / 2, x2, y2 - max(-adjacentWidth2 + 1, 0) / 2,
                               side, color, s1, adjacentWidth1 / 2, adjacentWidth2 / 2, antialias);
        case INSET:
            // FIXME: Maybe we should lighten the colors on one side like Firefox.
            if (side == BSTop || side == BSLeft)
                color = color.dark();
            // fall through
        case OUTSET:
            if (style == OUTSET && (side == BSBottom || side == BSRight))
                color = color.dark();
            // fall through
        case SOLID: {
            StrokeStyle oldStrokeStyle = graphicsContext->strokeStyle();
            graphicsContext->setFillColor(color, m_style->colorSpace());
            ASSERT(x2 >= x1);
            ASSERT(y2 >= y1);
            if (!adjacentWidth1 && !adjacentWidth2) {
                // Turn off antialiasing to match the behavior of drawConvexPolygon();
                // this matters for rects in transformed contexts.
                bool wasAntialiased = graphicsContext->shouldAntialias();
                graphicsContext->drawRect(IntRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1));
            FloatPoint quad[4];
            switch (side) {
                case BSTop:
                    quad[0] = FloatPoint(x1 + max(-adjacentWidth1, 0), y1);
                    quad[1] = FloatPoint(x1 + max(adjacentWidth1, 0), y2);
                    quad[2] = FloatPoint(x2 - max(adjacentWidth2, 0), y2);
                    quad[3] = FloatPoint(x2 - max(-adjacentWidth2, 0), y1);
                case BSBottom:
                    quad[0] = FloatPoint(x1 + max(adjacentWidth1, 0), y1);
                    quad[1] = FloatPoint(x1 + max(-adjacentWidth1, 0), y2);
                    quad[2] = FloatPoint(x2 - max(-adjacentWidth2, 0), y2);
                    quad[3] = FloatPoint(x2 - max(adjacentWidth2, 0), y1);
                case BSLeft:
                    quad[0] = FloatPoint(x1, y1 + max(-adjacentWidth1, 0));
                    quad[1] = FloatPoint(x1, y2 - max(-adjacentWidth2, 0));
                    quad[2] = FloatPoint(x2, y2 - max(adjacentWidth2, 0));
                    quad[3] = FloatPoint(x2, y1 + max(adjacentWidth1, 0));
                case BSRight:
                    quad[0] = FloatPoint(x1, y1 + max(adjacentWidth1, 0));
                    quad[1] = FloatPoint(x1, y2 - max(adjacentWidth2, 0));
                    quad[2] = FloatPoint(x2, y2 - max(-adjacentWidth2, 0));
                    quad[3] = FloatPoint(x2, y1 + max(-adjacentWidth1, 0));

            graphicsContext->drawConvexPolygon(4, quad, antialias);

void RenderObject::paintFocusRing(GraphicsContext* context, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, RenderStyle* style)
    Vector<IntRect> focusRingRects;
    addFocusRingRects(focusRingRects, paintOffset);
    if (style->outlineStyleIsAuto())
        context->drawFocusRing(focusRingRects, style->outlineWidth(), style->outlineOffset(), style->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyOutlineColor));
        addPDFURLRect(context, unionRect(focusRingRects));

void RenderObject::addPDFURLRect(GraphicsContext* context, const LayoutRect& rect)
    if (rect.isEmpty())
    Node* n = node();
    if (!n || !n->isLink() || !n->isElementNode())
    const AtomicString& href = toElement(n)->getAttribute(hrefAttr);
    if (href.isNull())
    context->setURLForRect(n->document()->completeURL(href), pixelSnappedIntRect(rect));

void RenderObject::paintOutline(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, const LayoutRect& paintRect)
    if (!hasOutline())

    RenderStyle* styleToUse = style();
    LayoutUnit outlineWidth = styleToUse->outlineWidth();
    EBorderStyle outlineStyle = styleToUse->outlineStyle();

    Color outlineColor = styleToUse->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyOutlineColor);

    int outlineOffset = styleToUse->outlineOffset();

    if (styleToUse->outlineStyleIsAuto() || hasOutlineAnnotation()) {
        if (!theme()->supportsFocusRing(styleToUse)) {
            // Only paint the focus ring by hand if the theme isn't able to draw the focus ring.
            paintFocusRing(graphicsContext, paintRect.location(), styleToUse);

    if (styleToUse->outlineStyleIsAuto() || styleToUse->outlineStyle() == BNONE)

    IntRect inner = pixelSnappedIntRect(paintRect);

    IntRect outer = pixelSnappedIntRect(inner);

    // FIXME: This prevents outlines from painting inside the object. See bug 12042
    if (outer.isEmpty())

    bool useTransparencyLayer = outlineColor.hasAlpha();
    if (useTransparencyLayer) {
        if (outlineStyle == SOLID) {
            Path path;
            graphicsContext->setFillColor(outlineColor, styleToUse->colorSpace());
        graphicsContext->beginTransparencyLayer(static_cast<float>(outlineColor.alpha()) / 255);
        outlineColor = Color(,,;

    int leftOuter = outer.x();
    int leftInner = inner.x();
    int rightOuter = outer.maxX();
    int rightInner = inner.maxX();
    int topOuter = outer.y();
    int topInner = inner.y();
    int bottomOuter = outer.maxY();
    int bottomInner = inner.maxY();
    drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, leftOuter, topOuter, leftInner, bottomOuter, BSLeft, outlineColor, outlineStyle, outlineWidth, outlineWidth);
    drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, leftOuter, topOuter, rightOuter, topInner, BSTop, outlineColor, outlineStyle, outlineWidth, outlineWidth);
    drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, rightInner, topOuter, rightOuter, bottomOuter, BSRight, outlineColor, outlineStyle, outlineWidth, outlineWidth);
    drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, leftOuter, bottomInner, rightOuter, bottomOuter, BSBottom, outlineColor, outlineStyle, outlineWidth, outlineWidth);

    if (useTransparencyLayer)

int RenderObject::columnNumberForOffset(int offset)
    int columnNumber = 0;
    RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock();
    const Pagination& pagination = cb->view()->frameView()->frame()->page()->pagination();
    if (pagination.mode == Pagination::Unpaginated)
        return columnNumber;

    ColumnInfo* columnInfo = cb->view()->columnInfo();
    if (columnInfo && columnInfo->progressionAxis() == ColumnInfo::BlockAxis) {
        if (!columnInfo->progressionIsReversed())
            columnNumber = (pagination.pageLength + - offset) / (pagination.pageLength +;
            columnNumber = offset / (pagination.pageLength +;

    return columnNumber;

// This function is similar in spirit to RenderText::absoluteRectsForRange, but returns rectangles
// which are annotated the with additional state which helps the iPhone draw
// selections in its unique way.
// No annotations are added in this class.
// FIXME: Move to RenderText with absoluteRectsForRange()?
void RenderObject::collectSelectionRects(Vector<SelectionRect>& rects, unsigned start, unsigned end)
    Vector<FloatQuad> quads;

    if (!firstChild()) {
        // WebKit's position for an empty span after a BR is incorrect, so we can't trust 
        // quads for them.  We don't need selection rects for those anyway though, since they 
        // are just empty containers.
        // See
        RenderObject* previous = previousSibling();
        Node* n = node();
        if (!(previous && previous->isBR() && n && n->isContainerNode() && isInline())) {
            // For inline elements we don't use absoluteQuads, since it takes into account continuations and leads to wrong results.
    } else {
        unsigned offset = start;
        for (RenderObject* child = childAt(start); child && offset < end; child = child->nextSibling(), ++offset)

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < quads.size(); i++)
        rects.append(SelectionRect(quads[i].enclosingBoundingBox(), isHorizontalWritingMode(), columnNumberForOffset(quads[i].enclosingBoundingBox().x())));

IntRect RenderObject::absoluteBoundingBoxRect(bool useTransforms) const
    if (useTransforms) {
        Vector<FloatQuad> quads;

        size_t n = quads.size();
        if (!n)
            return IntRect();
        IntRect result = quads[0].enclosingBoundingBox();
        for (size_t i = 1; i < n; ++i)
        return result;

    FloatPoint absPos = localToAbsolute();
    Vector<IntRect> rects;
    absoluteRects(rects, flooredLayoutPoint(absPos));

    size_t n = rects.size();
    if (!n)
        return IntRect();

    LayoutRect result = rects[0];
    for (size_t i = 1; i < n; ++i)
    return pixelSnappedIntRect(result);

void RenderObject::absoluteFocusRingQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>& quads)
    Vector<IntRect> rects;
    // FIXME: addFocusRingRects() needs to be passed this transform-unaware
    // localToAbsolute() offset here because RenderInline::addFocusRingRects()
    // implicitly assumes that. This doesn't work correctly with transformed
    // descendants.
    FloatPoint absolutePoint = localToAbsolute();
    addFocusRingRects(rects, flooredLayoutPoint(absolutePoint));
    size_t count = rects.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        IntRect rect = rects[i];
        rect.move(-absolutePoint.x(), -absolutePoint.y());

FloatRect RenderObject::absoluteBoundingBoxRectForRange(const Range* range)
    if (!range || !range->startContainer())
        return FloatRect();

    if (range->ownerDocument())

    Vector<FloatQuad> quads;

    FloatRect result;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < quads.size(); ++i)

    return result;

void RenderObject::addAbsoluteRectForLayer(LayoutRect& result)
    if (hasLayer())
    for (RenderObject* current = firstChild(); current; current = current->nextSibling())

// FIXME: change this to use the subtreePaint terminology
LayoutRect RenderObject::paintingRootRect(LayoutRect& topLevelRect)
    LayoutRect result = absoluteBoundingBoxRectIgnoringTransforms();
    topLevelRect = result;
    for (RenderObject* current = firstChild(); current; current = current->nextSibling())
    return result;

void RenderObject::paint(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&)

RenderLayerModelObject* RenderObject::containerForRepaint() const
    RenderView* v = view();
    if (!v)
        return 0;
    RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer = 0;

    if (v->usesCompositing()) {
        if (RenderLayer* parentLayer = enclosingLayer()) {
            RenderLayer* compLayer = parentLayer->enclosingCompositingLayerForRepaint();
            if (compLayer)
                repaintContainer = compLayer->renderer();
    if (document()->view()->hasSoftwareFilters()) {
        if (RenderLayer* parentLayer = enclosingLayer()) {
            RenderLayer* enclosingFilterLayer = parentLayer->enclosingFilterLayer();
            if (enclosingFilterLayer)
                return enclosingFilterLayer->renderer();

    // If we have a flow thread, then we need to do individual repaints within the RenderRegions instead.
    // Return the flow thread as a repaint container in order to create a chokepoint that allows us to change
    // repainting to do individual region repaints.
    RenderFlowThread* parentRenderFlowThread = flowThreadContainingBlock();
    if (parentRenderFlowThread) {
        // The ancestor document will do the reparenting when the repaint propagates further up.
        // We're just a seamless child document, and we don't need to do the hacking.
        if (parentRenderFlowThread && parentRenderFlowThread->document() != document())
            return repaintContainer;
        // If we have already found a repaint container then we will repaint into that container only if it is part of the same
        // flow thread. Otherwise we will need to catch the repaint call and send it to the flow thread.
        RenderFlowThread* repaintContainerFlowThread = repaintContainer ? repaintContainer->flowThreadContainingBlock() : 0;
        if (!repaintContainerFlowThread || repaintContainerFlowThread != parentRenderFlowThread)
            repaintContainer = parentRenderFlowThread;
    return repaintContainer;

void RenderObject::repaintUsingContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, const IntRect& r, bool immediate) const
    if (!repaintContainer) {
        view()->repaintViewRectangle(r, immediate);

    if (repaintContainer->isRenderFlowThread()) {
        toRenderFlowThread(repaintContainer)->repaintRectangleInRegions(r, immediate);

    if (repaintContainer->hasFilter() && repaintContainer->layer() && repaintContainer->layer()->requiresFullLayerImageForFilters()) {
        repaintContainer->layer()->setFilterBackendNeedsRepaintingInRect(r, immediate);

    RenderView* v = view();
    if (repaintContainer->isRenderView()) {
        ASSERT(repaintContainer == v);
        bool viewHasCompositedLayer = v->hasLayer() && v->layer()->isComposited();
        if (!viewHasCompositedLayer || v->layer()->backing()->paintsIntoWindow()) {
            v->repaintViewRectangle(viewHasCompositedLayer && v->layer()->transform() ? v->layer()->transform()->mapRect(r) : r, immediate);
    if (v->usesCompositing()) {
        ASSERT(repaintContainer->hasLayer() && repaintContainer->layer()->isComposited());
    if (repaintContainer->isRenderView())
        toRenderView(repaintContainer)->repaintViewRectangle(r, immediate);

void RenderObject::repaint(bool immediate) const
    // Don't repaint if we're unrooted (note that view() still returns the view when unrooted)
    RenderView* view;
    if (!isRooted(&view))

    if (view->printing())
        return; // Don't repaint if we're printing.

    RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer = containerForRepaint();
    repaintUsingContainer(repaintContainer ? repaintContainer : view, pixelSnappedIntRect(clippedOverflowRectForRepaint(repaintContainer)), immediate);

void RenderObject::repaintRectangle(const LayoutRect& r, bool immediate) const
    // Don't repaint if we're unrooted (note that view() still returns the view when unrooted)
    RenderView* view;
    if (!isRooted(&view))

    if (view->printing())
        return; // Don't repaint if we're printing.

    LayoutRect dirtyRect(r);

    // FIXME: layoutDelta needs to be applied in parts before/after transforms and
    // repaint containers.

    RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer = containerForRepaint();
    computeRectForRepaint(repaintContainer, dirtyRect);
    repaintUsingContainer(repaintContainer ? repaintContainer : view, pixelSnappedIntRect(dirtyRect), immediate);

IntRect RenderObject::pixelSnappedAbsoluteClippedOverflowRect() const
    return pixelSnappedIntRect(absoluteClippedOverflowRect());

bool RenderObject::repaintAfterLayoutIfNeeded(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, const LayoutRect& oldBounds, const LayoutRect& oldOutlineBox, const LayoutRect* newBoundsPtr, const LayoutRect* newOutlineBoxRectPtr)
    RenderView* v = view();
    if (v->printing())
        return false; // Don't repaint if we're printing.

    // This ASSERT fails due to animations.  See
    // ASSERT(!newBoundsPtr || *newBoundsPtr == clippedOverflowRectForRepaint(repaintContainer));
    LayoutRect newBounds = newBoundsPtr ? *newBoundsPtr : clippedOverflowRectForRepaint(repaintContainer);
    LayoutRect newOutlineBox;

    bool fullRepaint = selfNeedsLayout();
    // Presumably a background or a border exists if border-fit:lines was specified.
    if (!fullRepaint && style()->borderFit() == BorderFitLines)
        fullRepaint = true;
    if (!fullRepaint) {
        // This ASSERT fails due to animations.  See
        // ASSERT(!newOutlineBoxRectPtr || *newOutlineBoxRectPtr == outlineBoundsForRepaint(repaintContainer));
        newOutlineBox = newOutlineBoxRectPtr ? *newOutlineBoxRectPtr : outlineBoundsForRepaint(repaintContainer);
        if (newOutlineBox.location() != oldOutlineBox.location() || (mustRepaintBackgroundOrBorder() && (newBounds != oldBounds || newOutlineBox != oldOutlineBox)))
            fullRepaint = true;

    if (!repaintContainer)
        repaintContainer = v;

    if (fullRepaint) {
        repaintUsingContainer(repaintContainer, pixelSnappedIntRect(oldBounds));
        if (newBounds != oldBounds)
            repaintUsingContainer(repaintContainer, pixelSnappedIntRect(newBounds));
        return true;

    if (newBounds == oldBounds && newOutlineBox == oldOutlineBox)
        return false;

    LayoutUnit deltaLeft = newBounds.x() - oldBounds.x();
    if (deltaLeft > 0)
        repaintUsingContainer(repaintContainer, pixelSnappedIntRect(oldBounds.x(), oldBounds.y(), deltaLeft, oldBounds.height()));
    else if (deltaLeft < 0)
        repaintUsingContainer(repaintContainer, pixelSnappedIntRect(newBounds.x(), newBounds.y(), -deltaLeft, newBounds.height()));

    LayoutUnit deltaRight = newBounds.maxX() - oldBounds.maxX();
    if (deltaRight > 0)
        repaintUsingContainer(repaintContainer, pixelSnappedIntRect(oldBounds.maxX(), newBounds.y(), deltaRight, newBounds.height()));
    else if (deltaRight < 0)
        repaintUsingContainer(repaintContainer, pixelSnappedIntRect(newBounds.maxX(), oldBounds.y(), -deltaRight, oldBounds.height()));

    LayoutUnit deltaTop = newBounds.y() - oldBounds.y();
    if (deltaTop > 0)
        repaintUsingContainer(repaintContainer, pixelSnappedIntRect(oldBounds.x(), oldBounds.y(), oldBounds.width(), deltaTop));
    else if (deltaTop < 0)
        repaintUsingContainer(repaintContainer, pixelSnappedIntRect(newBounds.x(), newBounds.y(), newBounds.width(), -deltaTop));

    LayoutUnit deltaBottom = newBounds.maxY() - oldBounds.maxY();
    if (deltaBottom > 0)
        repaintUsingContainer(repaintContainer, pixelSnappedIntRect(newBounds.x(), oldBounds.maxY(), newBounds.width(), deltaBottom));
    else if (deltaBottom < 0)
        repaintUsingContainer(repaintContainer, pixelSnappedIntRect(oldBounds.x(), newBounds.maxY(), oldBounds.width(), -deltaBottom));

    if (newOutlineBox == oldOutlineBox)
        return false;

    // We didn't move, but we did change size. Invalidate the delta, which will consist of possibly
    // two rectangles (but typically only one).
    RenderStyle* outlineStyle = outlineStyleForRepaint();
    LayoutUnit outlineWidth = outlineStyle->outlineSize();
    LayoutBoxExtent insetShadowExtent = style()->getBoxShadowInsetExtent();
    LayoutUnit width = absoluteValue(newOutlineBox.width() - oldOutlineBox.width());
    if (width) {
        LayoutUnit shadowLeft;
        LayoutUnit shadowRight;
        style()->getBoxShadowHorizontalExtent(shadowLeft, shadowRight);
        int borderRight = isBox() ? toRenderBox(this)->borderRight() : 0;
        LayoutUnit boxWidth = isBox() ? toRenderBox(this)->width() : LayoutUnit();
        LayoutUnit minInsetRightShadowExtent = min<LayoutUnit>(-insetShadowExtent.right(), min<LayoutUnit>(newBounds.width(), oldBounds.width()));
        LayoutUnit borderWidth = max<LayoutUnit>(borderRight, max<LayoutUnit>(valueForLength(style()->borderTopRightRadius().width(), boxWidth, v), valueForLength(style()->borderBottomRightRadius().width(), boxWidth, v)));
        LayoutUnit decorationsWidth = max<LayoutUnit>(-outlineStyle->outlineOffset(), borderWidth + minInsetRightShadowExtent) + max<LayoutUnit>(outlineWidth, shadowRight);
        LayoutRect rightRect(newOutlineBox.x() + min(newOutlineBox.width(), oldOutlineBox.width()) - decorationsWidth,
            width + decorationsWidth,
            max(newOutlineBox.height(), oldOutlineBox.height()));
        LayoutUnit right = min<LayoutUnit>(newBounds.maxX(), oldBounds.maxX());
        if (rightRect.x() < right) {
            rightRect.setWidth(min(rightRect.width(), right - rightRect.x()));
            repaintUsingContainer(repaintContainer, pixelSnappedIntRect(rightRect));
    LayoutUnit height = absoluteValue(newOutlineBox.height() - oldOutlineBox.height());
    if (height) {
        LayoutUnit shadowTop;
        LayoutUnit shadowBottom;
        style()->getBoxShadowVerticalExtent(shadowTop, shadowBottom);
        int borderBottom = isBox() ? toRenderBox(this)->borderBottom() : 0;
        LayoutUnit boxHeight = isBox() ? toRenderBox(this)->height() : LayoutUnit();
        LayoutUnit minInsetBottomShadowExtent = min<LayoutUnit>(-insetShadowExtent.bottom(), min<LayoutUnit>(newBounds.height(), oldBounds.height()));
        LayoutUnit borderHeight = max<LayoutUnit>(borderBottom, max<LayoutUnit>(valueForLength(style()->borderBottomLeftRadius().height(), boxHeight, v), valueForLength(style()->borderBottomRightRadius().height(), boxHeight, v)));
        LayoutUnit decorationsHeight = max<LayoutUnit>(-outlineStyle->outlineOffset(), borderHeight + minInsetBottomShadowExtent) + max<LayoutUnit>(outlineWidth, shadowBottom);
        LayoutRect bottomRect(newOutlineBox.x(),
            min(newOutlineBox.maxY(), oldOutlineBox.maxY()) - decorationsHeight,
            max(newOutlineBox.width(), oldOutlineBox.width()),
            height + decorationsHeight);
        LayoutUnit bottom = min(newBounds.maxY(), oldBounds.maxY());
        if (bottomRect.y() < bottom) {
            bottomRect.setHeight(min(bottomRect.height(), bottom - bottomRect.y()));
            repaintUsingContainer(repaintContainer, pixelSnappedIntRect(bottomRect));
    return false;

bool RenderObject::checkForRepaintDuringLayout() const
    return !document()->view()->needsFullRepaint() && !hasLayer() && everHadLayout();

LayoutRect RenderObject::rectWithOutlineForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, LayoutUnit outlineWidth) const
    LayoutRect r(clippedOverflowRectForRepaint(repaintContainer));
    return r;

LayoutRect RenderObject::clippedOverflowRectForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject*) const
    return LayoutRect();

void RenderObject::computeRectForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, LayoutRect& rect, bool fixed) const
    if (repaintContainer == this)

    if (RenderObject* o = parent()) {
        if (o->isBlockFlow()) {
            RenderBlock* cb = toRenderBlock(o);
            if (cb->hasColumns())

        if (o->hasOverflowClip()) {
            RenderBox* boxParent = toRenderBox(o);
            if (rect.isEmpty())

        o->computeRectForRepaint(repaintContainer, rect, fixed);

void RenderObject::computeFloatRectForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject*, FloatRect&, bool) const

void RenderObject::dirtyLinesFromChangedChild(RenderObject*)

#ifndef NDEBUG

void RenderObject::showTreeForThis() const
    if (node())

void RenderObject::showRenderTreeForThis() const
    showRenderTree(this, 0);

void RenderObject::showLineTreeForThis() const
    if (containingBlock())
        containingBlock()->showLineTreeAndMark(0, 0, 0, 0, this);

void RenderObject::showRenderObject() const

void RenderObject::showRenderObject(int printedCharacters) const
    // As this function is intended to be used when debugging, the
    // this pointer may be 0.
    if (!this) {
        fputs("(null)\n", stderr);

    printedCharacters += fprintf(stderr, "%s %p", renderName(), this);

    if (node()) {
        if (printedCharacters)
            for (; printedCharacters < showTreeCharacterOffset; printedCharacters++)
                fputc(' ', stderr);
        fputc('\t', stderr);
    } else
        fputc('\n', stderr);

void RenderObject::showRenderTreeAndMark(const RenderObject* markedObject1, const char* markedLabel1, const RenderObject* markedObject2, const char* markedLabel2, int depth) const
    int printedCharacters = 0;
    if (markedObject1 == this && markedLabel1)
        printedCharacters += fprintf(stderr, "%s", markedLabel1);
    if (markedObject2 == this && markedLabel2)
        printedCharacters += fprintf(stderr, "%s", markedLabel2);
    for (; printedCharacters < depth * 2; printedCharacters++)
        fputc(' ', stderr);

    if (!this)

    for (const RenderObject* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
        child->showRenderTreeAndMark(markedObject1, markedLabel1, markedObject2, markedLabel2, depth + 1);

#endif // NDEBUG

Color RenderObject::selectionBackgroundColor() const
    Color color;
    if (style()->userSelect() != SELECT_NONE) {
        if (frame()->selection()->shouldShowBlockCursor() && frame()->selection()->isCaret())
            color = style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor).blendWithWhite();
        else {
            RefPtr<RenderStyle> pseudoStyle = getUncachedPseudoStyle(PseudoStyleRequest(SELECTION));
            if (pseudoStyle && pseudoStyle->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor).isValid())
                color = pseudoStyle->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor).blendWithWhite();
                color = frame()->selection()->isFocusedAndActive() ? theme()->activeSelectionBackgroundColor() : theme()->inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor();

    return color;

Color RenderObject::selectionColor(int colorProperty) const
    Color color;
    // If the element is unselectable, or we are only painting the selection,
    // don't override the foreground color with the selection foreground color.
    if (style()->userSelect() == SELECT_NONE
        || (frame()->view()->paintBehavior() & PaintBehaviorSelectionOnly))
        return color;

    if (RefPtr<RenderStyle> pseudoStyle = getUncachedPseudoStyle(PseudoStyleRequest(SELECTION))) {
        color = pseudoStyle->visitedDependentColor(colorProperty);
        if (!color.isValid())
            color = pseudoStyle->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor);
    } else
        color = frame()->selection()->isFocusedAndActive() ?
                theme()->activeSelectionForegroundColor() :

    return color;

Color RenderObject::selectionForegroundColor() const
    return selectionColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor);

Color RenderObject::selectionEmphasisMarkColor() const
    return selectionColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisColor);

void RenderObject::selectionStartEnd(int& spos, int& epos) const
    view()->selectionStartEnd(spos, epos);

void RenderObject::handleDynamicFloatPositionChange()
    // We have gone from not affecting the inline status of the parent flow to suddenly
    // having an impact.  See if there is a mismatch between the parent flow's
    // childrenInline() state and our state.
    if (isInline() != parent()->childrenInline()) {
        if (!isInline())
        else {
            // An anonymous block must be made to wrap this inline.
            RenderBlock* block = toRenderBlock(parent())->createAnonymousBlock();
            RenderObjectChildList* childlist = parent()->virtualChildren();
            childlist->insertChildNode(parent(), block, this);
            block->children()->appendChildNode(block, childlist->removeChildNode(parent(), this));

void RenderObject::removeAnonymousWrappersForInlinesIfNecessary()
    // We have changed to floated or out-of-flow positioning so maybe all our parent's
    // children can be inline now. Bail if there are any block children left on the line,
    // otherwise we can proceed to stripping solitary anonymous wrappers from the inlines.
    // FIXME: We should also handle split inlines here - we exclude them at the moment by returning
    // if we find a continuation.
    RenderObject* curr = parent()->firstChild();
    while (curr && ((curr->isAnonymousBlock() && !toRenderBlock(curr)->isAnonymousBlockContinuation()) || curr->style()->isFloating() || curr->style()->hasOutOfFlowPosition()))
        curr = curr->nextSibling();

    if (curr)

    curr = parent()->firstChild();
    RenderBlock* parentBlock = toRenderBlock(parent());
    while (curr) {
        RenderObject* next = curr->nextSibling();
        if (curr->isAnonymousBlock())
            parentBlock->collapseAnonymousBoxChild(parentBlock, toRenderBlock(curr));
        curr = next;

void RenderObject::setAnimatableStyle(PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> style)
    if (!isText() && style)
        setStyle(animation()->updateAnimations(this, style.get()));

StyleDifference RenderObject::adjustStyleDifference(StyleDifference diff, unsigned contextSensitiveProperties) const
    // If transform changed, and we are not composited, need to do a layout.
    if (contextSensitiveProperties & ContextSensitivePropertyTransform) {
        // Text nodes share style with their parents but transforms don't apply to them,
        // hence the !isText() check.
        // FIXME: when transforms are taken into account for overflow, we will need to do a layout.
        if (!isText() && (!hasLayer() || !toRenderLayerModelObject(this)->layer()->isComposited())) {
            // We need to set at least SimplifiedLayout, but if PositionedMovementOnly is already set
            // then we actually need SimplifiedLayoutAndPositionedMovement.
            if (!hasLayer())
                diff = StyleDifferenceLayout; // FIXME: Do this for now since SimplifiedLayout cannot handle updating floating objects lists.
            else if (diff < StyleDifferenceLayoutPositionedMovementOnly)
                diff = StyleDifferenceSimplifiedLayout;
            else if (diff < StyleDifferenceSimplifiedLayout)
                diff = StyleDifferenceSimplifiedLayoutAndPositionedMovement;
        } else if (diff < StyleDifferenceRecompositeLayer)
            diff = StyleDifferenceRecompositeLayer;

    // If opacity changed, and we are not composited, need to repaint (also
    // ignoring text nodes)
    if (contextSensitiveProperties & ContextSensitivePropertyOpacity) {
        if (!isText() && (!hasLayer() || !toRenderLayerModelObject(this)->layer()->isComposited()))
            diff = StyleDifferenceRepaintLayer;
        else if (diff < StyleDifferenceRecompositeLayer)
            diff = StyleDifferenceRecompositeLayer;
    if ((contextSensitiveProperties & ContextSensitivePropertyFilter) && hasLayer()) {
        RenderLayer* layer = toRenderLayerModelObject(this)->layer();
        if (!layer->isComposited() || layer->paintsWithFilters())
            diff = StyleDifferenceRepaintLayer;
        else if (diff < StyleDifferenceRecompositeLayer)
            diff = StyleDifferenceRecompositeLayer;
    // The answer to requiresLayer() for plugins, iframes, and canvas can change without the actual
    // style changing, since it depends on whether we decide to composite these elements. When the
    // layer status of one of these elements changes, we need to force a layout.
    if (diff == StyleDifferenceEqual && style() && isLayerModelObject()) {
        if (hasLayer() != toRenderLayerModelObject(this)->requiresLayer())
            diff = StyleDifferenceLayout;

    // If we have no layer(), just treat a RepaintLayer hint as a normal Repaint.
    if (diff == StyleDifferenceRepaintLayer && !hasLayer())
        diff = StyleDifferenceRepaint;

    return diff;

void RenderObject::setPseudoStyle(PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> pseudoStyle)

inline bool RenderObject::hasImmediateNonWhitespaceTextChild() const
    for (const RenderObject* r = firstChild(); r; r = r->nextSibling()) {
        if (r->isText() && !toRenderText(r)->isAllCollapsibleWhitespace())
            return true;
    return false;

inline bool RenderObject::shouldRepaintForStyleDifference(StyleDifference diff) const
    return diff == StyleDifferenceRepaint || (diff == StyleDifferenceRepaintIfText && hasImmediateNonWhitespaceTextChild());

void RenderObject::setStyle(PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> style)
    if (m_style == style) {
        // We need to run through adjustStyleDifference() for iframes, plugins, and canvas so
        // style sharing is disabled for them. That should ensure that we never hit this code path.
        ASSERT(!isRenderIFrame() && !isEmbeddedObject() && !isCanvas());

    StyleDifference diff = StyleDifferenceEqual;
    unsigned contextSensitiveProperties = ContextSensitivePropertyNone;
    if (m_style)
        diff = m_style->diff(style.get(), contextSensitiveProperties);

    diff = adjustStyleDifference(diff, contextSensitiveProperties);

    styleWillChange(diff, style.get());
    RefPtr<RenderStyle> oldStyle = m_style.release();

    updateFillImages(oldStyle ? oldStyle->backgroundLayers() : 0, m_style ? m_style->backgroundLayers() : 0);
    updateFillImages(oldStyle ? oldStyle->maskLayers() : 0, m_style ? m_style->maskLayers() : 0);

    updateImage(oldStyle ? oldStyle->borderImage().image() : 0, m_style ? m_style->borderImage().image() : 0);
    updateImage(oldStyle ? oldStyle->maskBoxImage().image() : 0, m_style ? m_style->maskBoxImage().image() : 0);

    // We need to ensure that view->maximalOutlineSize() is valid for any repaints that happen
    // during styleDidChange (it's used by clippedOverflowRectForRepaint()).
    if (m_style->outlineWidth() > 0 && m_style->outlineSize() > maximalOutlineSize(PaintPhaseOutline))

    bool doesNotNeedLayout = !m_parent || isText();

    styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle.get());

    // FIXME: |this| might be destroyed here. This can currently happen for a RenderTextFragment when
    // its first-letter block gets an update in RenderTextFragment::styleDidChange. For RenderTextFragment(s),
    // we will safely bail out with the doesNotNeedLayout flag. We might want to broaden this condition
    // in the future as we move renderer changes out of layout and into style changes.
    if (doesNotNeedLayout)

    // Now that the layer (if any) has been updated, we need to adjust the diff again,
    // check whether we should layout now, and decide if we need to repaint.
    StyleDifference updatedDiff = adjustStyleDifference(diff, contextSensitiveProperties);
    if (diff <= StyleDifferenceLayoutPositionedMovementOnly) {
        if (updatedDiff == StyleDifferenceLayout)
        else if (updatedDiff == StyleDifferenceLayoutPositionedMovementOnly)
        else if (updatedDiff == StyleDifferenceSimplifiedLayoutAndPositionedMovement) {
        } else if (updatedDiff == StyleDifferenceSimplifiedLayout)

    if (updatedDiff == StyleDifferenceRepaintLayer || shouldRepaintForStyleDifference(updatedDiff)) {
        // Do a repaint with the new style now, e.g., for example if we go from
        // not having an outline to having an outline.

static inline bool rendererHasBackground(const RenderObject* renderer)
    return renderer && renderer->hasBackground();

void RenderObject::styleWillChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* newStyle)
    if (m_style) {
        // If our z-index changes value or our visibility changes,
        // we need to dirty our stacking context's z-order list.
        if (newStyle) {
            bool visibilityChanged = m_style->visibility() != newStyle->visibility() 
                || m_style->zIndex() != newStyle->zIndex() 
                || m_style->hasAutoZIndex() != newStyle->hasAutoZIndex();
            if (visibilityChanged)
            if (visibilityChanged) {
                if (AXObjectCache* cache = document()->existingAXObjectCache())

            // Keep layer hierarchy visibility bits up to date if visibility changes.
            if (m_style->visibility() != newStyle->visibility()) {
                if (RenderLayer* l = enclosingLayer()) {
                    if (newStyle->visibility() == VISIBLE)
                    else if (l->hasVisibleContent() && (this == l->renderer() || l->renderer()->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)) {
                        if (diff > StyleDifferenceRepaintLayer)

        if (m_parent && (newStyle->outlineSize() < m_style->outlineSize() || shouldRepaintForStyleDifference(diff)))
        if (isFloating() && (m_style->floating() != newStyle->floating()))
            // For changes in float styles, we need to conceivably remove ourselves
            // from the floating objects list.
        else if (isOutOfFlowPositioned() && (m_style->position() != newStyle->position()))
            // For changes in positioning styles, we need to conceivably remove ourselves
            // from the positioned objects list.

        s_affectsParentBlock = isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned()
            && (!newStyle->isFloating() && !newStyle->hasOutOfFlowPosition())
            && parent() && (parent()->isBlockFlow() || parent()->isRenderInline());

        s_noLongerAffectsParentBlock = ((!isFloating() && newStyle->isFloating()) || (!isOutOfFlowPositioned() && newStyle->hasOutOfFlowPosition()))
            && parent() && parent()->isRenderBlock();

        // reset style flags
        if (diff == StyleDifferenceLayout || diff == StyleDifferenceLayoutPositionedMovementOnly) {
    } else {
        s_affectsParentBlock = false;
        s_noLongerAffectsParentBlock = false;

    if (FrameView* frameView = view()->frameView()) {
        bool repaintFixedBackgroundsOnScroll = shouldRepaintFixedBackgroundsOnScroll(frameView);

        bool newStyleSlowScroll = newStyle && repaintFixedBackgroundsOnScroll && newStyle->hasFixedBackgroundImage();
        bool oldStyleSlowScroll = m_style && repaintFixedBackgroundsOnScroll && m_style->hasFixedBackgroundImage();

        bool drawsRootBackground = isRoot() || (isBody() && !rendererHasBackground(document()->documentElement()->renderer()));
        if (drawsRootBackground && repaintFixedBackgroundsOnScroll) {
            if (view()->compositor()->supportsFixedRootBackgroundCompositing()) {
                if (newStyleSlowScroll && newStyle->hasEntirelyFixedBackground())
                    newStyleSlowScroll = false;

                if (oldStyleSlowScroll && m_style->hasEntirelyFixedBackground())
                    oldStyleSlowScroll = false;
        if (oldStyleSlowScroll != newStyleSlowScroll) {
            if (oldStyleSlowScroll)

            if (newStyleSlowScroll)

static bool areNonIdenticalCursorListsEqual(const RenderStyle* a, const RenderStyle* b)
    ASSERT(a->cursors() != b->cursors());
    return a->cursors() && b->cursors() && *a->cursors() == *b->cursors();

static inline bool areCursorsEqual(const RenderStyle* a, const RenderStyle* b)
    return a->cursor() == b->cursor() && (a->cursors() == b->cursors() || areNonIdenticalCursorListsEqual(a, b));

void RenderObject::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
    if (s_affectsParentBlock)

    if (s_noLongerAffectsParentBlock)

    if (!m_parent)
    if (diff == StyleDifferenceLayout || diff == StyleDifferenceSimplifiedLayout) {
        RenderCounter::rendererStyleChanged(this, oldStyle, m_style.get());

        // If the object already needs layout, then setNeedsLayout won't do
        // any work. But if the containing block has changed, then we may need
        // to mark the new containing blocks for layout. The change that can
        // directly affect the containing block of this object is a change to
        // the position style.
        if (needsLayout() && oldStyle->position() != m_style->position())

        if (diff == StyleDifferenceLayout)
    } else if (diff == StyleDifferenceSimplifiedLayoutAndPositionedMovement) {
    } else if (diff == StyleDifferenceLayoutPositionedMovementOnly)

    // Don't check for repaint here; we need to wait until the layer has been
    // updated by subclasses before we know if we have to repaint (in setStyle()).

    if (oldStyle && !areCursorsEqual(oldStyle, style())) {
        if (Frame* frame = this->frame())
#endif // !PLATFORM(IOS)

void RenderObject::propagateStyleToAnonymousChildren(bool blockChildrenOnly)
    // FIXME: We could save this call when the change only affected non-inherited properties.
    for (RenderObject* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        if (!child->isAnonymous() || child->style()->styleType() != NOPSEUDO)

        if (blockChildrenOnly && !child->isRenderBlock())

        if (child->isRenderFullScreen() || child->isRenderFullScreenPlaceholder())

        RefPtr<RenderStyle> newStyle = RenderStyle::createAnonymousStyleWithDisplay(style(), child->style()->display());
        if (style()->specifiesColumns()) {
            if (child->style()->specifiesColumns())
            if (child->style()->columnSpan())

        // Preserve the position style of anonymous block continuations as they can have relative or sticky position when
        // they contain block descendants of relative or sticky positioned inlines.
        if (child->isInFlowPositioned() && toRenderBlock(child)->isAnonymousBlockContinuation())


void RenderObject::updateFillImages(const FillLayer* oldLayers, const FillLayer* newLayers)
    // Optimize the common case
    if (oldLayers && !oldLayers->next() && newLayers && !newLayers->next() && (oldLayers->image() == newLayers->image()))
    // Go through the new layers and addClients first, to avoid removing all clients of an image.
    for (const FillLayer* currNew = newLayers; currNew; currNew = currNew->next()) {
        if (currNew->image())

    for (const FillLayer* currOld = oldLayers; currOld; currOld = currOld->next()) {
        if (currOld->image())

void RenderObject::updateImage(StyleImage* oldImage, StyleImage* newImage)
    if (oldImage != newImage) {
        if (oldImage)
        if (newImage)

LayoutRect RenderObject::viewRect() const
    return view()->viewRect();

FloatPoint RenderObject::localToAbsolute(const FloatPoint& localPoint, MapCoordinatesFlags mode) const
    TransformState transformState(TransformState::ApplyTransformDirection, localPoint);
    mapLocalToContainer(0, transformState, mode | ApplyContainerFlip);
    return transformState.lastPlanarPoint();

FloatPoint RenderObject::absoluteToLocal(const FloatPoint& containerPoint, MapCoordinatesFlags mode) const
    TransformState transformState(TransformState::UnapplyInverseTransformDirection, containerPoint);
    mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(mode, transformState);
    return transformState.lastPlanarPoint();

FloatQuad RenderObject::absoluteToLocalQuad(const FloatQuad& quad, MapCoordinatesFlags mode) const
    TransformState transformState(TransformState::UnapplyInverseTransformDirection, quad.boundingBox().center(), quad);
    mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(mode, transformState);
    return transformState.lastPlanarQuad();

void RenderObject::mapLocalToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, TransformState& transformState, MapCoordinatesFlags mode, bool* wasFixed) const
    if (repaintContainer == this)

    RenderObject* o = parent();
    if (!o)

    // FIXME: this should call offsetFromContainer to share code, but I'm not sure it's ever called.
    LayoutPoint centerPoint = roundedLayoutPoint(transformState.mappedPoint());
    if (mode & ApplyContainerFlip && o->isBox()) {
        if (o->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode())
            transformState.move(toRenderBox(o)->flipForWritingModeIncludingColumns(roundedLayoutPoint(transformState.mappedPoint())) - centerPoint);
        mode &= ~ApplyContainerFlip;

    LayoutSize columnOffset;
    o->adjustForColumns(columnOffset, roundedLayoutPoint(transformState.mappedPoint()));
    if (!columnOffset.isZero())

    if (o->hasOverflowClip())

    o->mapLocalToContainer(repaintContainer, transformState, mode, wasFixed);

const RenderObject* RenderObject::pushMappingToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* ancestorToStopAt, RenderGeometryMap& geometryMap) const
    ASSERT_UNUSED(ancestorToStopAt, ancestorToStopAt != this);

    RenderObject* container = parent();
    if (!container)
        return 0;

    // FIXME: this should call offsetFromContainer to share code, but I'm not sure it's ever called.
    LayoutSize offset;
    if (container->hasOverflowClip())
        offset = -toRenderBox(container)->scrolledContentOffset();

    geometryMap.push(this, offset, hasColumns());
    return container;

void RenderObject::mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(MapCoordinatesFlags mode, TransformState& transformState) const
    RenderObject* o = parent();
    if (o) {
        o->mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(mode, transformState);
        if (o->hasOverflowClip())

bool RenderObject::shouldUseTransformFromContainer(const RenderObject* containerObject) const
    // hasTransform() indicates whether the object has transform, transform-style or perspective. We just care about transform,
    // so check the layer's transform directly.
    return (hasLayer() && toRenderLayerModelObject(this)->layer()->transform()) || (containerObject && containerObject->style()->hasPerspective());
    return hasTransform();

void RenderObject::getTransformFromContainer(const RenderObject* containerObject, const LayoutSize& offsetInContainer, TransformationMatrix& transform) const
    transform.translate(offsetInContainer.width(), offsetInContainer.height());
    RenderLayer* layer;
    if (hasLayer() && (layer = toRenderLayerModelObject(this)->layer()) && layer->transform())
    if (containerObject && containerObject->hasLayer() && containerObject->style()->hasPerspective()) {
        // Perpsective on the container affects us, so we have to factor it in here.
        FloatPoint perspectiveOrigin = toRenderLayerModelObject(containerObject)->layer()->perspectiveOrigin();

        TransformationMatrix perspectiveMatrix;
        transform.translateRight3d(-perspectiveOrigin.x(), -perspectiveOrigin.y(), 0);
        transform = perspectiveMatrix * transform;
        transform.translateRight3d(perspectiveOrigin.x(), perspectiveOrigin.y(), 0);

FloatQuad RenderObject::localToContainerQuad(const FloatQuad& localQuad, const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, MapCoordinatesFlags mode, bool* wasFixed) const
    // Track the point at the center of the quad's bounding box. As mapLocalToContainer() calls offsetFromContainer(),
    // it will use that point as the reference point to decide which column's transform to apply in multiple-column blocks.
    TransformState transformState(TransformState::ApplyTransformDirection, localQuad.boundingBox().center(), localQuad);
    mapLocalToContainer(repaintContainer, transformState, mode | ApplyContainerFlip | UseTransforms, wasFixed);
    return transformState.lastPlanarQuad();

FloatPoint RenderObject::localToContainerPoint(const FloatPoint& localPoint, const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, MapCoordinatesFlags mode, bool* wasFixed) const
    TransformState transformState(TransformState::ApplyTransformDirection, localPoint);
    mapLocalToContainer(repaintContainer, transformState, mode | ApplyContainerFlip | UseTransforms, wasFixed);

    return transformState.lastPlanarPoint();

LayoutSize RenderObject::offsetFromContainer(RenderObject* o, const LayoutPoint& point, bool* offsetDependsOnPoint) const
    ASSERT(o == container());

    LayoutSize offset;

    o->adjustForColumns(offset, point);

    if (o->hasOverflowClip())
        offset -= toRenderBox(o)->scrolledContentOffset();

    if (offsetDependsOnPoint)
        *offsetDependsOnPoint = hasColumns() || o->isRenderFlowThread();

    return offset;

LayoutSize RenderObject::offsetFromAncestorContainer(RenderObject* container) const
    LayoutSize offset;
    LayoutPoint referencePoint;
    const RenderObject* currContainer = this;
    do {
        RenderObject* nextContainer = currContainer->container();
        ASSERT(nextContainer);  // This means we reached the top without finding container.
        if (!nextContainer)
        LayoutSize currentOffset = currContainer->offsetFromContainer(nextContainer, referencePoint);
        offset += currentOffset;
        currContainer = nextContainer;
    } while (currContainer != container);

    return offset;

LayoutRect RenderObject::localCaretRect(InlineBox*, int, LayoutUnit* extraWidthToEndOfLine)
    if (extraWidthToEndOfLine)
        *extraWidthToEndOfLine = 0;

    return LayoutRect();

bool RenderObject::isRooted(RenderView** view) const
    const RenderObject* o = this;
    while (o->parent())
        o = o->parent();

    if (!o->isRenderView())
        return false;

    if (view)
        *view = const_cast<RenderView*>(toRenderView(o));

    return true;

RenderObject* RenderObject::rendererForRootBackground()
    if (!hasBackground() && node() && node()->hasTagName(HTMLNames::htmlTag)) {
        // Locate the <body> element using the DOM. This is easier than trying
        // to crawl around a render tree with potential :before/:after content and
        // anonymous blocks created by inline <body> tags etc. We can locate the <body>
        // render object very easily via the DOM.
        HTMLElement* body = document()->body();
        RenderObject* bodyObject = (body && body->hasLocalName(bodyTag)) ? body->renderer() : 0;
        if (bodyObject)
            return bodyObject;
    return this;

RespectImageOrientationEnum RenderObject::shouldRespectImageOrientation() const
    // Respect the image's orientation if it's being used as a full-page image or it's
    // an <img> and the setting to respect it everywhere is set.
        // This can only be enabled for ports which honor the orientation flag in their drawing code.
        document()->isImageDocument() ||
        (document()->settings() && document()->settings()->shouldRespectImageOrientation() && node() && node()->hasTagName(HTMLNames::imgTag)) ? RespectImageOrientation : DoNotRespectImageOrientation;

bool RenderObject::hasOutlineAnnotation() const
    return node() && node()->isLink() && document()->printing();

bool RenderObject::hasEntirelyFixedBackground() const
    return m_style->hasEntirelyFixedBackground();

RenderObject* RenderObject::container(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, bool* repaintContainerSkipped) const
    if (repaintContainerSkipped)
        *repaintContainerSkipped = false;

    // This method is extremely similar to containingBlock(), but with a few notable
    // exceptions.
    // (1) It can be used on orphaned subtrees, i.e., it can be called safely even when
    // the object is not part of the primary document subtree yet.
    // (2) For normal flow elements, it just returns the parent.
    // (3) For absolute positioned elements, it will return a relative positioned inline.
    // containingBlock() simply skips relpositioned inlines and lets an enclosing block handle
    // the layout of the positioned object.  This does mean that computePositionedLogicalWidth and
    // computePositionedLogicalHeight have to use container().
    RenderObject* o = parent();

    if (isText())
        return o;

    EPosition pos = m_style->position();
    if (pos == FixedPosition) {
        // container() can be called on an object that is not in the
        // tree yet.  We don't call view() since it will assert if it
        // can't get back to the canvas.  Instead we just walk as high up
        // as we can.  If we're in the tree, we'll get the root.  If we
        // aren't we'll get the root of our little subtree (most likely
        // we'll just return 0).
        // FIXME: The definition of view() has changed to not crawl up the render tree.  It might
        // be safe now to use it.
        while (o && o->parent() && !(o->hasTransform() && o->isRenderBlock())) {
            // foreignObject is the containing block for its contents.
            if (o->isSVGForeignObject())
            // The render flow thread is the top most containing block
            // for the fixed positioned elements.
            if (o->isOutOfFlowRenderFlowThread())

            if (repaintContainerSkipped && o == repaintContainer)
                *repaintContainerSkipped = true;

            o = o->parent();
    } else if (pos == AbsolutePosition) {
        // Same goes here.  We technically just want our containing block, but
        // we may not have one if we're part of an uninstalled subtree.  We'll
        // climb as high as we can though.
        while (o && o->style()->position() == StaticPosition && !o->isRenderView() && !(o->hasTransform() && o->isRenderBlock())) {
            if (o->isSVGForeignObject()) // foreignObject is the containing block for contents inside it
            if (repaintContainerSkipped && o == repaintContainer)
                *repaintContainerSkipped = true;

            o = o->parent();

    return o;

bool RenderObject::isSelectionBorder() const
    SelectionState st = selectionState();
    return st == SelectionStart || st == SelectionEnd || st == SelectionBoth;

inline void RenderObject::clearLayoutRootIfNeeded() const
    if (!documentBeingDestroyed() && frame()) {
        if (FrameView* view = frame()->view()) {
            if (view->layoutRoot() == this) {
                // This indicates a failure to layout the child, which is why
                // the layout root is still set to |this|. Make sure to clear it
                // since we are getting destroyed.

void RenderObject::willBeDestroyed()
    // Destroy any leftover anonymous children.
    RenderObjectChildList* children = virtualChildren();
    if (children)

    // If this renderer is being autoscrolled, stop the autoscroll timer
    // FIXME: RenderObject::destroy should not get called with a renderer whose document
    // has a null frame, so we assert this. However, we don't want release builds to crash which is why we
    // check that the frame is not null.
    if (frame() && frame()->eventHandler()->autoscrollRenderer() == this)


    // For accessibility management, notify the parent of the imminent change to its child set.
    // We do it now, before remove(), while the parent pointer is still available.
    if (AXObjectCache* cache = document()->existingAXObjectCache())


    ASSERT(documentBeingDestroyed() || !frame()->view()->hasSlowRepaintObject(this));

    // The remove() call above may invoke axObjectCache()->childrenChanged() on the parent, which may require the AX render
    // object for this renderer. So we remove the AX render object now, after the renderer is removed.
    if (AXObjectCache* cache = document()->existingAXObjectCache())

#ifndef NDEBUG
    if (!documentBeingDestroyed() && view() && view()->hasRenderNamedFlowThreads()) {
        // After remove, the object and the associated information should not be in any flow thread.
        const RenderNamedFlowThreadList* flowThreadList = view()->flowThreadController()->renderNamedFlowThreadList();
        for (RenderNamedFlowThreadList::const_iterator iter = flowThreadList->begin(); iter != flowThreadList->end(); ++iter) {
            const RenderNamedFlowThread* renderFlowThread = *iter;

    // If this renderer had a parent, remove should have destroyed any counters
    // attached to this renderer and marked the affected other counters for
    // reevaluation. This apparently redundant check is here for the case when
    // this renderer had no parent at the time remove() was called.

    if (hasCounterNodeMap())

    // FIXME: Would like to do this in RenderBoxModelObject, but the timing is so complicated that this can't easily
    // be moved into RenderBoxModelObject::destroy.
    if (hasLayer()) {



void RenderObject::insertedIntoTree()
    // FIXME: We should ASSERT(isRooted()) here but generated content makes some out-of-order insertion.

    // Keep our layer hierarchy updated. Optimize for the common case where we don't have any children
    // and don't have a layer attached to ourselves.
    RenderLayer* layer = 0;
    if (firstChild() || hasLayer()) {
        layer = parent()->enclosingLayer();

    // If |this| is visible but this object was not, tell the layer it has some visible content
    // that needs to be drawn and layer visibility optimization can't be used
    if (parent()->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE && style()->visibility() == VISIBLE && !hasLayer()) {
        if (!layer)
            layer = parent()->enclosingLayer();
        if (layer)

    if (!isFloating() && parent()->childrenInline())

    if (RenderNamedFlowThread* containerFlowThread = parent()->renderNamedFlowThreadWrapper())

void RenderObject::willBeRemovedFromTree()
    // FIXME: We should ASSERT(isRooted()) but we have some out-of-order removals which would need to be fixed first.

    if (!isText()) {
        if (FrameView* frameView = view()->frameView()) {
            bool repaintFixedBackgroundsOnScroll = shouldRepaintFixedBackgroundsOnScroll(frameView);
            if (repaintFixedBackgroundsOnScroll && m_style && m_style->hasFixedBackgroundImage())

    // If we remove a visible child from an invisible parent, we don't know the layer visibility any more.
    RenderLayer* layer = 0;
    if (parent()->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE && style()->visibility() == VISIBLE && !hasLayer()) {
        if ((layer = parent()->enclosingLayer()))

    // Keep our layer hierarchy updated.
    if (firstChild() || hasLayer()) {
        if (!layer)
            layer = parent()->enclosingLayer();

    if (isOutOfFlowPositioned() && parent()->childrenInline())


    if (RenderNamedFlowThread* containerFlowThread = parent()->renderNamedFlowThreadWrapper())

    // Update cached boundaries in SVG renderers, if a child is removed.

void RenderObject::removeFromRenderFlowThread()
    if (flowThreadState() == NotInsideFlowThread)
    // Sometimes we remove the element from the flow, but it's not destroyed at that time.
    // It's only until later when we actually destroy it and remove all the children from it. 
    // Currently, that happens for firstLetter elements and list markers.
    // Pass in the flow thread so that we don't have to look it up for all the children.

void RenderObject::removeFromRenderFlowThreadRecursive(RenderFlowThread* renderFlowThread)
    if (const RenderObjectChildList* children = virtualChildren()) {
        for (RenderObject* child = children->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
    RenderFlowThread* localFlowThread = renderFlowThread;
    if (flowThreadState() == InsideInFlowThread)
        localFlowThread = flowThreadContainingBlock(); // We have to ask. We can't just assume we are in the same flow thread.
    if (localFlowThread)

void RenderObject::destroyAndCleanupAnonymousWrappers()
    // If the tree is destroyed, there is no need for a clean-up phase.
    if (documentBeingDestroyed()) {

    RenderObject* destroyRoot = this;
    for (RenderObject* destroyRootParent = destroyRoot->parent(); destroyRootParent && destroyRootParent->isAnonymous(); destroyRoot = destroyRootParent, destroyRootParent = destroyRootParent->parent()) {
        // Currently we only remove anonymous cells' and table sections' wrappers but we should remove all unneeded
        // wrappers. See as an example where this is needed.
        if (!destroyRootParent->isTableCell() && !destroyRootParent->isTableSection())

        if (destroyRootParent->firstChild() != this || destroyRootParent->lastChild() != this)


    // WARNING: |this| is deleted here.

void RenderObject::destroy()
    if (hasLayer())

    arenaDelete(renderArena(), this);

void RenderObject::arenaDelete(RenderArena* arena, void* base)
    if (m_style) {
        for (const FillLayer* bgLayer = m_style->backgroundLayers(); bgLayer; bgLayer = bgLayer->next()) {
            if (StyleImage* backgroundImage = bgLayer->image())

        for (const FillLayer* maskLayer = m_style->maskLayers(); maskLayer; maskLayer = maskLayer->next()) {
            if (StyleImage* maskImage = maskLayer->image())

        if (StyleImage* borderImage = m_style->borderImage().image())

        if (StyleImage* maskBoxImage = m_style->maskBoxImage().image())

#ifndef NDEBUG
    void* savedBase = baseOfRenderObjectBeingDeleted;
    baseOfRenderObjectBeingDeleted = base;
    delete this;
#ifndef NDEBUG
    baseOfRenderObjectBeingDeleted = savedBase;

    // Recover the size left there for us by operator delete and free the memory.
    arena->free(*(size_t*)base, base);

VisiblePosition RenderObject::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint&)
    return createVisiblePosition(caretMinOffset(), DOWNSTREAM);

void RenderObject::updateDragState(bool dragOn)
    bool valueChanged = (dragOn != isDragging());
    if (valueChanged && node() && (style()->affectedByDrag() || (node()->isElementNode() && toElement(node())->childrenAffectedByDrag())))
    for (RenderObject* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling())

bool RenderObject::isComposited() const
    return hasLayer() && toRenderLayerModelObject(this)->layer()->isComposited();

bool RenderObject::hitTest(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestFilter hitTestFilter)
    bool inside = false;
    if (hitTestFilter != HitTestSelf) {
        // First test the foreground layer (lines and inlines).
        inside = nodeAtPoint(request, result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, HitTestForeground);

        // Test floats next.
        if (!inside)
            inside = nodeAtPoint(request, result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, HitTestFloat);

        // Finally test to see if the mouse is in the background (within a child block's background).
        if (!inside)
            inside = nodeAtPoint(request, result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, HitTestChildBlockBackgrounds);

    // See if the mouse is inside us but not any of our descendants
    if (hitTestFilter != HitTestDescendants && !inside)
        inside = nodeAtPoint(request, result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, HitTestBlockBackground);

    return inside;

void RenderObject::updateHitTestResult(HitTestResult& result, const LayoutPoint& point)
    if (result.innerNode())

    Node* node = this->node();

    // If we hit the anonymous renderers inside generated content we should
    // actually hit the generated content so walk up to the PseudoElement.
    if (!node && parent() && parent()->isBeforeOrAfterContent()) {
        for (RenderObject* renderer = parent(); renderer && !node; renderer = renderer->parent())
            node = renderer->node();

    if (node) {
        if (!result.innerNonSharedNode())

bool RenderObject::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&, const HitTestLocation& /*locationInContainer*/, const LayoutPoint& /*accumulatedOffset*/, HitTestAction)
    return false;

int RenderObject::innerLineHeight() const
    return style()->computedLineHeight();

void RenderObject::scheduleRelayout()
    if (isRenderView()) {
        FrameView* view = toRenderView(this)->frameView();
        if (view)
    } else {
        if (isRooted()) {
            if (RenderView* renderView = view()) {
                if (FrameView* frameView = renderView->frameView())

void RenderObject::layout()
    StackStats::LayoutCheckPoint layoutCheckPoint;
    RenderObject* child = firstChild();
    while (child) {
        child = child->nextSibling();

enum StyleCacheState {

static PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> firstLineStyleForCachedUncachedType(StyleCacheState type, const RenderObject* renderer, RenderStyle* style)
    const RenderObject* rendererForFirstLineStyle = renderer;
    if (renderer->isBeforeOrAfterContent())
        rendererForFirstLineStyle = renderer->parent();

    if (rendererForFirstLineStyle->isBlockFlow()) {
        if (RenderBlock* firstLineBlock = rendererForFirstLineStyle->firstLineBlock()) {
            if (type == Cached)
                return firstLineBlock->getCachedPseudoStyle(FIRST_LINE, style);
            return firstLineBlock->getUncachedPseudoStyle(PseudoStyleRequest(FIRST_LINE), style, firstLineBlock == renderer ? style : 0);
    } else if (!rendererForFirstLineStyle->isAnonymous() && rendererForFirstLineStyle->isRenderInline()) {
        RenderStyle* parentStyle = rendererForFirstLineStyle->parent()->firstLineStyle();
        if (parentStyle != rendererForFirstLineStyle->parent()->style()) {
            if (type == Cached) {
                // A first-line style is in effect. Cache a first-line style for ourselves.
                return rendererForFirstLineStyle->getCachedPseudoStyle(FIRST_LINE_INHERITED, parentStyle);
            return rendererForFirstLineStyle->getUncachedPseudoStyle(PseudoStyleRequest(FIRST_LINE_INHERITED), parentStyle, style);
    return 0;

PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> RenderObject::uncachedFirstLineStyle(RenderStyle* style) const
    if (!document()->styleSheetCollection()->usesFirstLineRules())
        return 0;


    return firstLineStyleForCachedUncachedType(Uncached, this, style);

RenderStyle* RenderObject::cachedFirstLineStyle() const

    if (RefPtr<RenderStyle> style = firstLineStyleForCachedUncachedType(Cached, isText() ? parent() : this, m_style.get()))
        return style.get();

    return m_style.get();

RenderStyle* RenderObject::getCachedPseudoStyle(PseudoId pseudo, RenderStyle* parentStyle) const
    if (pseudo < FIRST_INTERNAL_PSEUDOID && !style()->hasPseudoStyle(pseudo))
        return 0;

    RenderStyle* cachedStyle = style()->getCachedPseudoStyle(pseudo);
    if (cachedStyle)
        return cachedStyle;
    RefPtr<RenderStyle> result = getUncachedPseudoStyle(PseudoStyleRequest(pseudo), parentStyle);
    if (result)
        return style()->addCachedPseudoStyle(result.release());
    return 0;

PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> RenderObject::getUncachedPseudoStyle(const PseudoStyleRequest& pseudoStyleRequest, RenderStyle* parentStyle, RenderStyle* ownStyle) const
    if (pseudoStyleRequest.pseudoId < FIRST_INTERNAL_PSEUDOID && !ownStyle && !style()->hasPseudoStyle(pseudoStyleRequest.pseudoId))
        return 0;
    if (!parentStyle) {
        parentStyle = style();

    // FIXME: This "find nearest element parent" should be a helper function.
    Node* n = node();
    while (n && !n->isElementNode())
        n = n->parentNode();
    if (!n)
        return 0;
    Element* element = toElement(n);

    if (pseudoStyleRequest.pseudoId == FIRST_LINE_INHERITED) {
        RefPtr<RenderStyle> result = document()->ensureStyleResolver()->styleForElement(element, parentStyle, DisallowStyleSharing);
        return result.release();

    return document()->ensureStyleResolver()->pseudoStyleForElement(element, pseudoStyleRequest, parentStyle);

static Color decorationColor(RenderStyle* style)
    Color result;
    // Check for text decoration color first.
    result = style->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationColor);
    if (result.isValid())
        return result;
#endif // CSS3_TEXT
    if (style->textStrokeWidth() > 0) {
        // Prefer stroke color if possible but not if it's fully transparent.
        result = style->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeColor);
        if (result.alpha())
            return result;
    result = style->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor);
    return result;

void RenderObject::getTextDecorationColors(int decorations, Color& underline, Color& overline,
                                           Color& linethrough, bool quirksMode, bool firstlineStyle)
    RenderObject* curr = this;
    RenderStyle* styleToUse = 0;
    TextDecoration currDecs = TextDecorationNone;
    Color resultColor;
    do {
        styleToUse = curr->style(firstlineStyle);
        currDecs = styleToUse->textDecoration();
        resultColor = decorationColor(styleToUse);
        // Parameter 'decorations' is cast as an int to enable the bitwise operations below.
        if (currDecs) {
            if (currDecs & TextDecorationUnderline) {
                decorations &= ~TextDecorationUnderline;
                underline = resultColor;
            if (currDecs & TextDecorationOverline) {
                decorations &= ~TextDecorationOverline;
                overline = resultColor;
            if (currDecs & TextDecorationLineThrough) {
                decorations &= ~TextDecorationLineThrough;
                linethrough = resultColor;
        if (curr->isRubyText())
        curr = curr->parent();
        if (curr && curr->isAnonymousBlock() && toRenderBlock(curr)->continuation())
            curr = toRenderBlock(curr)->continuation();
    } while (curr && decorations && (!quirksMode || !curr->node() ||
                                     (!curr->node()->hasTagName(aTag) && !curr->node()->hasTagName(fontTag))));

    // If we bailed out, use the element we bailed out at (typically a <font> or <a> element).
    if (decorations && curr) {
        styleToUse = curr->style(firstlineStyle);
        resultColor = decorationColor(styleToUse);
        if (decorations & TextDecorationUnderline)
            underline = resultColor;
        if (decorations & TextDecorationOverline)
            overline = resultColor;
        if (decorations & TextDecorationLineThrough)
            linethrough = resultColor;

void RenderObject::addAnnotatedRegions(Vector<AnnotatedRegionValue>& regions)
    // Convert the style regions to absolute coordinates.
    if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE || !isBox())
    RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(this);
    FloatPoint absPos = localToAbsolute();

    const Vector<StyleDashboardRegion>& styleRegions = style()->dashboardRegions();
    unsigned i, count = styleRegions.size();
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        StyleDashboardRegion styleRegion = styleRegions[i];

        LayoutUnit w = box->width();
        LayoutUnit h = box->height();

        AnnotatedRegionValue region;
        region.label = styleRegion.label;
        region.bounds = LayoutRect(styleRegion.offset.left().value(),
                                   w - styleRegion.offset.left().value() - styleRegion.offset.right().value(),
                                   h - - styleRegion.offset.bottom().value());
        region.type = styleRegion.type;

        region.clip = region.bounds;
        if (region.clip.height() < 0) {

        region.bounds.setX(absPos.x() + styleRegion.offset.left().value());
        region.bounds.setY(absPos.y() +;

    if (style()->getDraggableRegionMode() == DraggableRegionNone)
    AnnotatedRegionValue region;
    region.draggable = style()->getDraggableRegionMode() == DraggableRegionDrag;
    region.bounds = LayoutRect(absPos.x(), absPos.y(), box->width(), box->height());

void RenderObject::collectAnnotatedRegions(Vector<AnnotatedRegionValue>& regions)
    // RenderTexts don't have their own style, they just use their parent's style,
    // so we don't want to include them.
    if (isText())

    for (RenderObject* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling())

bool RenderObject::willRenderImage(CachedImage*)
    // Without visibility we won't render (and therefore don't care about animation).
    if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)
        return false;

    if (document()->frame()->timersPaused()) {
        return false;        
    // We will not render a new image when Active DOM is suspended
    if (document()->activeDOMObjectsAreSuspended())
        return false;

    // If we're not in a window (i.e., we're dormant from being put in the b/f cache or in a background tab)
    // then we don't want to render either.
    return !document()->inPageCache() && !document()->view()->isOffscreen();

int RenderObject::maximalOutlineSize(PaintPhase p) const
    if (p != PaintPhaseOutline && p != PaintPhaseSelfOutline && p != PaintPhaseChildOutlines)
        return 0;
    return view()->maximalOutlineSize();

int RenderObject::caretMinOffset() const
    return 0;

int RenderObject::caretMaxOffset() const
    if (isReplaced())
        return node() ? max(1U, node()->childNodeCount()) : 1;
    if (isHR())
        return 1;
    return 0;

int RenderObject::previousOffset(int current) const
    return current - 1;

int RenderObject::previousOffsetForBackwardDeletion(int current) const
    return current - 1;

int RenderObject::nextOffset(int current) const
    return current + 1;

void RenderObject::adjustRectForOutlineAndShadow(LayoutRect& rect) const
    int outlineSize = outlineStyleForRepaint()->outlineSize();
    if (const ShadowData* boxShadow = style()->boxShadow()) {
        boxShadow->adjustRectForShadow(rect, outlineSize);


AnimationController* RenderObject::animation() const
    return frame()->animation();

void RenderObject::imageChanged(CachedImage* image, const IntRect* rect)
    imageChanged(static_cast<WrappedImagePtr>(image), rect);
RenderObject* RenderObject::hoverAncestor() const
    // When searching for the hover ancestor and encountering a named flow thread,
    // the search will continue with the DOM ancestor of the top-most element
    // in the named flow thread.
    // See
    RenderObject* hoverAncestor = parent();
    // Skip anonymous blocks directly flowed into flow threads as it would
    // prevent us from continuing the search on the DOM tree when reaching the named flow thread.
    if (hoverAncestor && hoverAncestor->isAnonymousBlock() && hoverAncestor->parent() && hoverAncestor->parent()->isRenderNamedFlowThread())
        hoverAncestor = hoverAncestor->parent();

    if (hoverAncestor && hoverAncestor->isRenderNamedFlowThread()) {
        hoverAncestor = 0;
        Node* node = this->node();
        if (node) {
            Node* domAncestorNode = node->parentNode();
            if (domAncestorNode)
                hoverAncestor = domAncestorNode->renderer();
    return hoverAncestor;

RenderBoxModelObject* RenderObject::offsetParent() const
    // If any of the following holds true return null and stop this algorithm:
    // A is the root element.
    // A is the HTML body element.
    // The computed value of the position property for element A is fixed.
    if (isRoot() || isBody() || (isOutOfFlowPositioned() && style()->position() == FixedPosition))
        return 0;

    // If A is an area HTML element which has a map HTML element somewhere in the ancestor
    // chain return the nearest ancestor map HTML element and stop this algorithm.
    // FIXME: Implement!
    // Return the nearest ancestor element of A for which at least one of the following is
    // true and stop this algorithm if such an ancestor is found:
    //     * The computed value of the position property is not static.
    //     * It is the HTML body element.
    //     * The computed value of the position property of A is static and the ancestor
    //       is one of the following HTML elements: td, th, or table.
    //     * Our own extension: if there is a difference in the effective zoom

    bool skipTables = isPositioned();
    float currZoom = style()->effectiveZoom();
    RenderObject* curr = parent();
    while (curr && (!curr->node() || (!curr->isPositioned() && !curr->isBody())) && !curr->isRenderNamedFlowThread()) {
        Node* element = curr->node();
        if (!skipTables && element && (element->hasTagName(tableTag) || element->hasTagName(tdTag) || element->hasTagName(thTag)))
        float newZoom = curr->style()->effectiveZoom();
        if (currZoom != newZoom)
        currZoom = newZoom;
        curr = curr->parent();
    // CSS regions specification says that region flows should return the body element as their offsetParent.
    if (curr && curr->isRenderNamedFlowThread())
        curr = document()->body() ? document()->body()->renderer() : 0;
    return curr && curr->isBoxModelObject() ? toRenderBoxModelObject(curr) : 0;

VisiblePosition RenderObject::createVisiblePosition(int offset, EAffinity affinity)
    // If this is a non-anonymous renderer in an editable area, then it's simple.
    if (Node* node = nonPseudoNode()) {
        if (!node->rendererIsEditable()) {
            // If it can be found, we prefer a visually equivalent position that is editable. 
            Position position = createLegacyEditingPosition(node, offset);
            Position candidate = position.downstream(CanCrossEditingBoundary);
            if (candidate.deprecatedNode()->rendererIsEditable())
                return VisiblePosition(candidate, affinity);
            candidate = position.upstream(CanCrossEditingBoundary);
            if (candidate.deprecatedNode()->rendererIsEditable())
                return VisiblePosition(candidate, affinity);
        // FIXME: Eliminate legacy editing positions
        return VisiblePosition(createLegacyEditingPosition(node, offset), affinity);

    // We don't want to cross the boundary between editable and non-editable
    // regions of the document, but that is either impossible or at least
    // extremely unlikely in any normal case because we stop as soon as we
    // find a single non-anonymous renderer.

    // Find a nearby non-anonymous renderer.
    RenderObject* child = this;
    while (RenderObject* parent = child->parent()) {
        // Find non-anonymous content after.
        RenderObject* renderer = child;
        while ((renderer = renderer->nextInPreOrder(parent))) {
            if (Node* node = renderer->nonPseudoNode())
                return VisiblePosition(firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(node), DOWNSTREAM);

        // Find non-anonymous content before.
        renderer = child;
        while ((renderer = renderer->previousInPreOrder())) {
            if (renderer == parent)
            if (Node* node = renderer->nonPseudoNode())
                return VisiblePosition(lastPositionInOrAfterNode(node), DOWNSTREAM);

        // Use the parent itself unless it too is anonymous.
        if (Node* node = parent->nonPseudoNode())
            return VisiblePosition(firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(node), DOWNSTREAM);

        // Repeat at the next level up.
        child = parent;

    // Everything was anonymous. Give up.
    return VisiblePosition();

VisiblePosition RenderObject::createVisiblePosition(const Position& position)
    if (position.isNotNull())
        return VisiblePosition(position);

    return createVisiblePosition(0, DOWNSTREAM);

CursorDirective RenderObject::getCursor(const LayoutPoint&, Cursor&) const
    return SetCursorBasedOnStyle;

bool RenderObject::canUpdateSelectionOnRootLineBoxes()
    if (needsLayout())
        return false;

    RenderBlock* containingBlock = this->containingBlock();
    return containingBlock ? !containingBlock->needsLayout() : true;

// We only create "generated" child renderers like one for first-letter if:
// - the firstLetterBlock can have children in the DOM and
// - the block doesn't have any special assumption on its text children.
// This correctly prevents form controls from having such renderers.
bool RenderObject::canHaveGeneratedChildren() const
    return canHaveChildren();

bool RenderObject::canBeReplacedWithInlineRunIn() const
    return true;


RenderSVGResourceContainer* RenderObject::toRenderSVGResourceContainer()
    return 0;

void RenderObject::setNeedsBoundariesUpdate()
    if (RenderObject* renderer = parent())

FloatRect RenderObject::objectBoundingBox() const
    return FloatRect();

FloatRect RenderObject::strokeBoundingBox() const
    return FloatRect();

// Returns the smallest rectangle enclosing all of the painted content
// respecting clipping, masking, filters, opacity, stroke-width and markers
FloatRect RenderObject::repaintRectInLocalCoordinates() const
    return FloatRect();

AffineTransform RenderObject::localTransform() const
    static const AffineTransform identity;
    return identity;

const AffineTransform& RenderObject::localToParentTransform() const
    static const AffineTransform identity;
    return identity;

bool RenderObject::nodeAtFloatPoint(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&, const FloatPoint&, HitTestAction)
    return false;

#endif // ENABLE(SVG)

} // namespace WebCore

#ifndef NDEBUG

void showTree(const WebCore::RenderObject* object)
    if (object)

void showLineTree(const WebCore::RenderObject* object)
    if (object)

void showRenderTree(const WebCore::RenderObject* object1)
    showRenderTree(object1, 0);

void showRenderTree(const WebCore::RenderObject* object1, const WebCore::RenderObject* object2)
    if (object1) {
        const WebCore::RenderObject* root = object1;
        while (root->parent())
            root = root->parent();
        root->showRenderTreeAndMark(object1, "*", object2, "-", 0);
